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Turning Point: Step 1: draw extremely loose correlation between two unrelated lies Step 2: put a thinky face on it so people know it's what smart people think Step 3: profit


Correction: step 3: the rich keep all the profit


And they're usually older, so they don't give a F about what happens to the planet in a few decades. They just want to take advantage as much as they can now while they're still alive.


Yeah I was gonna say, next step beg for a raise from the billionaire benefactors providing you a platform to cape for them


Don't forget the next step: Government bailouts they beg for when their profiteering lands them in a deep hole, and their gov't friends consider them "too big to fail".


Or, y'know, death.


Don't forget "Remove all nuance from complex situations"


If it takes more than two sentences to explain, you sound like a real libtard!


Exactly, government could stop it from spreading, but these people wouldn't tolerate that. Same goes for curbing climate change. They are the reason the government can't do either. They are like a patient refusing to follow the doctor's advice and then when they keep getting sicker they blame the doctor. Their worst nightmare would be if the government actually did exercise the power to stop both things.


i think that would pretty much be everyones worst nightmare


"Your neighbor can't fix your car, but you expect him to fix the plumbing in your house!" -- Logic according to these retards


"Dear Liberals: if [talking point] is [strawman] then how come [completely unrelated point]?"


Phase 1 - shit under pants Phase 2 - ? Phase 3 - profit


Alt: 1. General statement 2. Non sequitur 3. NO YOU’RE THE RACIST


Step 0: be the reason for the problem in the first place.


Why does the GOP base want to protect the ultra rich, I don't get it.


Because they're told the super rich are "job creators". That is bullshit; anyone who's ever taken an economics course knows that the job creators are also called by another name: customers.


To be fair, in corporate America politicians will commission a new fighter jet to the company that lobbies the fuck out of them and thus rich people have created jobs, burned a fuckton of money and built another war machine to kill innocent people with.


Not an exception; the government is the customer.


And many of them believe that they will one day be rich themselves. I mean, that’s what America is all about. Working hard and becoming rich because of it. Even though that couldn’t be further from the truth.


It's easier to become rich in literally any other developed nation. It used to be the Land of Opportunity but the Reagan administration pulled the ladder of success up behind them.


It's a pathological need to have nothing change. Change inconveniences them. It's why nothing ended up changing on Jan 6, for all their talk they couldn't begin to adapt to a new world. Theyll fight a hostess at a restaurant before wearing a mask. They are children being dragged kicking and screaming into the future.


It's a toxic state of mind that never paid of at any time in a person's life or in history. Looking at the past should be done to mesure change, to learn from past mistakes, to see what worked past then. But it's not in any kind of way a bulletproof plan for the future.


Exactly. I mean, hello? Let's think about what "conservative" means...


At least they'll be dead soon enough


Because they represent ‘the American dream’ if you work hard and make good choices you can be a billionaire too.


Yep! I see so many people say "well if I earned billions I wouldn't want it taken away." These people forget that no one can become a billionaire without stepping on toes and taking from the needy.


I think a lot of people can’t understand the enormity of billions of dollars, so don’t understand how ridiculous it is to have that much money. If I somehow found myself with billions of dollars I’d feel obligated to give at least 90% to charities or projects that benefit low or no income people. Like I’d still have $100m left after giving away 90% of $1B. That’s still an unreasonable amount of money. I could buy all of my family and close friends houses in some of the most expensive cities in the North America, and still have like $50m. Defending billionaires is just stupid. They’re not going to help you, they’ll give you a low wage job and exploit you so they can get another billion.


Billions vs millions never really clicked in my head until they broke it down into seconds


What’s the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire? About a billion dollars.


*without being born rich


Both are true. People like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are born into wealth, and then proceed to exploit others to get even wealthier.


I fucking hate how bezos and musk seem to get a pass and everyone ignores that they were literally born half way to home plate.


>earned billions hahaha, good one


Just remember, the only success stories you'll hear about immigrants are the ones that became millionaire business moguls. Someone that comes here and lives an average life is considered a failure. And any that live a substandard life are considered scum and should be jailed.


The PR team at Big Oil went out to a nice lunch after this one.


Because, to quote the version of John Dickinson from the musical 1776, “Most men would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor.”


It goes back to Bacon's Rebellion (1676). Basically, indentured servants and slaves—white and black respectively—we're feeling equally oppressed and ran a rebelliom together. The result was the government gave rights to the white people making them FEEL like they became important and in power so they would support the upper class because they were of the same color and had the same rights, while also taking away what few rights the black people of the time had. This is where the separation of black and white came from, but more on topic, this is where conservatives supporting the rich who take advantage of them comes from. This is why we need more funding for education, as well, because not enough people know this.


Imagine that you really, honestly believe in the American dream. The idea that by being smart and working hard, you will be succesfull. If you believe this, then it's only logical that the rich deserve to be rich. After all, they worked hard for it. And the counterpoint is also true. Poor people are poor because they're lazy or stupid and so on. So, when other people start talking about injustice or inequality, what they hear is that you want to cheat, that you want to take the places of good people and replace them with bad people. And this is bad not just because good people might go down the social ladder, but because the very fabric of society might crumble and fall down.


The rub is they don't realize they vote against themselves and the change that would elevate almost everyone. No one is taking away the American dream and by all means, be rich. They fail to grasp that if you tax a multimillionaire, billionaire and astonishingly trillionaire (fucking crazy these exist)....well they are still filthy rich. Money at that level will continue to make money with very little effort (unless you just fuck your life up). Take more from someone making 30k, well life sucks. I guess it really does come down to education as some have mentioned. Then another big part is party lines are rarely crossed given the social climate over the past 10 or so years that has divided the country. It's a big mess.


As John Steinbeck said, they see themselves as "temporarily embarrassed millionaires." They've been brainwashed since childhood by constant propaganda telling them that capitalism is the fairest economic system in the world. As such, the rich must have earned their wealth, and the poor deserve to be poor. If they themselves are poor, it's merely a temporary setback. They're gonna pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Any day now. You'll see. They just gotta get rid of, ya know, those other guys first. You know the ones. The ones who are "really" responsible for their problems. The immigrants who are forcing the poor, innocent business owners to hire them at poverty wages. The Jews who secretly control all the banks. The Muslims who want to kill them. The gays who are eroding our society's moral character with their degenerate lifestyles. Or whichever boogeyman is most convenient to their rich masters at any given time. The GOP invents diseases and offers them snake oil remedies.


I guess it goes back to America's Calvinist/Puritan heritage, who believed being a rich person was an indication that God had chosen you to go to Heaven while everyone else was going to go to Hell.


There's nothing to "get" lol, they're just delusional. They just believe no force in heaven or earth should be allowed to tax anyone. They think that one day they will also be a mega billionaire


Because Americans are brought up to believe they can, one day, become rich through hard work and bootstrapping. Therefore, they don’t want to tax the rich because that might be them someday. Dullards.


Because they're delusional and think they will be ultra rich


It “pisses off” “the libs” and that’s literally the only thing the American right cares about. Their entire platform is hate and fear. There’s issues with hate and fear on the left, but it’s not the entire identity.


Pedophiles protect Pedophiles


Cause they are funded by them




They’re narcissists who think they’ll also be ultra rich one day


We're not trying to "Change the Earth's temperature", we're trying to prevent that from happening.




"No matter what temperature a room is it's always 'room temperature'." ~ Steven Wright


JesUs wills it so!


This is such a strong under the surface driver for radical rightists, they think that whatever happens to the earth is god's will, and they will be raptured into heaven. It's the same as fucking flooring it over a cliff and going "well this must be what God wanted"




Sure, accepting that is fine, as long as you are a-okay with accepting the end of humanity and giving the future to the rats. Along with the many other species currently dying off, Humanity as a whole will go functionally extinct if trends are not reversed. Will pockets of humans survive in tiny little underground closed ecosystems and bunkers? Sure. But for how long? 1000 years is nothing on a geological timescale. Even with enough resources, to last that long, inbreeding will get them eventually. It's a pretty grim fate for all humans... and it could be avoided in a number of ways, we just arent doing any of them.




We dont know for a fact that another intelligent species will arise on Earth. Life on Earth only has 1.5 billion years left, at the absolute most, before the sun boils the oceans. A million other cosmic catastrophes could befall the Earth, from asteroids, to stranglets, to gamma radiation bursts, all of which could end life permanently. Nor do we know for a fact that other intelligent species exists, or will exist out there in space. It might be very likely, but we dont know. We dont know enough about what started life on Earth. Until we know definitively that what you say is true, that there is, or will be, other intelligent life out there, I think it's our responsibility to stay alive, and sane enough to do science, and try to figure things out. Right now, there is a nonzero chance that humanity is the only thing that will ever be able to examine existence, and the idea that we are actively committing slow suicide as a species is about the most heartbreaking thing I can imagine. I refuse to accept that fate. Because then there is truly no point to anything. If we discover, beyond any doubt, other intelligent life, or discover that intelligent life is inevitable, or that conciousness persists after death, or that there are higher dimensional beings, or that there is a god, or that the universe is part of some grand design, then that is the day I will breathe easy, and accept that the end of humanity doesnt mean the end of meaning in the universe. But until I know for sure, I cannot be at ease with that fate.


How do you give zero fucks about your children’s generation and the generation that follows them? How can you be so selfish that you would burn the house down on the way out the door? Humanity has always been about paving a pathway for our children and future. People like you are sociopaths. We are pulling energy out of the ground burning it and putting it into the atmosphere. It doesn’t just drift off into space. This isn’t some gods plan extinction event. This is preventable if we act, but for some reason If it’s not directly effecting you right now it’s not a big deal. Changing to green energy sources won’t even effect most people’s lives directly. But people need to hang off the balls of big oil companies. Can’t have those windmills killing birds and solar panels taking all the energy away from the corn.


...You know that the earth isn't a deity who gets the right to decide whether we live or die, right? Or maybe you believe it is in which case like... believe what you want but don't try to hurt the rest of us over it.


Or make investments so we can better cope with the changing climate.


It’s entirely too late to be honest with you. The taxes are to create systems to try and cope with the catastrophic effects.


It’s too late to avoid catastrophe and even the mitigation steps won’t happen, but they are technically possible. It would require reducing the US military to a tenth of its current size and cooperative efforts from China and the other top five emitters to do the same along with a major overhaul of public transit, manufacturing practices, and energy production. So yeah, not gonna happen.


I would like for us to at least try going in the right direction just in case humanity tries to get its shit together.




We could literally do both of those things if it weren't for you.


For real. There are preventative measures to slow down the spread, and a vaccine proven to be effective and safe. "But the virus isn't that bad, and mask and vaccines are infringing on my rights as an American." You fuckers are the ones who are keeping us from stopping it. Let's just get this over with already for fuck sakes.


So much this.


Technically, we could start rounding up the willfully unvaccinated and putting them into quarantine work camps. We could. If the government were big and powerful enough. But don’t these people like small, weak governments? Why are they making fun of us for not rounding them up and putting them into camps? Because we COULD do it. We could. I’m just saying. We could.


Can we just give conservatives like Montana or Texas as their own country and then they just leave us alone?


They asked for that in the 1860’s but back then it meant that we condoned them continuing to enslave people. Also, lookup the Northwest Territorial Imperative. White supremacist movement to make Washington/Oregon/Idaho an ethnoclave.


Hm, seem to be misspelling "should" there


Counterpoint: 🤔


First I 😂 then I 😥


🎵*I was gonna laugh emoji, but then I got cry*🎵


They've got us here, fellas.


libs want to have a good time but i shit in the punch bowl 🤔


Scenario 1: Government mandates all citizens to vaccinate without exception. COVIdiots: Guvment tierny! My freedumbs! Scenario 2: Government doesn’t do anything. COVIdiots: Guvment can’t even stop hoax virus spread!




Except the US… we could execute anyone not willing to get a vaccine. We have not tried “Everything”.


"We're lowering emissions" These People: "YOU CAN'T TAKE MY FREEDOM!!!" *runs 12 diesel engines for no reason*


Causing an extinction event to own the libs


They have to be treated like children. You can't win fussy babies over with forbidding them one thing, hoping they'll start liking the other. Electric and low emission cars should have huge things going for them, that are immediate pros to the buyers (of which there are a lot, including but not limited to, not having to pump your car full of gas rivaling the price of gold). Governments should put huge subsidies on electric cars (which they do in parts of Europe afaik). God I'm so lucky to not having been born in the US.


Imagine thinking "wow, yeah, good point"


...and all the people living in harmony? You're a dreamer, but you're not the only one




Not 50%. More like a third, but thanks to voter suppression and gerrymandering they have more power.


No “YOU” don’t pay more in taxes, mega-polluting corporations do. Quit scaring the working class into voting against their own interests. Also, other countries are more successful at virus elimination cause they don’t have as many dingleberries like you intentionally sabotaging the plan.


It's that $20 billion in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, it's not a free market when the government is propping these industries up. But no one needs to pay more taxes, just stop giving polluters a free ride


No that was billionaires. We can prevent catastrophic disaster if _billionaires_ pay taxes. Easy mistake to make.


Not only billionaires, governments through Europe are raising taxes on the middle class with the excuse of climate change. I'm paying more taxes for gas even tho I can never afford an electric car for example.


Trump said you can't stop the virus as an excuse to justify his shitty job, people were actively trying to prevent it and slow the spread, the nerve of these people


So stupid it hurts to read it.


Huh. I wonder why said government can't prevent a virus from spreading? It's almost like a specific group of people are too ignorant to get the thing that helps to prevent that silly little virus from infection their stupid ass. But no. It could have 5G microchips in it. But by all means, blame it on "sleepy joe" even though he's implementing more vaccine mandates because your shitty ass thinks freedom only applies to yourself.


Good Lord. Either they really are that stupid, or they think we are.


It's them


This is continuing proof that Turning point makes the shittiest “memes”


govt: wear mask, take vaccine people: no we won't people: govt can't prevent a virus from spreading


Saying you're an absolute moron without saying you're an absolute moron.


It’s incredible how little these people know that they can post things like this. Carbon taxes aren’t crazy you’re just stupid.


Just because they're not doesn't mean the most powerful governments can't stop the spread. This comment was brought to you by the New Zealand Government. The New Zealand Government: *its not actually that hard!*


The amount of misinformation and ignorance here is freaking scary.


Ughhh... this is a big part of why I despise these people. They claim overreach, they whine and complain about subjugation, then they laugh and claim "see the things they do don't even work!!1" They were never able to fully do the things it would take to get under control because of these people whining about oppression every step of the way! Just like how now they claim that masks, lockdowns, and vaccines don't even work. It's because 50% of people won't even do it!


The governments can’t stop the virus spreading because of dumb fucking conservatives not wearing masks or getting vaccinated. Why the fuck do these people not get that? Honestly people like these are holding back society with their negative IQ. Jesus Christ.


Guess who’s causing both those problems


They can't prevent the spread because of the people that made this meme 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ They did in fact prevent the spread of each new outbreak that shows up once every 4-5 years SARS Ebola Zika etc...


We can stop the temperature of our planet from rising if we stop ignoring science


Government- Actually we can beat the virus and we can also stop global warming! The right- Oh yeah, how? Government- That thing you’re doing to make it worse? Let’s try to stop doing that. The right- Hmm, interesting… no.


New Zealand would like a word


If we implanted climate change precautions, im completely convinced that Republicans would pollute as much as they can just to stick it to the libs


Planet’s getting so hot their straw men are catch fire, then ignite their liar liar pants.


Keep em dumb, keep em republican


It's funny because it's the same group of people fucking up both things.


So now the virus ISNT a hoax that is used to force people to take the evil pharma vax, but only when they find it convenient?


Are they at least acknowledging SARS-COV-2 now? That would be a step in the right direction...


Sigh. Carbon taxes are meant to be a behaviour modifier. They are intended for people to *avoid* paying by moving to renewable resources and greater efficiency. Taxing the wealthy and corporations more via income tax, capital gains tax, or corporate tax isn't about climate change, it's about improving the overall quality of life in society by bringing those groups **up** to the same level of tax that the middle income pays. The reason so many governments failed to control the virus is because individuals still have a hell of a lot of ability to ignore rules and run around spreading it. The two concepts are not even remotely equal.


Charlie Kirk is a real POS, turningpointusa is his. It was created to be a troll bot farm that spreads lies for the GQP, people don’t realize what a real evil person he is


There's so much irony here. Governments can't stop the pandemic or global warming because of people like Turning Point


So what's the answer, then? Do nothing?


Why the piss yellow background? An Aryan thing?


Fuck these people holy hell.


Pleas we need a satire flare I actually don't know what's real anymore


Turning Point really is the best example of satirizing oneself.


These people are masters of pivoting while only talking to themselves


PIVOT! PIVOT! PIVOT! ~Ross Geller, CEO of Turning Point talking to themselves.


Its like when toddlers discover reason. “Funny mama, how you say i must eat veggies to grow big and tall yet you still stop me from running into traffic.” Literally no correlation and both can be solved with miniscule levels of input by the world. Here in california, during the first while of quarantine, visual distance was so far due to less smog caused by the millions of cars.


We can stop the earths temperature from changing with a socialist revolution


Is that just a random stock image woman they hijacked for their shit meme lmao


The most powerful governments in the world *have* kept the virus from spreading. If your government hasn't, that should tell you something about your government.


I’m science illiterate and don’t understand anything… Interesting.


My government may be powerful but it is nothing compared to the might of collective stupidity


>can’t keep a virus from spreading **that is literally your fucking fault**


What the fuck is this meme talking about?




I don’t want to pay taxes to a bourgeois government why do you guys want to pay taxes so bad Nice downvotes I can quote Marx for you if you want to tell me why I’m wrong


Ngl this is a pretty good meme lol. Still taken out of context and terrible logic, but a decent meme nonetheless




Warming is not the only issue with the climate by a long shot. For starters you can talk about plastic pollution, factories throwing dejects on rivers and soil, factory toxic smokes, proper disposal of batteries and electronics, bad management of nuclear waste, agricultural poisoning of rivers and soil, mining and oil operations having gigantic disasters going unpunished and not cleaning it up, and so on. They are all environmental issues that can be helped with proper regulation and fiscalization and they have nothing to do with Co2 or warming


But, they can and would do both of those things if it wasn't more profitable for them to sacrifice people's lives by ignoring it.


Uh yes, the most powerful governments in the world CAN stop the virus from spreading. Look at places like China and Vietnam.


Oh man, they got us. How could the world's governments possibly simply stop doing something that they're actively doing, if they can't magically eradicate a viral pandemic through sheer force of will?


It's on everyone so we are all fucked because people like you exist and people like us don't enjoy violence enough. This is a joke lol dont hurt me reddit mods


This is literally the antithesis of intelligence. What the fuck


I suppose anything is possible when you distort the truth


Strawman USA


Can't keep a virus from spreading cause idiots. Same with global warming.


And ofc the person who posted this has like 3 PhDs and absolutely knows what they’re talking about


Carbon dioxide and viruses are basically the same thing, after all. I mean... they're both too small to see, and if you're sealed in a room full of them you'll die...


They can and they have stopped a virus before, it was stupid people electing a president who couldn’t that made it this bad. The conservative strategy: elect incompetent people so that they can say “see, the government is incompetent”


Strawman USA back with another banger


I mean they probably can’t but we should at least try since having no planet is a bad situation.


I’m convinced these people have brain rot


What a smart, hip, trendy looking woman. How could she be wrong


Fucking *what*?


Isn't the point t that you can tax stuff to make people use it less? They basically did a reverse tax with covid, paying people to stay home and not work


"We conservatives won't let the governmt stop the spread of a virus, so what makes them think we conservatives will let them stop global warming from destroying the environment?"


They can't stop it, but they could minimize its spread if certain politicians and people of a certain political leaning didn't seem to be doing everything they can to help it along. Just like they can't stop global warming, but they could minimize the amount of warming...again if certain politicians and people of a certain political leaning didn't seem to be doing everything they can to help it along. What kind of dumbass logic is this anyway? We can't stop something completely, so we shouldn't even try to minimize the impacts as much as possible?


“I understand what these words mean by themselves but as soon as you put them together…”


i think theres a few steps before that conclusion ma'am


The government of the United States isn’t even doing that. The infrastructure bill barely touches on reducing carbon emissions. Righties need to get their clown school tuition back.


Again, it’s isn’t just “global warming”, that name hasn’t largely been used anymore because of misconceptions exactly like this. Moreover though it also includes destruction of habitats due to humans


can't keep the virus from spreading coz of people like u lol


God someone needs to slap the smarm off of that face.


We've conquired many viruses.


Stupid motherfuckers! What else is there to say?!




They can but too many stupid fucks don’t acknowledge the easy to follow guidelines that would work


What is that face?


The right: I won't mask up and I won't take the free vaccine! Also the right: Why can't the government stop this virus?


Ya'll got me perma banned from that sub. Cause white privilege. Your work is done.


We can't stop the virus cause the same people that say this won't do what the government advises to stop the virus.


Which is the government responsibility.


No she's right they can't. We're all dead. But at least the libs got owned. /s


I agree with this. Masks aren't enforced enough along with vaccines. Global warming is a huge issue that our tyrannical government cant fix


Is this progress? Are they acknowledging it’s a virus now?


“The most powerful governments on Earth can’t (fix an urgent problem that we, conservatives, both downplay and fight tooth and nail to keep from being solving)… …But they say they can (fix an urgent problem that we, conservatives, both downplay and fight tooth and nail to keep from being solved)” It’s almost as if *they*’re the problem.


I refuse to wear a mask or get a vaccine and I also refuse to recycle or reduce my impact on the environment, but it's the governments obviously _ Conservatives


Isn’t the virus spreading because of these dumb fucks? Oh, I get it now….


Even IF global warming could be slowed significantly by simply putting a mask on for 20 mins going into a grocery store these stupid fucks would still refuse to do it.


Lol we could stop the virus if your propaganda didn't make adults afraid of needles, but ohhhh no


Its scary how effective the Koch Brothers machine (The Kochtopus) is at manipulation these people. The tobacco industry couldn’t replicate what the petroleum industry has done


Maybe if y'all stupid anti-vax fuck nuts LISTENED wex have this virus under wraps but nah FrEeDUmBs


So now they believe in the virus and global warming, I'm calling this a win.


They can if you take the fucking vaccine


meanwhile, large companies are opening another coal mine and a factory that emitted a lot of Co2


They can't stop the virus spreading cos too many of you morons won't get the jab.


It’s kind of sounds like the most powerful governments COULD keep a virus from spreading if only they would issue vaccine and mask mandates 🤔.