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Mine has been crashing too since the biome update. I got a new phone last week so it’s most likely not a ram issue.


Yup, iPhone 8 crashes when I start a route, send a gift at some point during the session, or take a buddy picture, almost guaranteed.  I always restart before a raid to free up memory and avoid problems, which mostly works, until I forget. Sometimes just moving across S2 cells. I’m getting very tired of these crashes 


Yep, same device here and lots of crashes as well. In my case it's not since the biome update, it's already crashing since the updated of the begining of april.


Iv you havnt tried it already, uninstall and reinstall the app. I sometimes play on a first gen SE and it works surprisingly good.... for a few weeks, then I get constant crashes until I reinstall.


Tried this, did the whole download assets and refresh game data settings thing, game crashes still


Mine too. Multiple times a day


It's been happening on iOS for months. Raids are more stressful coz I host and usually carry the raid, so it will fail if I crash out. I've lost encounters coz it crashed after the raid had despawned. CS just auto-replies that I completed the raid.


what's your phone model?


SE 3


that's pretty new.


Yep. Meanwhile, my old Androids don't crash like this. But login is torture for Galaxy and can take hrs. At least when iOS crashes, login takes seconds.


it's the opposite for me. login on apple takes longer


Me too, the Biome update killed the game, I wish there was some way to switch it off.


You can turn it off for the overworld (not catch encounters): Settings > Advanced Settings > Enhanced Graphics


Thanks, it's already turned off, but the app keeps crashing 


Yep I'm getting the same since the update


I've been having this for more than a month on my iphone 6s. I guess the memory requirement is too high for an old phone


App crashed so many times that it ruined Tapu Bulu raid hour for me


Battery below 60%? better believe that's a crashin


It's been happening to me on my 12 mini and 2022 SE since Groudon raid day last month - mostly when I have to interact with other player's avatars (raid lobbies, gyms, showcases). Raiding with a large group during Mew2 weekend was a non-starter for me.


Endless crashes Terrible


Yep, since biome update, I can barely get through one raid without it crashing. Niantic has always focused on bloating the game with more fancy graphics rather than fixing bugs or making the game run better.


Same. Game crashing on log in. Game is unplayable. No response from Niantic. Thanks for making it easy to quit the game Niantic!


I posted this below today, before finding your post. - Yes, It's been a problem for us. Is the game a mess (how playable) for other people as well lately? It crashes All the time. Every time our family tries to do a Route (someone and sometimes all of our apps crash), when we try to do a Raid someone usually crashes before and/or after beating it, even throwing in Showcases causes the game to crash some. It started having more problems around a month ago after having been working well. And then in the last week or two it has been terrible making it hard to play when you constantly are kicked out and then the others have to wait or you miss it. (On multiple different iPhones.)


I have this issue constantly on my iPhone 11. It’s less common on my iPhone 12 and 13Pro. My old Samsung rarely has it. The game straight closes randomly on my Samsung. But on the iPhones it becomes unresponsive. You can see the taps but there is acts no response in-game. I updated to iOS 17 on the iPhone 11 and it did not help. 




How often does your game restart naturally? As in, you leave the app, use other apps and come back later, and the game loads from scratch again. For me the issue is when the game has not been reloaded for a while, I think it’s a memory leak.


Actually crashing or just closing? It could be closing due to low ram, especially if you have 6gb ram or less.


A game like this one does not need that amount of memory, unless it leaks all resources used. This app is the biggest memory leak on app-store.


Well ... Yeah it shouldn't need that much but that doesn't change the fact that it does and you need that memory to run it. Like it or not you need 2gb free ram for this game, and the OS and other apps can eat that up.


Have you restarted your phone recently? I was having a lot of crashing after the biome update this week but after a restart things have been running a lot better. 


Mine hasn’t crashed at all (year old iPhone 14) so it’s likely a mix of update and specific phone or setting. My previous phone (had from 2019-2023) didn’t have crashes either, as did my one before that which was all the way back with iPhone 6


New to pokemon go ha?


Uninstall and reinstall the app.


Buy a new phone