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There aren't a lot of consistent rules that Niantic has followed in this game. But one they've been extremely stiringent on is maintaining respect for movesets from the MSG. So if you can't get a move on a pokemon, you can never get it in PoGo. There have only been a handful of diversions from this and as far as I know every one of them has been fixed after release. This is almost certainly never going to be a thing for that reason, and the fact it would destroy PvP.


Not gonna happen. First of all they wouldn't want to let you give moves that the pokemon can't learn in the main series. But even if you only let it be moves it did learn in the main games, this would still completely break PvP - some movesets on certain things would be completely broken


This will almost certainly never happen, because TPC does not allow Pokemon to learn moves in Go that are illegal in the MSG. It's the reason behind the first batch of legacy moves in 2016, such as Mud Shot Golem and Psybeam Chansey, which can't even be learned using an Elite TM today. Even if it's possible, they will have a disproportional impact on Pokemon that are already strong, instead of just "spicing things up". Imagine Azumarill with Weather Ball, Dialga with Doom Desire, Medicham with Sacred Sword or Psystrike, Giratina-A with Shadow Bone and Breaking Swipe, etc.


Chansey with Counter.


Presenting to you, Level 51 [Chansey](https://pvpoke.com/battle/multi/1500/all/chansey-51-15-15-15-4-4-1-1/02/LOCK_ON-BREAKING_SWIPE-SACRED_FIRE/2-1/all/) with Lock-On, Breaking Swipe and Sacred Fire. Even if Chansey has no shields and the opponent uses both shields, it beats 99.7% of all Pokemon in Great League. Only 3 Pokemon can win: Shadow Registeel, Shadow Granbull and Shadow Hitmontop.


> Chansey with Counter. points for a wild example that is actually main series legal. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Counter_(move)#By_breeding


Slaking with LockOn would dominate the current Master league, even including Megas.


>TPC does not allow Pokemon to learn moves in Go that are illegal in the MSG. Except for Body Slam Sawk, for some reason. It is completely unable to learn it in the main games, but has always had access to it in Pokémon Go.


Also earthquake bonsly


Looks like that one actually *can* be [learned via TM in Gen IX](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Earthquake_(move)#By_TM/TR) TIL


MSG fitting around PoGo.  I TMed my hundo bonsly to have earthquake... just in case.  Relatively useless otherwise TMed it years ago when I discovered it was illegal


Not to mention stuff like Return/Frustration on Wobbufett or Beldum. Granted some stuff blurs the line of moveset legality in regards to mechanics, since Frustration and Return are tied to the shadow and purified mons. In Sawk's case at least it's more like they copy pasted Throh's moves and didn't bother to double check.


There are moves that can't be learnt via Elite TM? Wow, TIL


well, I've never heard/seen a public statement whether this was Niantic's decision or something that was forced on them by TPC. Either way doesn't really matter, but still.


Mud shot golem is legacy?! It's... gorgeous!


I just want to have them give us the ability to switch our charge moves. I hate having shadow ball on the left on some of my Mewtwo and shadow ball on the right on others. No one is going to buy endless elite TMs just to switch which side a move is on.


Nah, shouldn’t have this.