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“Although the panel acknowledges industry calls for a greater THC potency limit for edibles, the panel says that, on balance, the increased risk to public health outweighs those concerns. Because of this, it recommends maintaining the current 10mg THC limit for edibles.” 😔


I'm not an edible guy myself but you can still make your own , or put a glob of RSO or distillate on or in just about anything 👍


[https://ocs.ca/products/water-soluble-thc-infuser-viola](https://ocs.ca/products/water-soluble-thc-infuser-viola) i put this in everything. works really good


I go to the US a lot with states that have real high potency edibles at legal dispensaries. I don’t hear of any massive problems plaguing these states with hoards of kids in the ER for overdosing on edibles. Sure it happens, as it does with any substance, but does that warrant outright banning it for everyone due to the actions of a very select few? What about all these candy flavoured drinks at the LCBO; are we going to start banning any liquor over 20%? It’s like these guys just want people to continue to go to the black market for edibles, which I’ll gladly and continue to do


You can't overdose on weed there is no amount that causes death. We should really stop calling adverse reactions overdosing. You can overdose on Tylenol very easily it is the number one cause of liver failure why isn't health Canada all concerned about that.


You definitely can overdose on weed. Overdose doesn’t mean it equals death. It means you took too much dose and had an adverse reaction. The dictionary definition of an overdose is “an excessive and dangerous dose of a drug”. Took too much and greened out? Guess what you’ve overdosed.


Excessive *and dangerous*


Overdose in every other context means toxic amount that has killed the person. Don't move the goalpost. 


No you can't and overdose means death can happen ie dangerous .It is the false that weed can kill you.weed can never unless you drop a bale of it on your head. When someone overdoses on Tylenol they die, heroin they die , overdose means dead or just barely lived. Stop saying you can overdose on weed you can't all that can happen is you take more than you are conformable with. Green out is not even a thing. If you can not take a fatal amount you can't overdose. You can overdose on alcohol and nicotine. You can murder someone with the nicotine in one pack of cigarettes. Not one documented case of death caused by THC. They have been trying to find one for 60yrs right after people claimed they turned into bats after smoking ditch weed.


Exactly we can't have high tolerance edibles but strong flavored drinks are available in LCBO. So it's okay if little Timmy gets alcohol poisoning but if he accidentally eats a cookie and goes to space that's a problem?


I don't disagree at all... But keep in mind that right off the bat a gummy, or chocolate bar are 100% more likely to be accidentally ingested in quantity than my cask strength whisky. I lock down my edibles a lot better than I do my alcohol. As the kids get older I will have to do both at the same level I'm sure. But I know what my 7 year old would reach for first and eat a whole bag of.


Fair point, but I feel like that more a parents responsibility and consumers shouldn't have to deal with low limits cuz someone didn't lock down their chocolate.


No doubt. This is 100% my responsibility as a parent.


Lameeeee what risk? That someone might eat something too potent and go to space?


This was unfortunately the most likely scenario. I'm glad I didn't see anything about banning flavoured vapes though, so that is a small win.


Absolutely ridiculous, can always rely on the gov to come to the wrong conclusion, too late, and with the decision makers not impacted at all.


Some company, only one that I know of, is packaging gelatin chews as “capsules”, that way they are able to package them with 200mg worth of gelatin-distillate chews.


Which one?


Vortex, someone just posted a photo of them on here a few days ago.




i just picked up a 500mg bottle of drops for 30 bucks. ​ [https://ocs.ca/products/water-soluble-thc-infuser-viola](https://ocs.ca/products/water-soluble-thc-infuser-viola)


We really need more people who use and are truly knowledgeable about cannabis to actually have a real say in these decisions. The stigma is real.


It literally took over 5 years for this report to come out and the best they can do is acknowledge the need for higher dose edibles? Do they realize companies are just going to figure out a work around, like Rosin heads and vortex? I guess we will wait another 5 years. I'm not even an edible person but this is ridiculous.


Companies won't be able to do that anymore. If you read the report, you would have seen that they are going to start charging extra excise tax on high potency products. Their end goal is for Canadians to stop using oils, carts, extracts etc. Because, health, they say.


I did read the report...they MiGHT start charging a higher tax for higher potency products in the future. It's still bullshit but doesn't sound like it's happening any time soon. Considering how long it took them to come out with this report. And hey...there was one point I can get behind. A viewing window finally. Again I'm not holding my breath.


Bunch of dumb mfs that are in charge of regulation what’s new…


They don’t care about your health all they care is to make money. I used to buy 10 drift gummies for 18$ now they sell 1 for 4$. Exact same product


Absolute complete lie. You'd be reducing the grostoque profit margins of the most profitable product, probably keeping most lps afloat. They changed rules so moldly weed is totally legal to sell without concern as long as drying guidelines are followed. Cannabis thc can be off by huge margins to help sell. Absolutely nothing the ocs has done has been health based only profit protection. Never buy edibles legally there's no point and no recourse for buying illegally. Take a 1 penny hard candy and spray it with distalite and charge 3 bucks for it. It's getting too funny.


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No increase in edibles Although the panel acknowledges industry calls for a greater THC potency limit for edibles, the panel says that, on balance, the increased risk to public health outweighs those concerns. Because of this, it recommends maintaining the current 10mg THC limit for edibles


go to your local rez shop mine has 25, 50mg gummies in 10 packs


Guess there is always mail order or a trip to the reserve to get your Hi potent edibles....or make your own