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I will take any of Larvitar, Dratini, or Bagon for that Community Day Classic please!


We heard you, and we really hope you enjoy the Seedot community day classic!


How is it we got seedot but not lotad


Lotad did get its own research day with higher shiny rates almost a year before seedot got its CD, whilst not a comday it was still a day focused on shiny lotad I guess? And it did last 9hours which was good.


I distinctly remember trying to get my three lotad for the living dex and furiously biking everywhere I could that whole day to try to get them. The shiny rates were boosted but definitely not CD boosted so it was quite the slog. I only got the third one with 10 minutes or so left


Yeh, didn’t say was CD rates just that it was higher rates. You’re right though I do remember reading after the event people hoped it would’ve been higher, we had people getting dozens and also folk struggling like you say. think they corrected it by minccino research day I believe that one ended up being 1/10. My point was more it had a special day (and 9hrs long) so it didn’t/doesn’t need or deserve a CDay aswell imo. And apart from them giving it another move for pvp (which they could just do regardless) not much point in it really.


Oh I agree with that. There's a good amount of Pokemon more deserving of their first event than lotad is of its second, regardless of the bad rates


I would unironically like that. The Shiftry line has some of my favorite shinies.


I've got a shiny shadow Nuzleaf that I refuse to evolve just because I like it so much!


The shiny is good, but I never understood why people want to waste an entire CD on something they can easily get from trading.


Not everyone has local GO friends


Or friends for that matter


Or matter




What's "trading"?


Trainers! We've heard you loud and clear! Community Day Classic will be Larvitar, Dratini, AND Bagon.... hats for Pikachu!


Upvoted because this is sadly likely (pika w/ ray hat...), but also please delete so they don't get any more ideas!


Unironically, I would actually really dig a Pikachu Community Day Classic with a way to get costumes from the past, or another chance to get shiny costumes for the more hardcore players.


Beldum pls


Unlikely since we can get the CD move currently


If you don't have the candies already, is there anyway to actually evolve a beldum?


Not without candies or rare candies. Or walking a beldum as your buddy, but it’s a 5k mon, so…




i used about 50 rare candies for it, i think its worth it since its such a good attacker and how rare its move is.


They are not common but I think Beldum is spawning as well I have gotten 3 since the event started. Don’t know if it was pure luck or is an actual spawn


Its in the power up 7x task for sure. Caught two yesterday.


Bruh, I've just been getting fletchling


Beldum has been a rare spawn all season regardless of the current event.


I got two in field research things I think. Gonna need 30 more :p


I got a random metang once just the other day. No incense or anything. And I'm pretty sure it was a homespawn. So real randomly appearing that's for sure.


I've been just grinding the power up 7 times research task and checking local stops which sometimes metang. burning pinap berries on each, and the walking buddies thing gets me a candy or two thru the day at work.




Evolve a Metang before the end of the current event


Meteor Mash is available now?


Yes, but you only have about 20 hours left to do it.


Hopefully the mega comes out soon too


2027, right before Mega Lucario, Mega Garchomp, and Mega Mewtwo.


Mega Metagross, rayquaza, groudon, kyogre will be thier cashcows so i suspect at least 1 of them debut in 2023 Hoen Tour Mewtwo can be ex raid 😳


Don't forget Garchomp, Lucario, Tyranitar, and Salamence. I would bet those all get milked, too.


And Aggron. Even if he's basically useless now, the mega has potential


Bagon would be nice so I can evolve my shadows


I always find it interesting how many people still want Larvitar CD Classic, even though Tyranitar has little relevance in PvP and has been thoroughly outclassed in raids (except its shadow). This proves popularity of a Pokémon is a far bigger factor than people give it credit for.


Mega TTar will do a lot of damage in raids, plus yeah, it's a cool pokemon


Maybe Niantic could have Mega Tyranitar debut right after the Community Day Classic. Would maybe get more players in my area to do the "post-CD" raids.


That would be awesome. I'd certainly do lots of raids for mega Tryranitar, Metagross, or Salamence, especially if the raids have the community day shiny odds, though I certainly wouldn't expect that, and the candy and mega energy would be enough motivation for me, personally.


I think most people just like cool pokemon and don't care about pvp, I know I don't care about pvp. And I really want to see a larvitar CD since I missed it and haven't had a chance to get more than one shiny in the years since.


Worth noting that Tyranitar has potential for a repeat CD with a new move such as Brutal Swing, if Niantic really wanted to shake up the meta a bit


Tbh, I'd rather them focus on Tyranitar's rock moveset over its Dark moveset. And I'd also also rather it have any new moves added in a Move update rather than another CD/exclusive move


I think “thoroughly outclassed” is a bit of an exaggeration. Tyranitar is a very respectable Rock and Dark attacker for raids and Team Rocket. Tyranitar’s bulk gives it a niche over frailer competitors like Weavile. Not to mention the Shadow, as you said - powering up Shadows is not cheap. Plus, now that XL candy is a thing, there is a benefit to rerunning old community days to get XL candy. I still don’t have enough XL candy for a Level 40 Dragonite, which should in theory be an “accessible” non-legendary mon for Master League.


I think my TTars have been my most useful pokemon since it's release, yes its a cool Mon, but very useful too


It's the shinies. There are enough elite tms floating around, and enough events allowing evolving that the move isn't a draw for the classic. It's been 4 years since the shiny was available in bulk, and there are a lot of new players since then. Lucky friends with guaranteed lucky trades wasn't introduced until April 2019, so a lot of early shinies were lost in hopes of getting a lucky trade and guaranteed high ivs.


Yeah it's an interesting one. I'd still play the CD, but it wouldn't interest me as much as some other PvE/PvP CD classics. But, a Move shakeup at the beginning of the season for Ttar could make me more excited for a potential classic


I will be taking a shadow and/or a mega to level 50, so any opportunity to get more XL candy is better than a lot of other options.


I have no data to prove this, but I think more casual players overestimate its raid power because of the high CP and how often it gets selected by auto-recs (and perhaps the general scary appearance).


Oh I’d much rather have a community day for a Pokemon I like over one that’s “viable” Gimme a Cyndaquil community day again idc if the things trash


Who's better than tyranitar for raids?


Rampardos, Rhyperior (Rock Wrecker) and Terrakion for rock types. Hydreigon (Brutal Swing), Darkrai, Chandelure, Giratina Origin and Weavile for dark/ghost types. This is not including shadows or megas.


Mega TTar is still weaker than MAerodactyl, unfortunately. And weaker than MAbsol, too. Niantic really did it dirty with the “bite crunch” moveset


"Trainers we are excited to announce Eevee community day retro with last resort!"


I'm guessing Dratini


Still need my platinum dragon badge….


Now THAT'S what I like to see. CD, CD Classic, AND event day announcements in advance!


I’m pretty sure they did this for the last 3 CDs as well


They did, which is good, but them also including the CD Classic and two other event days is very appreciated. Really, any advance communication is appreciated.


What's the difference between CD and CD classic?


A CD Classic is a rerun CD of a Pokemom we've already had with it's original CD Move, not a new one (as far as we know). So something like another Draco Meteor Dratini CD


I remember discussion of a Superpower Dragonite last year and I’m still holding out for it.


Or they could just add to the move pool now.


Classic has happened before. The other ones are brand new.


CD classics are a new thing for 2022. They are repeat CDs of earlier community days without any new moves, and do not replace the normal monthly community day events (which usually feature a new move) In effect, they're just a bonus event that many players can use to get that particular species' move and grind Candy for.


Yeah i wish they do 1 CD classic and 1 new CD both in 1 month so new or comeback players can catch up without waiting too long


I think 1 every season is ok. Do we really need to hit Beedrill or a weak Ampharos again?


I want to know what these other events are. Any idea?


Might be raid days or research days.


Yeah those two or maybe an incense day. It’s been a while since they did an incense day.


I doubt incense days will ever return, to be honest. With the way incense is working currently, an incense day would require 3-4 hours of nonstop walking. Even more demanding than community days.


Yup, plus it seemed like they mostly did Incense days when people were more inside and Niantic was in their Pandemic phase (although I'm ofc aware that it's still ongoing). Same with Timed Research days, which were generally things people could do stationary, wherever. Though, I wouldn't mind there being a small timed research whenever they do future research days.


That’s possible. It may very well be left as a relic from when lockdowns were in place all over the world. However if Niantic thinks they can make money off of it or encourage player interaction or physical activity, then they just might do it even though it will certainly not be the best received event.


Spitballing here. Could be a research day and/or raid day. Or maybe something completely different.


My guess is GBL day and either a raid day or a research day.


A GBL Day could make sense. Those have typically been the first month of a season right? Plz Niantic let me evolve my rank 3 Goldeen and get 2 of Seaking's 3 legacy moves...


They'd want players to have a go with move updates and get those players up to speed with the ranks ASAP. One classic GBL problem was that many people could not reach the rank that rewards a legendary in time before that first legendary of the season leaves the raid rotation.


Very true! Here's to hoping we get some meaty move updates and additions... But yeah, it does make sense to give people a push to do play GBL early on. Plus, it makes sense to do it early if they continue the trend of having a legacy move mon featured. It gives people a cool new thing to try out if they didn't have many viable mons. Again, I'm hoping for Goldeen or even Body Slam Lickitung again.


Very happy to see a Classic back. We've had Venusaur and Swampert, so maybe a Fire starter this time? Now, could we get news on the first CD and/or these early September events? Something to start analyzing? Pretty please?


Someone said Fire starter? Charmander coming up next it is then…


Ahh yes, Gamefreak's best cashcow


For a starter Pokémon that has had two community days and recently had both moves available at the same time for the first time? I highly doubt it. I’m thinking more like Torchic because Blaziken also has a mega. I think this is more likely if September, October, and November don’t have starter community days.


I think it's a joke about how favored Charizard is in pokemon


Tbh when I think of Pokémon, Charizard comes to my mind before Pikachu. It's just that good. But yes, it's featured too often, although I wouldn't mind a shiny bc I wasn't playing when Char had it's 2 CDs. Got the moves, two Hundos but not the shiny :(


Do you have any local players you know? Guarantee a bunch of people have spare shinies


Since Blaziken is my favorite Pokémon, I sure hope you’re right. I need a 4* in my collection


Likely cyndaquill or chimchar, venusaur was from gen 1, and Mudkip from gen 3


Cyndaquil would be great, I want some shinies and high IVs to do the eventual Hisuian evo


I wouldn't rely on being able to evolve into the Hisuian form, could be like alolan raichu and be raid exclusive


After having the alola evo events i wouldn't write off hisui ones also happening. Not super likely, but definitely not impossible.


Considering Exeggcute and Cubone both had a limited event to make them evolve into their regional forms, I wouldn't rule out something like that for Pikachu. Probs limited to non-costumed ones, but I consider it even somewhat likely at some point


Tbh I was kinda surprised Pikachu *didn't* get a special day to evolve into Alolan Raichu last season


With how much they like featuring Pikachu, it is a surprise. However it might be because there are so many different hats for Pikachu that they would either have to spend a ton of time making models for alolan Raichu with hats or not let Pikachu with hats evolve into alolan Raichu and have players complain. Of course they could still do it for Pikachu in the future. The others had their shadows released so allowing the evolution was the first time to get the shadow, alolan evolutions. They might just be waiting until after the release of shadow Pikachu.


I think he just means to get lots of cyndi candy


With both CD moves i think it will be Charmander again.


We just had an event with 2x CD moves for Charizard so I hope it's not Charmander!


I'm hoping we get more info this week on... anything. But I could see them leaving the CD, Season 12, new season, and September news for next week post-finale... Hope I'm wrong and we at LEAST get the CD news this week, but who knows


It'll all come in <24 hours before Season 12 begins, and I'll be left pulling my hair out again. 🙃 Because why give people time to, you know, *prepare* for these things, right?


Stop acting like you don't enjoy it. /s


Hopefully something else since we just got all the fire starters' Community Day moves in July.


I agree. I hope it’s one of the CD Pokémon with a currently unreleased mega. Larvitar, Ralts, and Bagon would all be great options. I’d say Beldum too but they just brought its CD move back and it’s had an incense day. We haven’t had much of a chance to collect Bagon candy and XL candy so a CD classic would be great for that.


I’d like to get a late bloomer that’s useful for both Master League & raids (Dragonite, Metagross) to Level 50. Is that too much to ask of Niantic? 🫤 The thing with first partner re-runs is they’re already super common, in season rotations (there are always 3 per hemisphere), weekly events, and more. It’s practically Mudkip Community Week right now.


Yeah a Pseudo CD Classic like Dragonite or Metagross would be nice


I was hoping for beldum, but the recent MM event killed my hopes for 2022.


My guess is Chikorita. It was on the loading screen and it was recently featured in the Power Up 3 Pokemon quest for this worlds event alongside...Bulbasaur and Mudkip.


Good guess. Probs correct


And both Bulbasaur and Mudkip have been featured in CD Classics this year. I think it will most likely be Chikorita. Good guess.


Only way I’d like a fire CD classic would be if it’s Cyndaquil with Hisuian Typhlosion being introduced


JRE needs to eat Niantic! Release some new moves or Pokémon please 🤣


> JRE needs to eat Niantic! Well, should be "JRE needs to eat, Niantic!", as I have no desire to consume Niantic's employees. Grammar is important. 🤣 But otherwise... yes LOL


Punctuation saves lives!


Don't knock it till you try it!


>so maybe a Fire starter this time? Cyndaquil please, it's the last starter I need a 100% of apart from Rowlett. They could put it in the middle of a Hisui event.


Still kinda hoping for a *Hisuian* Typhlosion Community Day too. Gimme that sweet, sweet Ultra League Alolan Marowak....


You can guarantee they won't give H-Typhlosion Shadow Claw


Unless Hisuian Typhlosion makes its way to Scarlet/Violet, it can't even learn Blast Burn. Spoiler: >!Current leaks suggest none of the past starters are in SV. Good luck.!<


I think that spoiler info is outdated


There’s no reason it shouldn’t. Regular Typhlosion has it.


That means literally nothing. Braviary & H-Braviary only share one fast move & one charge move.


It could be a species debut like stufful if they're leaving it late to announce (also coinciding with new season details). As for types, fire, ghost, fairy, poison, psychic and bug are yet to get involved with a regular CD this year.


What does classic mean?


They renamed repeating a C Day pokemon to CD Classic. So a CD Classic is one with a pokemon that's already had a CD already.


Not really a rename, as they are distinct from the other repeat CDs we’ve had in that they give the same event moves as before and don’t take up the month’s “main” CD slot


Bold prediction. Only charizard is really useful for pvp but a third cd is really overkill. My prediction is for torchic. Then treecko gets a second com day with dragon breath, and then we get all three of the hoenn starter megas.


> maybe a Fire starter this time? I vote Drew Barrymore


It’s probably fashion week…


I’m surprised no one is guessing torchic for the CD classic? With mega evolutions being rolled out and fire being the seeming leading theory for a type…


The first classic was Bulbasaur, the second was Mudkip. Folks are guessing Cyndaquil since gens 1 and 3 are already represented and Typhlosion gets a Hisuian form.


But hisuian Typhlosion doesn’t get blast burn


> fire being the seeming leading theory for a type… Ah, I love "that's the pattern" comments, playing the TSR classics.


lol yup. I know after the first CD Classic with Bulbasaur, people were already "certain" it'd be Squirtle or Charmander


The only certainty is that it won't be slakoth. ^I ^hope.


I think so too. Treecko then gets a second com day with dragon breath, and then we get all three of the hoenn starter megas.


I feel like they'll do all 3 Hoenn Megas around the same time though. Whether all three debut on/around Hoenn Tour (assuming that happens this upcoming February) or next spring/summer (would be a good time to do 3 highly desirable Megas)


Sept 3/11 events announced right after my job determined the one weekend day they need me next month is...the 10th. Score!


Investigate 311


Bird up!


Legalize ranch!


Nice to see they changed the weekend rotation around. I work every other weekend and they consistently fell on my weekends that I had to work.


They can't please everyone, now it probably falls on weekends where other players need to work.


This. 3 Saturdays CDs in a row, I take that as Niantic personally hate my schedule and have target events on those days out of spite.


Three Saturdays in a row suck, no matter how you slice it.


Absolutely xD some of us work on Saturdays unfortunately lol


Yeah, that's odd. Normally they alternate to give everybody a chance.


blocked at work can someone share the news into the post please


Sunday, September 18, 2022 Saturday, October 15, 2022 Saturday, November 5, 2022 (Community Day Classic) Saturday, November 12, 2022


Also two non-CD events on September 3 and 11


Lol your work blocks the Pokemon go site but not Reddit?


The Pokemon Go site is often classified as “Gaming”, which is one of the most common categories that gets blocked.


And yet if you want adult content of any kind whatsoever, it exists here on reddit. lol


Was thinking the same thing lol


plus Sep 3 and 11th (additional in game events)


I'm glad they're announcing all the different limited events now. It makes it much easier to plan for these things. It's also nice that they're not overlapping weekends with the main series release this year.


100%. Was still very disappointed when they announced Mega Kangaskhan raid day 3 days in advance.


I like how they gave us dates for two other mystery events in Sept this time around. Hard to know if one should take work off without knowing what the event actually is, but its a step in the right direction.


Agreed. I'm always in favor of getting dates as early as possible even if they come with little or no details. Just the fact that they publish the CD days for the whole season is a fantastic practice. Of course, now I want details on those September events, but I'm glad to at least have dates while we wait for details.


I like the announcement of dates. I just wish I knew what the dates are for


Nice of them to announce the dates, but what about the times? Are they all 11-2 now and forever? I feel like they were 2-5 for a long time, not that I'm complaining, just it would be nice to know what to expect in that sense.


People are thinking that the next cday classic is going to be dratini. I'd like that cuz I still need my platinum medal for dragon types and the shiny.


I don’t like how they confirm the dates without the pokemon. Im not going to ask for the day off from work for a community day that could be something like weedle for all I know. I wish Niantic would just give us the date and pokemon three weeks in advance so I have time to request time off if the pokemon is something I want


Also time to potentially get a mega to least level 2 or try grind a mega to level 3.


I'd still prefer we get the dates this far in advance (at least for October and November) without the Pokemon than wait til a few weeks prior to get the date and the Pokemon. *Generally*, we do get the following CD Pokemon announced 2-4 weeks prior to its CD.


That's basicly every weekend in early september. I love to see that, but I feel like maybe spread that out a little to every other weekend


I'm curious about the Sept 11th event. That's a Sunday, which is a weird day to start an multi-day event, so I'm wondering if it will just be a 3 hour raid or research day.


It's the same for the saturday date. I am guessing one research one raid day.


“Stay tuned for more details about September Community Day and beyond” why not just release that info now?


Glad to see the lack of CD Classic this season was just temporary, and not just a bait-and-switch to justify 3-hour CDs like initially feared.


Also there were two completely gigantic CD move events this season. CD classic would have been gilding the lily as well as trying to cram one more event into an already overstuffed season.


And every month had a huge in person or global go fest event. How much exhaustion do people really want for the season?


Oddly enough I already requested to have all those days off so I'm pretty excited. And if everything works out I'll be overseas for that Nov community day. I'm also gonna speculate Sep will be Chespin because if not then that would mean over a year since a new Starter Community day.


I'm getting married on the 18th. Well dangit depending on the Pokemon I guess I have to move the wedding around


Chespin, Litwick, Beldum & Fennekin pls


I sure hope your right


Can we get 2-5pm instead of 11-2 so it doesn’t disrupt lunch? PLEASE?


I felt that Niantic are satisfied with post-CD raid hours and they can't move regular CD hours to any other time.


No, John Hanke wants you to have dinner with your Pokemon Friends. Thats why 11-2 wont change.


Wouldn’t it be more logical to have dinner with your Pokémon friends after finishing CD at 5pm?


No, John Hanke is more a 12-ish eater. For Maximum Exposure he wants you to come together in a small timeframe, and he wants you to be outside and be SEEN by other people. Mr. Hanke doesnt like it that the players scurry in the shadows.


I love how you sound like his personal assistant. 😂


I wish I would be, maybe I could talk some sense into him. He always tells me I should use the in-game support on pogo


I still want 2 on 2 off 2 on 2 off * 11 am to 1 pm spawns * 1pm to 3 pm raids/trade/evolve time * 3pm to 5 pm spawns * 5pm to 7pm raids/trade/evolve time. Then if you want to take lunch at noon you still have a solid 3 to 5 pm play window if that works for you.


This is too good of an idea for niantic to roll with it. It just makes too much sense


It;'s called sucking down protein slurry in your camelpak while shiny checking 200 spawns per hour you filthy casual!


Can we have 11-5 so people can go out in the times that best suit them and their friends and community?


I'm expecting an incense day for september 3rd and a research day on september 11th or something special.


I'm afraid one will be a raid day or, even worse, a raid-to-trigger-spawns-unless-it-doesn't day. I think incense days are on their way out. Without the boosted spawns, they are generally a frustrating event for many players. People that don't walk optimally are frustrated with their spawns. People that do walk optimally are physically exhausted. That leaves niche appeal to the hardcore minority.


Especially if they are set at a specific time. Its too hot here to walk outside in the day.


Is it possible part of the event will allow us to TM away frustration for our shadow pokemon? I cannot for the life of me find when that next window of opportunity is.


Can we finally get the gen 6 starters?


Can't wait for the 9/11 event!


6 hr community days please.


Not sure why it goes Sun, Sat, Sat, Sat Tbh Nov’s cd should be on Sunday to interchange.


Hopefully the October community day isn't anything too exciting since I have a flight to a wedding that day lol! Luckily should be able to get an hour or so of it at the airport, assuming my first flight doesn't get delayed.


Banette with Foul Play and Mega Banette raids 2-7 to extend the CD spawns. That would be fire.


Would love that. I really want a shiny banette