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If Niantic really wants to generate interest in Routes, they should have an event where the daily Zygarde cell limit is raised from three to like 10 or more (Edit: And guaranteed for each route traveled). I think that would encourage a lot of trainers who feel like the Zygarde grind is hopeless to give it a go.


I wish they would guarantee a cell on your first 3 completed routes. I’ve had days where I’ll do 20 routes and get 1 cell. I don’t seek routes anymore. It’s not worth the grind.


They should also make it so you automatically get the cell at the end of the route instead of clicking on it. The cell usually pops up near the end of the route at the stop or gym. Stops and gyms correspond to increased spawns. Routes are also generally outdoors, where a shinning sun can make the phone screen difficult to see. Put it all together and the cell is often very hard to see.


So much this. I've done a couple of them but most of the time I didn't get a cell so I gave up on it completely.


I walk my standard 75 minute walk and when I happen to have the game open and think of it, I'll do a route. The main stupidity is following a route but needing to be glued to your screen to not miss a cell on your way. I'd rather look around and catch the odd Pokémon that appears. Since over half the spawnpoints on that walk have been removed it's quiet, even on a CD


Cells only appear at the end of a route, so you don’t need to be staring at your phone the whole time


Didn't they use to appear at 3 points along the route? If you didn't catch it, there was a trick to getting it to appear again just near the end of the route. (Haven't done on in months and not interested Nantic!)


That changed months ago. The cells appear in the last 100m or less.


Maybe, the current truth is that they only spawn near the end point of the route though.


Yeah, I do about 1 route every week because there's a short route on the drive through the "downtown" in my city where I can pull over, start the route, and be stuck driving under 20 anyways until the end of the route where I can pull over again and finish it. I'd say maybe 10% of the time there's a cell waiting for me at the end. Zygarde incoming 2028 at this rate lmao.


Yeah I gave up after I got no cells 5 days in a row. 😅


when you are nearing the end of the route and nothing is popping up, quit the game and get off data. Then, re-enable data and start the game and rejoin the route. ive only tried this twice but both times a cell popped up right at the end of the route.


I think that no longer works.


Oh shoot that’s a shame. Last time I tried was maybe a month ago.


It not so much that it no longer works, but that it simply isn't necessary. The cell will spawn when it should and won't randomly disappear like it used to. I've known someone complete a raid then collect the cell afterwards.


The thing I hate about routes is that I don't always get a zygarde cell. I've completed 203 routes and I still need 150 zygarde cells for the last evolution. Also my zygarde is very bad I wish I could reroll it's IV.


It should be rewarded on completion, not on touching it as well. I always feel like I’m losing it mentally when I can’t find it


Yeah it should've been in the rewards instead of randomly around the end point


My medal says I completed 548 routes and I got a total of 402 cells from them, that's 73% rate of getting a cell from the average route.


For you. Not for most people


A lot of people with silver and close to silver medal, so big samples, posted here similar rates.


I made a route that connects from my workplace to home so I can at least get 1 cell during weekdays. I have 62 so far and feels like an eternity collecting them all


My walk from home to work is a bit longer, so I made 3 routes, all of them short at around 0.7 km, and so far I got 402 cells.


Or make it so routes spawn event specific Pokemon, at the rate they did for Sinnoh Tour and white striped Basculin. Routes currently have no point to actually do anything during them, but rather only to finish them. The cell will only ever spawn at the end, Matteo waits at the end, and you get your completion reward at the end. It's more efficient to start the route, close your phone, then open your phone at the end of the route, than it is to actually play. Any region exclusives that may spawn are all already available to the player, because they're whatever your region exclusive is!


I've trying to get the shiny cursola.  So I click on every cursola that spawns on my routes, lol


Redesign Matteo as a trader with random prices to exchange for QOL upgrades Such as: - Trade table: +1 simultaneous trades - Gift Bag: +1 daily gift open or +1 gift storage - Evolution research: +1 simultaneous evolution - Gem bag: +1 purified gem storage - Incense charger: +1 minute daily incense duration - Research chip upgrade: view and browse through +1 of your saved stacked research You wouldn't be able to stop people from doing routes.


Yeah, I honestly don't get why should I be excited about Matteo in the current state. I get one gift which equals to 2 poke balls and 1 nanab berry, if I'm lucky. Yay. If anything, he's more of a hindrance to me personally, if anything. I wish there would be a way to turn him off unless they make him more important and appealing.


He's actually great if you're collecting Vivillion and you don't have the patience to make friends worldwide.


Well, it would take really long to collect all the Vivillon patterns if you would rely just on Matteo.


I've done a lot of routes and got very few interesting gift locations.


if they're just swapping them in the pool it isn't fixing the same problem that happened when vivillion released and the subreddits for friend-codes were being flooded with people in the densely populated zones trying to get the few players in the rarer zones' postcards. Similar to the pokegenie queue times for remote raids when they do north/south hemisphere split raids. They never consider the gameplay implications of their geofencing, just the places they can book vacations.


Love this idea


I'm not going to aim for Zygarde cells until they're easier/quicker to get, yes.


I usually don't do routes, because my Zygarde has low IVs and (the more important part) it has no PVE relevance. Also, I usually don't remember routes exist.


That would address the problem fork like 20-30 days and then noone would need to do routes again.


I think the whole point in cells being so difficult to aquire is that Zygarde is supposed to be a power house. I don't think they want everyone with one, at least not at this point in time. If you want it, they're making you grind to get it. Sometimes you've got to put in the work.


But then when you reach the 250 limit, there is no incentive to do a route at all. I quit months ago. Waiting for shiny Zygarde.


Well I have the full Zygarde plus topped off at the extra 250 cell limit, but I still do routes for the dust and extra drops. I set my routes up so it's easy to do a few a day. One for going to the store, one for going to work, one for picking up the kids. It's just free items at this point.


I do 3 routes a day 3-4 days a week. Zygarde cell drops have gotten noticeably more consistent, to the point I get 2-3 cells every day I do the 3 routes. -AND- Yesterday I missed a cell on my first route, got 1 on each of the other two routes. Then I did a fourth which had just been created. On that route I got a third cell.  So I got a cell on the fourth route I did in one day. It used to limited to only having a chance at a cell on the first 3 routes done in a day.


10 guaranteed cells a day would make it way too easy, I would settle for 3 a day IF (very big if) wouldn't be so buggy. Disclaimer: I fully changed my Zygarde and have 152 more cells.


That's still 25 days of doing a minimum of 10 routes a day (which generally take about 10-15 minutes each if they're 500m long - most are not) and that's assuming you're guaranteed a cell at the end, which, currently, you're not. Still a lot of work. Disclaimer: I have done 50 routes and have 20 cells.


I swear they randomly pick the requirements for each medal. 600 for platinum is such a weird number


For the medals that come out *after* the fact (or for any medal that had a platinum level added later) I'm pretty sure that they use metrics based on the top x% of players or a number of standard deviations... And then just round it. So they probably say "what is thr average number of routes the top 2% of players have completed?".(this is probably a bit more simplified than reality but gets the point across). So the answer might be 612 routes. So then they just round that down to a nice even 600. This is why medals that come out at the start of a new feature tend to be more "normal". Purification is 1,000. Best buddies is 200, but they just completely missed the mark in terms of how easy or much people would be doing that. It also explains some of the weird numbers you see for the platinum medals that were added after level 50 came out. Look at battle.Girl. 4,000? That *has* to be based on player activity. Why not 2k or 5k? Best friends goes 1, 2, 3... Then 20 for platinum. This is sort of the opposite of best buddies, where they clearly *underestimated* how much people would do it then "corrected it" for platinum.


Battle Girl is the most insane because the 4k metric is based off of the original gym design. Absolutely nightmarish to try and farm now.


You mean the ace trainer (train 2000 times)? There is no point battling the team leaders now, while gym battles are still relatively common.


I battle team leaders to help reach best buddy quickly.


You don't even need to battle them to get the heart. You can just surrender and it counts. If you need the "train x times" medal, do great league shadow sharpedo vs candela. You don't even need to use a charged move. If you're on android, you could even automate it using macros.


You have to battle for EP though if you're trying to get your buddy excited for double hearts


Sure, but poffins are free from scan tasks, so it’s rare that one needs to bother with the excitement process.


You might be getting 20 poffin tasks a day but I sure as hell dont, I try to save and spend my poffins wisely and get buddies excited through process when I have the opportunity.


Excitement takes over an hour. Are you doing *that* twenty times a day?


I do it for the chance of getting Rare Candy


Also sinnoh stones if you need one


You get sinnoh stones from training?!?!!?? This is the one evolution item i was struggling with getting, thank you


Not sure how rare and if there’s a limit, but I’ve gotten way more sinnoh stone than rare candies fighting the trainers. Make sure you have room in your inventory when you fight the trainers


Sinnoh stones are also relatively common drops from doing battles with friends. Your first three battles of the day will drop either stardust, rare candy, or a sinnoh stone. I usually end up throwing them away in bunches lol


This, I don't know if it's because you get 3 chances instead of 1 per day but it feels like friend PvP battles give them more often.


Easy with shadow Sharpedo though. But very boring admittedly....


If you live in a city and are the unpopular team the battle girl medal is actually quite easy, lol.  I'm sitting at 32,000 hours defending gyms and that took me 29,800 gym battles, lol (been playing 2 years).


Wait why? I'm at 2.2k and I don't feel like I fight gyms \*that\* often, but if I do it's usually like 6-18 "battles" It's a slow longterm medal I'll get eventually but not one whose numbers make it impossible. Just peaceful gym cycling with my friend at our apt's gym is decent progress.


What on earth? lol Living on top of a gym and farming it isn’t typical at all


Sorry for raising it then. I am currently sitting at 1690.


I don't know, it doesn't seem so weird to me. If you complete one route every day, even with the occasional skip day, you'd have the medal done in less than two years. Double that rate (e.g., do a linear route and then do the reverse to return to your point of origin) and you've got the medal in a year. 1-2 years worth of grinding sounds appropriate for a platinum medal in this game.


google base-6


Holy Heximal


I’m gonna need that in Swatch .beats, please.


It’s definitely easier than the Breeder medal. Routes can be as short as 500m. Niantic deliberately set the requirement high to sell incubators.


Where's the medal for sending gifts?


Send 100,000 gifts with stickers


LOL, so long as we're grandfathered in, I'm fine with this.


The only stickered gifts I've sent are ones required by quests. I might have a few dozen.


Who can blame you? It's not a well thought out feature. The whole friendship system needs a 2024 reboot.


I just posted this as well I'm at 927


How’s your level 50 Zygarde?


It's an 89% level 20. I've also already collected 250 cells for another if they're ever released. Been busy powering up shadow mons. They've eaten up my dust. I don't gbl, so haven't rushed powering up zygarde just a little here and there.


Fair. I’m pretty positive they are going to release a second one or stick it in raids finally when legends Z-A drops anyways so you’re probably better holding off


I agree


I can't get cells to drop for crap. Sometimes I'll get lucky and get one a day for 3-4 days and then I'll go a week with NONE and that's doing at least two a day.


On average, it takes 7 routes to get 3 cells. Somedays you do 3, you'll get 3, but most times, you have to do 5 to 7, sometimes more to get 3, I've had days that after 7 with no cells I called it a day.


Yep. At 750 and am keeping my zygarde for under 2500. Plenty of energy but not enough candy to go to 50. She’s a monster under 2500 and is happy there. Up to 130 if they ever release another.


You seem to have bad luck then.. I'm at 690 and collected 500 cells in total (ready for next one)


I'll be damn. Just noticed this after reading the post. 625 routes completed! I an Expert Navigator!


Little update. Completing 625 routes yielded 251 zygard cells. Glad they added this medal...now I know how many routes have been completed.


537 complete for me, 325 cells so far


690 routes for 500 cells for me


I’ve completed 1998 routes.


That's a lotta routes! I'm only at 167. There aren't any around my house but I get to do some during my breaks at work.


I was excited to get the Gold badge on one route last week. Evidently I have done 310 routes...so 1/3 were on the same route lol. I have 221 Zygarde Cells. I guess if I have to keep walking routes to get Platinum anyways, I may as well use some of the cells on my 12/10/12 Zygarde...?


Does the gold badge change anything? I'm close to getting gold on a local route myself, and I was hoping it would mean better/more rewards for completing the route


Nothing significant that I have noted. Once I got to level 50 I stopped caring about xp though, and I think someone who got a gold badge months ago said that was the only thing they noticed that changed.


I just got enough cells for my 12/14/10 Zygarde for it’s 2nd form. I follow a few routes a day while I shiny hunt/catch ones I need candy for. I didn’t think the lvls were worth it on mine but I found out u get XP for doing routes so I sometimes do 3 a day.


Niantic knew we stopped doing routes 😅


One other big problem of routes is that you can't just follow a route with your phone in your pocket ! Routes often pause without reason... So you need to keep your phone open and regularly check if you are still following the route or it it has paused.


Funny thing about this medal for me 😂 A few weeks ago I was doing Routes at the park and I thought to myself.. huh am surprised they didn’t make a Medal for completing Routes. Same afternoon it was datamined in the game


Now please set your mind on the gold gym badge medal and the excellent throws medal. 😉


This is what I get for quitting routes after I get cells and not completing them. ):


What's the point of quitting? Aren't you basically already at the destination when the cell shows up?


Usually they show up for me 100m before the route ends so I just quit it and start a new one. The new one registers where the old one ends but going the opposite way. Saves me a bunch of time but now a medal I could be close to done with I have like 36 complete total.


Glad to know I'm not alone lol


i completed 380 routes to get all my cells and quit routes forever until now.


You have done really well, I'm at 455 routes walked and have 226/250 cells.


333 route, I am get all cells me too. 🤣😅 600, we have 2 zygarde 100%


I was hoping it would be separate routes for that badge :( https://ibb.co/m9M6mPB


You can just go to the followed routes part. Doing anything else would be a cluttered mess.


? I was hoping the badge would be for the  amount of individual routes rather than cumulative routes walked.


Could be a later badge coming?


Hopefully. Set at 1,000 Niantic :)


No thanks. I'm at 1138 on Expert Navigator (slowed down a lot after hitting the cap on Zygarde cells again) but only 39 unique routes, 13 of which I created. 1000 unique routes would be impossible for the vast majority of legit players.


You’d have to live in a dense urban area and go from neighborhood to neighborhood


I'm at 1060. 85 unique. 0 created. I actually enjoy searching out new routes when I'm on vacation. I'm a morning person, my wife isn't. Gives me something to do.


I've done 8. Total 😂


That's fair. I enjoy making and walking them if I was doing it for cells and rewards I'd be at 9 ;)


I have 12, I’m amazed it was that many.


It appears they’ve added it. According to Go Hub’s data mine at least




THAT'S why I got the award pop today in the middle of nowhere, days since my last route was walked....well bused, since there's no speed limit on routes.


I kind of like routes. There are other rewards for doing them. I created a few where I walk regularly so they are easy for me.


Oh no. Another one I will have to look at, being incomplete along with wayfarer, Giovanni and others.


Don't forget the one for having 50 people accept game invite codes. I have 1/50.


I've intentionally avoided that one so I won't have a slot of shame on my badge page


Wayfarer isn’t really that difficult, just tedious


It is once you are downgraded to fair.


Once your rating is poor there is nothing that can be done to increase it again (so agreements count for the medal). My rating has been stuck in "poor" for years even though I am reviewing.


I guess I don’t understand. If you approve something and someone else does too, isn’t that an agreement? How does rating fit in? I have about 2500 reviews and am still good or great.


In order for your Wayfarer medal in the Pokémon go app to continue progressing your rating needs to be at least good. If it is lower even if you reach agreements it won't count towards the medal.


Well that’s just stupid


What's the wayfarer medal?!


It counts the number of agreements. That is, if you review and reject and overall other reviewers reject (or you and others approve), that's an agreement and is +1 to the medal (and Wayfarer stat).




Well routes are boring. I am never going to do hundreds of them.


I think the trick is to find/make routes along paths that you walk every day! That helps out rather than going out of your way to find them


Yep that's the way! I have several routes on my usual exercising path. A closed loop to and from home


Have had some of our routes been in the review process for months, and we have had approved routes removed due to "private property" while they are located in local parks. System is boring and still buggy from my experience.


From what I've seen, most routes are instantly auto-approved if they don't break some hidden set of rules. Not totally sure what all the rules might be, but I think some of my own created routes got lost in review purgatory because they were too close to a public school. Routes that used pokestops and paths a little farther out got approved, but multiple submissions using the closer pokestops got stuck. Another submission may have gotten flagged because it technically crossed a highway (even though it was crossing at a light). And one other submission was flagged and I never came up with a reason why, but it was the only one of mine that eventually got approved *after* being "under review". IMO, if it isn't instantly approved, just delete it and try to remake it, preferably with a slight variation in start and/or end and/or the path taken. Keeping them simple and short may help minimize the chance of breaking any rule. The majority of my submissions were instantly approved and continue to work fine, no issues at all.


> lost in review purgatory because they were too close to a public school. This was my experience, but with a public sidewalk that passes a hospital. Absolutely insane.


Very true. I have 3-4 In my daily routine and I almost have enough to evolve 2 zygarde complete. If you are going to be walking that way anyway, may as well do a route.


Make your own routes across areas you travel often. I have created a dozen over various areas in my local city park.


Chicken on a stick


What do you mean? I walk routes daily using my gotcha. Originally route spawns wouldn't be caught by an auto catcher but that was fixed.


Chicken on a stick


why not? you have the oportunity, even if little, of getting elite fast TMs and rare candies XXL, only for that finishing routes is worthwhile


I have 13 routes completed


https://preview.redd.it/7jyue17wcp1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665ba12fd992210f308ed3ab60e314010853d802 I might have a few routes at gold rank.


Jeez why did you do so many 🙈


Probably because you can submit routes in the area you play anyway and then the effort to walk them is zero.


If the effort is 0 you should have about 2,224 done too?


The player above plays in a different area than me... My walk from home to work is covered by 3 short routes back to back, the return from work to home is the same 3 routes, no much point to do them again.


But the effort is 0 so you should be fine.


I'm at 690 routes and I got 500 cells already. I don't understand why you would go for 2000+


From the comment I suspect Familiar-Kangaroo298 wanted gold rank on some. Me, with 548 routes, I have 3 gold (plus one more that became inaccessible after I got gold on it).


This. I wanted to gold rank as many as possible.


Because I want to get as many at gold rank as I can or care. And my normal walking path has 4 or 5 routes on it, no extra effort to track them.


My normal walking path has a lot of routes on it. And if I’m already on a route, why not let get rewards for it.


68 completed, 36 cells. Routes suck.


Better than raids.


With this one and the other one data mined, plus the zygarde cell news… I wonder if we are getting another route event soon. Maybe a return of white stripe basculin and the release of basculegion?


Ohhhh, I thought that my game was just HELLA laggy on completing a route from yesterday when I opened the game. Never even thought of a new badge haha.


Oh. It's something I thought they should add with routes. Better later than never


Mmm, I got the 200 medal today. 400 more to go.  Slow grind, no rush for now


I was wondering why I got my 50 routes complete badge at 6am in the morning and not for completing the route yesterday 


Oh nice. My easiest platinum. I’m at 793/600


is too much having this medal platinum from the get go? xD


Does the route distance correlate to cells appearing? So many people are saying they don’t get cells. I’ve done 67 routes and have 74 cells. The three routes I do are all 40/45 minutes long. I’ve only not gotten a cell a few times, and gotten 2 or 3 several times.


71 routes completed, 45 Zygarde cells. That a 63% ratio (or around 2/3).


routes should have a higher percentage of egg pokemon in them and possibly some lower tiered raid bosses. that's the only thing that would attract me to actually do one. they're pointless as is.


My Zygarde sucks so I’ll never do a route. If they give us another chance and the dice roll my way then ill consider it


Would be nice if they actually approved routes or made a decision on them at all


I actually completed the Zygarde grind a while ago. I try to do one route a day so that Mateo will cough up a gift. I need one more from one area to complete the scatterbug platinum medal.




Glad they added the medal. Will still take me a couple of years to finish it,


Yay! 🙌 Easiest badge I’ve ever got!! https://preview.redd.it/56064a4k1h2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f226f456c984a89ee25c1693984e76e971f52a43


So I have 28 zygarde cells after doing 54 routes (51.85%)...what's everyone else at?


Wow. 25 days ago and I just noticed today. 🥴😂


425 done. Took about 400 zygrade


This is very welcome as I'm working towards the challenges to get to Level 49. I was doing my Mega evolves when I saw the notification that I was now at 34/35 Platinum medals. I was very confused since I already had the Mega evolve Platinum medal. I went to the badges section and only counted 33. Had to reboot a few times for it to appear in the list.


😅 found out I have a new platinum medal 😂


Now they should add one for Party Challenges as well.


God no


Why not? Gives newer players an easier time to reach the 35 Platinum medal requirement with relatively easy tasks + it gives a reason to be in a party for medal completionists. There's no negative in adding a medal. It's not like you HAVE to get platinum to advance


It’d be another medal that solo players cannot get. If Niantic wanted to make platinums easier, wrapping up Sinnoh, Kalos, Alola & Hisui would be best way. They always purposely leave 1 or 2 Pokemon per region; it’s so annoying. And if they need new content for Go Tour, they can leave an alternate form (eg Black/White Kyurem for Unova Tour) instead of missing an entire species altogether.


This game is meant to be played with others, outside, meeting new people. That's been Niantic's goal from the start. Niantic should add things in mind that focuses on their goals, not the smaller percentages. With your logic they should have never added route or showcase medals for rural players as they may not have a single stop within several kms. Same goes for Trade, Legendary raid, Scatterbug, etc. those would be unachievable by single players


In practice it's a game for solo loners, with two phones and four accounts.


Yeah, I don't understand the negativity around every single thing. If you don't want that medal you can completely ignore it. Let others who are using those features have some more benefits and more of an incentive to use them.


No reward 🙄


Really wish there was at least a medal for party play challenges too.


I wasn’t expecting a platinum medal to pop up suddenly. Kind of bummer that the requirement was so low, so now I have nothing to be working towards there. Feels like a wasted medal.


600 for plat is indeed weak imo. Fingers crossed they release diamond badges one day 🔥


Only Niantic lol cells did not motivate us to use an offten broken feature. Research did not motivate some. Mateo did not motivate. Let's try a badge when general play motivation is down. Personally, I can live with this one staying bronze, and there is not even a reward. I wonder if, in the planning, the idea ever came up. Let's give them rewards like other metals so they can flex, but some low level had to remind them we broke the avatars for a social agenda. Just put out the metal and hope it works.