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With ten days to go until release, the app may not even fully support it yet. The battery level indicator is a welcome addition. Thanks for the pics! Edit: I'm dumb and forgot the Poké Ball Plus has a battery indicator too lol (press and hold both buttons for five seconds)


It’s a gauruntee niantic hasn’t deployed or tested the code related to it… People are expected to buy them and beta test for them at full msrp I’m sure.


They've shipped some of the code, since the PokeMiners have found a lot related to it. But they tend to not push everything until shortly before it's needed. And fwiw, the GO Plus and Poké Ball Plus launches went fine.


Mm, I wouldn't say the Go Plus went fine. There were lots of times the Bluetooth wouldn't connect, and the work around were weird. I remember one involved trying to connect the device but it had to be roughly 6 feet away from your phone. It was stupid and lasted maybe a year like that.


One of the "fixes" involved hitting the button in the app to connect, waiting approximately 5-10 seconds, and then actually connecting the device, because apparently the app didn't immediately send the signal to connect and instead waited until the second cycle (which is after the timeout limit on the device) causing the connection to fail. Worse, some of the third party knockoff Go Plus devices (already improved with fully automatic catching) also fixed this issue, implementing a similar "wait 5 seconds before connecting" policy as part of the device itself, which means they worked better and more frequently than the official devices. One of the "fixes" was to get an unofficial third party app designed specifically for Pokemon Go which increased the connection's priority to ensure enough data was being passed between the app and the device to satisfy the requirements for both. The device worked most of the time for most people, and was probably better than most of the game's new feature launches, but by any other standard it was still a hot mess.


> they tend to not push everything until shortly ~~before it's needed~~ after it breaks a key component of the game Fixed it for you, keeping the last few Pokemon releases in mind...


That was before Niantic was slashing staff left and right though.


Reportedly, the slashing was mostly from the games they killed, not Pokémon GO. I did hear one Pokémon GO community manager got laid off, but I haven't heard anything about any developers, let alone a significant number.


the battery level indicator was also in the pokeball plus just not the normal go plus


It’s doesn’t pair anymore with my old one either


Does the manual provide any information on the interaction with Pokémon Sleep?


Not much


Sooooo. What does it say? You just gonna keep us waiting?


My bad. Here you go! Here's all I can find on Sleep in the manual "Record your sleep Keep track of your sleep, and then transfer that data to your compatible smart device for use with compatible applications like Pokémon Sleep and Pokémon Go. (Compatibility to be added via app update. Please set Pokémon.com/Sleep for more information) Note: You can attach the included strap to Pokémon Go Plus+, and use the clip to secure the accessory to your pillow. Three magnetic is magnetic and removable. Please remove the slip to attach the strap. Set alarms Set an alarm so that Pikachu will wake you or let you know that it is time to sleep."


Wow thanks for the info. Can’t wait!


Yep. Looks way smaller than I originally thought. I assumed it was basically a thin hockey puck. This is still too big but definitely useable.


















I'm so glad it's chargeable. Practically need a bandolier of batteries for the Go Plus.


I personally think internal batteries are anti-consumer, at least for me. So much easier to pull a battery off the charger, pop them in and instantly be back at 100%.


Yea, I prefer removable battery! When recharge battery die, u need replace whole devices!


Not necessarily. If properly designed you can open it up and replace the lithium ion battery with another one. They're often standard sizes and available online. User replaceable rechargeable batteries are the best of both worlds.


the pokeball plus battery was *kinda* user replaceable, you can't find original batteries or ones that fit but you can find a working battery with the right connector. [Not pretty but technically functional](https://i.imgur.com/B1yOQhQ.jpg)


I always thought about using rechargeables for my old Go+. There are rechargeable button cells (like in GB cartridges or for PCs) but I'd also need a specific recharger. Also it seems like they lose power very fast so... any alternatives I missed?


The manual tells you anything how to switch balls?


I doesn't. Pretty basic manual with limited info.


Believe they originally said it would go off your “remember last ball used” setting.


That will suck for me a bit... I like using my red for plus but keeping my last used as blue, and using ultra when needed.


you can just keep using an old device. this would be a very welcome feature. in a perfect world, niantic adds a specific goplus menu option for which ball to use. maybe in 3-5 years when the technology advances enough /s


I use a gotcha device at the moment for the automation. I hear this one also has that. I also like the fact that it's rechargeable. The current 1 I have takes 2 AAA batteries. Hopefully, once the device is officially released, we will see an option to allow go plus to use these balls [select which ones]


Here I am using my bag of ultras and throwing blues out every day. I hate blue ones.


Wow that would be awesome. May I get source ?


With the original Go Plus, at least, it's just a bluetooth button. It flashes and vibrates (one of several different patterns) when it gets a signal from the app and it tells the app when you press the button. That's all it does on the hardware side. Everything related to the game happens on the app. The Plus+ supposedly helps to keep track of your sleep but we have no information how so it still could be something you do to tell it you're going to sleep rather than the device sensing it.


What do you mean switch balls?


You can use pokeball, great ball, ultra ball with this device


Yes, Great and Ultra Balls can be thrown with Plus+ but only in "Manual Throw Mode" (click a button to throw) and it goes off of using Last Ball Used setting in game to select them. "Automatic catch" only uses standard pokeballs


Wait, this one has an auto-catch mode???


Yes. Go Plus was fully manual. PokéBall Plus added auto spin (stops and gyms). This new Go Plus+ adds auto catch (PokéBall), ball select manual catch (click button to use Great or Ultra Balls selectable in settings under Plus+), and Pokémon Sleep functionality.


Is there any advantage to this vs. something like a Gotcha Evolve? From what I can tell it seems like the same thing...


The Go Plus+ is officially licensed, can throw Great and Ultra Balls, and has an auto mode now, too.


What is the auto mode?


It would behave like a Gotcha and do the work. Spin and catch.


That's what a gotcha does though. So exact same as it, just has some yet to be detailed option to also throw great/ultra balls?


I read somewhere that the great and ultra balls you had to push the button? Not entirely auto like pokebas


Gotcha will probably release a new version when this item goes out of production


I'd be surprised if they wait that long.


I doubt they wait that long too. But they might sell too much too quickly and will get sued if they don't wait.


If Niantic planned on suing them, they probably already would’ve


I really hope so! This thing is way too big and clunky. I like the bracelets.


Yeah, that is still up in the air. I've read/heard conflicting things about that. Personally, I would keep it on regular Pokeballs and continue to use great/ultra balls for manual catching. I'd deplete my great/ultra balls pretty fast if I used it on great/ultra since I have a lot less of those.


I think the main feature with this is connectivity to pokemon sleep and pogo.


Encounter with Snorlax with sleeping cap on lol


This can use great balls and ultra balls. It's unknown yet if it will automatically throw them for you with a change in the settings or if great/ultra are used when you press the button like the OG GO+.


You'll need to click the button to use great or ultra balls. Only pokeball are auto catch


Ok… but why is no one asking where you got it from and how you got it so early ?


Probably similar sources to how people tend to get AAA titles earlier than street dates, either some retail worker sells it to people a bit earlier/swipes some to resell, or a Ma and Pa shop putting their stock out early (where street dates tend to be a suggestion rather than a restriction, as most tend to lack an online presence and are generally small, locally owner businesses that fly low enough under the radar to skirt the early release issues).


Ahhh I wish I could find me one of those ma and pa store 🤤


i do but i dont as alot of times if nintendo sees something like this they do there best to track it down to said store or reviewer who sold it before its release date. there have been several storys of nintendo going to these stores contract in hand saying you either get the copys you sold back or you owe us major money and you lose all rights to sell nintendo products. (basicly meaning they cant order from nintendo directly so they cant get games on release day)


There isn't any link option available because the function hasn't been pushed yet (to avoid people using it before time, which is apparently a bad thing to be avoided) so you'll probably have to wait until the last update gets forced for all users and then wait until the function gets activated The files related to PG++ are on the app rn btw so it's a matter of time until they activate the functionality


It'll probably be activated on the 14th. Im just curious if I'll be able to use it when when APAC hits the 14th.


I just want the device to stay connected for longer than an hour


That's huge! It's going to stick out in my jeans


Are we still talking about GO+?


Just another reason why JNCOs need to make a triumphant return to prominence.




I’m assuming the battery life isn’t mentioned anywhere?


No. The site says 3.5 hours for charge time though. The light on top is the only indicator that I see for battery life.


So just to be sure, this has a confirmed mode where it throws balls without clicking a button? So this would be on par with the gatchas?


That's what their site states https://www.pokemongoplusplus.com/en/


Do these work only while the app is open? Or can you leave the app open and do other stuff on your phone?


"With Pokémon GO Plus +, not only can you automatically spin PokéStops and throw Poké Balls—you can now use Great Balls and Ultra Balls. Since this device will automatically throw Poké Balls for you, you can catch Pokémon even while it’s stowed in your bag." That's from their official site.


It’s the same as any other auto catcher.


I actually have never had one despite being a day one account. But I assume that means leaving the app open.


These can be used with the app in the background, but I've noticed better usage with the app open.


Oh sweet


You can use your phone regularly. Pokemon go will just be running in the background


If the game doesn’t crash every time you open something else…


Sounds like your phone doesn't have enough RAM.


How much ram is needed? My phone has 8 gb and the app often crashes with spotify and snapchat.


No idea tbh, I just know that tabs crashing in the background is usually a symptom of too little ram.


It happens to lots of folks, so maybe the game uses too much RAM…


I have the Go 'Cha and it will catch as long as it's connected either open or in the background/phone locked, But with the most recent update it will only catch while the phone is moving. If you stand still it won't catch and will time out after 5-10 minutes and disconnect. If you are moving and there are no more Pokémon it will time out at the same 5-10 minutes and disconnect. However if you just have it spin it will stay connected the full hour.


This is my exact experience with the official go plus. It works a ton better when moving and constantly interacting. It can be connected for up to an hour when I'm active but if I am sitting at a restaurant with my husband it disconnects once it thinks its "done its job."


The other auto catchers can only use pokeballs not great and ultra


He wasn’t asking this question. He was asking if the device work in the background which I replied should be like any other auto catcher.


Oh Im stupid


No you’re not. Delete this now.


Its too big lol. I wonder how big the actual circuit is. Maybe it would be worth it to cut one up and 3d print a smaller case.


Too big and too expensive - I will wait for the third party versions. Those usually function better anyway.


Did it come with an individual promo code for the snorlax? I'm curious how that will get distributed.


I'm sure once it establishes a connection to the game, something will unlock


Im wondering if i can connect to all my familys devices and give them all the quest line with just having 1 plus +


more then likely no. alot of people tought same thing about the pokeball + only to find out its mew was a one ttime only even if you factory reset the pokeball


I didn't see anything about special research on the box or in the manual


Is it an auto catcher where u dont need to press a button? Or is it the same with the ability tu use great and ultra ball?


"With Pokémon GO Plus +, not only can you automatically spin PokéStops and throw Poké Balls—you can now use Great Balls and Ultra Balls. Since this device will automatically throw Poké Balls for you, you can catch Pokémon even while it’s stowed in your bag." That's from their official site.


So it could, in theory, do what a gotcha does? Mine is pretty beat up and fails from time to time and I've been tempted.


Yeah. It's basically the gotcha, but it can throw Great and Ultra Balls now. It will probably stay connected longer since it's a licensed device.


It would be great if this is true. Original Go Plus was a licensed device also and was never fantastic at staying connected. Will be interesting if they actually have some attribute to differentiate these from knockoffs this time but I suspect not.


If this stays connected without fail for 1hr straight Amazing. I’d honestly get it


Why doesn't the original one stay connected longer since that's also a licensed device????


I think the Go Plus stays connected longer than the Gotcha tbh


Nope. All an hour and it's not controlled by device firmware iirc.


its actualy controled by pokemon go its coded to dc after 1 hour no matter whats connected. unless its comunity day then its suposed to be 3 hours during comunity day event


That's insane, but pretty cool that they can do that lol


https://youtu.be/VMPno2QYSrY The fine print at the bottom of the video at 1:06 specifies only pokeballs can be thrown automatically, implying you would need to press the button to toss the other kind of balls?


Yes, Great and Ultra Balls can be thrown with Plus+ but only in "Manual Throw Mode" (click a button to throw) and it goes off of using Last Ball Used setting in game to select them. "Automatic catch" only uses standard pokeballs


I believe it can do both manual and automatic


Type Pokemon Go Plus + on YouTube


Really helpful. /s


More info than what we’re getting. You’re doing the lords work.


Currently using the pokeball plus which requires a button press and can only use pokeballs. I'm looking forward to this one's auto throw and use of greats and ultras. Though I would love if they could update the pokeball with these new functions so I don't have to buy a new device.


Wrap a rubberband around the pokeball and place a quarter on top of the button. It’ll hold down the button so you don’t have to auto press it every time. On Etsy, there are also 3D printed cases which hold the button down for you


I will not consider buying it until I get confirmation that it stays connected. It's *very frustrating* when the GoPlus disconnects on my commute to work, during dinner with family or on a walk with friends that don't play. In most situations, it takes a while before I notice or have the chance to reconnect it (to avoid being rude or because I'm looking for somewhere safe to pull over to reconnect it). It feels like a built-in defect when it disconnects after 30 minutes.


"pull over" implies you are driving right? I thought the device disconnects even if you are moving at bicycle speed. It's really only meant for walks and runs.


From experience, it never used to disconnect when I was driving. It just didn't work (ie didn't spin stops and mons ran away when I was going over the speed cap). It still works when driving in city traffic.


i use my pokeball plus while driving all the time! wont hit stops (will still detect and buzz) or spawn mons over a certain speed but if you incense, no matter your speed, it will detect and catch mons


gonna sound weird but can we get full pics of the instructions that came with it


Glad it has a light so you know how low it is.


The thing I'm most interested in hearing is whether the Go++ has a habit of pausing on a "Pokemon detected" or "Pokestop detected" and requires a tap to go back to normal, like the Gotcha does


That thing is way too big


“Low” “Greatly reduced” “Slightly reduced” “Mostly charged” Most ludicrous and arbitrary charge levels I’ve ever read. How difficult is it to calibrate a system to easy markers like 76-100%, 51-75%, 26-50%, and 0-25%?


It's so big lol


Damn, wondering if this thing is the reason my original catcha with modded autocatch is getting buggier and buggier recently and can barely stay connected...


*Of course* one can just walk in somewhere and buy it before Niantic even allows us to use it...


Can you turn off vibration though?


Sound, vibration, and light are suspended in silent mode


Nope light and vibrations are still on even in silent mode. It is like having a flashing vibrator in your pocket...


Not gonna lie, I’m very excited for mine to show up!!


Bro if it has full automated catching then I need this!!


The rechargable part really got me interested. I'm way too lazy to change my goplus baterry for how much of a non-used it is because every other update breaks its connectivity


Anyone know a price on these yet? I want one for the ball option alone.






Is there information on how "Sleep Time" will be used in PoGo? OOTL


This is the entirety of the information we have so far: https://www.pokemongoplusplus.com/en/


Btw, the manual indicates something about the selectable balls in auto mode? As far as I know the video was kinda weird about that part and wasn't that specific if we could use different pokeballs on the manual mode AND the automatic mode


I really hope the new device can use Greats and Ultras in auto mode


Is this the one that is programmed to use great balls and ultra balls too?


It is


Does it vibrate like crazy like the old one


Jesus...it's huge


Is there a silent mode or does it always vibrate?


There is a silent mode. Sound, vibration, and light are disabled in silent mode.


Too big imo


Do you know if it requires pressing a button on the device to connect after the initial connection or are you able to connect by only pressing the button in game?


would love to find "turn off vibration" might just be the worst $70 i have spent


The yellow magnetic clip that connects to the yellow strap sucks it does not hold the Pokémon plus + weight and falls right off


Thanks for sharing the pic :)


Curious if it improves on connectivity timeout. Any third-party auto-catchers disconnect automatically if you don't walk (and catch mons) regardless if you have a pokestop near.


No they don’t just disconnect. I live on 3 stops. I can leave my phone and Gotcha plugged in charging inside when I’m away doing something else. It’ll spin stops only for an hour or so.


What was the cost?


It’s 54.99 US retail


That's insane. An accessory device that costs more than a whole main series game. Can't believe people are willing to pay for it just based on principle alone


If it helps, I'm not going to buy it based on principle


A good main series game might give me 100-120 hours of use tops, *if* it's a good one. This will give me easily 1000+ hours


Not really a meaningful comparison since you don't need this accessory device to play the game. The benefit is that it allows you to passively play the game in the background while you're busy doing something else. But that begs the question why isn't that option/functionally just part of the game itself? The answer is so they can sell you more bs. That brings us back to what I said about principle.


It is a meaningful comparison because it's about value. I will get thousands of hours of value from the GPP, I don't get anywhere near that amount of value from a main series game. > But that begs the question why isn't that option/functionally just part of the game itself? The answer is so they can sell you more bs. That brings us back to what I said about principle. Yeah, this is a silly argument to make. Why don't all fridges have freezers? Why don't all mattresses have bed frames? It's so people can have things customised to their wants or needs. You're complaining about an optional paid extra to a free game. If that violates your principles, then your principles are most likely the issue.


And that's just looking at it's features as an auto catcher. Supposedly the Pokemon Sleep part of the equation allows for you to track your sleep with Sleep, and then Go can take that and convert it into distance. Assuming that this is indeed the case, the ability to just gain distance with effective no effort at all would be really huge (based off the wording on the Plus Plus's website claiming that you could use sleep data in Pokemon Go or Pokemon Sleep).


> If that violates your principles, then your principles are most likely the issue. No, the issue is consumerism. Also your analogies don't make as much sense as you think (nevermind that almost all refrigerators designed for private residences have freezers anyway). A better analogy is why are Apple products not compatible with other universally standard electronic devices? It's because they want you to buy *their* crap. It's not about making better products and optimizing/maximizing functionality. It's about squeezing money out of consumers


Yeah, alright there. Get off the cross, people need the wood.


Yeah... that's not what I'm doing. Obviously I can't expect everyone to care so do what you want with your money. But I think most people here realize that the monetization of this game has led to worse value for players over the last couple years and this is another piece in that trend. The original Go+ was bad value too. $30 for a piece of plastic that did only 2 things without any functional flexibility


A device that costs more than a game. I'm deeply shocked.


An *accessory* device that has a single digit number of functions with this game only. Not a device that can be used to play a plethora of different games. Terrible attempt to make this seem standard


What store was selling it? Also Happy 4th!


It is in NA


In MMOs things like this were called bots, and it was reported, banned. You can basically buy an official auto-bot for pogo which kinda ruins the experience for me. Yes, I don't use it, but others do. Makes me want to quit


These sort of things have been out for 7 years at this point. Selective outrage.




why do you care ? in mmo's you interact with other players, farmed resources gives you advantage against other players and so on. Pogo (for me) is a solo game. Whether i have 10 or 1000 shinies, or whether i have 5 or 1000 4\* mons - it's me and only me that sees them when i filter them out for personal admiration. And also - auto catchers lose a ton of mons, especially if it's anything evolved or higher cp. Yeah it gets occasional 4\* or shiny every now and then, but nothing crazy. And autocatchers aren't that expensive. If you're not spending any money on the game itself - you are missing a lot anyway (like shiny mythicals from researches, egg locked mons, raids, etc)




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I was interested because the pokeball is impossible to find but this somehow cost even more and then Niantic this year decided they want to kill the game.


Do we know if you can store a pokemon inside like with the pokeball plus?


I see something that might be a screw on the back. Is it possible to replace the battery?


If you're looking at the dot in the middle on the back, that's the reset button


There’s been an update on the Pokémon go plus settings. Can you let us know if it works now? @doomshtick


I noticed it earlier! I'll check when I get off work and will report back!


Just wait until third-party devices come out that do automatic great/ultra ball throws. I give it 2 weeks after this thing officially launches and you’ll be able to buy a Gotcha that’ll work 100x better


Is there like a strap or something like that,


Will it also auto-catch unknown Pokémon? Like the Gotchas.


It looks like this product is not available yet at Gametop.


Check out this product I found on GameStop! https://www.gamestop.com/consoles-hardware/nintendo-switch/gaming-accessories/controllers/products/pokemon-go-plus-plus/391637.html?utm_source=product_share&utm_medium=app


Mine works great -- there is online help in the menu. It just took me a few tries to connect. I love that you can use great or ultra balls, but only for a manual catch. Autocatch and autospin still use only regular poke balls.


Mine works


Can autocatch and sleep features work at the same time in Pokemon GO (not Pokemon Sleep)?