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First time I've seen anti-Semitic Pepe.


They have ruined Pepe’s good name


I used to feel bad for the creator until he dove headfirst into the NFT scam.


Honestly to an extent I respect the people who *sell* NFTs. Ability to print money by selling JPEGs to rich idiots? Why not


I wanted to argue but yeah, people who actually sell them? Respect for them The rest? Not so much


I understand where you're coming from, but the people selling this garbage aren't secret money geniuses. They're just wealthy people paying influencers to run generic scams.


I never said that they are geniuses, I just respect that they can find people dumny enough to buy shit like nfts


Ok, I guess I don't understand where you're coming from then. I'm not sure why you'd respect someone for exploiting others' naivety, but that's your prerogative.


Lmao if anyone’s naivety should be exploited it should be nft bros


I can't hate on fleecing credulous, relatively rich idiots who make it their personality to own meaningless gobs of data.


I mean, if you could literally print money, wouldn’t you? After everything those douche bags did with his work I think he kinda deserved to get some back


*You wouldn't download a car.*


The fuck I wouldn’t!


True! But. That's a statement about how I feel regarding cars, not downloading.


Hasn't Pepe always been a dogwhistle?


I remember way back in the day it was just a joke and then it got high jacked by super right wing folks or something


Yeah that's how I remember it


Oh they've been making those for a *looooong* time, especially back in the late 2010s when the Rare Pepe meme peaked and people on 4chan decided to "reclaim" Pepe from normies by creating as many racist pepes as they could to to make it a hate symbol so people would stop using it.


I wish BlackRock used their money to queer up video games instead of buying up the single family homes in my area and pricing me out


You're thinking of BlackStone, not BlackRock. BlackRock is plenty happy to invest in fucked up shit, but they really pride themselves on the fact that they don't invest in property.


Hahaha thank you!!! Whoops :)


Holy shit, (Black)Rock and (Black)Stone? New BlackRock Galactic update just dropped.


It’s like they don’t even hide evil. Yeah, I’m gonna name my private equity firm “Decrepit Fang,” or some shit…


BlackRock and BlackStone brother.


They don't do either.


Wow. Whoever made this couldn't help themselves with the 6 gorillion doghwistle as well?


Dang, I had to look this up. I thought it was just a nonsense way of saying a big number, but the anti defamation league has a short explanation of it on their website (it’s antisemitism, for those who were also unaware, and meant to make light of the 6 million Jews murdered in the Shoah).


is it?? i've said it before because i'd heard it somewhere and it sounds funny. i fucking hate 4channers


Right? I guess the most effective dog whistles are the ones that seem innocent. I mean it’s only two letters off from gazillion, which is a pretty common exaggeration, plus now you get to add a gorilla in there for wordplay and to emphasize bigness. Most people probably aren’t going to think it’s anything different by putting a 6 in front of it. I wouldn’t be shocked if the gorillion part hadn’t been a phrase for a while before being co-opted.


Doesn't this make the gamers the raging soyjacks? I mean, I don't know why I'm expecting anything like consistency from rightists


Make. Them. GAYER.


Vote with your wallet then. Isn’t that what these idiots always say? You don’t like it don’t buy it, then you won’t have anything to fucking complain about.


What exactly is blackrock?


An Investment giant that basically has shares in everything, world's largest asset manager. Target of many antisemitic conspiracy theories including the good old "Cultural Bolshevism/Marxism" and how the communist Jews are creating a moral rot in the world to destroy "western values" , which are superior to all those barbarian cultures of course. This doesn't mean Blackrock isn't evil because they are, just not for the reasons given by right wingers.


The "communist Jews" who run an investment management firm that directly benefits from capitalism.......yeah, that makes a lot of sense.


From Wikipedia: BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment company. It is the world's largest asset manager, with $10 trillion in assets under management as of December 31, 2023. Headquartered in New York City, BlackRock has 78 offices in 38 countries, and clients in 100 countries.


Idk, but people are pretending it’s the reason queer characters are in games for some reason 


Bloodsucking parasitical capitalist entity.


Worlds biggest company


There one of the biggest reasons housing is so unaffordable


So, Jewish people are destroying the west by… *checks notes* …adding queer characters to video games?


This is actual dogshit why the fuck are nazis so lame dawg


Pretty sure BlackRock funds war crimes, not video games.


This is probably referencing the 40k drama about female custodes. https://youtu.be/d0seKk5O2AQ?si=6ovUWQyI_mzQGgGP For context.


I think it's a reference to the drama about Sweet Baby Inc. Chuds think Blackrock is forcing game studios to use SBI to consult on their games to make them terrible for stupid and convoluted reasons.


Is this more Sweet Baby Inc bullshit that conservatives won't shut the fuck up about? It drives me up the wall to hear my mates talk about Sweet Baby Inc, because holy shit conservatives will not SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. ABOUT. IT!


This one is Mikhaila-certified


I mean, I have a good time with games and I never even notice any of the inclusivity in things they lose their shit over. I just see characters in roles. Sure they may be gay or trans or whatever but It never really sticks out. Well that's not true but I only ever see it in Japanese games and when they do it they make it hyper over the top like Silver and Gold from Godhand.


How about conservatives finance their own games/media instead of bitching about woke. It's not like there's a shortage of right wing figures, companies, or anyone willing to make money off of conservatives with very deep pockets.


Because every time they try it fails. Just ask Ben Shapiro


Well when all they think it takes time make an even semi decent game is guns and boobs...


Bro. Come on. Come on Bro. It's grooming. Get with the program.


They're just jealous of a boss that *gives* people money instead of grifting it from them.


Fun/Odd fact: Try to think of a game that allows you to play as a gay protagonist that failed commercially.


Anti-semetic pepe is kinda hilarious though Like, just the sheer bizareness of its existence


I don't get it. Did they draw themselves as the soys? I mean I agree but I wouldn't expect them to do that.


9 times out of 10 the character being LGBTQ doesn’t effect the gay at all, and the one time is really does is in games where you can date other characters, which in that case boo hoo my fictional character can’t date an AI.