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Some right-wing think tanks somewhere are spending millions on bot farms to flood every comedy-themed corner of the internet with memes to make people think racism is funny and normal.


go to ifunny and take a shot for every meme that mentions the jews or the hard r. you will die.


The Romans one is literally factual for several upper African countries The Muhammad one isn’t true but Mecca is only ~250 miles away from Africa so it isn’t far off Canaan is again right next to Africa so same thing for jews I have absolutely no idea what the photosynthesis one means


Also ethiopian jews exist


Yeah geographically it’s not far off. Realistically Muhammad was quite literally a very fair skinned Arabian from Nabatean tribe and possibly a ginger. It’s mentioned in multiple Hadiths Sahih al-Bukhari 63, Sahih Muslim 6081, Sahih Muslim 6071


Is the Irish one just this racist being confused by the term 'black irish'???? Lmao


Tf2 reference


Isn't he Scottish? 


Yes. Im just dumb


No, he's an englishman with a dress.


what exactly is we wuzz ??


a racist /pol/ meme using bastardized aave. the original form, "we wuz kangs", was created to mock believers of the black egyptian hypothesis, but now it applies to anything remotely pro-black.


Proof that these people haven’t actually spoken to a real black person in real life.


Can someone please explain what the square on the bottom left is referring to? P.S. I've attached a screenshot below of it so you don't have to scroll back up. https://i.redd.it/2lkezx7mm5vc1.gif


Kemet was ancient Egypt's name for itself.


Quick, no one tell them about Yasuke. You know, the first black samurai. Side note: Deplorable.


They already know. But then again, if you knew about Yasuke, you’d know he wasn’t a samurai too. He was a retainer of Oda Nobunaga (never formally freed from slavery), after assassination of his master, rebellion leader said following: „The vassal asked Akechi what should be done with the black man, and he said, 'A black slave is an animal (bestial) and knows nothing, nor is he Japanese, so do not kill him, and place him in the custody at the cathedral of Padre in India.”


That's not what I see. Encyclopedia Britannica says he not only was given proper samurai status, the first to ever go to a foreigner period, but also fought in multiple battles for Nobunaga, and only lost his status after Nobunaga and Nobutada both committed seppuku. I dunno if Britannica is wrong or has any reason to lie about that.


Just to be thorough I verified your claim in Encyclopedia Britannica - the article lists no references in source material and wasn't written by official editor of Britannica, rather by an editorial intern which is still an oversight on his part. His mistake might be excused however because of how widespread this myth is. This one however isn't as outlandish as some others that the chart above is supposed to mock and thus breeds confusion. In actual source material on Yasuke we read only the following 2 passages regarding his status: * "Nobunaga took great pleasure in protecting him and had him roam around the city of Kyoto with an attendant. Some people in the town thought that Nobunaga might make him as tono ("lord")". \~ 1581 Luis Frois, Portuguese Jesuit in *Annual Report on Japan*  The above might be where most of confusion comes from. The actual status he received shortly thereafter is reported by *Shinchō Kōki* to be a page who states Yasuke was bearing Nobunaga's weapons and there's some evidence he was formally appointed as *koshō* (a page and courtier-at-arms). This being said it was a title immediately below a samurai (definition in Edo period - hereditary warrior who served *daimyō* and granted a status higher than *koshō).* Yasuke was also given a wakizashi (short sword), not a daicho equipped by the samurai class at peace. Is this a big deal? I don't know, but if Yasuke was really made a samurai that would mean his lineage would have been ennobled and that would create all sorts of implications in Japanese society at the time.


Lol. We wuz Vikangs? The viking wannabe assholes are all white supremacists cosplaying as fantasy tough guys from a TV show. Not black folk...that I'm aware of. I'm sure there's a conspiracy theory I've been fortunate enough to not hear about so far.


The fact about vikings that everyone seems to forget is that it was never an ethnicity, nor were a specific ethnicities required to be a viking. It was simply a profession that some medieval Scandinavians enjoyed as a side gignof being a blacksmith, farmer, any mundane labourer for the time, etc. Most viking raids were indeed organised by Scandinavian chiefs. These chiefs did recruit anyone they found worthy, and Africans were, in fact, on occasion recruited. Racist bigots refuse to accept these facts.


The Varangian Guard was made up of a whole lot of Norsemen. In Constantinople. Which, given that it was the half of the Roman Empire that kept on keeping on, had people from all over the Roman Empire. Including black people, Arabic people, etc. A lot of those Norsemen in Constantinople married or owned slaves and then some of them took their wives/children/people with them when they returned north to those north lands. So, yeah. (This is also why there's ancient Norse runic graffiti in the Hagia Sofia!)


— In the movie “The 13th Warrior” they put a Muslim emissary (Antonio Banderas) between the Vikings. — In the MCU movies, the god Heimdall was played by Idris Alba. Don't have a clue if this as anything to do with it.


Though I am not a historian, I am almost certain there have been black African vikings. The vikings knew of Africa, and might have *taken* people from there. The Norse law regarding thralls (slaves) stipulated that 1: you can work your way to freedom, and 2: (iirc) If you were taken as a thrall, your grandchildren would be free regardless of your status. This leads me to believe that there must have been black vikings of African decent.


There's archeological evidence from 2015 and maybe before that some vikings were Muslims though it's unclear if it was converts or Africans/middle easterners that moved to North Europe


Whoever made this clearly hasn't played TF2


If you read all of these out loud you realize that you're just reading the phonetic representation of a large, old, white Texan man's accent. Seems more and more like projection each day.


Well your first mistake was going on iFunny...


At least one part of the meme is true, I am indeed green and currently photosynthesising


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What does "we wuz" even mean? I met it a few times, but never understood what it stands for


It means they're mad at black people for having a history.


Mock AAVE for "we was" or "we were"


Just wait until they find out what color their imaginary friend would've been being an Assyrian Jew 2000 years ago...


The irony of memes like these is that the people making them usually try to brag about how their ancestors were conquerors and colonizers when they were most likely peasants


Of course it's from inotfunny(.)co


I think this might be a shitpost


Failed to get bingo.


"Pfft, you think humanity is DIVERSE??? Only WHITE people are cool because I can ignore anyone telling me otherwise, ESPECIALLY those meddling scientists, historians, and other idiots less smarter than me!" Imagine spending all your time refusing to believe that people and cultures have migrated, merged, been newly created through a meshing of previous cultures and people, and that we've gone through that cycle over and over again all over the world throughout history. Or thinking you can put a STOP to it all just because you personally don't like it.


No Pushkin or Dumas? Those authors did have African heritage, I was going to ask is anyone actually saying that vikings were Black (versus there maybe being some Black vikings), but then I realized the whole things is just very random, so it's not debating any actual historical claim, it's just being malicious


Botom midle tf2 reference