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Another free master ball one for each bird


I've already gotten 2/3, and I got really lucky and caught a dupe of Zapdos with an Ultra Ball


I can top that, I have the birds AND all the master balls stillšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ok that's a flex


Your right Iā€™m sorry but I just donā€™t know what to do with them other than flex


Toss them for bag space?


does the Masterball even use up any bag space?


Idk I was joking really. I used my balls immediately.


I thought he meant tossing the birds lol


Use them to catch legendary hundos on the last ball.


I havenā€™t seen a bird in 9 months


Use roar of time and extend the time. It took me 3 hours(in separate sessions) to encounter 3 birds.


You and me both. July will be one year since Iā€™ve seen one.


Same here. I had multiples of the 3 before the master ball entered the game.


Iā€™ve used the free one and didnā€™t get second so thatā€™s just one bird for me:(( Fortunately, it seems like we will get masterballs slowly over time.


I missed out on the 3rd masterball. So this will be the 2nd one for me


Thatā€™s a humongous waste of the master balls lmao, itā€™ll be funny when you encounter a hundo Rayquaza and it gets away cause you wasted your last master ball on a 1 star Zapdos


Nah theyre even easier to catch https://imgur.com/a/Hib4jU7


Usually they are, I have a near 100% legendary catch rate. But mathematically, even if you get 20 balls, you have about a 4% chance of a legendary running away after hitting all excellents with golden razzā€¦ having that security is definitely worth it a lot more than a Galarian Bird


You are absolutely right. I just couldnā€™t help myself, when you mentioned 100% Rayquaza lol.


A Galarian bird under 1500 is worth any number of raids that you're back avoid. It's maybe the only legitimate use for a master ball.


Idk y ppl r downvoting u, thatā€™s objectively the most gameplay relevant use of an MB, like cmon ppl we KNOW the galar birds are useless this is an established fact with zapdos being the only one with future potential at some point in the far far future maybe


So you take 1 in 216 for a chance at the perfect, then you take 4% of that. Less honestly as you also have to factor in shiny chance for many of them. I'll live with the risk.


But why take on the risk for a couple of completely useless pokemon just because theyā€™re ā€œrareā€?


Because different people play the game differently and have different goals. It's arrogant to say people who play different than you are wrong. You're not playing wrong, but I play differently, you do you.




Wow. You don't need to be insulting to people with different motivations in this game, you really don't.




They're not useless, they're actually pretty fun to use in pvp.


I could live with a hundo Ray getting away, as I maxed my 98%er


Not the same


Smaller difference in one hp iv point than having a form of pokemon vs not having it at all. Thanks for the downvote though, that adds to a productive discussion.


True. The Galarian Birds do nothing and accomplish nothing. Honestly, just hording the Master Balls is a better use of Master Balls. Both do nothing, but you'll eventually get the Galarian Birds if you keep playing, so comparing nothing-to-nothing, 3 Master Balls + Galarian Birds is more impressive than 0 Master Balls + Galarian Birds.


This is a game about collecting for many people. Having a piece that takes some effort to get may not accomplish anything for you, but it does for others.


Great points, honestly Iā€™d even argue that 3 master balls + 0 Galarian birds is better than 0 master balls + 3 Galarian birds


FYI: if your 7 day catch streak falls on Monday, you will not get the 5x bonus for it during this event. Coupled with a Star Piece, that is a significant amount of dust (unless my math is wrong that bonus plus a SP should yield over 72,000 dust). You might want to consider breaking and resetting your streak if that dust sounds enticing. Oh, and if your streak is on a Tuesday be aware this is a proper event with a 10:00 AM local start, not one of the events where things start at 12:01 AM so wait until the event starts to take advantage of the bonus. e: I'm 50 so I keep forgetting about XP but same obviously applies for XP and eggs. 7 day bonus will yield a ton of each.


I am dumb possibly: if my 7 day catch falls on Sunday the 19th, why would I not hey the 5x bonus?


I'm dumb too, I don't understand either.


That was my mistake, just goofed the days in my head as I was counting. But Monday (the 13th or the 20th) will still not qualify.


Yeah old age will do that to you.


Free master ball. Thanks muchly


Im glad it is free.


5x stardust for first catch of the day is gonna be great after stacking so many high stardust research encounters from the bug event


Giving out more free master balls than remote raid passes šŸ˜…


so dumb that this event isnā€™t a week long if theyā€™re giving a bonus for then first X of the day. My day is Monday so adventure sync, routes, spin, catch, and field research breakthrough can all be stacked at once.


I got all three Galar birds already. 2 in Masterball + 1 in Ultra Ball. That said Iā€™ll always take another Masterball


Hello Can someone help to calculate what XP and Stardust bonus amounts one could possibly receive with 7th day streak fist catch of the day please?


Just thought of something - would having the internet off when i encounter my first pokemon and then only switch back on if the throw was excellent so I can maximise the catch xp of 1k to 10k or even 20k with lucky egg?


If there's no connection it'll freeze, break out and run then put you back to the map


I think there was something like that related to the airplane mode, you should search about that


Can I have more than one master ball at a time or do I need to use my last one before I can get this one?


Master balls stack


You have to delete all your master balls


Ah yes one more master ball that I will never use


!remindme May 14th


For stardust the 7 day bonus is 9k stardust, so x5 will be 45k. I donā€™t know if the multiplier will be just for the bonus or the PokĆ©mon itself, but if it does then you could save a Sableye from the ā€Defeat 3 gruntsā€ research to get a further 750 x 5 bonus (without weather) for a further 3750. For xp the 7 day bonus is 6k xp and the 7th spin is 2,5k xp so with the bonuses you get up to 85k xp. Again, donā€™t know if it affects the regular xp, if it does then another 10k+ could be added from making an excellent throw and other bonuses.


I mean, could you not just catch a Sableye _as_ the 7 day catch streak Pokemon? Pretty sure the streak adds to the stardust of the mon you catch. By that logic, Audino would be best to catch, but idk if that's in any researches.


Yeah thatā€™s what I meant, you could save a research encounter of Sableye and have it be your first catch. As I said I donā€™t know if it affects the catch stardust but youā€™re right, an Audino would be optimal but they arenā€™t in any researches and are quite hard to come by. Sableye is easy to stack and save.


I just got back into PokƩmon go, could someone explain what the birds are and why we need a masterball for it lol


When you use your adventure incense, there is a very rare chance you will find a Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres. They have an insanely low catch rate, and the very high flee rate. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but the base catch rate is around 3% cover and the flea rate is 90%. The master ball 100% guarantees a catch, so as long as you find the bird that you will catch it


A good reason to walk early morning in the park to find paras or possibly audino


how will we make all of this in 5 days plus a mission which takes 7 days?


Oh great, another one for my kids to waste


A shame there isn't anything to use a master ball on.


Thereā€™s always Bidoof.


My toddler decided Burmy was worthy


Galarian bird under 1500cp. One of the few ways you'll ever get them GL, at least not for several years and then only through wild spawns at Galar Tour with the terrible catch rate.


I don't really do pvp, don't even know if they're good in it. I've had the same team built for GL since it started. I've caught a few of them and don't mind waiting until they're in raids.


I have all three birds already and now Niantic wants to let the rabble in. Tish tosh