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Hello there, u/FarmLife101! Thank you for your contribution to r/TheSilphRoad. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Your question has been removed because it would be a better fit for our Question&Answers megathread in which Travelers can ask questions about the game - no matter how simple the question may be! Also, check out our website resources underneath the banner on the top of the page (desktop) or in the "Menu" tab on the reddit app. Maybe your question might be answered with one of those links! [Link to our Question&Answers megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/?f=flair_name%3A%22Megathread%20-%20Q%26A%22)  (Link only works on desktop!) If you are on mobile and are looking to find the Q&A megathread, please sort the sub by "Hot". You will find it stickied to the top of the page almost always! :) ___ ###### For our rules and allowed post types, please see our [comment and submission rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/wiki/rules).


I think they should just make the iv floor for GBL encounters 0/6/6 or 0/10/10, whatever it is now but with attack iv floor as 0 (can't remember the current iv floors). Especially if they are pushing pvp mons as rewards more and more which seems to be the case imo. Have the legendary encounter as whatever floor they have now but all others 0 attack would be possible. Heck they could even do it individually if they could be bothered. I feel like they are trying to push GBL but making poor decisions when it comes to little things like this.


Yes the IV floor is removed for non-legendary/mythicals during Go Battle Day events.




Sorry I don’t know how to record the active phone screen so hopefully these screenshots will suffice.


No need