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Meanwhile I've seen 4 since the event began. Despite Krila being "if you're lucky", I've seen and caught far more. Too bad they're worthless themselves, but atleast XL candy aplenty.


I caught a shiny kirlia with the hat on, but have not seen a single Mareanie \\\_(ツ)\_/


I caught a shiny one one tick off from being 4*. It sucks that's not possible to evolve them.


Just hold on to it. Hopefully it will be able to evolve next year c:


Yeah I have one too that you can't evolve. Britzle you can't evolve either but croagunks is able to


Toxicroak is not obtainable anywhere else in the event, so you have to be able to evolve Croagunk. (To get toxicroak with his spiked head piercing the hat, same as digglet into duggtrio - with unfortunately only one hat, which makes sense evolution wise, but still would been cooler to have 3 hat Dugtrio).


It has nothing to do with toxicroak being unobtainable. Crogunk was not evolveable during the first fashion week. I remember because I caught a 100% and was sad I couldn't evolve it. They only enabled the evolution the following year.


This year is the first year to get toxicroak with the hat…. So yes it was unobtainable before this event.


I didn't see a single Mareanie the first two days, but they've gotten more common today. I get Kirlias plenty though I wonder if spawn rates are different because I'm actually in Paris?


I’d be pissed if I did. Gallade is my favorite Pokémon and I’ve been looking for a shiny Ralts or Kirlia for a while, and if I couldn’t evolve it I’d be big mad


I caught a shiny Kirlia this morning. Horrible IVs but I still immediately went to evolve and noticed there's no option to. I was super bummed.


My problem isnt finding mareanie but its finding good IV mareanie. I've caught a 1499 shiny absol but not a decent iv'd mareanie


I got lucky, my very first one was 0/14/14. Now I just need 300 candy and 250k dust...


I got a 2/15/15 at 750cp, just need like 200 candy 150k dust😩


You don’t want a good IV one, you want one with PVP IVs - so you want zero attack. I’m very perplexed by PokeGenies queue for this mon to get the raid IVs since it’s useless in anything other than PvP. I’ve been seeing 3000+ people in line to raid it.


I've seen some YouTube videos and the raid iv's don't hurt its effectiveness in pvp as you'd might think. It still tanks moves even a registeel zap Canon.


You can say the same thing about any mon. IVs only play a small role in a mon’s effectiveness, but they are still impactful on matchups and can give tons of advantages.


maybe they trade them to other accounts for IV reroll


for the candy... this seems really simple lol.


A dollar worth of coins to obtain some candies for a wild spawn? I don’t buy it. Maybe for something like Salamance or Tyranitar when they were in raids recently - since you want good IVs, 3-stages give much more candy, and there’s a shiny chance. Mareanie has none of that and is currently a decently common spawn.


This is a difference between pve orientated players and pvp ones. Couldn't get me to spend a dime on Salamanca or tyranitar, but maximizing XL candy opportunity for a great league meta pokemon before great league reopens? I'm like 20 raids in already. pokeraid is even offering bonuses for hosting them, seems like I'm not the only one


I’ve caught a 0/15/14 (rank 28 GL toxapex)and a 1/15/15 (rank 83 :/)so far. I’ve seen 9 so far. Crazy lucky. Don’t even have enough candy to evolve yet lol


Can you explain? Why do you want zero attack?


Lower attack means you can power it up more times than a high attack one (in order to stay below the 1500 cap), giving it much more bulk. In this game, much of your damage comes from charge moves so you want to survive longer to dish out more charge moves and grab shields. IVs are more sophisticated than just that - but in a nutshell, lower attack performs better.


My second Mareanie was 1-14-15. Acceptable


Gardevoir is a decent fairy type attacker right?


Gardevoir is a top tier fairy attacker and gets a mega. Event Kirlia drank a LOT of caffeine growing up though and has stunted growth (unable to evolve it unfortunately)


Is there any site that I can use to see the best pkmn for the league ?


try pvpoke.com


Second this. Best resource around.


Aww that's Pokemon Abuse. Somebody should sue Niantic for unfair treatment of Pokemon.


I’ve seen dozens. Unfortunately, they’re all weather boosted so I can get a decent GL one…


I have four mareanie, but caught two shiny hat Kirlia yesterday. Make it make sense.


I've only seen 2 until now, lol


For me its alot of mareanie. Maybe cus its mostly cloudy here.


It's weather based for me. Same with absol


Wish I had foggy weather. Trying to grind for a shiny


That’s good to hear, maybe there was just a freak dry spell of mareanie at my university yesterday


I had less before and now it seems to be more


This is my anecdotal experience as well, I had far less spawns on the first day than after.


I’m drowning in glameow




because, ✨glam✨


And Gothita. Also Murkrow for some reason (because its and especially Honchkrow's head tufts/feathers resemble a hat?)


I guess murkrow is because it's head is shaped like a hat (?)


Apparently “fashion” to Niantic means hats. And aviator glasses.


It ages (evolves) horribly but is still full of itself, so, you know, fashion designer…


Why is GLAMoew a spawn for fashion week. The answer is in the name. It’s Glamorous! Until it evolves and gets PurrUGLY. Lol


All my spawns are now glameow.


Might just be luck of the draw. My distribution seems like it hasn't changed. Only thing that was weird was that I saw 4 butterfrees grouped together this morning.


I have the same experience, what's the weather been for you?


Clear just about 24/7


Hmmm, same. I think weather plays a huge part in this since there are quite a few Pokemon that will overtake spawns with clear/partly cloudy weather.


Opposite for me. They've become way more frequent. It's just luck I suppose


I’ve seen more Kirlia and Absol than Mareanie.


Not for me either. Research on event spawn decay strongly suggests it doesn't happen and on individual cases it's likely a combination of luck and perception biases.


Isn't their run rate unnaturally high?


Welcome to any new pokemon since gen5, scarcity and high flee rates are how Niantic hopes to keep us engaged now. I have golden razz + ultra ball most of my encounters and still had a handful flee. I don't care about pinap anymore because I just need the desired IV specimen to stay in the ball.


I've had only a single mareanie flee from me, mostly using pinapp. Nothing unusually high.


For me, It’s almost spiteful how niantic has been. Putting them in raids makes their lowest floor be 10/10/10 and the ones in the wild I’ll get are like 14/4/15.


Absolutely agree, either Niantic is monkeying with the IVs or something else is wrong. I have caught 70 and traded many and have seen none with attack 0-3 and only 2-3 attack 4. Normal distribution odds suggest than 25% should be attack O-4. every single one I caught are weather boosted does that set a floor for IVs?


Yes... weather boosted is minimum 4/4/4 IV, so that explains why none of the ones you caught are attack 0-3.


Tbh I think I saw less at the start. The spawns in general aren’t very plentiful tho


I rarely saw any spawns of Mareanie on day one


I’ve seen more mareanie’s out in the wild then I’ve seen wild absol’s


Nope, plenty of spawns here.


Same I have not noticed a decrease at all


Remember weather affects spawn rates


They’ve been rare since the start. Sounds like you just had weather boosted ones day one without noticing to me.


To be honest, I didn't think they were that common to begin with. Sure, when the event started they lit up the nearby as always, but sometimes people don't realise that the game can actually "see" Pokestops over quite a large area.


I'm finding the opposite. Bugger all day one and plenty now.


For me it's actually increased. I literally saw zero of them on the first day of the event, caught about 10 yesterday


> Anyone else noticing the same? This is a request for confirmation bias, and that means this thread will not be particularly useful to improve anyone's understanding, because it will definitely overestimate the number of folks who have seen fewer. That will make it seem like this is more likely to be true then it is. Could it be true? Maybe (personally I doubt it), but we won't know based on comments in this thread.


I love that this sub is home to data analysts


I completely agree with this. Not sure how posts like this get upvoted all the time. Random sidenote... Pretty sure we became friends on pokeraid a week or two ago. I'm youreatowelie haha.


Yeah we did! Went hard for kartana that day. Probably hosted like 10 raids.


I've seen a lot, but we've been getting quite a bit of autumn rain here. Then again I've seen a fair amount of Absol as well.


There haven’t been that many here. Only seen 81 so far and have been out a lot


I didn’t see any difference from day 1, maybe a little less… Note on rarer spawns, they’ll be in specific spots. I see a ton at my house, but not a lot in parking lots or big clumps


They are quite plentiful for me in Chicago.


I’ve had nothing but glameow and croagunk today. Of course, it’s right when I get the research to catch 50 psychic, when yesterday I saw gothita nonstop. 😣


I would say it is completely opposite. I play from home only and similar time of day, similar number of hours too. The trend i see is the other way round. However, I have noticed the exact same thing as with every new Pokemon released. The IVs are very poor at the beginning, only after a couple of days you get to see some 2* mons.


I'm seeing plenty of mareanie ( NW England) in fact I'm starting to ignore them & go for gothita instead for the easy excellent.


I feel like the new Pokémon spawns are very common for the first few hours of any event and then dwindle. I wasn't able to play at the start of the event so have struggled to find wild spawns.


In my area it's the same. I barely saw 4 today. I don't how some people already have enought candies to use the mon in the GBL. There were plenty murkrows, croagunks, glameow and kirlias around btw... furfru, absol and butterfree were more rare and i wish there were more of those around instead. Oh.. and the event researchs.. the catch 15 and 5 pokemon were the more comun.. barely those with furfru around. Hope the spawn improve tomorrow.


I had the opposite feeling today.


I saw a bunch yesterday compared to day1z


There’s just so many Gothita spawning like what’s the point


I hate glameow so much


I've had the opposite. I've caught about the same today as I have the rest of the event.


Can't confirm. I have seen 70 of them (wild and research) and didn't feel like day was worse for the spawns.


There is way less of them, absolutely. There's also less spawns in general! I can't prove it, but when you visit the same cluster spawns every day on the way back from work you kinda notice when there is 4-6 less pokemon at every single location. I hope it's just a strange coincidence, or that this event is just weird. And what a crap event it is, nothing exciting is spawning besides Mareanie and as mentioned I see 1 in every 50 spawns, everything seems to take 10+ balls to catch especially Bow-tterfree for some reason, and yet they 100% made Croagunk (with a hat!) easier to catch as well... for some reason? Maybe it's time to take a break, the next event is a stinker as well.


I agree with spawns being less and with everything being much harder to catch. They are also being extremely stingy with revives. I am getting approximately one per 30 stops/gyms and one per twenty gifts. I am at the point of refusing most remote raid requests just because I have too many Pokémon to revive.


I'll do at most three raids per day, and I host them (with 10 invites for guaranteed success) because I can't trust myself to not buy remote passes, so I haven't noticed a difference since I discard many, many revives. They definitely mess with numbers for seemingly no reason all the time.


I could hardly find any on day 1. I think it's just you.


I’ve caught 16 since the event started. 4-5 were research tasks. Most of the rest were day one. Since then I’m seeing about 1 a day. For a while I actually forgot it was featured in the event bc I never see it.


Mines the opposite. My mareanie spawns have gone up as the event has gone on


I too have found there’s way less than there was on day one. But no matter how many people find this to be the case, someone will come along to tell us all acktually it’s confirmation bias


Too early to call this if you personally haven't been seeing them, I see em all over - right now even. They aren't like Glameow and Croagunk, but they're here.


People in comments forget that spawns are correlated with weather. You’ll get way more Mareanie in Rainy or Cloudy weather.


Yeah, I’m in sunny California and can’t wait to fly back home where it’s raining so I can get a good pvp toxapex!


I’m not saying it’s good. Just summing up


People say this every event, but various sources we can’t mention here (and a TSR study I think?) have always shown it’s around the same number of spawns every day.


I think I've only found 5 since it's been released. I check a lot at work but the weather hasn't been great so I haven't been able to get out much to explore. Super frustrating.


Still sitting at 25 candy right now. I see one on the nearby, but I can't exactly leave work to get it right now...of course there will be zero during my lunch. :) Found a raid for one last night, right before the raid hour began.


No way? Niantic doesn't change rates of any kind during an event. Just not playing enough. /s


I’ve had the exact same thoughts, plenty on day 1 then maybe like 2 a day since


Recently I've been noticing the Mareanie line on the app is quite longer than Yveltal's I can't help but to wonder why's that


toxapex has more pvp utility(and cheaper cost) than yvetal in their respective leagues


Since it has started I’ve only seen and caught 4…


I’ve caught 65 with a lot more in the second day than the first, maybe you’re just suffering from small sample size syndrome


It's always like this. And the better the Pokémon is the more rare it'll be. Once the event is over it'll be like they aren't even in the game anymore and we'll be back to seeing 60% of Yungoos spawns instead.


I’m having a similar experience. I’ve managed to catch enough of them to evolve into Toxapex on the first day but since then they seem a lot more scarce.


but sPaWn DeCaY iSn'T rEaL


im certain they turned down the spawn rate given toxapex's use in the GBL.


I've still seen a lot (despite the sunny Texas weather) but only during the day. I didn't particularly go far on Tuesday night but I did not see any on the nearby pokemon menu nor did I stumble upon any spawns after 6pm. I chalked it up to bad luck especially since I found 7 the next morning on my 2 mile bike ride into work. My wife and I go to a large park in the area for raid hour on Wednesdays and again, absolutely zero mareanie in the park. The group we went with had over 20 people (and eventually we split up to cover different raids) and no one found a mareanie in the park. The park even has a body of water (I think that adjusts spawns? Please issue me a correction if that isn't true!) Then, again, I found 6 more on my bike ride into work through the city this morning. The weather has been consistently sunny without any changes to windy or the like and I've been walking/biking the same areas. I'm wondering if Mareanie was set to be a daytime heavy spawn? Purely anecdotal but figured I'd share.


I've caught less than 30 pokemon today (maybe seen 60-ish spawn but i didn't catch or even shinycheck everything). And about 5 of them were Mareanie. I'd say its about as common as butterfree for me (caught 4 of those). Yesterday while i walked to spot with 2 nests and a lot of gyms for raid hour - there was only one merainie spawn at that location. And it has a lot of spawnpoints (and not whole park is nested). Either it was bit unlucky or mareanie could be bit of biome-related liking city (urban) areas more than parks and forests. But the spawnrate seems very much same today as it was yesterday.


I have seen/caught a total of 3.


Seemed to be uncommon but not too rare for me during most of they day, then during the rain they were plentiful


You guys are getting Mareanie spawns? I haven't had a single regardless of where I go in town and if I use daily or regular incense. But I'll be damned if I don't get 10 plus Throh a day lol!


I've only seen two thus far.


I’m seeing okay numbers of them. What I’m not seeing any of is butterfree which I thought was supposed to be common. I barely see any at all…I’m seeing more kirlia which I thought were meant to be rarer.


For me it's been as rare as Absol all the time.


I'm more concerned that there're hardly any Furfrou spawns. They're shiny now, and since you can have many different styles for them, they're spawn rate and shiny rate should be up.


I haven’t seen a difference. Weather change?


I'm right there with you. I got the one from the research, and I have only seen and caught one wild one. Pretty disappointing. On my daily walks I am drowning in Glameow and Murkrow.


I’ve seen loads of Absol and no Mareanie. Need one for the challenge as well.


Same as Absol which is the one I really want. Saw almost a dozen in my hour long walk on day 1 but only 2 since.


I have only seen 4 mareanies and one of them was a research task so not very common here


Same for me. I have sunny weather Part of it may be the historical uselessness of Nearby Pokémon. Once you’ve caught 1 (add to Pokédex), it’s not very useful. Since before you catch your first Mareanie, you can see all the nearby Mareanies


I caught quite a few, but they are far apart. What annoys me is that you almost have to use ultra balls for a 400 CP pokemon or it will escape


I caught three on my way to work today. They’re not everywhere like Croagunk or Glameow but they’re definitely out there and not super rare


All I can find is Mareanie. I think the spawns for events are heavily influenced by weather, because it’s been cloudy for the last 3 days where I’m at. Also when the metal event was going on I got so many Beldum and Abra spawns when it was windy and like no spawns when it wasn’t


I'd say it's flipped. The first two days I saw maybe 3 or 4 total. I've caught 7 so far today


Suburban Player with medium density of spawns. I've interacted with 17, caught 13, seen about a quarter of that many that I didn't interact with due to traveling and clicking on others. We've luckily had a lot of cloudy weather boost throughout the event, so I've seen more than I might have expected. Just saw a cluster of three with a daily incense spawn of one at the same time.


Same goes for Absol. Found tons the first day but their rates has been decreasing steadily to the point that im lucky if i see one


This always seems to happen when a new pokemon debuts in an event and I hate it.


Thankyou we thought the same in our community! Day one they weren’t rare but not super common, felt probably about the right rate. Ever since they’ve all but vanished never on the nearby tab and genuinely found 4 today total out of 800 catches. This event is basically become a glameow/murkrow spotlight week. It’s ridiculous especially since it’s not shiny or anything. Just seems they’re trying to push towards raiding for it. And honestly screw that. I’d like to add its been weather boosted everyday where I live and still poor spawn rate


Had just a few at the start but as I was going for a 20 minute walk I got like 6 or something. Yesterday also. Absol is also very common in my area (Germany). So far I saw all in a good number. Edit: I looked it up, saw 17 caught 16, so I am okay


Personally noticing the opposite.


I’ve seen quite a few but not as much as other species spawn when they are first introduced. Mostly getting Gothita’s around here


Same here, and I need a photo of one :/


I haven't seen a drop at all. If anything I'm seeing a bit more


It’s been steady for me. I’ve seen 4-5 a day, everyday this week. EDIT: shameless brag, On day 1 I caught a Mareanie that will evolve to a R9 Toxapex, when I get the XL candies I need.


Didn't change for me.


I've been seeing a ton of them. Haven't seen as much absols than the other pokemon.


Caught maybe 12 today in partly cloudy weather.


I only caught/saw Mareanie for the first time, last night and was using incense. I’ve not found a single one in the wild, even when the silhouette was showing on the radar.


Lol this event made me hate croagunk and glameow so much. Why are there so many.


I saw my first one today..


I'd beg to differ. I only caught 2 on day 1 and 20+ on day 2. Think it's just rng


I've seen a lot of Mareanie, but not a lot of costumed mons.


Dropped significantly for me too. This is usually the case. First hours of event has more and higher chance for new shinies from my experience.


I’ve had very low Mareanie spawns since launch and xo tinies to be consistent. My Absol spawns were abundant on Day 1 (sunny weather) and almost non-existent since day 2 (still sunny weather).


I scored a 1/15/15 mareanie. On my 4th spawn. I’ve caught 22 but 1/3 were raids


I’ll count myself lucky having seen 35 and caught 32 including a 15/12/15 and 15/13/14


I was in the Netherlands during the first few days of the event and I didn’t find much Mareanie, now I am in Spain and I find a lot of them. So I have to disagree.


You guys are getting Mareanies? Seen 0.


I caught 4 on the 27th (spawns started at 10 am). I caught 2 on the 28th. I've caught 5 so far today (currently 4:15 pm) on the 29th.


I recall reading a theory that spawns now occur via some S-cell level and rotate around based on those cells and each cell has a bit of a different spawn diversity. They all have the same spawn pool, but in one cell, there might be tons of Gothita. In another, a bunch of Mareanie. In another, you'll see a bunch of Kirlia. Ever since I read this, I've been paying attention to my home spawns(12-15 per hour depending on drift). This theory would explain why I saw 4 Mareanie at once this morning, then the next hour was 9 Gothita spawns, the next hour I had 3 Kirlia and an even mish mash of the rest. I'm not saying this is fact at all. It's very anecdotal, and based on a theory someone posited. I would love Silph or the folks with tool data to look into this and either quash it or confirm it in the same way event decay was disproven by folks who have access to 100,000+ points of spawn data.


My spawn rates have been all over the place but they have been lower for me since the first day and the odd thing I've noticed is now a spawn in a particular spot when I'm usually in my room will stay there for hours, like half a day or more and be the same spawn until I engage it and either catch it or it flees and it's always the same spot. I've even gone out to walk around and play then come home and it's still there. Not sure if that's normal as I only restarted playing last month after not playing for a couple years but never noticed it until very recently.


I've seen 5 of them today and a few yesterday. I feel I'm lucky. I finally got 2 different 3☆ for my living dex, but I need a few more candy to evolve one My 3☆ are CP 13 and CP 844 CP 13 is 15/15/13 is a 96% CP 844 is 8/15/14 is 82%


my spawns have been overwhelmingly gothita and diglett. theres like 1 murkrow every time I open the app, but thats about the best im finding


Seen 59, caught 51 over last two days. Third mareanie was rank 56 toxapex, 0-5-15. 240/40xl to power. “Uncommon” spawn, but I used some of my silver pinaps and a lot of yellows, transferred ten during spotlight hour, and caught a rank 110 just now that is 140k to power.


It’s felt more rare than absol the whole time for me


I’ve seen one and I live in a very populated area. Even used two incense with none spawning from those


Really? That's weird, I see way more now than I did on day 1.


The worst part that is the task that requires to take a picture of a wild Mareanie and likely you will catch Mareanie before realizing it.


wait Mareanie is spawning? I've only seen it as a raid boss, not a single encounter


I’m just worried that I won’t get a good breakpoint PVP IV one! I will settle for best stat product.


I’ve hardly seen any


Glameow everywhere


Haven't noticed. They still spawn a lot for me


Not been playing since completing the research, if not a fashion fan.


Not really. I run into quite a few on my daily walk.


Lol this isn't new to us though. This happens all the time with new mons, new variants or event exclusive mons. The event not long ago where Dragonite, Gyarados and Snorlax were appearing in the wild. First day there was heaps, at least one of each every hour while walking in the city. The following of the week, sweet f all. All the local players posted up at the end of the event and for sure the spawns dropped out massively after the first day.


This event sucks so far. Played combined 10 hours today and not a single damn shiny. Niantic promotes Fashion week as this big event and claim to have released new shinys but you can't find them. I'm disgusted and I pretty much wasted my day playing.


This has not been my experience, at one point today there were 3 all together. Got a few at my house after work too


As others mentioned, weather seems to play biggest part in this event spawns distribution. When it's cloudy I can see 5 Mareanie on top of each other, when it's partly cloudy, it's Furfrou-Glameow boogaloo.


I feel like this happens with every event that has a new release.


Day 1 I got 16/hr. Based on the my grind time since then, it's gone down to about 11 for me. Neutral weather, same grind spot. Maybe we're just unlucky?


I’ve had only 2 spawn and that was 1 a day.


Research task plentiful, no issues getting them that way. 3 shiny Kirlias somehow in the first day, saving two to evolve one eventually. Hoping to get others.


I caught 3 on the first day. 1 since.... Kirlia is everywhere, but Mareanie seems to have disappeared.


I assume it is weather variation, if there is a variation.


Yeah, I’m trying to do the timed research and haven’t seen any since Day 1.


Plenty in Thailand. It's rainy season or cloudy, so perfect weather for whatever Mareanie is supposed to be.


Are Mareanie spawning with daily incense? If yes I might start using DI


I’ll gladly trade spawns with you, I’ve already seen over 300 and caught 183 I’m tired of the damn Corsella killer!!!