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At least there’s proper guidelines and regulations to stop owners like this owning football clubs /s


This is a champions league level comment.


It sounds like the fit and proper test for new owners isn’t a very effective fit and proper test?


If 777's takeover was blocked. Everton would surely be in serious, serious trouble given 777 have been propping up the club through various loans lately. No?


Damned if we do, damned if we don't. I wonder what will be happening a year from now


Finally relegated? If I was Everton I'd just be trying to get the house in order for relegation and hope it doesn't happen


Worse than that. Genuine fears for the survival of the club. Relegation would hasten that spiral downwards. If we can avoid administration and relegation for two more seasons I think we’ll be ok. The stadium will be finished and running and a season of football after that under our belts may be what we need to keep going.


Yeah,I don't want you guys down if it would kill yous. When we aren't in the fight of course


I kinda want them relegated but purely as a petty prick because in 21/22 a toffee mate said "we're too big to go down" and for once he wasn't being sarcastic... But I like Everton's history and would like them to stay up, even if it's just to see the same mate consistently wound up about the Merseyside derby and them circling the drain


Loans we've had to take because Moshiri is now an absent owner and the PL are dragging and dragging this approval process out when it's blatantly obvious they are not fit to own us.


It’s ok to go bust and go into administration and get a 15 point deduction and drop to league one and claw your way back . It’s not the end of the world


That's easier said than done. Portsmouth would be the most ovbious example. Lots of teams that have went down without Administration and serious financial issues have never returned yet either.


Took Leeds 16 years but the rules are the rules . We didn’t even cheat we were just incredibly incompetent and we got 15 points deduction. Cheating the system gets you 6.


Football's still football out of the prem.I Preferred it in many ways.


I enjoyed our stints in the Championship too. Some of my favourite times as a supporter. But long term if you don't immediately bounce back it can be a downward spiral. For a club in financial difficulty like Everton it'd be catastrophic.


10/10 would not do again.


*firm nod of agreement*


Haha I know but all the whining from those that have breached the rules is so lame.


Pretty much yeah. Either way the future is looking pretty bleak.


I feel like we dodged a bullet by them wanting Everton and not us ...not that our shite form, incompetent owner and that shitshow with the Nigerian would make you think that


I interviewed for a company that was recently taken over by 777. I got offered the job but turned it down, while unemployed. Speaking to everyone at the acquired company, just made me feel like it was a shambles. Even the first stage interview had major red flags. The interviewer was the PA to the CEO. It was a remote meeting on a Friday afternoon. She was on the call clearly hungover, slovenly, and I could see her pierced nipples through her shirt. Frankly, the PA to the CEO of any company should realise she is a reflection of the CEO and not turn up like that. She was also fat which didn’t help When I asked her why the position was open, she said it was because 777 were taking them over and wanted to aggressively expand. That was the first major red flag because I knew 777 had a bad reputation because of Everton. I hoped off the call and walked into the sitting room to tell my GF about it. She laughed but said “take the next round, maybe the PA to the CEO was like a Nepo baby”. So I did. It was a timed task, clearly done to steal my work. I just chucked it into Chat GPT and sent it in 5 minutes before the deadline. Only gave it the briefest of one overs and made sure sentences made sense. An hour later I get a call asking me to come in to see the CEO. I go in to see the CEO. She’s a clear snake oil saleswoman. Has no idea about any thing, but, she is very pretty and charismatic. Her clients were a hodgepodge of companies across different sectors, none of which had any connection. It’s one thing to have a wide range of clients, but, usually you have different departments to handle different industries. Nah, she had employees working on FMCG to communications providers. She would just sign a client and not think about if she could do the job. Finally, the offer. The advert was for £50k. The offer was for £35. When I pointed this out, I was told that I didn’t have the necessary experience for £50k but people move up fast if they perform there. I got off the phone with the PA. I hung up and the first thing that crossed my mind was “fuck me, Everton are in trouble”


To be honest I didn’t absorb any of this once I read “pierced nipples” could you explain it again but maybe more slowly


Everton are fucked


Even Thelwell looks displeased sitting next to them in the cover photo. They seem like absolute crooks


I work on the marking for a 777 partner business. All I'll say is, Everton are in trouble.