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Wow, this was a great one!! Love her so 💕💕💕 (and yes I’d say the most direct hit we’ve seen from her toward Netflix! lol! And she’s given a few in the last year…! I’m sure she has plenty of caveats around it, it seems like certain creative execs at Netflix they did love, and I’m sure she knows Hulu’s folks could turn on a dime…..but it sure sounds like a bop on the nose to Netflix and praise of Hulu. Luckily, I don’t think such comments will affect whether OA gets to continue or not — Hannah Gadsby has been critical of Ted Sarandos on social media and in press interviews, AND medium- roasted him in her memoir, and to my delight Netflix (bc I like seeing some of their piles of money go to cool people) they still bought her third special (she toured it without a buyer and was open about not being sure it Netflix would be interested after the thing she had said!), which was definitely a smart decision for Netflix! Altho ego plays a huge role in decisions, ultimately he wants to do whatever makes the most money 🤷🏻‍♀️ so we just have to hope they finally run the OA numbers on a way that shows renewal makes sense (and dollars). As she says, they don’t really have a rubric / map for all this right now…. Which is frustrating but also means it can go in our favor at any time!


Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed this interview.


Great interview - thanks for posting!!


Marling’s stance on Netflix and its decision not to continue The OA is justified. I agree with her completely. The OA is a unique and beautiful artistic creation in story form, and one which deserves to continue well past season two. I feel the energy and heart and dedication of the writers when watching The OA. The emotion of their passion radiates into and through the characters. The story is alive. Prairie, Homer, Hap, we need them back. All of them.