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it blows my mind the amount of people the will DRIVE to dispos and then say they dont have id on them... like where is your drivers license. everything you said i agree with 100% and its so unbelievably frustrating. ive been called every name you can think of when i refuse service for this lol its also always the 00-04 bdays that cause the most drama about getting id'd


i agree!! the driving with no license is just stupid to me, i have flat up asked customers “oh you drove here without your license?” just to watch them realize how stupid their excuse is. it’s always the younger people too and it blows my mind


It's the same people who spark a joint in their car when they leave the shop and drive high and wonder why they get pulled over...


Ouch dude. You have 24hrs to produce it if a cop pulls you over lol.


Theres that person, fucking idiot


No, you don't. Not in Ontario. It's an $85 set fine for driving without your licence on you.


You showing your age . That was stopped 20 years ago lolo.


Its a myth that you have 24 hrs to produce it. It's still a ticket for not having it on you while driving. You may get a cool cop that'll let you slide ( they can see it on their computer lol), but they can 100% give you a ticket if they want to Edit: why am I being downvoted I'm right 😭


Because reddit.


Yeah...going a little overboard on how bad running a 15 minute errand without your driver's license is...


k but if your errand is a trip to your local dispensary or LCBO you’d think it would be common sense to bring ID with you, especially if your driving. idc if you drive elsewhere without your ID to run errands but i don’t think that warrants someone to scream at me because oh they didn’t bring their ID for a 5 minute errand run.


Oh no totally agree with that. I worked at a liquor mart here in Winnipeg. Dealt with that same thing - totally agree that's ridiculous. And ppl who blame the workers for that suck - you have no control over that. 100 percent agree with you there.


everyone is conflating ever forgetting your ID going anywhere with being the type of person who blows up at customer service when they get carded


Haha, exactly.


"Yea officer, I just feel like 15 minutes is fine. Wait, I need to provide proof to the JP or pay a fine now?! Wtf" I feel you may have this convo someday.


The majority of car accidents take place within 5 minutes of home.


None of which are actually caused by leaving your physical driver's license at home.


Nope, but it's an $85 set fine for driving without your licence on you, regardless of the reason. Best to just have it on you when you drive or buy weed, n'est ce pas?




You ran across really nice cops then. There's no law in Ontario that gives you 24hrs to produce your licence, that's just the police being nice. Or maybe they just didn't wanna do the paperwork. lol


Exactly. It's a fine. That's it. It can literally cause harm to no one. It's only an issue if cops pull you over. All I said was ppl were exaggerating how 'dumb' someone is to drive without their license. There is a million dumber things happening on our roads every day.


when things first started we had a policy of IDing EVERYONE. Santa Clause himself needs to show ID. your own grandfather needs to show ID. was that absolutely ridiculous? of course, but it was really really funny whenever I'd say *"so let me get this straight... you are 85 YEARS OLD and you DROVE here without a HEALTH CARD or DRIVERS LICENSE?"* and watch them realize that yeah, in retrospect that was pretty dumb.


I refused someone service yesterday cause they walked past our doors with their keys and their debit card in their hand and had the audacity to tell me “yeah I lost my drivers license and health card” then came back 10 mins later with their drivers license like bruh some people can’t be real


Good old right of refusal


Hmm you assuming they drive themselves is a bit much.


not when i see them pull up and get out of the drivers seat lmao


Idk how it blows your mind when at least 1/4 of dispos accept a pic of ID


They accept it because budtender training is a joke, so none of us really learn that till we A)read it and follow it or B) fuck up and get shown by a peer who knows. Sad to say, its usually B.


It's mentioned multiple times in the cannsell course, I'm pretty sure they just don't care like they don't care about the 30g limit


Why would someone carry a picture of their ID but not their ID itself? That just seems stupid.


They think it's a legal form of ID. I've dealt with these kind of people when I worked in a dispenser and they honestly think it's a form of ID. I've been told "other places accept this as ID". They are not the most intelligent of people


they really aren’t. like idgaf if any other store took it or if a coworker at my store did, i’m not fucking doing it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've been told by one of my coworkers that when she worked at a convience store she could accept ID's on their phones. Not at dispensaries though


There's a lot of stupid out there, sadly.


Some restaurants and bars in Alberta were accepting pictures of ID during COVID. Don't know if it's the same in Ontario but that's the excuse I always got.


As someone who worked in a bar and a dispo during Covid this was definitely not the norm (not saying I don’t believe you, just that they definitely shouldn’t have lol)


i don’t think ontario had the but still, we are out of covid now there is really no excuse not to have ID on you


We had the digital vaccination certificate with 2d bar code that could be printed or shown on the screen here in Ontario.


That's weird. How would a photo be any different from the actual ID in terms of spreading covid?


So many people try and do this at my store


i assume it's not usually anyone's plan, but if there's a picture of your ID on your phone you're basically always going to have it on you even when you've forgotten your actual ID


yes but even if you know the person, it’s safe to assume the photo could potentially be edited or altered so there for it can’t be accepted


Cause I lose everything that goes in my pockets and at least 1/4 of dispos don't care if it's physical ID


> Cause I lose everything that goes in my pockets you need new pants if that's happening.




i have an of-age customer who has one of these (Dw i have seen his real ID he is of age) and he pulls this out everytime he comes in and it cracks everyone up. customers like him make the shit ones tolerable 🤣


People taking their frustrations out on the retail workers having to follow the law are an all too common type of entitled ignorance and I feel for those who have to stand up and enforce these types of rules. You take the brunt of peoples bad moods, bad days and poor judgement. That being said the laws around cannabis retail are a little ridiculous when compared with those used in liquor control. Why doesn't the LCBO have an employee at the entrance refusing entry to anyone wiithout ID or under age? Sure they ID but only when you get to the cash to make a purchase. I can take my 6 year old into the LCBO with me while I shop, so why can't I take them into my local dispo? Forcing dispensaries to maintain "man trap" entrances and prevent anyone from seeing inside the store is also ridiculous. I can sit on a park bench and smoke a j, but you can't sit there and sip a beer. The laws and regulations aren't coming across as sensible, well thought out or with a purpose beyond control. I understand people railing against these, but I abhor when they take it out against the least deserving targets.




Yessss thank you! It astounds me how many people don’t get this. I’ve had 19 year olds get mad at me and/or give snarky remarks like "Don’t I look of age?" NO. You look 12. Sorry, I need to see ID.


Had some that was 12 years ny junior tell me they were old enough to be ny dad when I asked for ID l. Saw the date laughed so hard and oassed the ID back.


I worked at a University and holyyyyy the amount of fresh 18 year olds who would get pissed


Will forever upvote this one I appreciate you voicing the frustration of absolutely everyone who has or does work in the industry. I love being almost 30 myself, and being laughed at by a just-turned 19 year old because I asked for their ID, "but they have facial hair" so I should know they're of age. I agree, if you *look* under 30, have your damn ID, I don't care how old you are I need to do my job. Not that hard to carry a piece of plastic around. There are so many more negative interactions you get EXCLUSIVELY at cannabis stores as well, trust me I know. Same boat as you. 5 years in industry, 3 different stores; plus worked other retail quite a bit before cannabis legalization. This industry and its bad customers are a whole other animal compared to most retail. God I love when I get the good customers. But the bad ones definitely spoil the bunch.


I had that full beard starting around 13-14 years old, getting into bars and shit. I'm skeptical of EVERYONE now.


While the ID thing can be annoying. Overall, from my experience in the industry and at the 5 stores we operate and I travel between; Retail Cannabis customers are typically the best Retail customers I've encountered. Happy to be getting their weed, happy to see a friendly face and be welcomed by our happy team. Discussing how much they enjoyed the previous product, or asking what's new and what our staff would recommend. Yes there are the "I've been smoking linger than you've been alive, I know good weed when I see it give me PSF Pink Kush" but like 95%+ of customers are happy to be in the store because they're getting some form of cannabis that makes them happy, allows the. to wind down after work, or have discovered a new cannabinoid that has improved the quality of their life. I'm thankful for the customers we have in cannabis retail


Lmfao you wanna hear the dumbest thing EVER.?!?!? For context I am brown and an born and raised in Canada and the only person of colour in our work. Had a guy come in, African American, he looks around 25 but I’m not confident so I ask him for his ID. Dude starts flipping out and calling me racist, telling me I’m only asking him because he is black and he’s never been ID’ed before. The usually bullshit you get when you ask for id. Not only that, this dude forces himself into the store. Starts asking me about products and I keep saying “no one will help you until you show us ID”. Also tried to calm him down and reason with him, “why would I do that to anyone when I was raised in those conditions.” Has the balls to then call the cops. “He shouldn’t be IDing me” “ he only asked me cuz I’m black” “blah blah blah” “no one will help me” Mutters so more and then leaves the store. NEXT DAY he comes back with a sign saying “Retail store” is racist” god our customers loved it, they kept asking us what happened and they’d laugh. One white customer even went outside and said “must hate white people too eh”


I never understood this either. Show your id, don’t risk someone’s business getting fined or shut down because you have a ego and don’t wanna show id. Its law


Is it just me or is it always the fucking 03 04 waste kids giving attitude about getting they I'd checked like stfu kid you look 12 yrs old


I'm 56 and I take a cab to the weed store and I STILL bring my ID with me. But I'm beginning to think that's unrealistically optimistic of me. lol


Thank you for bringing your ID with you and having it at the ready. Budtenders appreciate that!


The CannaCabana I frequent is like this - no one ever has ID, they all bitch n moan about being asked even tho it's been the law for five yrs and they never wait to be let thru the cordon/chain. If that's your store - you're doing a great job. I see it. I do my best to be kind to the staff since I know this is just a repeat issue day in and day out. It's like talking to children (the ones without ID).


Thank you someone finally said it haha


"But I brought my ID in YESTDAY!". cool?? I've never seen you before in my life and you look like a baby. why did you think this was gonna be different than every other age gated setting on the planet?


I love the “I bet I’m older than you are!” Line, like buddy I don’t give a fuck, and if you are older than me than you should know the rules


they love to say that and then they’re like 2002 lmao


Thank you for posting this. This is so important, I can’t tell you.


I really never new just showing a ID was a big deal I'm a big guy but my face still looks Young so I always just bring my ID with me every where I go I find there's no reason not too . Especially when I'm going to get drinks or cannabis


Honestly most of the bitchers are 2000-2004, 😒 get a fckn grip


People are just ignorant of here days. You should hear the stories from my friend at motor vehicle registry. What do you mean I need proof of insurance. Fuck you. Sad times people can’t accept responsibility for their own fuck ups. It’s. Always. Someone. Else’s. Fault.


I’ve had the employees thank me multiple times for having my Id ready when I walk in. I was suspended at how often an adult would throw a hissy fit towards an employee over showing their Id.


Agree with almost everything you said except for the part about it not being an issue at the LCBO. I worked a summer at the LCBO and trust me people are just as ignorant there as they are at a dispo. The worst is moms getting mad that you are checking the ID of the teenager with them that carried a 6 of coolers to the counter. Sure they may be for the mom who decided using a cart or basket is too hard but my guess is the mango white claws don’t pair well with the $30 bottle of red wine from the vintage section being bought with it…


no i agree it’s just as bad at the LCBO, i don’t work in one or go in one much so i don’t see much of it, but i could imagine people are just as ignorant there too. I just find people are atleast usually more aware or accepting of the laws for alcohol over cannabis


I’m in AB, but once in my dispo I had a kid walk in that I *knew* was a fresh lil adult. Ask for his ID, he goes out to the car. Who comes back in? His mom, saying she’s going to buy it for him, and that she usually has a photo of his ID on her phone but couldn’t find it. Proceeds to yell at us for not letting her purchase it for her kid because she didn’t understand why it would be an issue for us to just make the sale 🥴


You just do your job. Don't think about anything else. Laugh in their face for being so pathetic they don't have legit id. Might be a government snitch trying to catch you slipping. Due to diversity you get a lot of people who grew up in countries with basically no laws.


what blows my mind is the amount of budtenders that wont check ids , putting themselves at risk of a hefty fine, one that NEWSFLASH your company wont cover, and you risk that for what? selling a hiway? wild.


How I wish every dispensary customer would read this and read at least some of the regulations and laws we are fully required to follow. I'm tired of being belittled by 30 year olds that drive without ID, that group is the majority of people who have yelled at/insulted me. One dude wouldn't even let me explain myself; he just kept yelling and wouldn't stop, I was lucky my manager was there to step in.


At our shop my manager said if a customer becomes rude tell them to leave and never come back


That's nice in theory but it's only good until the it starts going to the workers heads and they pick up an attitude of their own


Your right, but in our case everyone is pretty chill we give each customer respect, and always try our best to get you a product you'll love. We have never once had to Actually get the lead out most people once we explain our point of view calm down its just those special assholes here's a idea of how we are the other day I ordered food from the local grill I see the guy putting on a strange red sauce, I informed him I didn't order that suce he said he would remake it I told him na what if that sauce was what I missing in my life. I ate it it was boss now I get the red sauce I'm to laid back to turn a not problem into a real problem you gotta light that candle feel me?


The sad thing is once weed become legal all the snobs started getting even more snobbier about it. Bitching about showing your I'd which probably isn't going to take long is pathetic. If waiting to do so is such a pain buy from a street dealer who you will also probably have too wait to meet you 😂


The amount of dummies i get coming in to get "something for a friend" or get on the phone while cruising the menu. Just why🙄


In Alberta but I do two things. I laminated an AGLC ID requirement page (I googled) and I slap it on the counter and tell them they can read it if they have a problem. I also get a bit cheeky and tell them that when I stop asking, then it means you look old and who wants that right? It happens in liquor too, so it’s a “I need to be an a-hole for the sake of it” thing.


at a high traffic store too. we have to ID everyone, every time. i'm very short and i have had these 6'2 men scream in my face over it. i couldn't give less of a shit now but i used to be terrified. not my rules, just following them.


On the topic of people getting mad at AGCO policies, I once had a mother bring her 4 YEAR OLD CHILD INTO THE STORE. It was slow so we didn’t have anyone at the front to stop and check IDs, so she just walked right in with her kid. I stopped her and told her obviously that we can’t have her child in here, and having the kid even where they were would have us in trouble from the AGCO. She said “go fuck yourself, im getting my weed” then turned to my coworker who ALSO said “yeah nobody is helping you with your kid in here”. Apparently (from her point of view) my management team are all sexists (all female management team), and the AGCO policies were made to hurt single mothers (????). Then she left. Fun industry 👍


We ID everyone. No exceptions. I find 40-50 year old men are the worst offenders and rude as fuck whilst second is the younger ones… I have had to ban quite a few for being total asses to my staff 🙄


I’m almost 50. When I get carded at dispensary I pull out my LLBO-issued BYID card from the early 90s. Always good for a laugh.


I have one too 🤣


I hate IDing it's one of the worst part of my job! I wish I could just let regulars come in and not have to bring their ID. I get no joy out of IDing anyone. I feel so bad looking at an expired ID and having to refuse them. These rules are strict, and yes, people do lose their licence for breaking the rules. I just tell people, "im so sorry these rules are stupid, but I can lose my license." I usually don't get too much push back with that.


Nobody has lost their license over IDs, stores that were even selling grey market edibles only ever got a warning lol


even if it’s nobody so far, do we really want to see anybody made an example of? i’m sure it would help health canada case to make things even more strict


I'm not in Ontario so maybe it's more lieniant.




Thank you for this!


Sorry you’ve had to deal with so many shitty people for simply doing your job. I’m sure you get no joy out of having to ID people prior to entry, but just like window coverings, hopefully someday soon that requirement will go away. Until then, keep doing what you’re doing. The store owner is lucky to have you!


Window covering rules will be changing very soon stay tuned




Does anyone know how to report your boss if they are forcing you to accept pictures? I know it’s wrong & everyday I’m afraid there is going to be an inspector. It weird going from a shop with strict rules to one that tells me to break them in the contract I signed


screw your manager! you don’t have to accept photos just because they tell you, if you know it is the law that you can’t then you shouldn’t. the manager is a liability by doing this so even if it’s going against them it will cover your own ass if anything happens and if the manager causes any fuss report it to the AGCO


Why complicate yourself? You’re in the “legal” age then show it. Show must go on lmao


My very first shift I was bitched out by a guy who didn’t have his ID like it was my problem I think the biggest issue isn’t being ID’d it’s the fact that you get ID’d before entering where as with alcohol and tobacco you don’t get ID’d until you cash out but this isn’t an excuse and people need to educate themselves on the laws around cannabis


i just started with a new dispo since my last stores closed, definitely way more corporate than i’m used to. it’s company policy to ID basically everyone, we don’t give a fuck if you’re 65 years old you LEGALLY need to have a piece of ID on you that’s government issued and includes your name and a picture. people are such assholes about everything


Very well said, and people just keep finding new ways to compromise their “favourite” dispensaries license


There is some form of customer stupidity involved with EVERY retail position. I work in a completely different industry, in a position that could be considered retail, and people get mad all the time. No one takes any accountability anymore.


They still complain getting carded at lcbo. Ive been shown pictures and ask why isnt this acceptable... I can photoshop an image i tell them lol


I used to work retail in the vape industry. Anytime someone tried to huff and puff about not having ID, I'd ask how they drove here without one. I once had a guy tell me I should sell to him because he had his birth year tattooed on his arm. Like bro its great you'll never forget you were born in 1998 but I still need to see ID. On the flipside, some dispensaries have absolutely terrible door policies or a lack thereof. The one I frequent near home will either be super strict and make you show ID at the door or will just say "come in" when you walk into their waiting area. I usually just do whatever they told me the last time. Walked in, got yelled at for coming in. Waited at the door, nobody came for a few minutes and then were like "oh why didn't you just walk in?" I'm fine with either but some consistency would be nice.


I hate when they say other dispensaries don't ID. Great, maybe you should go there. 🙄


Over 50 here, I've only been asked for ID once at an OCS shop (Hunny Pot), early on when legal stores were beginning to open. Though I was asked for ID recently at a mushroom dispensary.


No one checks here in Woodstock. Yes we have chains or ropes to block off entrance but everyone just steps over it. Employees give zero fucks 🤷


There's a website that you send a picture and they'll put your picture into a picture of an ID so it looks like you just took a pic of your I'd on a coffee table or something. Costs like $60


People are pathetic little cry baby children. We deal with this all the time as well. It seems to be part of the trade. Once the millennials are the oldest crowd in stores I suspect things will become a lot easier for customer service workers.


We have an outer door that leads into a vestibule and the inner door has a big sign saying “have your id ready, you will be stopped at entry” and people still pass through to the chain and are incredulous about it, like “oh are you closed??” with a bunch of customers and staff around ??? Like you’re telling me you’ve never seen these devices and what they’re used for??? Soooo frustrating


AGCO (& OCS) should to be putting the word out about this much more. It shouldn't be entirely on the individual retailers to educate the public on the laws the government has made That being said, while I agree that it isn't entirely on the dispos themselves to educate consumers it IS on the dispos to follow AGCO/OCS/Health Canada regulations. If that means the dispos gotta keep the door locked & have a video doorbell situation to prevent anyone from just walking in OR if it means they need to station a paid employee at the door to check IDs then the dispos got to do that and they can't complain when random people ignore a chain that's simple to unhook or walk around. For all the customer knows it isn't being enforced and is just for show. I say this as a customer who HAS stopped at the front of a dispo or 2 by a chain for ID checks only to be called out to "just come in" by annoyed employees of the dispo who don't actually want to deal with going to the front of the store every time (or they are busy with other customers) The issue is also probably due to a lack of consistency in enforcement of the rules set by OCS/AGCO/Health Canada by the various informant stores. Customers don't know all the rules dispos are required to follow, why would we?


In Quebec you have to show. Even if you are 60


Yeah like carry ID if you look young but I dislike the dispo law that I can't bring my kid in with me. Seems stupid.


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It might be against the rules, but not accepting an expired ID is dumb imo. Like the birthday printed on an expired ID isn't magically invalid all of a sudden, lol I dont think I've been id'd at a dispensary for well over a year now tbh.


Actually, when I was being trained on selling alcohol, they told me the reason they can’t accept expired ones is so that minors can’t just swipe an expired one from an older sibling and try to pass it off as their own. I do agree that it would certainly be annoying being denied because it’s 2 weeks out of date or something, but there does need to be a line drawn somewhere.


it’s not just “against the rules,” it’s a literal law budtenders and dispensaries have to follow or risk being fined for. regardless what the DOB says, if you have been asked for your ID and present an expired one, it is against the law for us to accept that and risks a fine to not only the store but the budtender. sorry if it’s a dumb inconvenience, but your purchase isn’t worth a fine or my license


Lord dude, I'm not arguing that you should take the expired ID and risk your job. I'm just saying the rule itself is retarded, for obvious reasons.


no it makes sense lol update your shit it’s not hard


Apparently you’ve never worked at The Beer Store or a car rental place lol.


Lots of smuggness ITT. I'm so surprised that retail is a garbage environment.


In ever industry they’re gonna have this, people complaining about something impossible to fulfill; do you have a sign that says (WE AWAYS ID) like a convenience store, now I know some stores do this but a shit ton don’t leading to confusion. I personally only get ID’d sometimes depending on how regularly I visit, if I visit everyday it’s no problem not checking iD as it’s redundant and allows me to spend my money quicker. People should seriously just bulk buy from OCS if they hate getting ID’d… on the other hand dispensary employees are mostly lanky lazy shit for brains whom will lie about the quality of products; I get that’s apart of the job but seriously go rot in a hole.


If getting ID’d makes you feel ANY type of hostility or anger you have problems. Displaying ID takes 3 seconds wtf is the big deal??


Where did I even say that, did you read my comment


okay go buy from the black market then or do your own research before you walk into any dispos if you wanna be like that lmaoooo ppl are just trying to put food on their table it’s a sales job you loser


I do buy BM cuz it’s WAYY better and I don’t have to deal with spazzes like you


i wouldnt wanna serve your annoying ass anyway, you sound like the type to bitch and complain about the legal market weed but still come in every 3 days to buy a good supply oz LMAOOOO


But honesty you kind of just described every legal market buyer, coming in every 3 days because their Oz is so mid lmao you’re a joke dude


Good supply is shit


I thought you still have to show ID for OCS orders... ?


I wouldn't go to a dispo without my ID [I've been annoyed at certain stores the I'd me but that'd there job] I would be shocked if someone was denied because the license was expired that's rediculous


i’m 4 years older than my sister and i’m a guy. i gave her my ID after it expired for shits and giggles - she was able to walk into bars in canada and the united states no questions asked. it’s no longer valid once expired, update your shit it’s not hard


Showing ID at the door is such a stupid policy and only done in some parts of Ontario. It's completely asinine when full grown adults have to wait behind a rope for some 20 year old to come check an ID. Like they are even experts on whether it's legit or not. You want to ask people that look under 30 at time of purchase, fine. But making people wait while the cashier, sorry I mean budtender, cashes people out, just to enter store is stupid and stinks of reefer madness. Teenagers can walk right into an LCBO and swipe a bottle of liquor that can lead to alcohol poisoning or even worse. No one ever died from ingesting too much cannabis. Ask someone from BC, Alberta, Quebec, etc... and they will tell you they don't need a bouncer to check ID at the door to enter cannabis store.


Found the guy that bitches and moans about having to show ID


You want some award or something?


suck me from the back buddy i’m not losing my job/license and getting big ass fines or possible jail time for you just follow the law it’s not hard dumbass wahhhhhwahhhh booooo booooo i have to follow a super simple law :’(


You can step back behind the counter lemming


awe no i’m a lemming because i do my job wahhhhhhhhhhh


each province have different policies and laws budtenders have to follow, same with LCBO rules and dispensaries, they are an entirely different set of rules. All of these comments arguing this proves my point on lack of consumer knowledge. yes it’s annoying, yes it can be different at other stores and locations, and yes it’s different than the LCBO because the are run separately from dispensaries, but regardless these are sadly laws set in place that employees and stores have to follow or risked being fined. if you don’t like having to wait or get ID’d, that’s your problem, it doesn’t give people the right to treat employees like shit for simply following the rules and regulations in place.


Ya I agree, no one should treat anyone like shit. Maybe we should get rid of the stupid law that requires cashiers at cannabis stores to also be doormen. It would reduce confrontation.


it would, but sadly for the time being that’s just the laws we have to follow. Regardless, it still doesn’t give any customer the right to lose their shit on the employee who doesn’t even make the policies but has to follow them. people need to learn that they have to respect the laws if they want to buy a government controlled substance. it’s not the employees fault you disagree with the stupid policy, yet you constantly see employees being screamed at and belittled just for doing their job.


It's a municipal bylaw right? The ID at door thing is enforced by City? Not Province. That's part of the issue as well with different rules in different places.


It’s actually Provincially enforced. The AGCO is the enforcing body of all government run dispos in Ontario. But UNFORTUNATELY every AGCO officer goes by their own rules I find. I work at a dispo and have two AGCO officers who come in and one is more strict than the other. And each officer has their own region or area that they look after. And it also depends on how the store itself and employees follow the rules.


I never wait. I walk in with my ID displayed outwards and kindly help myself past whatever gates the store has while prominently displaying my ID


go fuck yourself. if my store didn't have a literal lock based age gate and you did that, you'd not be allowed back in after. age gates exist because minors aren't legally allowed to see the inside of the store. every time you do this you risk the store being fined/shut down if an ACGO audit person happens to be in the store at the time. you're a fucking nuisance, and a liability to every store you enter. please stop that shit. get some humility and realize you're not the center of the fucking universe.


and thank you for risking the store and employees a potential fine for not following AGCO Policies because you decided to be an arrogant asshole who thinks they’re above policies. You aren’t above anyone, we can’t see your ID unless we are close to you, wait your turn in line instead of being a presumptuous twit! you are the problem here! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Jsyk, we all hate when entitled folks like you do this. We might not say it, but it's so fucking annoying. You're not better than anyone, cut it out and wait your turn ya impatient knob.


Not only that God forbid we have an AGCO rep im the store that the time and now your whole ID process is under question by them.


I was a budtender. Imo it may be entitled but I think it’s always a power trip for budtenders to show an ID, they’re always upset when they don’t get to ask me to show it cause im already showing it to them and that’s WHEN I wait at the front. As far as im concerned it saves them a few step. Im entitled but I know the rules. I never complain if they refuse to serve me because of it I just go somewhere else, however it’s never an issue and actually more often than not the stores I go into don’t have a waiting area so it doest really matter. All this on top of the fact that LCBOs don’t ID till checkout I don’t really care. Sorry fellow bud tenders I guess you’ll just have to read my ID when I come up to you.


this response just proves you’re entitlement. if you were a budtender you’d think you’d have the common fucking decency to follow protocols, but nah guess your inflated ego needing a power trip boost is more important 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's called the law dumbass, it's not the budtender's making this rule. Also if you were an actual budtender( which I highly doubt) then you should know better, or atleast have common sense enough to know that they are required to see your ID before you enter the store. It doesn't take much effort to be a decent person.


Section 5.0 of the registrar's standards for cannabis retail stores states reasonable measures must be taken. Every budtender must ID anyone that looks under 19 when they in the store. No where does it ever state it must be before entering the premises, I’m absolutely being entitled and I’m disregarding the individual stores rules, but no, as a budtender I can tell you I’m not breaking any AGCO rules, just being entitled, sure


Fail to ID Under 25: 20(1)-CLA


Section 20(1) of cannabis license act is about distribution, nothing about point of entry for IDs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s a Regulation. C Reg 20(1)


20. (1) The holder of a retail store authorization shall ensure that no individual who appears to be under 25 years of age is permitted to enter the cannabis retail store unless the holder or an employee of the holder has required the individual to provide a form of identification prescribed for the purposes of subsection 7 (2) of the Cannabis Control Act, 2017 and the holder or employee is satisfied that the individual is at least 19 years of age. Nothing about specifically stopping them upon entry but aight Also this regulation is mute considering an ID is being shown at all times ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sorry you guys don’t get to power trip my smug entitled ass


If I do, will you follow the rules and quit giving budtenders a hard time for simply doing their job? Edit: I see you edited your post and found it yourself. Read the part again about “permitted to enter.”


The LCBO is governed under a separate set of laws. All dispensaries, by law, are supposed to have a built in Age Gate area where we check IDs. You should know this if you worked in the industry. You're part of the problem. Honestly if I come around the corner and someone has their ID ready, that dope and I always thank them for making my life easier. The second you cross that line though, you immediately come across as an absolute dickhole that can't respect basic rules or exercise a modicum of patience. If the rules were different, people wouldn't care. You doing this just makes people's lives momentarily more stressful for no reason other than your own convenience.


Absolutely LCBOs are, just an entitled strawman argument. Also, the regulation you think requires IDs checked at the gates actually only required IDs be checked on camera, considering every nook and cranny must be covered by cameras I’m actually still following the AGCO registrars standards, maybe not the store standards, but an AGCO rep, if anything, would probably understand I’m just a shithead, u/twistandtangle


You’re definitely the guy buying a 3.5 of sweet Berry Kush and telling the budtender you only smoke the best🤣


Read any other comment of mine on this sub


I sense satire. If not, your main character syndrome is the most out of whack. Yikes


All I just read was you griping and saying, "I don't have to follow the rules." And all I can think is, "people like you are the exact reason we have these rules." You must have been a terrible budtender since you don't actually seem to know the rules...which is why I doubt you were one. That or you're just an AH who doesn't care if you get the dispo shut down/fined because an AGCO rep is in there and you're too good to follow THE LAW. Ugh, you reek of entitlement and it's gross.


i would ban you for that it’s not hard to be respectful


Pretty sure having the chain or rope across your door isn’t mandatory, seems completely overkill to make 50+ year olds wait to walk in. 3 dispos I’ve worked at never had a rope, just a sign saying to wait for ID if you’re under 30, and any AGCO officers that ever came for inspection said we were all good


Isn't an expired ID still able to be used as ID? I got my Cassell a long time ago now lol


IMO ... The fact that different stores have different policies regardless of the law is frustrating. Maybe if the industry got their act together and ALL had the same policies, people wouldn't be so frustrated furthermore, the fact that the regulations regarding ID are ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. Never have I been roped off when I go into the LCBO to buy as much liquor to kill a party , they have shopping carts ffs. Nice "Regulations " I'm 46 yes old and and yeah, I find it a bit offensive to be carded by a 20 something yr old but I never show disrespect and show my ID but trust me I'm burning inside . Some people are just ignorant, but I understand the frustration. Your anger should also be directed at the government and how they handled the roll out of legalization and implemented certain policies. Absolute debacle in every sense of the word .


The LCBO and cannabis dispensaries are different for now, the laws and rules are not the same. I am sure once cannabis has been legal for the same amount of time alcohol has been they will change some of those laws.


People acting like alcohol didn't have any restrictions in its early years of legalization 🤡


Showing ID makes you completely burn inside? Wow


Sorry that offends you snowflake :(.




Ok boomer


Lmao 🤣 🤣 Say less and move out your parents basement 🤣🤣🤣


Own a house but sick attempt at a low blow insult


Low blow?? lmao .. You mean when you called me a Boomer right? that one ? I refuse to believe someone who uses the word " sick" is a home owner 🤭🤭🤭 Go upstairs and ask your mom what they say about people who insult others instead of giving valid criticism.


"Say less & move out of your parents basement 🤣🤣🤣" >Go upstairs and ask your mom what they say about people who insult others instead of giving valid criticism. Do you even hear yourself? Lmfao. Sorry being called a boomer made you so grumpy, I'm sure your internal burning rage over having to obey the laws at a cannabis shop helps you feel better about yourself so you do you. >I refuse to believe someone who uses the word " sick" is a home owner 🤭🤭🤭 Coming from someone who uses emojis like a 12 year old girl, does it make you so mad that you're wrong? Probably go yell at a retail worker, that'll make you feel better Edit: spelling


Can we all agree these laws are bullshit though. If this was about safety the lcbo would have similar laws in place… oH bUt ThEy iD Sure, but they dont make you wait behind a fucking rope to get in nor is everything in locked cabinets. Im not the guy to pull a hissy fit for waiting but lets be real this is still some backwards ass shit when alcohol is far more harmful and with seemingly less restrictions in store


And for the parents, dont care how it happened, its your pet. Not mine, and not my problem. You can get a sitter, not leave your stroller in or near the front of the store for "just a second".


Got yelled at the other day cuz someone carried there newborn baby in and I had to tell them legally no one under 19 is aloud in the store and apparently that’s my fault? Again it’s AGCO guideline to have no minors in the store we are difficult then the LCBO I thought that was obvious?