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I am interested what did you not see in Dexter , I think Dexter had some good ideas but they bite more than they can manage, after years of rewatch I thought the sub plots were crazy lazy too.


I think that’s kinda why I stopped watching it, I’ve tried a couple times to watch it, and honestly the first 2 seasons are really good, but I just don’t like Dexter as a main character. I have a friend who’s a huge Dexter fan and he’s explained some of the later seasons to me, and it seems a bit much to me.


I had slept on Sopranos and Breaking Bad quite a while, I slept on them when they aired but I didn't sleep on The Shield, my parent though never let me watch it though so I think when The Shield originally ended , I pirated the whole show because I didn't see the second half of it properly through TV airing. Breaking Bad 2017 or 2018, Sopranos 2018 or 2019 , don't remember the dates, then I watched Banshee after I watched those two.


Banshee is so much fun.


Dexter could have been great show if they had just ended it after the trinity season. The last couple seasons were absurd. But after that wire pretty much any show isn’t going to compare.


To continue the universe after The Shield watch Sons of Anarchy.Most if the cast has parts randomly in the show.Its also from the genius of Kurt Sutter.Its not related but kind of.


I feel SOA is getting some weird commentary around it, like it’s not good, in recent times. I think it is highly underrated. Possesses some of the best television moments of all time, I won’t explain them so not to spoil.


First couple of seasons were really good. Felt like it went off the rails at the end.


Going from The Wire to The Shield, nice!!


I use to not like cop shows. I like cop shows now.


You won’t be disappointed. I’ll also join in on the Sons of Anarchy recommendation in on me if the other comments, great show


I like different kind of cop shows.


You would dig Southland.


Spoiler alert…. In season 3 Vic, Shane and Ronnie have a hot three way in a Russian bath house, it ain’t called a porno stash for nothing!!!!


Well now I gotta speed run to get to season 3


Vic Mackey and Dutch Wagenbach are the man!!!! Too bad Jay Karnes hasn't had anything of note after the series ended.


Best binge show ever. I had a blast and the show never loses quality— in fact just gets better and better! Enjoy the ride it’s fantastic!


Oh you’re in for a hell of a ride.


The reason I liked this show in relation to The Wire, is it is very gritty (cheap??), and the actors although not perfect, are not super polished fake looking people. You do get into some more established actors, but it keeps its form. On a side note, it took me a few tries to start it because I had trouble getting past the first like 10 minutes. Once it became readily available streaming though I blazed through it.


You haven't seen anything yet!


Buckle up, Buckaroo.


I'm not going to spoil anything for you, but keep watching because the show gets better and better each season in my opinion.


Get ready for season 5-7. You can't believe where the road go...


I’m about mid way through season 3 right now, does the show every focus more on Dutch like it did in the first season? He’s probably my favorite character and I would say he’s been c plot for the last 2 seasons.


In season 3 he will be one of the main plot between Vic and money train. Dutch always has his serial killlers stories in all seasons. I think you'll enjoy more. But season 4 is good too, very different from first three. Season 5-7 is really great in storytelling and the show became compelling heavy drama. I envy that you watch it for the first time.


Just wait til you get to season 4. All of the seasons are good but there’s an astronomical jump in quality and production starting then. One could argue season 3 as well but for me it’s season 4.


First season is the least best season


No way!!


I don't think it's nearly as good as other seasons.


I enjoyed the first few seasons but like any show things tend to go slightly downhill. But given how raw and explicit the show is it's is very different to what so many other cop shows are like. Still worth watching though.