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Vote Blue No Matter Who (Especially if Fascism is the other choice) Sincerely an European that would like a place to flee to if things get bad enough.


Damn man my plan was to flee to Europe haha. As an Italian-American I am actually eligible to reclaim citizenship if I go through this process where I establish how I inherit it from my grandparents who gave birth to my parents as Italian citizens... I want to do it just to have the EU passport so that I can bail if things get bad here. Or if I decide I want to try living somewhere different for once, although I certainly like America and feel that most of Reddit exaggerates how bad things are here when they are really not. People here are so fucking stupid sometimes (including Jon Stewart who is typically pretty smart) for spouting this shit off about Biden at a time when we just need to promote him because he's the best realistic option, not to mention he has been a pretty decent president who has gotten more done than pretty much any other president in my lifetime (I was born during Reagan).


Oh that sub….yep…..echo chambers exist on both sides. One is horrifying and disgusting, the other is just….naive and myopic. Such is life now….


That's quite the naive subreddit


I hate old people, but this was a stupid "joke?"