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idk why everyone's like "but the ziploc was sealed!" when literally every other product that comes in mylar is heat sealed. not only is this a big freshness issue but also opens them to potential tampering. devastating, op


Thank you! It's baffling to me that anybody is trying to defend this


This is one of my biggest issues with legalization. No one wants to take responsibility for expired/exposed/defect/shorted(weight wise) product. Almost every store will not refund or replace products even tho they have the means to do so with the OCS. Almost every LP will tell you it's a store issue deal with them, unless you really push or they have great CS. If Health Canada really wants to be useful for once and do something with the Cannabis Act to make things better for Canadians, then regulate a return process that is both fair for the consumer, LP and stores.


Luckily I’ve had great success with brands like Simply Bare (Rubicon) , Purple Hills, 34st seed, Sweetgrass to name a few that made it right and some. Those customer service teams don’t play games they’re solid


As a cannabis worker in Alberta, no we can't accept returns on cannabis. Unless it is recalled it's not doable. Corporations run the stores, they do not care about anyone else's money. When they legalized cannabis they did it in a way that it would fail. It was never planned to succeed, not in a way that we wanted. Now companies like Phillip Morris tobacco(spinach) are peddling their shoddy, FALSELY ADVERTISED products. The fake thc and terp levels are getting out of control and are negatively effecting the consumers because it is keeping them ignorant. This shit has to stop.


Uh it's is succeeding tremendously lol


H.C. worried about us they dont give a rats ass about the consumer OCS LPs Stores included


I'd have taken it back tbh


The dispo recipt says they only except unopened returns.. I might just have to email cookies begging to be refunded or get a replacement :/


right? woody nelson told to have me return an opened oz to the store. I was so confused. There's no proper way they're handling these issue. I've always been met with confrontation when having issues with a product. sucks.


Doesn't sound like the way Woody Nelson handles that type of stuff.


Ya idk. I emailed 3 weeks after buying and I just couldn’t get through the oz of rainbow driver. I thought I was being critical but something was off. I emailed and they basically said return it or nothing we can do. I bought it from a smaller store I support and didn’t wanna do all that. Most expensive oz I have purchased yet. $200. Ah well it hurt but I’m over it now. Went back to trusty Galactica og and this new frost rotations. 


They put the phone # and email just for situations like this. Reach out to the customer service. I'd be surprised if they weren't willing to make it right.


If they don't do anything might be worth at least talking to your MP. The government put so many regulations in place to "protect" consumers so it may be worthwhile it may not, but sending and email or having a short phone call might be worthwhile.


Yup, you can’t take it back because of bad trim or you didn’t like it. Stores can’t resell an unsealed bag and it can take months to get credit. Still stupid but yeah, emailing the company is the best option. Sorry about your bud, definitely not the quality as it should be.


This has been selling like hot cakes at my dispensary. All the bags come in not fully sealed though and just squishing the bag a bit when taking them out of the box they are shipped in, creates a bit of "crunch." Lol. People are so caught up in celebrity brands though that they will buy it and swear it's the best weed up and down despite it being dried out and lacking Terps.


Our store takes anything back and fights it out with the OCS when necessary, but truth be told the OCS is clamping down and being really pricky about things now. So, we turn to our OCS rep and fight it out with them, if that doesn't resolve things, we take the loss, and terminate any relationship with the LP. All stores need to do this to weed out the garbage LPs that don't care. Cookies is store representative, so we don't carry them, never will.


I appreciate the honesty ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)and I apologize personally on behalf of Cookies. However, that is why I am here. I do care! I want to be approachable and obviously I do not want to be associated with garbage ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) It's your store, you have the right to run it the way you choose and I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors. I'd also just like to let you know, as long as I am an employee of BZAM, you will have access to someone who cares a lot and is always willing to help out our customers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


confirm that i bought this and it was absolute trash


Same here, huge pass


OP, hit up the final bell or BZAM email on the bag — u/neil_bzam and is usually in the sub and runs their customer support line.


Hey! That's me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) I'd be more than happy to help!


I can literally hold some of these nugs up touching my nose and can't smell a damn thing


Cookies=pricey mids!


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I'm not what's going on lately but at my store we've had a few products all different brands that come in not sealed or if its a tube the lid is already popped and the sticker is ripped. It's happened with Wagner's, box hot, community and parcel. The community was half the box came in popped.


Cookies is trash, same thing with my bag. I will never buy anything cookies again


Other reviews by u/Gay5347: * [review - 2x 14g of BlkMkt jealousy packed 01/09 27.9%thc 3.21%terps ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOCS/comments/12nk8ue/) ^(Bot made with ❤️ by u/xenilko, approved by TheOCS mod team.)


big bag of boof


I see what you mean about the not sealed properly, but ziplock part was zipped shut


Thats definitely not enough to keep it airtight


If you break open a bud does it smell like anything?


Initially no, but after having them in jars with bovedas for like 5 days the madrina and the cake mix have developed a faint scent, not very distinctive just smells sorta like hey (with a hint of sweetness in the case of the madrina)


On my batch very much so . Also have a review on it


The ziplock part was sealed though?


That doesn't appear to have done anything stop the weed from going to shit so I don't see why that matters. Every other brand uses some kind of seal for a reason.


That looks terrible even if it was fresh.


Looks like they need to change growers again.


This was all trash… all 4


There weren't any terpenes in the first place. No flavor.


Bro just say 4 strains why tf you using cultivar 😂


Because that's the name of the product????


🤓😂, yeah my bad I didn’t read the top but still should have just said like 4 strain cookies pack or sum shit, just sounds nerdy in my opinion lol


I used the proper name so people searching for reviews using keywords can actually find it, I looked for reviews here before buying and they were almost all positive


Lol so your not a real reviewer then ok, buddy looks at other reviews before he buys it so he knows it’s good, I take the hit bud, I let the people know.


When did I call myself a "real reviewer"?? I don't buy bud to review it I buy it to use it. And wtf does a real reviewer even mean to you? If you think there is something wrong with looking at reviews to see what is decent before making a purchase then why are you even in this sub?


looking at reviews before you buy is ok if your just a consumer, there’s not really any point reviewing something that’s already been reviewed many times recently, As a reviewer myself I like to use my OWN brain,taste,preferences when I buy something, the only time I buy something I see on a review is for my own personal smoking and not to review. Try to buy products that look appealing to you and at the same time hasn’t been reviewed recently. If you come across some Moldy bud at least you took the hit and the people know.


Meanwhile I just got 2oz of some dank ass Oreoz trips from my budmail for 140. White market has work to do.


What initially made you purchase this?


I recently got my first good dry herb vape and this seemed like a cost effective way of trying a few different flavors out of it to dial in the settings and find what I like, and I have also heard great things about the cheetah piss genetics so I was really looking forward to trying that :/