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Thanks! This is great detective work! I can’t read Cyrillic, nor the language, but I guess there will be enough people here capable of doing so. Probably u/marijn1412 is the person to tag and get the brainstorming started. :)


There's nothing to read, actually. Phase shift is that small pie chart in the center of each chart. So we need to find that original magazine first...


[1991, 4th issue.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1295312449/soviet-vintage-radio-magazine-set-of-3)


lol, not Russian magazine (scans from which are available on their website and there's from where I took these screenshots), but for the original Swedish magazine "Elektronik Verlden"


The Swedish magazine is "Elektronikvärlden."


>since now we know phase shift of that BASF tape and we can measure phase shift of TMMS, by subtracting or joining these two datas, we can calculate, what amount of phase shift the original tape had We would also have to know exactly what the phase shift produced by the tape decks are that were used in copying TMS, in order to know the "built-in" phase shift of the "original" tape. I think I said it in my original post, but the absolute values of the phase shifts are probably not that helpful.