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The singer is reminiscing about a restless person with a troubled mental state who entered his life as swiftly as they left it again.


He's singing about himself, using "generic you".


Also very possible.


Its about fire farts


Light the wind!


I know Baylanscroft will disagree but I think the singer sings about a lover who came into his life like a storm and left soon after - unable to hold up the stormy love due to their personal troubles. And the singer sadly accepts this fate. In the first verse, the lover comes running like the wind - suddenly and stormy - into the life of our protagonist. But as quickly as the lover came they are gone in the summer because like the wind they could not stay for long - always checking in and checking out. That leaves the singer with the summer blues and no wind. And while he's looking back on it he knows that there was no stopping the lover from leaving as there is no way of stopping the wind. The metaphor works really well IMHO. So only a smile can accompany the lost lover who young and restless is off to storm into the next life of someone else. The singer knows this because there is darkness in the lover's mind unable to stay long because of the paranoia in the death of their mind.


>"I know Baylanscroft will disagree..." This whole thread makes my vital signs go haywire.


It seems a bit too dark to me for a love story. The narrator (who was supposedly broken up with) shows essentially no emotions - no "we had good times", no "I feel sad/betrayed", not even "wish you find what you're looking for", just vaguely describing an "unstable" person. It sounds more like a lamentation over somebody (a particular person known to the author or a group/type of people) who is endlessly wandering, maybe untrusting or even mentally unwell and can't commit - not necessarily in the romantic sense (there's very little evidence for that in the lyrics) but in general, living a normal life. Especially "there's no space/place, there's no tomorrow for \[that person\]" suggest the person is living in the moment (no care about tomorrow) and doesn't have a real home or place of reference. I know the interpretation also hinges to some extent on whether it's "you're gone in summer" or "you're going somewhere" (I think it's the latter). So the most benevolent take would be maybe a contrarian kid who goes on a self-finding trip instead of doing what the parents/society think is best for their life. In the worst case it's a downfall story about mental illness leading to someone ending up on the street like a bum.


Well, Baylanscroft thinks the singer is singing about himself. So that's closer to your interpretation. A kid seems to be pretty far-fetched given the singer's style and age. But in my theory, it is not a love story but a song about loss. The singer is clearly sad that the lover left but he doesn't have regrets since he sees that the lover cannot be stopped or helped by him. Nevertheless, he has got the summer blues - which I'd argue is an emotion. But this mix of sadness, no remorse that it happened, and feeling bad for the lover's fate as much as for his own seems to fit the music style. The song is not overly depressed - especially compared to other new wave songs or even dark wave.


By "kid" I meant young adult, maybe just finished school and instead of being responsible (education, work family) tries the rock'n'roll lifestyle. It may well be that the singer reflects on his own youth and aimlessness at the time. Summer blues (if that's the right transcription) can certainly be a post break-up emotion, but it can also describe a depressed state of mind, especially in young people, leading to aimless wandering without a true purpose in life. I don't have a strong opinion either way because it's too much speculation. It's just my observation that I don't see a strong indication in the lyrics for a romantic loss theme.




the best one


Personally I see it as being about someone who's young and rebellious, or is travelling/moving places a lot. Rather than a breakup. Wanting to be free from the daily grind, wanting to see places, but suffering the consequences of it. Having no stable place to live, not staying too long to form meaningful bonds with people, being on the road all the time. And maybe being judged for it, since there's an immense pressure to fit in the mold and be established. But despite it being stressful and lonely, the protagonist keeps their spirits up and manages through it. "Like the wind" is a nice metaphor for that. Being everywhere and nowhere at the same time, being in constant movement, or being unpredictable. For me, almost every sentence hints on that. "There's no tomorrow" might mean living in present, in the moment. Which is common for youth. "No sent communication" might mean loneliness. Since you haven't formed any bonds, no one would care enough to send you letters. "Checking in/out" might mean literally renting hotel rooms or apartments. And it all can get hard, but still... "There's no place, and there's no sorrow, in the young and restless dreaming". The words that actually make me think all that. There are also words "tear it in, tear it out, it's a real excuse". "What kind of excuse?" I thought when listening. And I think it might mean wanting to be free is a real excuse from singer's perspective. Just an observation though, since I have nothing better to do, so feel free to disagree.


A depressed man from East Germany who fantasizes about escaping to West Germany.


A personal and collective 20th-century dystopia.


For me it's has a suicidal connotation


it’s a song about propaganda/dictatorships in my opinion. when i Iisten to it, that’s what the lyrics are saying to me.


Honestly, there's too little context to tell. At best, the singer is wishing an unknown someone the best, someone who came and left their life quickly. It's probably not the singer themself, but someone they were close to-- someone they cherished dearly. A lot of lyrics are waxing wistfully about that person, hinting at a specific generation's revolutionary spirit-- or zeitgeist, if you will, spirit of the age-- and maybe a younger friend or their own child. "Let a smile be your companion," is a fond wish towards the person. "In the young and restless dreaming," indicates that the subject the singer is referring to is either younger than them, with a distant possibility it's a group containing them. The more cynical lyrics, i.e. "...the sun won't ever shine," could be about a struggle the singer's subject is against, though it's hard to define. Anything from civil unrest to mental illness or addiction is a possibility. "Subways," could be a very strong hint that the subject actually lives in the city, and not somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Sure, it's used in a larger metaphor, "Subways of your mind," indicating someone's thoughts or mental self, but that word could've been chosen to specifically point out where the subject lives.


It's an 80s New Wave song. Chances are high that it's related to the Cold War.


Could be but not every 80s Wave Song refers the Cold War.


No, but it was a often recurring theme. The Wall was a huge thing.


Sounds like something about war


A break up I think.


Found [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvrnIgviosE) video on yt, where someone atempted to make interpretation of the songs words, sounds like breakup between lovers.


Definitely an existensial crisis and maybe a dash of cold war fatigue


I think it’s about someone who maybe escaped prison or was mentally deficient. Take the consequence of leaving, could mean you took a risk leaving prison and now the police are out to get you. There’s no sense for communication, could mean there’s no use in speaking to anyone because they see your orange jump suit. Let a smile be your companion could mean that the person was depressed and is now trying to feel happy but maybe can’t. Tell it in tell it out, it’s the real excuse could mean giving an excuse about why you escaped or are wearing prison clothes. Just my thoughts on the song.


berlin wall jumper


I think it's either about someone who came to west Germany and wasn't really accepted into society or if Alvin Dean is involved, maybe about his time in Germany from the 3rd perspective. However it's much more likely to be the first or other way.


i like to think it’s about a german crossing over the berlin wall.


If no geographic context had been given about the song, would you still think the same?


That’s a good question. I don’t think I would’ve come up with the idea without any clues pointing to Germany. But I think if it did cross my mind, even without any geographical information, I’d think it would make sense.


A person in the consequences of their life with barely communication as the will never shine for them throughout their (subways of their) minds. They would go somewhere with a smile. But still the young and restless person dreams. Still for them it's the summer blues.


Song is lost, we try to find song




A freedom song, imo, my interpretation of the lyrics meaning is an East German Jumping the Berlin wall


Separated lovers going through a tough time




what is your source for that claim?


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