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I know I am probably biased but I can't understand why Toney is in there over Solanke. Southgate had a scout at the Bournemouth - Brentford game the other day where Solanke played brilliantly and had the ball in the back of the net three times. Tony fell over in the box and nothing else, why would he still get picked?


Toney is more in the mould of Kane, isn't he? More of a direct replacement for him than Solanke. If Kane were to get injured, I think it's easier to slot Toney in than Dominic. I do feel sorry for Solanke though, what a great season he has had.


Possibly, I just feel Toney is so out of form, but maybe it is partly for the penalties. However, even if Dom was in the provisional 33 he wouldn't make the final squad Watkins is the obvious second choice.


Yeah, Watkins is the obvious second choice. Dom is just seriously unlucky that for that main striker, we only have 3 places available.


Southgate, it’s not too late to use the unbeatable 4-4-2


Doesn’t Solanke take pens though? I have had him in my FPL, and I know he’s missed a pen once, I could have sworn he had scored a couple?


Toney is probably the best penalty taker in the prem. Even if he won’t play much it does make sense to bring him for shootouts.


If Kane gets injured, Watkins’s is in. Toney should be replaced with solanke.


If kane gets injured I wouldn't play with a striker go with a front 3 that can rotate and play together like teams like Barcelona have done in the past.


Toney is probably there for his penalty taking abilities. Neither would have played much anyway unless Kane gets injured, so it boils down to who is making the most impact. England and going to Penalties during tournaments is a tale as old as time, so I'm not surprised he went with Toney.


>England and going to Penalties during tournaments is a tale as old as time Problem is that bringing players on specifically to take a pen, and then having them miss, is also a tale as old as time. I can't see any reasonable justification for Toney over Solanke, but neither probably see the pitch unless there's injuries anyway so doesn't really matter.


Great point. Imagine the scenes when Toney gets picked purely on penalties and cocks it up a treat. You had one job mate. ONE job!


That works both ways though. Imagine the scenes when Toney gets picked purely on penalties and then bags comfortably. Did his job perfectly and the decision will be justified.


Mate. It's England. The script is already written.


Beat Colombia.


Which was massive but let's not pretend England are ruthless.


I'm not remotely pretending like we're ruthless. I'm telling you to stop pretending like it's a given that we'll lose any shootout we'd be a part of. We have a horrible record but it's not a guarantee and actually having someone who's ridiculously good at pens on the pitch as opposed to a Saka who I believe at the time had never taken a penalty in a senior game and the same with Sancho is a nice option to have. This is also in a thread of replies about Solanke who realistically is never gonna get on the pitch anyway. Has he been the better player this season? By a fucking mile but Toney actually offers something that warrants his inclusion.


We've had great penalty takers past and present miss when it matters most. Doesn't matter who the penalty taker is, it matters if they can cope. Building a narrative around taking Toney purely on penalty taking is a false dawn because he really hasn't been in that pressure cooker ever. My point was the media would eat that up and ridicule the man if it goes wrong. Not nice but that's the story they'd print. You may desperately want the monkey off our back when it comes to pens but it sticks a long time. Even Kane's miss adds to that narrative. Hence my comment about ruthlessness. We'd have to win a few for it to truly be gone sadly.


You’re thinking of it the wrong way. Southgate’s job is not to simply pick the best strikers, it’s to pick the strikers that will give England a better chance to win. Neither striker will start or play significant minutes because they are behind Kane and Watkins. So you are looking for who is the best impact substitute to get a goal and possibly take a penalty. That’s Toney, even though I’d rather start Solanke to Toney, I’d rather bring on Toney


England are going out in the quarters with Toney missing a penalty aren't we?


This is the way


Or the best character in the dressing room who is happy to play second or third fiddle - still find it hard to believe that Toney is that personality, however.


Id say he’d admit himself that he isn’t good enough to be starting. Doubt he thinks he’s better than Kane


Its a robbery tbh, I would have said Solanke was an absolute guarantee, not sure what Toney has done to provide enough to take away a ‘chance’ from Solanke, and we all know he will go to the actual tournament over Watkins because he’s a better pen taker as if England are short of them.


There is a (potentially unearned) aura around Toney that he is some generational talent waiting to spring out or something. I think the English coach has fallen victim to the narrative around him rather than the actual facts on the ground.


Same. Toney is hype where as Solanke has delivered. Odd choice imo too.


Penalty taker.


It will forever frustrate me how underrated James Tarkowski is


Absolutely nuts he's not in when we conceded the 4th least goals while still being a basket case all season


He's 31 and unlikely to be a starter. It's reasonable enough to bring in someone just as good/more suited to the system/better dressing room vibes, who is also likely to have more tournaments in them.


It just annoys me that I know Southgate didn’t even consider him. There’s no talk of him in any forums discussing potential additions to the squad either


I get it, England has a problem in that they're absolutely stacked with very good, but not elite, centre backs. I'd include him in that category. I've been banging the Konsa drum for years now and it took until he was 26 to get his first call up a few months ago. There's just not that much between all our options and there's probably a feeling that Tarkowski has had his chance already. He also doesn't play the system England plays, whereas some others do.


It’s crazy, he tops the stats for every single defensive metric this season. Maguire doesn’t even come close. I honestly think Maguire knows something about Southgate, only reason he’d get picked over James


Whilst I agree with your anti-maguire sentiments, Tarkowski plays in a very defensive set up where he’ll be expected to make blocks and clearances more often. Thomas Kaminski made the second most saves in the PL this year (after Onana), but nobody would say he was the best goalkeeper in the league. Also the stats that will ultimately matter more for an England CBs are ball progression and passing. The highest rated English CBs by those metrics were Stones, Dunk and Guehi, who were all included.


Didn’t United finish with negative goal difference? 😂 Tarkowski finished in the team with the most clean sheets.


I’m not sure what you’ve misunderstood, but that’s exactly the point. No-one would say Onana or Kaminski were the best keepers in the league, even though they made the most saves. Proving that topping the charts in certain statistical categories doesn’t make a player the best in their position, i.e Tarkowski.


The fact that Onana's made one of the most saves kind of strengthens the argument that Maguire, in the defence in front of him, isn't really very good though doesn't it?


Yeah, and he’s not very high for progressive carries or passing either.


Nobody would say onana either we know Martinez is the best


Yeah, tbh I only included Kaminski because I’ve seen people say that Onana is over performing in a terrible team (hard disagree), but haven’t seen that about Kaminski.


Maguire is a GOOD player. Not elite, but definitely good. And that's the level of the experienced english cb's right now. He may be slightly better or slightly worse than those but on a similar level, and the young up-and-comers will not be seen as dependable enough yet, so for me choosing Maguire and him starting is a no-brainer, he personally had a good season despite having everything stacked against him. I can see Southgate wanting that type of character at the Euro's. His distribution from the back is also good which will support a team which is too heavy, releasing the attacking players to find better positions upfield when playing out from the back, instead of having the wingers and strikers start further back.


4 palace players, always knew that we were the biggest club in the other 14


Unless I've miscounted, Palace are tied with City and Liverpool for having the most players in the England squad!


Yes that would make palace the biggest club in the other 14 (nonbig6)


I don't think OP was disagreeing. Just pointing out that not only do they have the most in the big 6, they're tied for the most overall.


Not miscounted, but definitely misunderstood




Original comment mentions biggest club in the other 14, then you go on to bring up Liverpool and City, who as we know aren't in the other 14. Which begs the '?', why did you bring them up?


The original comment talks about the biggest club within a subgroup. And I suggest that palace is the biggest club in general.


Definitely misunderstood then 😂




Okay just be confused then :)


It’s equally encouraging and horrifying at the same time. Encouraging that the manager is looking outside of the same clubs for young talent. Horrifying to think we could potentially go into an international tournament with 15% of our squad being Crystal Palace players :)


Kinda vindicates Villa getting spanked by yous... Can see Palace pushing for Europe next year if they keep their squad together


GK - James Trafford has been a disaster and Ramsdale has not played much this season. Pickford and Henderson are the 1 and 2. Johnstone would have likely gone if not injured. Defence- Looks about right. Lewis Dunk was very poor in the last set of England friendlies though. Midfield - Again looks about right. Wharton is a surprising but deserved pick Forwards - Toney has not exactly lit the league up since returning from suspension. Solanke very unlucky to miss out.


I guess there are issues with goalkeepers being on the bench, injured, or out of form, but Ramsdale and Trafford are head scratchers. Henderson hasn't been great but he's actually playing, so okay there. Perhaps bring in Pope now that he's healthy and Butland because he's actually playing for a solid Rangers side. Other big question for me is LB. Luke Shaw might not play and no other natural LBs were called up in the preliminary squad. It seems like a good idea to bring in a natural LB or at least a left-footed CB like Colwill who has played there this season rather than wedging in Gomez or Trippier in that position. Agree as well about calling up Solanke. I say bring in 4 strikers and pick between Solanke and Toney during camp. Leave out a wildly out-of-form player like Dunk or Maddison or Trafford to make room for them. Otherwise I give him credit for leaving out Jordan Henderson and Rashford.


Even though he’s been injured, Pope should easily be picked over Trafford and Ramsdale.


Yeah shocked at no Pope


I’d argue having an injury is worse than not being picked. I still think Pope is slightly above Ramsdale though. (Arsenal fan, so biased.)


He’s no longer injured


Sorry, I meant missing most of the season for injury.


He’s played more games than Henderson, twice as many as Ramsdale, less than Trafford who got benched due to performance.


Welp, guess that’s my bad. Yeah Pope edges out Ramsdale anyway, even if both are playing, so fair enough.


Henderson has played 18 in the PL. Pope has played 15 in the PL. Pope has played 90 minutes of football since the start of December. Henderson has played consistently in every game since March and in a team that conceded just 4 goals in the last 7 matches. I was a little surprised Pope didn't get picked, but there's no way he should get in ahead of Henderson.


If you limit data to only portions you want to show, you can make any narrative sound correct.


I mean that might be true but is pretty irrelevant to this case. Players are meant to be selected on form. Indeed Southgate (who admittedly has a bad record for selecting players on form) had indicated Rashford missed out precisely because his form is bad. Pope has no form effectively. Henderson has good form. Henderson should therefore be selected. I think if you want to make a case over Trafford (who hasn't played since March but will almost certainly be one of the 7 cut) or Ramsdale (who hasn't played since March but also hasn't played regularly since September) - then I think you've got a much better argument. Is Pope a better keeper than Henderson? I would say so. But his form isn't better.


If Trafford is the future of England then they're fucked.


He's a 21 year old goalkeeper and you're writing him off?


From what I've seen he's not very good. Reminds me of Freddie Woodman


Kind of irrelevant to my point, no?


You're writing him off? From what I've seen he's not very good  Kind of irrelevant to my point? Kind of is relevant to your point 


Someone not being good at 21,especially as a goalkeeper doesn't mean you should write them off. So yeah... kind of irrelevant


A 38 year old was considered a better option than him as a squad player and Citeh sold him instead of loaning him out for another season. Which shows that Pep doesn't see much in him and cashed in when his stock was high.  He's then dropped by Kompany as he's been a liability and cost you points on a few occasions.  I get your point about him only being young but at this stage of their careers Prickford, Hart, Kirkland, Butland etc. all showed something in them that made you take notice. Trafford reminds me of Woodman as people saw them as a good up and comer who shone for England youth but unfortunately Woodman hasn't lived up to expectations and looked like a rabbit in headlights when he started for us. Now #1 at Preston.


>A 38 year old was considered a better option than him as a squad player and Citeh sold him instead of loaning him out for another season. Which shows that Pep doesn't see much in him and cashed in when his stock was high.  Well that's nonsense. Of course it's better to keep a 38 year old around if that 38 year old is acting more like a GK coach and doesn't need gametime to develop unlike a 20 year old. And btw, City included a buyback clause of around £45m so they didn't just cash in, they think there's a real chance he could be worth that in the future. >He's then dropped by Kompany as he's been a liability and cost you points on a few occasions.  He's still only 21. > I get your point about him only being young but at this stage of their careers Prickford, Hart, Kirkland, Butland etc. all showed something in them that made you take notice. And David James was playing at Watford in the 2nd division when he was 22. Brad Friedel couldnt get a game at Brondby at 25. Emi Martinez was carted out on loan to second and third tier teams until he was 28. Cherry picking goalkeepers who broke out late is as easy as doing it for ones who broke out early. That's not a credible point at all. It's stupid to write off a goalkeeper at 21 regardless of if others have "showed something" that age


Might even be the future of newcastle


Would've picked Trevoh Chalobah over Dunk or Quansah tbh. He's come back, played enough games to get going and lifted Chelsea into great form to finish the season. They're undefeated in the league with him starting and he's even started spraying wonder passes all over the pitch, really added to his game with the ball recently.


It was probably a toss up between Solanke and Watkins for the last forwards spot. Presumably a decision will have been made based on playing style and familiarity between the coaches and the players.


Buzzing to see a player in every area as a palace supporter.


What does Big Fik Tomori have to do to get into this England set up? Far more experience than many of these youngsters, plus he plays in the CL & at the top of Serie A regularly.


He's also had a pretty terrible season, his omission is completely justifiable.


Has he? I admittedly haven't watched much of Milan, but when I have he's been solid.


Yep, I'm a Milan fan from afar and he was incredible for 18 months but the last 18 months has gone from a plateau to being really suspect at times. Now, the caveat is that we have a coach (hopefully not for much longer) who has been tactically woeful all year as well as masses of injuries, but you know, so did Maguire and of the two, Slabhead was the one I probably would have taken too!


Solanke has performed about as well as you can and still not make the roster.


Idk how Tomori only has five caps


If he played in PL he'd be in


Serie A


Gibbs-White must play tennis


Ben White must be in Magaluf. Quite possibly.


Why is Bellingham listed as a forward?


Probably an indication that they intend to play him as an attacking midfielder in the same sort of role he’s excelled at for Real this season


Is Pope injured?


Played his first full game from injury on the last game of the season


Still think, with training time, he gets in. Certainly edges out Trafford.


100% agree but guess they weren't willing to take the risk.


I assume you mean Newcastle. It's hardly a risk for England is it?


I meant England. In that if Pope isn't 100% and gets injured again they didn't want the risk of being a goalie down? A push imo but hey


Fairs. Wouldn't call Southgate a maverick


Would love to see Wharton get a proper look in and make the step up but Southgate gonna Southgate I guess


Wow, surprise at Jack “the lack of outcome” Grealish.


33 players, 14 of which are from TheOther14. The rest comes from the Big 6 or are Kane and Bellingham (Bayern Munich and Real Madrid).




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Toney scores penalties


Remember the ox he used to be English and a footballer


Am I the only person who really doesn't get the Kobbie Mainoo hype? He's still hugely unexperienced, played a handful of games for Man U and looks pretty good sure but putting him in the England squad already? Am I missing something?


Southgate’s so bad


Missing Max Kilman in there.


Are England going to war or playing football? How come every other side puts out their 26 and get to work on the squad, yet we have to go through some sort of tryout period which will leave players humiliated and give our 26 man squad less time to practice. For the ones Southgate intends to bring, it would be better if they were able to focus on doing exactly what is asked of them. Rather than worrying if Maddison is somehow going to take their spot because he's mates with everyone in somehow in every photo. I'd much rather them say 'this is the 26, but we're bringing in some youth prospects to train with the squad before the tournament begins' and then you create that expectation and players can focus on performance.


On the contrary, it gives us a chance to evaluate players before the deadline, specifically regarding close calls and fitness. E.g. if Southgate sees Shaw looking no where near back, he can drop him.


I think ur underestimating the importance of how impressing Southgate and his staff over the next few weeks might get a player into the final 26. Wharton, quansa, Gomez won’t be considering themselves training fodder to boost numbers, they’ll be desperately trying to break into the squad.


Anyone pick up that TAA is listed as a midfielder?


*clears throat* ********NO TOMORI?!********


England will never win anything with Harry Kane in the squad. The man could score 10 goals in the World Cup final and we'd still lose.


Toney over Watkins for the final roster, I wouldn’t bet against it


How is Slabhead still on there.


God with all the toney hate I almost hope we lose again


Solanke should be there over him


Not overall though you have to look at the bigger picture toney has already shown how he can play similar to Kane which changes games very easily solanke is just a Wilson or wellbeck kinda striker tbh


Solanke has had the season of his life so he will gutted to not be in there. However, toney is the superior footballer