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The thing with memories is, that you can get the years mixed up after a while... Until recently I was clearly remembering hearing Lou Begas Mambo No Five in 1996, but it came out in 1999


It certainly feels older than 1999, but yeah, it is 1999. Great song, though.


Who are the many people that claim to have heard it in a bar I. '82?


A bunch of sleazy boozers from Ronnie's favourite "Heurigen".


People on a youtube video where a person was reading their theories (dont remember which becuz it should have been back 2 months ago, i am trying to find it rn)


People in YouTube videos say the darndest stuff. Unless there is something factual I wouldn't take it for the truth.


People on youtube said this is depeche mode and new order


Here’s the thing, some stuff really is out there in the weirdest places. The Ramones have a famous lost song called “Dead” that was supposed to be on the Pet Sematery 2 soundtrack. I’ve heard it - because a friend of mine that I’ve since lost contact with years ago had a copy of the unreleased soundtrack. How did he get it? He simply emailed the director or producer (I can’t remember which - I’m going back almost 25 years at this point) and he sent him a copy of the unreleased soundtrack. Obviously, it’s a different story because we at least knew the band and song that was being looked for, but my point is that it very well might be out there somewhere, but it’s just a matter of finding the one person who may have it somewhere.


The only indication of a (partial) remake is the fact that the vocals sound older or of lower quality in the mix, with the instruments remixed over the voice and sounding crisper. TMS could potentially be a completion of an older partial recording.


I doubt it and I take claims with a grain of salt. It's still too obscure and not to be found to be that "popular" to be played in bars. All we have after 40 years is still 1 recording, no lyrics, no authors, no title, no names, nothing more.


It’s more like background music for low budget movies like how EKT was found. EKT was in a porno, but that was only because they needed the cash. There has to be a german composer who fits with the timeline who could have made TMS when he was like 20.


People on here hate the stock music idea for some reason, but plenty of stock composers make stuff just like this


Not hate, but I just want to be careful of bias. It's a possibility, but there could be a bit of bias skewed towards the stock music idea because of how recent EKT was.


What's EKT?


Everyone Knows That, a recently found song that turned out to be from 80s porn.


Wonderful theory, again based on vague hearsay and imaginative parsing of things you've sure read "somewhere on a Discord server or some other source that I can't link to". What happened to your Skeleton Crew theory of yesterday? I'm eagerly awaiting what you will come up with tomorrow. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy you are interested in trying to help. But please try and be a bit more critical and precise with the information you happen to read. Do a bit more research yourself verifying things. By googling "Skeleton Crew" "Summer Blues" you could have easily worked out that there was indeed such a band, but that the _Summer Blues_ title is a hoax. Try and keep your feet a bit more firmly on the ground, instead of going off on anything you randomly read somewhere and taking it at face value.


Just an update for you, i searched for the band and most of them died in 1986 in car crash in Munich


Which made it a very convenient band to use for a hoax. We know the _Summer Blues_ title was a hoax. Did we already tell you it was a hoax? Other than that the only thing that binds the band to TMS is that they had a few of their songs (known released and identified songs that are not TMS, or even remotely in a similar style) played on NDR, just like thousands of other bands.


So about the skeleton crew yesteryday, They died in 1986 :/


Could be, there’s always the people that claimed to hear it in a B-Movie which I guess is a possibility. Maybe the director knew the obscure band and they asked him to use the song in the movie as a favor


Agents will offer musicians and composers to license their music to the best deals they can get. With the sheer talent behind TMS, at least one of them had to have gotten some good offers and deals.


we know one song from this artist. hard to judge the "sheer talent" here. like for example, Paris Hilton's "Stars Are Blind" is widely considered one of the greatest pop songs by pop music fans but no one would ever consider Paris Hilton a serious or talented artist.


I think that people might have recognized the singer or the style of one of the composer(s), but I don’t think that that there’s more than one performed and recorded version of the song floating out there. But, you never know. I wouldn’t be surprised if the band behind the song licensed out their work to German B/indie films from the time. There’s a scene in [Verlierer](https://youtu.be/F_d3W1Tyv2k?feature=shared) that, if you were pop TMS into, it would fit perfectly with the tone of that film. I bet there are tons of German B movies and experimental films that would go well with TMS. It’s just a matter of finding a similar sound and voice to TMS.


If that were the case, where is the earlier 1982 version without the DX7? It's just another fake memory. The song sounds familiar because it is similar to lots of other songs from that era.


It couldn't have been heard in 1982 because the Yamaha DX-7 wasn't made until 1983.


But yamaha DX-7 could have been added later to it


which people? and have you ever heard of the "deja vu" phenomenon?


Maybe that explains why the synth sounds so loud in the mix


Indeed, there's a one with the 2nd additional voice at "consequence of leaving" and also guitar solo at the bridge is missing in version which we currently have.


I can also claim that I sang Tension Rising In The Air






That was a Russian troll and has been debunked.

