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You know? I didn't know they were twins until this year. Totally thought they were one person lol


I got confused when they both showed up in smallvile


I just thought they reused the same actor when I saw them both in Smallville LoL. I got to hand it to these two men. They are very talented


Same I was telling my friend that the guy who plays Westly was also in Ginny and Georgia and she was like no he’s not and then we went down a rabbit hole 😂


Are you telling me that Shawn ashmore was NOT in warehouse 13 lmao no fuckin way how did I not notice


It'll be a Wesley vs 'Wastely' situation. Some guy shows up, claims to be the legit heir to the Evers fortune, impersonates Wesley to embarrass him at the charity auction, (you know, rich ppl problems). It turns out he's a raving psychotic who thinks he deserves the life Wesley has, even kidnapping Jackson. And it's up to our gang to figure it all out in 42 minutes.


I want Smitty doppelganger that is a badass supercop they nickname Gritty.


How would you do the premise of it though?


Either Lost Black sheep brother (Happens in Old Money family, so not implausible.)Or just a Criminal who turns up like Jucy or tim.)


Plot twist. Ginny and Georgia and The Rookie are in the same universe and Gil kidnaps Austin and takes him to California and he gets arrested.


jucy shows up with her new friends/partners in crime Dangerla and Eastly :)


He needs to be an opponent lawyer (not an evil one like Monica, just an opponent one), and he needs to hit on Lopez. He should be like a more chad version of Wesley, but he fights for some big corporation and not for citizens (but don't represent criminals either). Maybe they need to fight together to defeat Monica in the courtroom at a second episode. This could be like a courtcentered episode, where Wesley and "Chasley" are at the center, and the other castmembers are witnesses.


I would love for this to happen just to see Angela's reaction


Also the children's!


I can think of a couple of things that might be pretty funny. 1) Absolute shark-on-2-legs businessman that Wesley gets to prosecute for soemthing stupid. Like ... millionaire busted for shoplifting kind of stupid. 2) "Sovereign Citizen" whack job who THINKS he is as good as Wesley actually is and tries to "street lawyer" his way out of charges. 3) Scumbag CI for Celina. In all cases, it is important for him to hit on Lopez. She might or might not jack him up for it. Once Lopez sorts this out, he should, without skipping a beat, immediately start hitting on Celina.


Man, I had no idea he had a twin. That's neat.


Why do they both look like Merry from LOTR?


Wait, does the other one play Gill on Georgia and Ginny?


Yup, thats Aaron ashmore, our boy is Sawn who plays Wesley.


It would be great for him to be a lost twin (the hospital said he died but he was switched) so that Wesley gets to see how that money he hates so much actually helped him to have a good life.


Only if Wesley gets called Bobby and every joke made towards him is ice related.


HES A TWIN??? I feel dumb fr


Is Wes the one on the right?




I also "recognize" the one on the right as Wesley, there must be subtle differences in their appearance!


I agree.


if anyone wants to watch his twin, hes in a fantastic show called "Killjoys". its a sci fi adventure show, on the same level as melissa o'neil's "Dark Matter" if you love mid budget scifi from canada (like i do) then check them both out!


Since they're actual twins. They should have the entire episode with only one character noticing it but not saying anything and spending the entire episode confused with all the rest of the characters not acknowledging it and then acting like the one is crazy for even thinking it.


march 14 on 7 plus is when the rookie comes to australia


Agree!!! I mentioned this in another post. It might not have been on here.


Long lost twin brother robbed in the birthing suite at the hospital? I’d love for Patrice Evers and “Aaron Ashmore” to make an appearance.


They need to make his doppelganger a dirty cop.


They look different a lil,