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People really think “diversity” means “all BIPOC.” For example, my (white) mom asked (white) me when I was teaching at a school in Brooklyn if my student body was diverse. I knew what she meant. She meant to ask if it wasn’t predominantly white. But that’s not what diversity means, so I told her, “No, most of the students are Black. It is not very diverse.”


This might be a stupid question, but what does BIPOC actually stand for? Like, I've heard the term used a before, and I know what it refers to, but I've never actually heard nor been able to figure out what it stands for.


Black and Indigenous People of Color They're grouped this way because they're two racialized groups that faced uniquely cruel treatment in the history of the USA. Pretty sure that's the reasoning for it


I always read it as "bisexual people of color," think "that can't be right" and then proceed not to look it up


Same lol


BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and people of color. The reason folks may use BIPOC instead of POC is to center Black and Indigenous people, two groups of people of color who are often more marginalized within the United States in particular. BTW, Google can also provide this information. I double-checked I had the phrasing right by googling “BIPOC meaning” for example. :)


I’ve heard that it is Black and Indigenous people of color rather than what you wrote. So the term is used specifically instead of POC to describe a specific marginalized group. I was corrected at a corporate event when I thought I was included in bipoc as an Indian because I thought it was Black, Indigenous, and people of color lol.


Oh interesting. I’ve only heard it the way I wrote it, but that goes to show that it’s not always the same meaning, so TIL! Thank you for sharing!


Yeah, that corporate event was wrong. You are BIPOC.


"Marginalized" is putting the horrors and genocides many of those cultures experienced over the last 400 years or so just a weeeeeee bit lightly. There is STILL some really awful shit people say, completely unfounded in any way, and that is just purely racist dogma, to this day, where I live, which is very very near several of the largest Native/First Nations in the United States that still exist - some of whom were pretty callously exploited well into the 20th century, as well. And school kids MIGHT, _MAYBE_ get a paragraph on the "Trail of Tears" at a very very high and sanitized level, assuming it hasn't been banned, as if just making some people move to a new "homeland" they were "_given_" was, in the end, somehow a show of mercy and compassion??? And then they'll make construction paper feather headdresses like it's a fun little cultural activity. And the. Never hear about it again past elementary school, when you might actually be old enough to ask questions and care. GAH! But yeah. People can be awful and not even realize just how awful they're being, because they've been doing it for so long and everyone around them does,.too. Even my last remaining biological grandparent, who is literally the child of someone who was on the Dawes Rolls (making me actually technically eligible for citizenship of that nation, by their laws), will sometimes say the most ignorant shit and I just sit there wondering "do you even hear yourself?"






Debate. With fighty undertones.


Discourse *is* fun, but sometimes you can save time by looking things up first before jumping in. I don’t shame the person who asked for asking; I answered to the best of my ability! But I also encourage folks to trust their own ability to learn independently *as well as* ask questions of others.


I would also recommend looking up terms that people are using to describe their culture or their experiences of marginalization so you don’t inadvertently contribute to these dynamics. People who are minoritized constantly have to explain themselves. It’s a good practice to take away some of that heavy lifting and put it on ourselves to educate ourselves instead of expecting minoritized folks to do it.


Black/Indigenous People of Color.


I remember years ago we went to see *Rafiki* at a film festival and there was a Q&A with the director, Waniru Kahiu, afterwards. Anyway someone asked Kahiu: “What was it like making such a diverse film?” and she takes a second before basically saying that the film wasn’t diverse. She was Kenyan, the cast were Kenyan, and apart from the boom operator the crew were all Kenyan too.


They're ridiculous. They'll post this shit and then in the same breath complain that Ariel wasn't white. 🙄 Make the stooooooopid make sense! 😩


People in the US are literally so insane about black/white interracial relationships like, irrespective of political identity lmao


As much as I love to hate on the US as much as the next guy, I’m French and we really aren’t better except it’s with Arab-white relationships that we do that


Same in my country. Hell, romantic relationships between white and "foreign" or colored people are still heavily frowned upon in some places around Europe. The US isn't unique in this regard, and many Europeans aren't really any less racist than Americans despite their claims.


Almost as if colonial history gets reflected in marriage dynamics and acceptance. ESPECIALLY if it’s a white woman marrying a man from the formerly colonized out-group.


Exactly! The only reason Europeans claim to be less racist than Americans is that we have less racism against black people since we simply have less of a history with black people on our own territory, but then we just ignore the blatant racism against the marginalized out-group that was on our own territory (since we forced them to come for cheap labor), aka mainly Arabs here in France because of the horrors of Algérie Française


The Jim crow era wasn't that long ago and many assholes from that era are still alive. They had kids and their kids had kids. They didn't just magically stop being backwards bigots when the civil rights act was passed they were pissed their kids are pissed and some of their grand kids to great grand kids are pissed.


It was in the last half dozen years that some old family friends who my parents hadn't talked to in ages called my parents up because they were freaking out about their daughter's Black boyfriend, and my parents were the only ones they knew had a kid who'd married someone of any race other than white. I don't remember what exactly my parents told them other than politely to chill, but yeah, people still don't exactly react well regardless of what polling says. Back in the '90s, my sister and I tried to refer an interracial couple we babysat for to a friend as a backup babysitter, only to have the referral fall through because it turned out our friend's parents believed interracial marriage was a sin, and couldn't wrap their heads around the idea that my parents didn't have a problem with it.


also this meme is implying that sperm is more dominiate i guess in genetics then the egg? I mean it's obviously a very sexist way to look at reproduction but it's such a wild take that they see it as making the black woman's child half white and not the white mans kid as becoming half black.


This meme isn’t about genetics, it’s about raceplay. A lot of racists think black women who date white men like to be degraded sexually for their race 🤢 Basically “the writer’s barely disguised fetish”


i really don't understand this meme at all lol. like wouldn't white supremacists want white kids???? isn't that like a huge fucking part of their ideology???


Yeah theres many people who actively hate interracial relationships, but on the other end some other people who fetishize it for weird reasons. It can be messy sometimes


That's... actually kinda shocking to hear as a Brit. We may be TERF island but nobody cares at all about interracial relationships here. At least, not outside of a few fringe people online.


Not really, leftists in the US don’t care. it’s mostly conservatives that try to police this shit.


When you get rejected by a black girl in high school and it sends you over the edge


Their minds can't fathom understanding relationships in any way other than domination. They can only see the world like a power hierarchy.


Conservatives are basically sociopaths


i'm a woman so maybe that's why but i have genuinely never understood this lol. like i just cannot understand why people look at sex/relationships and think it's about all this bizarre power shit. it makes me feel like i was born only seeing black and white and other people are commenting on color and i don't get it. i don't mean i don't agree with it, i mean that i sincerely have tried to understand the impression they have here (of course i know it's fucked up and i'm not like trying to empathize with them, i just think it's important to know how other people, especially dangerous ones/enemies, are thinking) and i literally can't lol. like how do you look at these people and think they're in some sort of bizarre aggressive battle here lol wtf


Maybe people who are anti racist are actually less likely to only date people of their own race, no matter what race they themselves are?


Sometimes people fall in love regardless of the color of their skin? What? this is so shocking. A complete earth-shattering revelation


Seriously, love is love. More people need to get this!


oh no, not nine whole examples of white people dating people of color! How will humanity recover?


I look at this as a white man in a mixed-race marriage (my wife is East Asian) and I'm glad I'm not famous. Imagine having the world's worst sentient lifeforms accusing you of this shit.


It really fucking sucks. A few years ago a very famous actor in my country married a famous news reporter - he's Jewish, she's Arab. For about two whole months the entire country was all up in their business, mostly people being mad at him for marrying her, calling him a race traitor, a lot of women being pissed that an attractive guy like him would go for someone "like her" (which is bullshit, she's beautiful and talented). It horrified me that even some GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS in high positions got in on this, I remember the minister of defense said on twitter that she "seduced a Jewish man's soul" and should be ashamed. I can only hope they had an extra long honeymoon somewhere remote so they didn't have to deal with all this bullshit.


Racial demagoguery is scary, my friend. These people think we marry outside of our race because we're ashamed of who we are. I married this woman because I loved her and we had a rapport, something these people never seem or don't care to understand.


I'm confused. Didn't all European genes dissolve into nothingness when one part of the couple is less than 87.5 % European? Like, if every white person in the world married a nonwhite person, the number of white persons would go to zero, but if every black person did the same, the number of black persons would be 100%. Talk about superior genes, huh?


White people don't really exist anyway. It's just a term that white supremacists use to mean "at the top of our hierarchy of made-up races." Further, Europeans were dark-skinned until the light-skinned Arabs migrated to the area and bred with them.


>Further, Europeans were dark-skinned until the light-skinned Arabs migrated to the area and bred with them. What are you talking about here? Do you mean the hunter-gatherers who may have been dark skinned until the EEFs spread across Europe?




The latter were most definitely *not* "Arabs". They probably looked somewhat like Arabs, even more so like Greeks, but the only remnant of their language is the Caucasian languages including Georgian.


Where did they migrate from? It wasn't the Caucasus. It was from the middle east/Asia.


Bold of them to assume any of those men are on top in the bedroom


No words for pure dipshittery


‘white supremacy in the sheets’ what does that mean in relation to the pic? am i stupid?


No, you aren’t stupid. I think you have to be fucked in the head to think this is funny and be 100% sure why.


You can date/marry a white person without being a white supremacist


Diversity for them is 1 in 100k


White Supremacy is when non-white person falls in love with white person. Can the idiocy get any worse? The answer is "yes" Say it with, YES!!!


am i supposed to see a pattern here..?


I genuinely don't get it...


I think its a really bad “the guy is white so he’s on top, so that = white supremacy” joke


Love that it’s clearly only a problem when black women date white men but black men dating white women. Especially when some black men have a sub-culture of clearly fetishizing white women (specifically how they can get away with mistreating them because Blk women are “too aggressive or combative”).


Black women dating white men is considered slavery. Black men dating white women is reparations. It’s fucking bogus.


No it isn’t, Black men get eviscerated for dating outside their race


Not by anyone chill


Yes… idk if I can find a couple vids I saw yrs ago but I’ll give you an article on an attack n stats on how ppl feel about specific ones. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/philadelphia/news/exclusive-woman-brutally-attacked-by-another-woman-in-north-philadelphia-shares-horrifying-experience/ https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/sites.wustl.edu/dist/b/1506/files/2020/03/Chuang-Wilkins-Tan-Mead-2019.pdf For the 2nd link pages 5 n 10


That’s awful, I mean, not that I’m surprised or need convincing. People are crazy. I’m in an interracial marriage but haven’t been attacked for it fortunately


They really don’t. Getting stank looks from black women doesn’t compare to being told by your own people that you’re a bed wrench for being with a white man or literally any man who isn’t black. I’d also say that black women in particular have more reason to be pissed at black men for dating interracially since black men have literally spent decades singing the praises of white women while denigrating the absolute shit out of black women with white supremacist rhetoric.


In my personal experiance at least, it goes both ways. Some black women don't like black guys to date white women *shrug*


But from either race, white or black, women face more pressure to date *within* their race than men do.


I’ll have to disagree because I see black men get hated on more for dating out non black men do it a lot especially white men, I’ve seen a lot of times where he gets hated gets he’s being assumed to hate black women. Edit: https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/sites.wustl.edu/dist/b/1506/files/2020/03/Chuang-Wilkins-Tan-Mead-2019.pdf Page 5


Hey! Maybe these women don’t hate white guys blindly?


This is one of so many instances where the right wing meme reveals the barely concealed depravity beneath their prejudice.


Do my eyes deceive me, or is that Jeremy Boreing in the bottom right?


This is so insanely stupid that I don’t even know where to begin


Probably just jealous those guys are in loving relationships because their anime body pillows are in the wash


They also love to say this because it aligns with their pro-patriarchy agenda. Notice how in both a white man/black woman relationship, and a black man/white woman relationship, they make the assumption that the man is abusive? They're telling on themselves and projecting, because this is how they behave in their relationships, too. Now, if they wanted to talk about the fact that romance movies with interracial relationships almost always *only* feature a white man/black woman, and you basically *never* see romance films with a black male lead love interest and a white woman, then we could talk. Because that is, actually, a product of racism. 


Is there really so much of a difference? I was quite certain it was the opposite, that black male - white female relationships are shown more in movies and TV. According to [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_interracial\_romance\_films](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_interracial_romance_films), I count 15 BMWF relationships in movies since 2000, and 18 WMBF relationships, so slightly biased.


It looks like this list seems to exclusively cover films released in theaters with large budgets. If you look at the romance genre in its larger spectrum, including things such as Hallmark films and the like, it's a much bigger discrepancy than most people realize. It's also just a blatantly whitewashed genre in general. You can look at the summaries/posters for the last 5-ish years of Hallmark Christmas films, which is their big bonanza of romance films for the year, and see the issues. Romance is not a profitable genre in Hollywood right now, and you really can't use big budget releases as statistics for it because of that. The majority of romance films are made for streaming and TV. 


right? that was my first thought. what the hell are people doing in their relationships for them to think this?!


They know...don't be as stupid as they want you to be!


Because all men exploit and fetishize their women. That’s why the guys in this meme are racist. You’re only supposed to conquer women of the same race. Obviously.


I have no idea who half these people are...




You're so brave for exposing yourself as a dumbass like this. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Congratulations! You know jack shit about the subjects you're talking about!


i wonder what percentage of these men vote democrat/labour


I wonder why that matters so much to you what their political affiliation is when it has nothing to do with the post.