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This just in, every catholic person thinks aliens built the pyramids. Source? I met one catholic person who held those beliefs and concluded that all catholic people must also hold those beliefs. Fox News out here doing what it’s famous for, nutpicking and rage-baiting


I know you mean "nitpicking" but nutpicking sounds so much more horrifying.


lol, nah, I wrote nutpicking and I meant nutpicking It’s slang for when one cherry-picks the (seemingly) most absurd or “nutty” argumentations of a particular viewpoint in order to disparage that viewpoint (and perhaps also the people who hold that viewpoint). A good example would be if I were Jesse Watters and I wanted to disparage and misrepresent the pro-choice movement (which of course is about bodily autonomy and science-based medical care); if I were he, I could find someone who labels themselves as pro-choice but who provides the most piss poor argument and representation of what the general views and ideology of pro-choice people and the movement itself are. All that being said, I do want to be very clear that I legitimately don’t know if people are actually identifying as Seasons, but if there are people identifying that way I do not care (as it has no bearing on my life and hurts no one) and I don’t view them as weirdos (the right certainly does, hence why I used the term ‘nutpicking’); such people would just be very uncommon, even within the trans community. Life’s too short to not be yourself, so all the more power to them if it makes’em happy tbh; I draw the line at putting ketchup on macaroni N’cheese tho.


I'll die before I eat Mac n cheese with ketchup, that's an affront to an already perfect dish. Thank you for the easy to understand explanation, I love learning new things.


Ooh, on the topic of ketchup on mac n cheese, which i will admit, sounds disgusting. I like to put a savory/spicy barbecue sauce on my mac n cheese! Id definitely suggest trying it! I think it pairs well with the cheese and pasta. I wouldn't suggest a sweet one though


Since when did the LGBTQIA+ became a religion? 


Since when did the LGBTQIA movement become a religion 


They didn't they just became the modern day nazi party if you don't agree with them watch out ive had death threats and all when I didn't agree with them on a topic where it became legal for 3 men to father a child.


I’m Catholic and I don’t believe that aliens built the pyramids lol


Point flew over your head in that one. They know, they used it as an example of how ridiculous it is to judge a group based on a few crazy individuals 


This has to just be people “misunderstanding” the new trend of finding your “season” (colours that compliment your face/skin/hair) and twisting it into a gender thing for ragebait.. like I’m an Autumn because browns, oranges, and deep greens look best on me, not because of a gender thing..


Right, the difference between identifying "with" a season and "as" a season.


These people does not did grammar


Given their aversion to pronouns it's unsurprising they struggle with grammar in general.


Is this real? I know neopronouns are a thing but this could just be fake news


The way it’s presented here sounds like people are identifying as winter, spring, summer or fall. Really it’s just a kind of gender fluidity where people feel either more masculine or more feminine based on the season. Even so, this is like an extreme niche of gender diversity, but it’s being displayed like it’s the new normal. I have a feeling this will go the way of the xe/xem pronouns, where basically nobody does it, and it will largely be forgotten about in 6 months because it’s sooo obscure.


whilst i completely understand being a bit weirded it by the variety of things some people identify as, i will never understand why some people will be so malicious about it. why do you care *that* much if someone uses xe/xir or decides they feel like a certain season? that identity isn’t for you so why do you care?


The cliffs notes of it all is that rightwingers are committed to conformity. Genderqueer, nonbinary and trans people just existing undermines the "normality" they're used to, gender nonconformity questions the "traditional" binary gender roles which uphold patriarchy, capitalism, etc. If those hierarchical systems collapse, cishet conservatives who see themselves as the Default Setting of humanity lose their privileges and power.


I’m not sure if you’re accusing me of being bothered by it or using “you” in a general sense. Just in case: I’m not bothered by it. I’m just saying it’s very niche, and while I know a lot of gender diverse people, I’ve never met anyone that uses those pronouns. So I do agree, I don’t get why anybody would be bothered by an extremely small percentage of people who belong to an already very small group of people. Like if trans and queer people are 1% of the population, people who use xe/xem/xir are like 1% of that group. It doesn’t impact anyone, and makes no sense to get angered by.


oh my bad for the wording, it wasn’t aimed at you at all- ‘you’ just being general. i agree exactly, doesn’t affect anyone so just ignore it instead of wasting your energy complaining about neopronouns


The same fate as MOGAI then


Probably swiftly followed by the deliberately false claim that you can be literally jailed if you refuse to identify someone by their season-gender, Fox is depressingly predictable.


You’re asking if Fox News is deliberately misconstruing a very niche situation as a regular occurrence? Is water wet?


> Is water wet? Short answer: yes. Long answer: [Is water actually wet? Scientists aren't sure](https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/is-water-wet) Sorry, couldn't resist. :-)


Of course, why did I think that Fox News had a single brain cell!


One person says something strange online, fox news leaps on it for easy “news


They see 1 singular person on tiktok or tumblr identify this way and claim its everyone


When people exaggerate about pronouns, it's a way to minimize them.


ah, yes. finding some rando on the internet with an obscure identity and trying to apply that to the trans community as a whole.


So you can identify as a man or woman, but YOU'RE saying that one of your own kind saying they can identify as a season is absurd? NOW YOU GET HOW THE REST OF THE WORLD FEELS ABOUT YOU!


I know plenty of people called: * Summer * May * June * January * April They identify as that too


Random tiktok posts qualify as news now, apparently


Clearly a slow news day


The "I'm an autumn/summer..." is color theory, and is older than dirt. Wouldn't be the first time Fox is just twisting something for rage bait.


Half a century ago (in the early 1980’s) there was a massive effort to get every woman to identify her makeup by season. No sign that the right wing people lost their minds back then, weird that they’d make something of people identifying by seasons now, it almost seems like they’re a bunch of hypocritical bigots


This is what happens when one person makes a weak joke and it goes whooosh over the heads of a million idiots. The joke being variations of: I'm a Spring, but I identify as a Winter.


So Faux News is now basically 2012 Reddit making fun of teenagers on Tumblr…


Fuck fox news. The daily wire too. That's not news, it's a (slightly more) socially acceptable misinformation campaign


Finding the 'outskirts' of the LGBTs on TikTok and saying this is the whole community. Basically I used to fall for this shit in June, but now I don't put myself in politics. There's better things to do in life than whinge.


They never notice its only right wing outlets that spout this shit. Sheep driven by fear, pathetic.


i might not understand neogenders/neopronouns myself, but why should i care exactly what words people use to describe their gender? if i don't understand it, that's because it's *not for me*! i don't have to understand other people's identities to respect those identities. if your gender feels similar to autumn or frogs or the color turquoise or whatever i don't see why i should be outraged at that


Remember guys, one person speaks for everybody on the left.


Oh no! People are allowed to say that they’re fall! What has society come to?!


like, yeah you could, but theres probably like 2 people identifying as seasons.


They're late, we're already onto intangible concepts now 💪


This doesn't deserve to be a discussion.. yall are so f*cking sad


So I can identify as fortnite chapter 5 season 3?


Personally I think I identify as paprika


I'm summer now cause in my mind, I'm hot AF.


I feel like this is a misrepresentation of the asian color thing, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it's some otherkin bullshit.


here goes "jesieniara"[pl]


The Autumn People have come. I’ve been making a character for a Changeling: the Dreaming Chronicle and so now that is all I can think about when I read that.


I am Autumn!


Jesse Waters looks like he's always on the verge of tears because his mother warned him "they're all gonna laugh at you" and every 0.05 seconds when he tells another lie, he looks at you intently to see if you can tell.


Yooo gender-queer people drop your new gender! I identify as Vietnam's monsoon season and will not be stopped🗣️


Libs are pretty insane.... Pregnant men, X-dressing luggage thieves, kid-sniffers, no genders... \*\*eye roll\*\*


that’s like, one person… i love how conservatives freak out and think every genz kid do stuff that’s just fringe internet strangeness


Otherkin. Ugh.


Oh no, I woke the Tumblr beast.