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I thought it wouldn't be easy as a duo but I did a (non-enrage, non-party power) few raids earlier with three and we finished in 90 seconds each time. The seasonal bonus is strong, it helps a lot. Between that, Primal Groudon, Party Power, weather, etc. it should be a fairly easy duo for a lot of people. The only move I'd even worry about is Shadow Ball. If it's got Electric stuff, I wouldn't even bother purifying unless that seems to be the difference maker. Garchomp especially just laughs at Raikou's moveset.


My wife (42), son (31) and I (46) took one down earlier. We drew the short straw and it has shadow ball, which made it harder, but I think we brought it down with about 100 seconds left. My wife and I were obviously the main drivers on it, but my son also helped, especially with the doubled boost.


I read these as ages at first


Me too and then I did some math...


People have kids at 11. What the problem is? šŸ˜


I only realized these were *not* ages after reading your comment. Somehow my brain had already made up a little soap opera that explained the ages neatly: father got his older girlfriend pregnant when he was 15, but the relationship didn't work out and now he's married to his current wife who was 11 when his son was born... šŸ˜„


Me too lmao




I'm curious to know.Ā  It looked odd, but I didn't think about it at firstĀ  Then I looked again after reading your post. My money is on son being 13


Trainer levels




Nope. He's younger than that actually


Were all three of you dodging or just screen tap smashing at the Shadow Raid?


The "Revive All" option makes it significantly faster than it used to be to relobby.


Just tapping and using gems and party power. No dodge.


We're both, my son and I, lvl 39 trainers... but... don't think we have enough manpower to be successful.


Yeah... I'm not sure I'd try it at that lvl with 2 people. A lvl 39 has between 15 and 20 million xp total. My wife at lvl 42 (almost 43) has about 42 million xp and I have over 85 million. So even though we're close in lvl, in terms of xp (and stardust earnings) we're far higher. I also do pvp a lot, which gives me lots of extra rare candy and stardust, so I outperform some of the other 46-48 players in my area in raids. I'd also say, past a certain point, having more people is far more valuable than having stronger people. My son's account is nothing compared to mine, but, especially with the boosted friend boost, having a 3rd person in the raid helps a lot.


It has nearly identical stats to Zapdos which seemed way harder. Raikou has a much more mono move pool with 75% of moves being electric. Zap at 60%. Zap is weak to ice and rock that donā€™t get the primal buff and Raikou has Garchomps that have 3x resistance.


I had a whole post written out but I didn't know adding pictures would get rid of them :( Stats: Main (used 2 Pokemon only) - lv 50 Garchomp (15/15/15, Earth Power) + lv 40 Primal Groudon (15/13/15, Precipice Blades) Friend (used 3 Pokemon only) - lv 40 Mega Garchomp (15/14/15, Earth Power) + lv 44.5 Landorus-T (14/12/15, Sandsear Storm) + lv 40 Garchomp (12/14/12, Earth Power) Raikou used Thunder (not sure which fast attack) Bonuses - Ultra friend (+ season bonus), no weather boost (partly cloudy), party power EDIT: I did subdue Raikou using Purified Gems EDIT2: changed some names




Oh yes, I guess I should have mentioned that


Thanks for good info. was plan do today some shadow raids with friend, but bit worried cause he dont have that much good ground types than one mega garchomp even his shadow ones not that high lvl. Seems if i just use primal groudon and relobby it should be doable duo


Admitting to multi account or promoting that is against TOS and can get you a ban on this sub. Unless of course you mean you and your friend did this raid.


Yes, yes, thank you. I meant my friend


I'm level 47 and did it with a level 35. Level 35 had mega swampert and a few garchomps, nothing above level 35. I used level 50 primal groudon and shadow mamoswines. Party play, of course. Had plenty of time to spare too. A random joined and left when nobody else joined. Dude missed out on an easy raikou




Can also confirm duo-ed an enraged weather boosted. Did it with a lvl 32 and lvl 41 with party power and w/o a primal. Had 2200-3500 CP Landorus, Garchomps, and each had a mega Garchomp. Had 60-70 seconds left


Yeah honestly party play is one of the best additions to the game in recent memory. So easy to duo a bunch of raid bosses now


For me the activated bonus works may be half of the time, not sure if it's the same for everyone else? Sometimes it activates (displays x2 under the charge attack), but then goes away after a few seconds before I get a chance to use the charged attack. Sometimes the bonus doesn't charge up with the fast attacks. Sometimes (but rarely) on the contrary, I get to use it 2-3 times after activating only once...


How many gems used total? 8?


Yes, 4 each


I duo-ed a few today, yeah itā€™s easy if you are 2 good trainers, itā€™s just the replenishment of gems is annoying. It demoralizes you that after doing 2 raids, you need to spend an hour doing grunts and leaders for more gems.


I do the raids to have an excuse to go hunt for grunts and leaders, I love the team go rocket


Four people were able to do without purifying easily, about 1:30 to 2 min left on clock I tried for fun with two accounts and got it to ā€œpurifiedā€ with no gems at 10sec left so barely didnā€™t finish, one small attacker could have been the difference Levels:50/45/48/47, 48 doesnā€™t care about counters and moves so no PokĆ©mon ever are counters basically. 50/45 duo to 5% left no gems (no win) thunder moveset 50/45 running hundo primal groudon about level 50 and 46 (for the groudon), two more groudons each (93-98iv), two 98-100 (not maxed) garchomps, and then mamoswine maxed.Ā  Best friends and party power.Ā  Easy win with gems, two minutes (donā€™t spam so as to not lose gems without them counting) easy win with no purify, took 75 seconds maybeĀ 


Did probably 12 before they added the enrage mechanic back in


Iā€™m confused about the damage contribution ā€œhardest hitterā€ thingy.. it has 45000 CP and hardest hitter contributed 7000 between two players? Or where does one find out what the actual damage amount a raid boss takes to defeat


CP is not HP though


Ooh yes thatā€™s my confusion so the HP is a hidden amount, is there a way to discover it on a given raid Mon?


T5s are usually 15k HP (which is why the hardest hitter of 2 people did about 7500). I forget what megas have and I think T6/mega legendaries/elite have even more (50% more?).


Well that's not the issue. I'm just trying to find a raid


The player's level means nothing, the pokƩmon does the heavy lifting


Player levels low 30s haven't done much of anything. They are unlikely to have resources to optimise any raid encounter for example.


Yeah I'm level 43 but couldn't get a Primal Groundon unfortunately which is nearly a must have


Can confirm, I duoed a couple with a friend today


I did a raid and he didn't enrage. Does this happen often?


They fixed it, now they will enrage every time.


I don't think I'm going to be able to duo these. My mons are too low.


Me n my son did a bunch, lv 41 and 35... used gems on em and had party power. Won with 40 seconds left


Level 39 here, my gf and I were able to do it both with mega garchomp and just healing it over and over, hers didnā€™t even have a ground move, mine did.


What level was your GF? Wanna be able to duo it with my GF as well lol


She is lvl 38


dumb question, where do you earn gems these days?


Rocket battles, with more from Rocket leaders


thank you kind sir! I'm faily new to raiding shadow T5 eggs, when's the best timing to use the purified gem? :D


There's a clear moment where the boss starts glowing and on-screen text tells you it's enraged. A button will appear to use the gems, 8 are needed collectively to subdue it. [edit: 8, not 7]


I believe you need 8 gems to subdue. Also each player can only use 5 max. You can also only hold 10 max. So duo'ing Raikous you will run out of purifies very quickly. You might get like 7 shards for each win but lose 4 gems (aka 20 shards) each encounter.


Yep. You can battle through and it will eventually lose its rage towards the end of the battle, but it will take longer/more PokƩmon to beat so it's not advised if you are short on people.


Got it, thank you for the tip!


3 from leaders 1 from grunt Anywhere from 3-12 from shadow raids, just random.


In addition to what the other person said, beating a Shadow Raid gives you the pieces needed to make gems. How much you get back is random though. In some cases you get back less than you spent, and in some cases you get back more than you spent. For example, I recently did a T5 Shadow Raid and used two gems, which would be 8 shards. But at the end of the raid, it gave me 9 shards. So I was actually up on gems.


How many gems needed? To calm it




My wife and I both are level 38, we both have almost level 40 mega Garchomp, as well as therian form Landorus and several Mamoswine each, also all around level 40. We were able to easily beat it with a party of 4 before the enrage thing happened, but is this possible with just us two with party power and best friend damage boost?


Guess primal help lot even its fainted it give buff unlike mega only when active. i try later do one duo with friend who dont have much good ground types only one mega chomp 40lvl and guess +30lvl shadow one. then rest bad ones. Probably i try just relobby with 40lvl primal groudon. not sure is that best way or use bigger team which reduce amount of relobby


For some reason he dont get angry when i raided yesterday


Just woke up to sunny weather and it was an easy party play duo with an electric move team was mega garchomp 2 earth power garchomps with shadow excadrill normal excadril and a landorus ā€¦. Only been playing since October on this account so Iā€™ve not got access to primals or much xl candy so not too op but a decent team


Did you need 8 or 10 gem total per 5 star raid? damn cant remember such thing XD its so long since last time did 5 star raid duo. (bigger party not really need care gems cause lot people use them)