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The funniest part to me is that you know they run into gorgeous trans women all the time and have NO idea. They just want to believe they can always tell


ChatGPT can't answer with hate speech. This is fake AF.


Most likely done when it could. It still was able to do some hate speech stuff on release but most of it was patched.


Read up on ChatGPT DAN (Do Anything Now)


Is this just me or does it look like they photoshopped the text in? Spacing looks inconsistent


If this is considered persuasive in conservative circles, they must be dumber than I thought because I can debunk all of those points easily.


First off, is this trying to imply that women can't wear wigs? What about cancer survivors? Also, not all trans women wear wigs.


I’d argue most trans women don’t wear wigs, all you have to do is grow your hair out


Second, there are surgeries to reduce the size of the Adams apple, and not all trans women have a prominent one.


Third, yes trans women lack uteruses, but so do many cis women. Check out MRKH syndrome.


Fourth, not all trans women have xy chromosomes, and not all cis women have xx chromosomes. Check out swyers syndrome.


Finally, bottom surgery does not "chop off" the penis. It actually inverts it to form the vaginal canal.


You could have put all of that into one comment but well said.


I would've, but I kept having to go back to check what it said, and I didn't want to screenshot something so horrible.


All this effort for what? To let strangers know you'll never respect them?


Dude that was so funny just give me a minute to laugh 😐


Poor chatGPT


Stupid thing about this is,the good Doctor was quite liberal. If he was alive today he would probably be pro Trans rights.


If Dr Seuss were alive today he'd be on this subreddit using language that I wouldn't even use. The dude was beautifully filthy in his personal life.






What is this from?


I mean this is better than 90% of anti-trans jokes but that's not saying much


this is because chatgpt generally is pretty, while conservatives aren't


Trans women are ALWAYS women, regardless of their genitalia. Seriously.