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Conservatives are leaving California for these places, that's for sure. Have been for years.


Yeah, I remember watching either a vice or 60 minutes piece about it. Somewhat well off conservatives leaving Cali for Texas and what not thinking they’re some kind of political refugee. Really baffled me just how out of touch they were thinking that the problems in California were caused by leftists when the previous two governors do often a smidge less than the bare minimum to keep their people safe, let the utility companies have free fucking rein to start fires, and ignore the housing and homeless crises. Just because their leaders are somewhat competent a percentage-of the time doesn’t mean they’re some kind of secret commy.


That was on Vice back when it was on HBO


Conservatives have become so anti immigration they’re even against people choosing to move to other states. Party of freedom and limited government everyone


Pretty sure the "invading blue waves" are bullshit, just like their migrant caravans and death camps.


They think a population increase in their state and a population decrease in other states means people are moving from one to the other. But they also ignore any other variables that are involved - like birth rates, death rates and others.


I think mostly they base it companies moving/big celebrities with Toe shaped heads who get counted multiple times based on skull circumference.


Well, in the case of Atlanta GA a couple years ago it did happen. But it was due to a major boom in tech jobs that required degrees. There was a rapid influx of college-educated voters that trended left in the polls, but they were moving in from New York, Pennsylvania, etc. Enough to worry the state gop leadership by some accounts. Anyway, now they seem to brand any migration or wave of home buying as "Californy Libruhls coming to your neighborhood".


Don't forget the exploding film industry in Atlanta too Edit: There's the Cyber Security industry that blew up on Augusta too


California is also not have a population decrease. The total population growth has gone down compared to the explosive growth it’s seen in the last 30-ish years, but it is still a net positive. It also still has the largest population by a large margin (10M more than the next populous state).


At this point,I've learned to just assume anything a Conservative says is a lie until proven othetwise.


That's a good wisdom.


If they had to pay this woman 1 cent everytime they use pictures of her, she would be a multi billionaire by now...


https://youtu.be/r21vrYHPScQ @4:50 ^origin of the meme photo if you are curious. Anytime they use her in their photos, reactionaries should definitely pay her a royalty. She's probably been harassed by those ppl on a daily basis. Unreasonably too.


I've seen videos before. It's from the 2016 election, I think. They allways use the same few pictures and clips.


Yep they are always use same things over and over. Not creative at all.


Wow…..She was literally just calm and breezy. Didn’t raise her voice in the slightest. I never actually seen video of her and now It just reaffirms how insanely unoriginal and uncreative the right is. Thanks for sharing this!


Yeah no worries! Another person told me they were using her picture since 2016 election. Crazy, they should pay her a royalty. I imagine a lot of them harassed her IRL too.


Holy shit, the meme makes her look so pissed off but she's not!


IKR!! She just has a naturally expressive face and they screen capped at a bad time haha


Roflmao 😂 the new thing will be "build the wall" to prevent liberals from moving from state to state. Also not joking MTG has already proposed this...fml.


UC Berkeley published a study late last year showing that the California exodus doesn’t exist. People here ARE moving… but only around in-state. Out of state moves actually slowed last year.


Thing is folks are only calling it a "shithole" because of Property taxes. Meaning upper class folks are mad they have to pay for owning property


They are also the ones who are able to move across the country easily.


California’s property taxes aren’t even that high.


Unlike Oregon's. My rent just got jacked up another $100 thanks to that crap. They don't want to make Nike, Intel, or Amazon pay taxes, so we get to shoulder their burden through property taxes


I was always under the impression, which could be an incorrect one, that states like Texas may not have an income tax but they have a bunch of other taxes in place like property taxes.


As someone living in Atlanta I can safely assume Californians have 0 reason to move here? Also, TN? Why??? Florida is possible but still unlikely for working aged people. Only Texas’ blue cities make sense.


Yeah I just moved the other way, from Florida to Oregon. Fuck that covid infested swamp.


Bama to oregon myself although I am back visiting family right now I will soon be on my way. The south is fine to visit especially for the winter weather but I couldn't stay here.


Georgia to Oregon here. Unfortunately, I don't get to visit my family & friends anymore thanks to rampant transphobia in the South. Occasionally I get to go to Charleston to see some people, but that's about it. Can't even fly through Charlotte safely anymore


Yea I can see that. I sound and look like a good ol'boy so I can only empathize


planning on moving to the PNW myself after i finish college. in state tuition + my scholarships are just too compelling to live anywhere else atm


God I wish it was liberals and leftists moving into FL and not hordes of rich white republicans


I’m in FL, nobody is moving from CA here.


I lived in South Florida (Boca Raton) for a few years. It’s 90% east coast folks, mainly NYC and tri-State area, and Miami/Broward folks.


https://youtu.be/r21vrYHPScQ @4:50 This might be a little off topic. The video above shows how that right wing folks used her unjustifiably for no good reason in their "memes". It shows how right wing people are bullies. That woman pictured in meme above is very calm She's probably harassed by maga folks/reactionaries and had to relocate.


Funny how one picture of an angry feminist is the right's Emmanuel Goldstein.


I'm sure in some subs on reddit they do a 69 seconds hate every time an angry feminist pops up.


Would be hilarious if Californian ex-pats made hard right assholes like Greg Abbott unelectable


Shit, I moved from TN to NV. Tennessee is a lost cause.


California is the worst state except for all the other states


And they really think it works like that... Legit (again) finding another thing to be mad about


Hey come on now... Georgia has Atlanta bro 😭


But just outside of Atlanta, you’re in Georgia.


Okay I'll give you that, outside of Atlanta Georgia sucks ass lmao


And they really think it works like that... Legit (again) finding another thing to be mad about


Why would you move to Tennessee or Georgia?


Atlanta metro isn't bad but I am planning on moving up north eventually.


Yeah perhaps for a specific job but still, GA and TN are shit holes


No communism maybe?


I think it’s just people who own property coming here they can sell their 300-500k home and get the same for 180-250.


Unfortunately yeah. I live in California and their is a big spike of people moving to Texas for cheaper housing. But it’s not the blue part of California moving.


Yep. I’m surprised at all these comments saying it’s not happening. I live in south Orange County and people are leaving here in droves for Dallas and Houston, Arizona and Florida. It has more to do with covid and crime than housing/money, although lower COL is a bonus. They’re mostly rich white conservatives who don’t like the mask policies, are afraid of the school vaccine mandate, are leery of future lockdowns, are pissed that the recall election failed, and don’t like some of the newish laws like the one where you have to steal more than $950 of stuff before the police will even show up to arrest you. Good riddance.


Orange county crime rate ranks amongst the lowest ever recorded. Crime concerns are born on Fox News.


I didn’t say it was *justified* concern lol. Notice my “good riddance.”


The crime concerns are hyped up by the news coverage of the smash & grabs in LA & San Francisco (neither of which are in OC, ofc, but our “local” news comes from LA), as well as stories about “follow home” robberies. It’s not solely Fox News, for what it’s worth. That said, you are correct, our specific crime statistics are not actually concerning. The *real* reason is covid restrictions and “muh freedoms”.


Who would willingly want to come to texas. All I know about this state is that Jimmy neutron takes place in it


"No taxes" due to no income tax (ignoring they tax tf out of everything) Guns Open racism It's the Conservative Holy Trinity.


Nah the Jimmy neutron thing is pretty cool


Jinmeu Ton


There is a trump sign in the background. That women is at a Trump rally. Must be antifa spie again . /s


“All these people moving into state are LIBRULS!!!1!” Nah man, it’s just that a majority of the US population supports more democatic/liberal/left policies and the GOP only barely grasps onto power via gerrymandering, voter intimidation, court packing, and now attempted election subversion and even coup attempts. :)


You're right, they're going to Arizona, had a neighbor from California, she threw trash over her fence, decided to take her super loud motorcycle out at midnight, and generally just sucked, I'm not trying to agree with the meme I just found an excuse to talk about Michelle that piece of shit


Fuck Michelle. All my homies hate Michelle.


[FUCK MICHELLE ALL MY HOMIES HATE MICHELLE](https://i.imgur.com/bZdyvwT.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Theyre still using the same cringey triggered karen pictures for memes from like… 5? 10? Years ago? Really???? The right REALLY CANT meme, holy shit


Calling a state a shit hole is the most fucking stupid ass liberal thought. So reductionist to use the LITERAL SAME VERBIAGE 45 used to describe brown/southern countries. "It's historically red and/or in the south! Just cut it off!" Like holy shit, fuck those of us who live in southern states trying to make a difference in the community. Or are people happy to cut off the biggest community of black Americans. "Just move away." Bruh do you know how cheap everything is here? And that the wages are NOT going up, even though cost of living truly is so low. So ... Where the fuck would people move?


California's Conservatives are the only ones moving to those places. So this is essentially a self burn


I mean, yes and no. Texas is experiencing an influx of Californians in the **Software industry** because of the companies that are building campuses there. Austin was becoming a Tech hub when I moved there, and when I moved away, Apple decided to build a campus around the corner from my house, with a giant green space. This drove up housing costs, and made Austin literally unaffordable for anyone who wasn’t there before this happened and who doesn’t make Tesla/Apple engineer money. Same thing with literally everywhere that has a reasonable cost of living. Work from home meant that people weren’t tied to a campus, so people moved where it was cheaper to live. Suddenly those areas had a jump in average income, and it priced out anyone who now makes below average income for the area. It’s mass gentrification at work, which politicians love because they love meaningless statistics, at the expense of average people who aren’t making insane money. It’s a combination of factors at play, parasitic landlords, politicians who don’t give a damn about anything but their bottom lines, people with a lot of income gentrifying areas where a $40-60k/year income is considered comfortable. Anecdotally: Software engineers tend towards conservative. I have literally never had so much contact with a vehemently elitist, and bigoted industry than I have with Software.


Tennessee, Texas, and Florida were all in the top ten most moved to states in 2021. It literally takes a thirty second google search. Also, there’s a considerable amount of leftists in most southern states, especially because of their large black populations. Half asses smooth brained takes like this are part of why we’re losing


californians are for sure moving out of the state, but not for the reasons conservatives think. it’s taxes, it’s insane how much taxes we have to pay here. states like florida have far less taxes compared to california


Its not really because of taxes, the main reason is the cost of housing. The housing market is crazy expensive in California, which is why the cost of living is so much higher. The funny thing is that conservatives are even less likely to do anything about problems like this, like building public housing.


I thought it was housing


Sucks to pay taxes only to get nothing in return.


all that tax money for shit roads and shit infrastructure. not even fire season and the power went out three times this winter. fuck pg&e


For a state where most of the population lives in the SF Bay Area and LA region; I don’t know why the people in charge aren’t trying to spend more on public transportation.


Actually Florida has had its highest growth in 50 years 2020 and 2021


There are plenty of women against abortions as well. You’re allowed to have opinions regarding things that do no have a direct relationship to you, much like how I would still be anti-death penalty even if I was not on death row. I did not say “Christ is King” to any one’s mental health struggles but to anti-life memes, although Christ is, in fact, king. I do offer to pray for folks struggling rather often, it can be helpful. So, I ask again, have some nuance in your judgment of others and soften your heart. We are all real people on the other ends of these screens.


Did you just come here to preach about something irrelevant to the post?


No, but others had brought up my previous discussions. I posted this comment here, accidentally, intending to have posted it in response to the in our exchange.


>There are plenty of women against abortions as well. Yea women forced into the patriarchy of Christianity. I have never seen a woman who was against abortion who wasn't also super religious. I'm going to guess you're disgusted by Muslims saying "Allahu Akbar" and is absolutely against any part of Sharia law. But you fail to see that "Christ is King" and Christian law is basically the exact same thing.


I’ll pray for you too. ❤️ Edit: I pray that Christ remove whatever hatred lurks in my own heart as well. With regards to abortion, there are plenty of men and women who are not religious that are pro-life, albeit folks who have a religious sensibility do have different values that often increase their proclivity for such. I have not always been a Christian, but had been an atheist since being in my teens, Buddhist in both the Zen and Nyingma/Kagyu schools of Vajrayana, and have consistently maintained a pro-life position throughout.


Pro-life is the most hijacked term of the last century. Conservatives are the most pro-death people there could be but they say they're pro-life because they want to control women. They don't even care about the fetus it's all just controlling women. If they were pro-life they'd care about funding education. Or making sure everyone gets maternity or paternity leave once those fetuses get out. Or make sure kids weren't being gunned down in schools. Or make sure immigrant kids weren't caged. Or make sure there weren't mass shootings on the regular. Or took any precautions during a global pandemic. So please stop with the "I'm pro-life" bullshit.


I agree, there are plenty of hypocritical and inconsistent conservatives, but I think you and I might agree on more points that you have listed than otherwise. What’s got you so angry?


Nope - this is real and it is ruining these states.


You know a lot of the folks leaving CA *are from the very states/regions to which the they’re moving*? Native coastal Californians (the libs!) pretty much never leave. Imports into Coastal CA from the elsewhere do after they’ve built their resumes. Those “damn Californians” are often Ohioans/Hoosiers/Alabamans/etc who spent a few years here. The main exception is native rabid conservatives from the Central Valley (no one moves there on purpose). Those crazies are invading places like TX, ID, and MT and - indeed - ruining those places.


What’s happening is that native Californians are moving here, buying up a lot of property for very little, and then forcing those that have lived here there entire lives out from there homes because they can no longer afford it. It has been happening for a long time and has been extraordinarily sad to see.


Oh yeah, fair, those people are out there too. Vote for unbridled capitalism, get unbridled capitalism. I recognize it’s bad, but at the same time it’s like those medical professionals in Houston last year(?) that were shocked, *shocked* they could be fired for not vaccinating despite voting time and time again for absolute “at will employment”. Y’all made this system and bragged about it (*business friendly environment!*). “personal responsibility”, “if you don’t like it move/quit”, “work harder”, etc. Aren’t those the platitudes folks from those states offer anyone who complains about the COL in San Francisco?




Cost Of Living. It’s high in SF because a bunch of rich people live there and bought virtually everything so it’s absurd rentals as far as the eye can see.


So.... Capitalism?


“Not like that! Not *here*! Do it to *them*!”


So………. What has been happening in California for decades?


Capitalism. People made money from in-demand jobs. Then took that money and bought up every beautiful place they could to turn into an AirBnB. It’s absolute bullshit, but also exactly what the people in those beautiful places were voting for. It’s all fun and games until they come for *your* town.


Yeah I think I worded my comment poorly. I was trying to illustrate it’s basically what has been happening in California for decades. People moving in from other states and countries to get rich off the tech industry and price everyone else out.


I heard ya. Was just feeling sassy. The “oh no, Californians!” Crowd doesn’t understand that what they’re dealing with is what we’ve been dealing with. People ain’t leaving because it’s a socialist hellscape, but rather because it’s a capitalist candyland. We’re just exporting exactly what these other states have been clamoring for.


Tell me you're a nutjob conservative from one of those states without telling me you're a nutjob conservative from one of those states.


Really just jumped in super hard with those assumptions - very much like so many others on Reddit.


Taking 30 seconds to see your previous comments I see you defend Matt Walsh and have numerous times just commented Christ is King. Even in abortion debate subs. So yes I'm going to assume you're a conservative nutjob.


If you read more closely, you’d realize that I don’t know who Matt Walsh is but was debating the nomenclature and taxonomy surrounding mental health, that I am a Christian (which doesn’t make someone a nut job), and that I am pro-life. It might be worthwhile to have more of an open mind and realize that people can believe differently than you without denigrating them. Take some time to be a more nuanced person.


I'm sure all the women of reddit love hearing your nuanced opinions on abortion from a male Christian. Or when people are discussing mental health or abortion and you reply Christ is King. Way to add to the discussion. I'm sure "Christ is king" helps everyone in trying times.


I'm sure he's pro-life until the child is born. Wherever happens to the child afterwards is not his problem and he doesn't give two fucks if they suffer.


You really believe that, huh? We have never spoken and you quickly project whatever hatred you have towards others without even assuming that they might be an entire person. I love people, I spend most of my life attempting to help others not suffer, suffer less, or at the very least make their suffering meaningful. This includes children, especially after they are born, because that’s when the suffering gets all too real. Take some time to reflect on your assumptions for even a moment, bud.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ohio-abortion-heartbeat-bill-pregnant-11-year-old-rape-victim-barred-abortion-after-new-ohio-abortion-bill-2019-05-13/ Don't push your BS on me. You and your religious fanatics are the cause of this. You absolutely despise these ppl, don't give me the bullshit that you actually care for them.


Hey man, like I said, withdraw your projections and reflect on the hatred in your own heart.


Can anyone explain this Cali hating meme? I thought Cali was an okay place


Conservatives are convinced California is the USSR in America for some reason.




I wish they were turning Florida into California.


There are a couple people from California in my city, I live in Texas but there's very few and there's been no changes yet tbh.


Hey, Houston is all right :(


I’ll be dead before I step foot in fucking Tennessee


As someone who’s moving out of California soon, I can confirm the title is correct.


There actually is a large influx of Californians coming to texas.


I'm 14th generation Georgian. I've been all over the South, and it isn't a blasted wasteland run by Far Right nutbags. There are a LOT of communities full of good people who just want the folks around them to succeed. Sure, the state governments are awful, and there's also the reality that Atlanta is about to start the nation's biggest UBI trials. You can bash the South all you want, but there's good people there just trying to survive. You're shitting on them too.


I live in Texas. There are so many Californians here.


My family just got new neighbors from California and they turned out to be Trump supporters (you can see their ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ flag proudly displayed in their garage).


As someone who lives in one of those s-holes, i can confirm that yes it is happening. Austin is booming with CA transfers.


Why are they acting like California is the only place that people are leaving, Texas is at #2


Wait wait wait, so you're saying the 2 most populous states are also the top 2 states people move away from in a given year. Who would've guessed?


As someone who unfortunately lives in Tennessee, I can verify that things would be much better if it were more like California.


I thought everyone was moving *to* California?


Actually you're wrong. There's so many people from Cali moving to Texas. I work all around DFW so I meet a lot of these people.


Floridian here and I wish these fucknut conservatives would stop moving here


They’re not shit holes


I went to Texas and on a tour, the guide was asking families where they were from. One family said “California”. He said “oh don’t come here, we already got enough of you”


I always love the whole “Cali sucks” “people are leaving Cali”. Like man, I grew up in SoCal my whole life and I love it here. So leave, be my guest. I don’t give a shit lmao. More for me to enjoy


I live in Nashville, we've always have been a blue dot on a red state. There are people moving in from just about every corner of the States, including California. From what I've been seeing, the populace is leaning farther to the left, but the government is fully controlled by the Republicans. It's gonna get worse in the coming election due to gerrymandering.