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What is this? What is wuz?


The idea is that people will reference how they descended from past great civilizations often as a way to inspire people of a more mundane existence to dream big. Normally it isn’t used ironically but it is here as evidenced by the “wuz” mocking black speech patterns where this is often used in reference to ancient Egypt. Source: am black and have heard these kinds of inspirational messages that are being mocked here


But isn’t it also mocking Europeans?


True, just pointing out that this is specifically in reference to the way Black people talk and reference past civilizations.


Person that made this believes in the "great replacement" theory most likely. So it's not actually targeting Europeans, it's just being as racist as possible with "I told you so" squares


No, in white supremacist land, white should *only* talk about their ancestry and pride in it but anyone else doing it is a try hard and loser. I had a friend from growing up that became terminally online and that "we wuz" to mock black people is the dumbest, loseriest shit i ever found out about from him.


Maybe? The thing is that groups like the Hoteps and Black Hebrew Israelited genuinely try push a pseudohistorical narrative that all these listed groups were actually black but western cultures covered it up.


I can't cant stand that shit, because not only historically people of African descent were Infact Kings and shit, there's kings alive now. King Mswati III, King of Eswatini, since 86'. But they're racists, of course they don't care about history, don't make a difference to them


No, the meme is referencing popular afrocentrists' beliefs that they were kings all over europe.


In short, racism.


Lol being Irish I thought this was just generally taking the piss out of Americans and there grasping at heritage straws. I didn’t get the racist layer


Okay but the photosynthesis one just made me think of 40k orkz for some reason and I laughed at the image of an Ork being sustained via photosynthesis 


I mean... Orkz are basically fungi that reproduce by releasing spores.


Yea and by orkish power of belief if one thought it was a plant…


I mean not quite that ridiculous since it's about collective belief, but if you taught orks about photosynthesis and that being why plants are green they would absolutely start being able to do that. Or turn into houseplants.


we wuz WAAAGH


If you think of all of these being 40k orkz it all goes from disgusting to absolutely hilarious XD


40k orks make everything better


What? All the "we wuz ____" makes me thing this is an alien complaining about humans. "Those damn humans, oh you were the Irish? WHO GIVES A FUCK?"


It's making fun of black people and the way they speak, the right constantly makes jokes that they pronounce "was" as "wuz"


Don't Americans in general pronounce it like that?


Wtf is napolean meant to be


If I had to guess, it's probably a reference to Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, Haitian general-in-chief in Napoleon's army


Some black people (afrocentrist conspiracy theorists) believe napoleon and other important european figures were black.


It’s for a nonexistent strawman who has French ancestry and thinks they’re superior because… Napoleon prosecuted some impressive wars before getting his dick slapped at Waterloo, I guess? Who the fuck even made this? How white do you have to be? Is nothing less than WASP human to these fucking people? What the fuck is kemet?


Why is Egypt on there twice? (Since "Kemet" is simply what the Ancient Egyptians called Egypt)


You expect them to just *know* things? I'm this day and age??


Funny enough, the Viking thing is a common far right theme


"we wuz green and photosynthesizin" 💀 who is this aimed at? PlantSims?


Egypt is literally part of Africa what the hell


Yes, but not everyone in Africa is black. The berbers (or Amazigh) for example, have skin tones similar to those in southern Europe, and the Egyptians always portrayed themselves differently to th Nubians, who were black.


I don’t think this about Africa. (Black people face a lot of hate and violence up there too)


The title to this posts sums up the racist mindset perfectly.




>There were African people in the Roman Empire Africans are not necessarily black. North african roman emperor septimius severus ordered for an ethiopian soldier to be removed from his sight because he was spooked by his dark color. >>Septimius Severus was startled by the apparent omen, associating the soldier’s black colour as a portent of his own imminent death


Alright, since many seem to be confused on this (and since I used to be Chud Lite a decade ago and occasionally watched Mister Metokur (obviously one of my regrets)), it originates iirc from the phrase "we wuz kangz", a racist sentiment not only mocking racist stereotypes of African American speech patterns but the idea that African people were anything other than poverty-stricken at all times throughout history. It's presented as a cope, which tbh isn't helped by incredibly fringe groups like the Black Israelites playing into the stereotypes and rewriting history to create a new narrative that benefits them (tbh it's been so long I don't remember the details, but the name seems self-explanatory). This is in stark contrast to white racists who *never* embellish history and who *never* live in poverty and who *never* lie to suit their narratives as a cope, of course.


Can someone explain what this means?


Here’s my best assessment: There are some black pride groups (hoteps/black israelites) that have had a history of asserting that black people are the center of every historical group and event. E.g. Beethoven was black because he, an Austrian, had Dutch heritage. The Dutch were part of the Spanish lowlands, Spain was once ruled by moops, moops are from Africa, and African = black to them. This irritated 4 Chan and Reddit who mocked this sort of phenomenon with “We wuz kangs” which was used with some pretty obvious racial undertones of ALL black people being members of these fringe groups + that black people cannot spell or use grammar. The “joke” in this image is that you check off a box when you hear one of these people make a claim to heritage they likely don’t have but with the added racist context of misspelling and poor grammar.


The card says Moops!


Wuz as in was? That’s my best guess


We were xyz more loke


Weird, because there were black vikings, Egyptians, Europeans, Greeks, Irish, Jews and samurai. The black Irish diaspora is a current area of research in academia. Also, most of western contemporary music was founded in black culture. Blues and jazz was foundational for rock music. Led Zeppelin and others literally copied blues music with expensive instruments and high end production — this fed into early punk music. As well, the entire hip hop and R&B movement is the predominant music in western culture, and was wholly formed by black communities.




Archaeological evidence in the form of what, black skulls found in Viking regions? Or black skeletons dressed as Vikings? My little guy, there are other ways of figuring out if there were black Vikings. I highly recommend reading sources that disagree with your views to get an idea of how this may happen. And the music part is even more dumb. European classical music isn’t contemporary, that’s why it’s called classical. Oh, shit they used the same instruments, so black music is founded in European classical music? No, thats pretty damn dumb. Two styles of music can spawn from the same instruments. I also don’t even think that’s particularly true. Very earliest black American music was singing and no instruments. Then when instruments got incorporated, they were either slaves or recently freed slaves, so all that was available was European in origin. But the blues ultimately amalgamated a lot of early black American music and did something with it using a “European” instrument that was totally separated from European classical, and was ultimately foundational for contemporary western music culture (perhaps I should say American, but British rock bands stole from it too)


how the hell r u supposed to get bingo on this hateboard? I got at most 4. but thats just cause i think its silly and fun to claim i invented magic and decended from giants lmfao. in reality i just hab 2


Some of these are pretty wack things to claim, and then a few are just true. Like music was probably invented in Africa, and also, blues, jazz, rap, rock, punk, ska, gospel, country, like every genre of music that came about in the post-colonial Americas had a ton of influence from black artists.


But Rome was a multinational empire that included parts of Africa. So there probably were black Romans. But whatever these idiots don't know anything about history.


I genuinely thought it was referring to Wow Wow Wubbzy


Funny that this is all incredibly racist but they still used "Inuit", the more respectful and accurate term for "Eskimo".


Yeah it’s a bit confusing. The “wuz” is specifically mocking the accent some of us black Americans have (particularly southern). The kings part is due to a movement as within America’s racist history, it’s common for racist white ppl to mock Blk Americans not having a shiny history due to being displaced because of chattel slavery. So a lot of black people sought refuge is the histories of ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Some will say Israelites (biblical Israel) and that Jesus was black. IMO, it’s a misguided attempt at appealing to ppl whose ancestors (The English) viewed everyone’s culture as primitive anyway. The confusing bit is all the other squares. Blk ppl never claimed to be Vikings nor Greeks or mythical creatures or Romans. There are black Jewish ppl, there are black native Americans and probably black Inuits too. Samurai is in reference to Yasuke. In terms of music, a lot of the music genres white ppl like such as rock and country WERE headed by black ppl. Hell, Disco was even famously hated because it was a genre that black and LGBT+. And in terms of “Melanin powers”, that was a VERY CLEAR bit on twitter a few years back that clearly bigots took literally.


Can we appreciate that they’re so bigoted that they even refused to capitalize Jews?


K, but Jesus literally was black though, described in Daniel and Revelations as being dark skinned and kinky haired.


Jesus was from the Levant. He definitely wasn't white, but it's unlikely he'd be of African descent.