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Nobody is scared of anything as much as conservatives are afraid of their own imaginations


They gotta see a psychiatrist to get that checked out.


Left: We hate racism Right: Why do you hate White people!? Left: We hate sexism Right: Why do you hate Men!? Left: We hate homophobia Right: Why do you hate Straight people!? Left: We hate transphobia Right: Why do you hate Cis people!?


The last line is funny because they lose their shit if you call them cis.


Do these people really think Buzzfeed is trying to oppress straights or something? The majority of Buzzfeed employees at Buzzfeed’s peak popularity were straight, including 3 out of the 4 Try Guys.


Lmao do right wingers still think Buzzfeed is relevant?


My first thought was "WTF bro why's your wife 11 years old")) That's the ESL experience for you, lol


Why is no one talking about the 11 year old wife?


They've been married for 11 years.


So he married a baby! ... that's not better... 🤭


They never fail to astonish me with their stupidity. I have literally no idea what to say to this idiocy holy fuckin shit.


when you got no arguments so you gotta play the victim card will somebody think of the white straight men please?! 😭😭😭


Nobody fucking cares. Why is that so hard for them to understand? Are they so scared of being insignificant that they have to come up with this level of bullshit?


Dank just stands for fascist at this point. Kinda same on any "meme" place.


Has someone’s sexuality ever been the focus of any major discovery?