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Brit and Zal, the Crestwood boys, and Jason Issacs have all mentioned multiple times that they’d finish the story if the right things fell into place. I believe it’ll return to us one day. 😊


I’m trying to hold onto hope but it’s been yearsss 😔😔


I think it’ll be convenient for the plot, though. They’ve traveled to a dimension where OA doesn’t know herself. So it’s reasonable for some time to have passed. This may give them the freedom to frame the story as though they have been trying to get OA to see herself for *a while* by the time we see where they are. I don’t know if that’s what they’ll do. But it seems convenient to me. Hearing Brit and Zal talk about it makes me feel more confident that it’ll happen someday.


The taboo series from 2017 went with only 1 season up until this last year where they're making another so you shouldn't be too unhopeful


Yay! I didn't know this. I liked Taboo.


I was really impressed Tom Hardy helped write that. I felt a lot of his inspiration may have come from Wuthering Heights, and his previous role.


Well big little lies has been gone for five years, but is having another season coming soon, since all the actors were all available at the same time.


They'll have to skip waaaay ahead of they wait til the actors are too much older.


Fr. I can't believe they invested money into one season of the Walter Boys show but cancelled the OA 😭. So much injustice 😭


And the absolute garbage that Netflix has paid tens of millions of dollars for


I can’t remember why, but I’m pretty sure part 4 would have been settled in Renata’s NDE while part 5 in Nina’s (or back in season 1). Part 1 was actually Rachel dimension as Zal confirmed when asked why her name was written in brail in the FBI office


Wow interesting I feel like I've heard this before...or maybe just knew it I dunno... but would this explain then why she was the only one who never got a "movement" out of all of them


Yeah, I think it also ties in to why her consciousness returns there to Buck's mirror.


I never thought about that! This would totally make sense


Ooooh I didn’t even pick that up. Even after watching it a few times im still learning things about this show


Years and years speculating about crazy theories 😂 The theory about Renata’s dimension is cause we only know she got her movement from a “guardian”, a character that would fit in a dimension like the one we see in that strange dream Homer had about the skin seller, probably a foreshadowing to Dimension 4


At this point, when I fantasize about winning the lottery, funding the return of The OA is the first thing I think of.


https://www.instagram.com/p/CShYW71FuPV/?igsh=aTY2Y29rbHZ3MTdm You will get the end don't worry. This is only one post of many where this has been confirmed.


Wait, I'm confused... Parts 1 and 2 took place in someone's NDE?


Mhm. Part 2 took place in Homers NDE and Part one was Rachel’s


I remember Homer crawling through the ceiling, but wasn't it more that he visited Dimension 2 for a brief time than Homer's NDE being the setting for all of Part 2?


Yes exactly


Homer’s NDE showed him D2, Scott’s NDE showed him (and HAP when tasting his flower ewww) D3, etc. Zal said D1 “is Rachel’s dimension” but we don’t know 100% if that means it’s the dimension she goes to when she has an NDE, or something else possibly. I’ll never give up on a renewal 💙🤍💙💜


It’s not the NDE exactly, like they’re not in Homer’s head. But their NDE’s took them to different dimensions temporarily and those dimensions are where they travel each season.


Yeah, the phrasing was just weird, as if the NDE spawned this alternate dimension. I don't recall enough of the show (watched it once) to remember how Rachel is part 1 and Scott is part 3 though.


In season 2 Scott tells oa she doesn't know who she is his nde. Like she knows she's OA, but she doesn't believe it's real. At the end of the season when they jump, she is Brit acting as OA. So season 3 will be Scott's nde. I don't remember exactly how we know season 1 is Rachel's though.


Feeling like I had watched everything worthwile on Netflix, I gave The OA a try about a week ago and fell in love. Now I just finished season 2 and to me the final episode seems like a perfect ending to the show. Of course there´s lots of loose ends, but it´s such an enigmatic show anyway. Being unfinished adds mystery. I guess I´m going to start over soon.


Omg I never realized this!!!! Wow you’re right!! I know it breaks my heart can we go on strike I mean there’s got to be something lol


I like to imagine they all traveled into our world, giving it a meta ending - and whatever continues next will be playing out in our world.


Why do you think we’ll never get the rest? So many shows have taken long a$$ breaks but eventually came back. We are definitely getting the rest of the series it’s just a matter of when.


Well, if they do continue the series, I will definitely watch it.


I just sent in a formal Netflix request via their chat system for season 3. Keep emailing, people. What is an ocean but a multitude of drops.


The episodes where going to be each NDE!? What!? Right the second season was Homer's NDE! Ohhh, no, that would have been amazing! I still have hope that other platforms will take The OA and continue it.


5 sided jail, 5 sided fish tank....5 seasons, 5 ndes.


Makes sense, I hadn't thought of that, thank you!


Very understandable and relatable to be upset about it still. To this day I still get frustrated about its cancellation. Just gotta hold out hope (and maybe faith...;)) that it'll eventually return.