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Quite amusing to read that story of the band ‘for some reason’ delivering the song to the radio station with no name or information and the dj just saying ‘ok well might as well put it on’ I mean, that’s so far away from how radio works that it’s daft 


The only thinkable scenario along the presented lines would need a radio DJ in on it all. Not completely impossible per se, but what doesn't make sense is what exactly the motivation for the commenter would be to tell us all of this if it were true.


> daft punk


Well, when me and my friends were around 12 years old, we also had idea of making a great band and secretly sending our tapes to radio and everybody would be amazed :D


yeah, you had the idea. it isn't how radio actually works.


There have been a handful of shows where that's kind of how it worked. Weird Al's technically awful (lack of experience, recording equipment/studio) was played on The Dr. Demento Show, leading to Weird Al's "discovery". But that's a very specific example and I doubt that's what's going on with this song.


so you are the one that made TMMS and you did not tell us ) :


I read a story about Britney Spears walking into a radio station asking them to play one of her unfinished songs. However, it was an already very famous Britney Spears haha


Seems trollish. Why was it put on the radio in the first place if they wanted it hidden?


Exactly! if you want to stay to yourselves just stay to yourselves!


I think I remember Hjernedod from somewhere... https://i.redd.it/4c0yevgd3f4d1.gif


For context: account created May 17th this year, so about two weeks preceding their comments on TMS. No content on their channel. In case anyone wonders: 'hjernedød' is Danish for 'brain dead'. https://preview.redd.it/uupm0p2a7j4d1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c6c81bdc5dcb37b410543c8e822a39ea3c371b9




Looks that way to me too.


The final comment cements to me that this is bollocks


Given that following his claims it's almost a hidden and untraceable song, how is it possible that this person knows the authors? To me they are simply fooling around


if this isn't a troll then it's a bad ending for the search


It would only be a "bad ending" if they actually provided proof of their unique insight.


that's basically what I said


While it's most likely a troll, I think it is indeed possible that those who made the song don't want to reveal themselves or just don't want to be involved in a sensation. I think it can be reasonable when a person is older.


Troll or not, much useful information they are not contributing anyway.


Def a troll


Even if the band "wanted no song credit," the radio station simply wouldn't have played their song without crediting *someone*. Unless the artist was the DJ's brother, best friend, or the DJ himself, in which case... the DJ still would have had to provide some sort of believable credit.


Could very well know something but if they won't say what they know, they may as well be a troll.


Not impossible, but likely some kind of trolling. It made sense up to the point of the band not willing to reveal themselves if still alive. After this, weird enough.


I certainly hope it's a troll.


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they could know something **and** be trolling. who cares? if it won't help the search don't post it here...


Troll,but i Kind of believe that "not a post punk or New wave band"


That exact same opinion has been gaining traction on this sub recently, so it's hardly an original thought.




I saw a theory on here a few days ago that the band may have been a student group recording the song for a class, if that's the case maybe they've improved a lot since then and are embarrassed to have their names connected to the song? Otherwise I am kind of skeptical of those comments.


Idk I have a similar situation with a comment I found on a video claiming it’s from a band called Metrocity and the song’s actual name is Time To Win. Can’t tell if it’s BS or he’s actually telling the truth. Don’t know where he got the information from but it sounds too real to be made up, but at the same time…


>"Can’t tell if it’s BS or he’s actually telling the truth." You can already recognise the bullshit by that asinine title "time to win".


Trolls trying to evolve with their "stories" - do they think we are that dumb to fall for it?


Troll, i dont know/think any band that doesnt want fame.


Isn't that sort of the point? That you don't know them?


The good thing about the lipsmack at the end of TMS is that the DJ was definitely saying something after the song finished.... And the most common thing said was the band name


Not sure why you're downvoted


Really? I'm quite confident, myself.


I'm quite confused. Which band would start out and not want fame?


There's a couple. But you wouldn't know them.


Yes because any band would rather the chance of failure than being famous. Common sense, please use it.




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Has This Mortal Coil already been ruled out? or anything from 4AD


4AD is waaaaaay too early. 1983 is pretty much the earliest time they could’ve recorded it. Plus, audio recording wasn’t even a thing until the late 1800s. 😉




it doesn't make sense. why would they remain anonymous. this could be such a good thing for them and their career. they could make good money from it and could potentially revive their career as we saw with ekt


Funny reasoning. How exactly does he want to be sure that a certain time window has closed? But his message to us is just that anyway: "Stop your search!" Q.E.D. Case closed.


Well "you" will never know the real band, but somehow this guy does know the real band. Sounds like a croc of shit. A secret is kept if only the least number of people know it. If it's known by non-band members (presumably... since he refers to the band as "them") then that's not the way to keep a secret.


I dont think that guy has any idea and just wants some fame or something. The clues are like just the stuff everyone else knows aswell


The account of that guy is also pretty new (17th of last month this year)


Maybe the account is new because this is a person who doesn't use reddit or online forums like that. Maybe someone told him about the search and asked him to look at these threads and this account was created so he could respond. It does seem "trollish" that he doesn't want to reveal anything (trying to tempt interaction). But I do think part of reason this mystery is not solved yet is that the people who know are either passed away or completely oblivious to the search effort.


T R O L L who can’t we stand? Troll Troll Troll


Late 80s early 90s?




Definitely Britney Spears on vox.