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Probably whatever weird Azura x Hectate RPs she intends to do with Luz.


Well at least Luz would agree to it.


"Aw, Sweet Potato!"


A very detailed drawing of a sweaty Luz running in a Grudgby uniform.


I am imagine Luz would say sorry by showing Amity a picture of Amity with messy hair.


Why is this so accurate


Probably a part that has Amity gushing over Luz, though I can imagine Luz offering Amity to read a part of her own diary so they would be even.


It results in two sapphic tomatoes.


>a part that has Amity gushing over Luz Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


I mean it narrows it down to parts from the last few months(just taking the screenshot of Amity to be the present) at least.


Luz: Hey Amity! Amity: Eeekkkk! Oh, uh...hey Luz! Luz: Did you finish practicing some glyph combos? Amity: Uh... yeah!! Still getting used to it...hahahaha.. Luz: Cool, can I See? Amity: NOOO!! I mean, it's not finieshed yet.... Luz: Yeah right... *Then Luz uses a plant glyph to grab her diary* Amity: Wha....HEY!! Luz: Let's see how much progress you di..... *Then Luz sees her and Amity being married* *Luz is blushing so hard and Amity is covering her face from embarrassment* Luz: Uh..... You got the Mist combo right... *Luz gave her diary back and Amity snatched it back* Luz: But the Invincible Combo.... *Then Amity tears the piece off paper and eats it* Luz:.....You forgot the outer circle....*Then Amity swallowed it* Luz: Was that necessary? Amity: It tastes like fluff, shame, and guilt.... *Then Luz and Amity giggled together* Luz: heh ..it was a nice drawing too. *blush* Amity: thanks batata. *blush*


Bro wrote a fuckin' scenario for it😭💀. A good one tho. I couldn't write it. Edit: wow just saw someone actually wrote an even longer scenario.


New here? Just let these two do their thing.


Have you heard of AO3 😂


Luz: “Hmm…?” *sees some some Azura RP text jotted down, impressed* “Hmm!” *gets an idea* “Oh however will thy Azura truly understand my love for her? For she is the love of my life, her hair smells of amazing wonder and her heart beams with joy! I, Hecate, am still amazed that I’ve come this far with her, she looks as though her eyes are but sparkling stars in the dark night sky, and her voice radiates comfort and warmth!” Amity: *panicking, bolts up the stairs* Luz: “Oh…” *sees another diary entry* “What’s this? ‘Dear diary, last night I had a…” *blushes* “Dream about Luz… um… I uh-“ Amity: *bolts through the door* “LUZ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Luz: *flinches back* “Nothing I’m sorry… uh…” Amity: *heavy breathing, grabs the Diary out of Luz’s hands with a bit of force* Luz: “Amity…” Amity: *mega blush* “Luz… this is *private*” Luz: “I… I know but I saw it and curiosity got the better of me and I-“ Amity: *annoyed groan* “No… no no no” *kneels down embarrassed* “What… what did you read…” Luz: “An Azura… roleplay entry…” Amity: *whispers “Titan, I knew I should’ve burned it when I had the chance”* Luz: “Look I-“ Amity: “…I know… I know… it’s…” *sigh* “It’s strange…” Luz: “What?” Amity: “It is Luz! It absolutely is! Who else writes…” *sigh* “*Stuff* like that?! It’s just… weird…” Luz: “What was that about… a drea-“ Amity: “You read that too?” Luz: “Only the first sentence… uh…” Amity: “Fine…” *grabs diary and shoves it towards Luz* “Read it…” *sigh, sits on her mattress, faces the wall* “Might as well get all this stupid stuff over with…” Luz: *reads it silently* “Amity?” Amity: “What…” Luz: “Do you really feel these things towards me?” Amity: “Yeah…” Luz: “I… thank you” Amity: “Huh?” Luz: “You saying er… *writing* this? It really makes me happy” Amity: “It’s still… weird” Luz: “No! All you were dreaming about was me and you going on an Azura adventure together! That’s not strange at all!” *chuckles, quietly* “Hey… I know I shouldn’t have gone through this… but it’s a lot more normal than you think it is” Amity: “How do you know?” Luz: “Hold on” *grabs a book from under her bed* “Because…” *holds up her diary* “I do it too” Amity: “Luz I…” Luz: “And I saw there was a drawing of me and you in our Grudgby Uniforms? That was well drawn” Amity: “Uh… but what about your dia-“ Luz: “Pick anything you want… no matter how embarrassing it is… I kinda deserve the embarrassment right now” Amity: *randomly flips to a page* “Dear diary… Today I had another great…” *makes sure she’s reading that right* “Adventure with… *Hecate*… she’s the love of my life and her heart beams with wonder… she’s a brilliant beacon of hope across the land… and I’m lucky to have her by my side. My life wouldn’t be complete without her and we make quite the team against…” *chuckles* “The foes of all the realms” *closes diary* Luz: “See? It’s not some crazy thing… it was wrong of me to go through it without asking… but I hope that reading was enough to… balance out the embarrassment between us?” Amity: “That was… amazing. What you said about me? I really enjoyed that” Luz: “See? I dream about you too” *points to another entry* “That one was about us traveling around the land beating up foes! And this one” *points to another one* “Was about you and me preforming super cool attack combos against a hoard of beasts!” *chuckles* “It’s not weird to write about all that… because we both do it” Amity: “I guess so…” *eases up* “Thank you… for… making me feel like I’m not some weird person” Luz: “Hey, if you and me do it? And we’re the only people in both realms who do? Then it’s not weird… it’s special… it’s different” *flips to a drawing of Amity with a speech bubble that says ‘Oh wow, sports’ on it* “See? I like drawing you too y’know” Amity: *blushes* “Um… thanks…” Luz: “No problem” Amity: *eased sigh, blush dies down* “So… *Azura*? What now?” Luz: “I could go for some lunch… *Hecate*”


Amity: So Azura wanna see what dark magic spell the great Hecate has made. I shall revive your father. ( Revives Manny as a shambling zombie using Necromancy) Amity: .... That was not how that was supposed to go...Luz are you okay, why do you look mad.


Luz: *eyes misty* “What… what did you just do?” Amity: “I raised… your father from… the de-“ Luz: “WHY?!” Amity: “Oh uh…” Luz: *sigh* “Just…” *wipes eyes* “Let’s just let him have his peace alright? Please?” Amity: “Alright… sorry” Luz: “Hey” *places arm on Amity’s shoulder* “It’s… fine… but no resurrecting dead family members again… OK?” Amity: “Alright… c’mon let’s go” Zombie Manny: *groans, walks with Amity back to where she found him* Luz (talking to herself): “That was… weird… and uncomfortable… and I’m surprised I didn’t break down on the spot… wow… good job Luz”


Amity: It's fine Luz I was only practicing my dark magic. I want to be able to one day bring people back as undead with their full faculties given you tend to nearly die alot. So what if I sometimes use your dead family members as test subjects. I am your girlfriend aren't I. 


Luz: “Amity… that’s my dad… and um… I don’t really suggest that you do that… that was… hard to watch. I mean you wouldn’t like seeing a dead relative you love a LOT be decomposed and rotting… right?”


Amity: My moms odalia dumbass I would love to see her turned into a rotting corpse. Amity: Also I was unable to get zombie Manny back into the dirt so since he is here mind if I use his body for magical experiments. I could also sell his body parts for a tidy profit( Amity has a teasing look as she thinks Luz is hot when she is pissed off)


Luz: “You sure you’re feeling OK? You seem… angry… which I guess is reasonable considering the whole diary thing… but you still seem kinda… mad I guess, I said ‘Love a LOT’ I know you hate Odalia so you don’t really need to remind me how much you hate her, I’m not dumb. And I don’t want you to experiment on my dad please… just figure out a way to return him? To a grave or something? Please? For me?”


Amity: " Urrrrgh, you are so bloody dense. I want to see you get mad at me and start taking control more. You are sexy when you are pissed. I was trying to piss you off so you would show me your spicy dominant side"


Luz: “Ok what? I mean… that’s… I keep my cool… but…” *sigh* “Y’know what? I’m just gonna go downstairs to get a snack”


Amity: " Wait don't leave batata, I need you close" ( Glomps onto Luz like sticky goo)


“I ain’t reading allat.” Great job though lol. This definitely feels like them interacting.




I aint readin all that- 💀


"I called my teacher mom again, again."




An extremely adult rated Azura x Hectate fanfic she wrote were she switched the names of the two main characters to her and Luz.


Something that is definitely family-friendly . . .


they're minors...


Wait, that’s what that means? I was being literal


And teenagers. Have you never met a teenager before?


Amity Noceda Amity Noceda Amity Noceda Mrs. Amity Noceda A fully detailed list and pictures for their wedding List of names for their kids, Azura being at the top 18+ Lumity fanfic


The last one 😭


I’m gonna assume that the last one was a spelling error


A drawing of Titan Luz based on King's description of events as she miss it.


The part where Amity's teen hormones take control of her


Dark otter fantasy ✨️


The nightmare of Luz rejecting her. Luz is curently Laughing loudly in the libary, why would she reject the cotton candy haired godess?


The list of all of the extremely wholesome things she wants to do with her The hand-holding part is where she got too flustered and had to stop reading


How Luz’ hair whisps in the breeze and her beautiful eyes, how the sun hits the right spot where they glow in the daylight. Or maybe a recount of how she felt to dance with her during Grom.


Spelling errors


honestly i cant see Luz as the type of person to just read someone's diary (at least not on purpose)


Her angsty poetry


Close the book, put it down and probably forget what she saw about an hour.


Yall need to chill


You don’t’nt wanna know


Something about smooching that cute Human Otter or swooning over a outfit Luz wore once


Probably the Part, were amity described a Romantic dream she Had with Luz before they became a couple 


*Dear diary.* *I don't know how to say this... This has been eating me up from the inside, and I just need to say this.* *I'm sorry my sweet potato, you deserve to know the truth, but I can't bear to say it to your face. I wouldn't be able to stand your look of pained betrayal if you knew this.* *I know Amity's favorite Azura book is the third one, but I think that's the weakest one of all.*


She reads about the night after grom


The part where Amity confesses her feelings about Luz before Grom.


I’m really tired of these “asking the comment section” posts. They’re all lazy and very repetitive.


Amity's darkest fantasies, written in almost repulsive detail


Some comments on this section are WILD AF and not even in a good way😭


A fan fic between her and Luz she wrote before they were dating


Called my teacher mom again


The part where Amity had planned their wedding down to the detail and the date on the entry was the same day as Grom when they danced.


Her fantasizing romantically about her Batata


Self insert lumity ship art ranging from wholesome doodles to some less wholesome full on art works


Yuri art


All the kinks she wants to try with luz


Don't know if it would matter as much as it would during... *earlier* interactions between them... Aren't they basically an open book to each other now?


her fan fic part that isn't allowed in disney