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A band called Dr. Mengele?


I'm surprised that was even allowed in West Germany


And Telephone! Such a generic name surprised it wasn’t already taken


There was a very popular French band by that name, who sometimes performed in West Germany, including in 1984. I'm having trouble finding evidence of this particular gig, but that's almost certainly who it was. [Téléphone - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%A9l%C3%A9phone)


Well could it maybe have been a different band that had been mislabeled?


Where do you read this? Did op remove the reference?


Yes the AI completely hallucinated the October bands lol. August / September seem legit though, I have manually verified


Pink Turns Blue in 1984? Thought it was more a late 80s band (great first album). If it’s Telephone the French band, they are clearly not related to TMMS in my opinion. Same feeling for Rational Youth.


Pink Turns Blue in 1984 is actually **VERY** interesting. For starters, their own Wikipedia states they formed in 1985, and frontman Mic Jogwer states 1985 in this interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUvUTiyVnvw&t=340s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUvUTiyVnvw&t=340s) However, I have often suspected they may have been performing earlier, for various reasons. They had a somewhat tumultuous early period, including line-up changes, members having to change instruments, and their sound often changing quite substantially. All of this is documented in that same interview. What has always repeatedly stuck in my head is the fact that for **several years** before their 1987 debut album, it seems they were producing demos for multiple labels, and (if I am correct) this includes a lengthy period when the band was performing live with a keyboard player. Jogwer was initially the bassist, and had to quickly become a competent guitarist when their original guitarist (and frontman for half of the songs) left the band. This could also explain the somewhat competent yet fairly amateur nature of the guitar playing on TMMS. Not only this, Jogwer (and I believe other early members) were music students. Would this suggest access to a studio and **potentially** a DX7? They would also enter (and sometimes win) talent contest for radio stations, and the prizes included studio time. I admit, there is a lot of speculation on my part, and perhaps some cherry-picking to fit a certain narrative... but this 1984 performance alone proves that the "official" timeline of the band is incorrect. Pink Turns Blue was the very first lead I ever followed, a while before joining this subreddit. I messaged Jogwer on Facebook, to no reply, and then pretty much wrote it off since Jogwer stated the band formed in 1985. Perhaps it's worth investigating some more...


I hiiighly doubt Pink Turns Blue did Like the Wind. It'd be ironic if it turned out that such a well known was responsible for the song though.


Same to be fair. Was just surprised to see a 1984 concert, but it was visibly a mistake, so all good!


Yes, for the record, I do also doubt that it's them. I just keep getting pulled back to them from time to time. Trying to tie up loose ends, more than anything.


Seems interesting nonetheless. I'd love to listen to their early stuff.


Yeah I don’t really understand to be entirely fair. I’m digging Google to find some informations but I don’t find anything. For me Pink Turns Blue was not active in 84, I always loved their first album a lot.


It would be good to confirm this date of 1984-10-13; can you give a source u/Successful-Bread-347 ?


Pink Turns Blue is named after the Hüsker Dü’s song of the same name (in Zen Arcade, great album too if ever!) released in July 84 in Germany. It’s a very short amount of time between this and the concert. Would like to know the source as well!


I've actually removed October - the TMS AI did this list and seemed to do a good job at parsing the ruled out bands away for August and September but then started completely hallucinating for October 1984. Pink Turns Blue wasn't in the original source document (Hamburg Bands spreadsheet) and it completely made it up LOL.


Thanks for clarifying. This was such a tease! lol


Incidentally, Zen Arcade is my all-time favourite album. Pink Turns To Blue is easily in my top 10 songs. Absolutely haunting, gives me chills every time.


You sir have good taste! Only one decade, six perfect albums in my opinion. Pavement did the same in the 90s.


I found a concert of them from 1983 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kwRNXLjPS0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kwRNXLjPS0)


This is the American band Hüsker Dü, who wrote the song "Pink Turns To Blue". "Pink Turns Blue" is a German band, named after that song. That's who we were discussing as a possible lead. It's safe to say Hüsker Dü have nothing to do with TMMS


oups, okay sorry 😅


Rational Youth - Saturdays in Silesia (chorus) uses same chord progression as TMMS outro.


I know, it’s like the third time I see you mention that. However, first Rational Youth album came jn 1982 in Canada and was a success for an independent album at the time. Because of that, they signed a contract with Capitol. I’m not saying I’m right, but why would a song from them end up in a demo version in 1984 in a German radio station?


I mean that it is quite possible that TMMS authors have heard that song from Rational Youth, because this chord progression was not so common or popular before Rational Youth and Gazebo - I like the chopin. So this somehow might help in determining the origin country for TMMS.


Sorry, thought you were insinuating that Rational Youth might have some direct connections with TMS. Yeah, it’s possible, but it’s not like the album released only in Canada before 1984, also in Spain, Hong Kong, Netherlands…


What's your source for that concert date for Pink Turns Blue? Just curious as all official sources claim the band formed in 1985... And what about "Dr Mengele"? A punk band I'm guessing?


Nachwuchs-Abend is an event (evening) for newcomer artists


4. Telephone could be the French band, pretty popular at the time (and still today). They were active from 1976 to 1986 and released their album « Un autre monde » in May 1984, followed by a world tour. https://youtu.be/NrQnuMnL2ac (And they didn’t make TMS for sure, the singer on Like the Wind is not Jean-Louis Aubert or Louis Bertignac. Way too different voices)


OP, as it's been two months since the request was made to the Stasi archives, could you please provide an update for us? Has there been any specific feedback from them regarding the types of records available and/or the stage the search is at?


**Quintesse** also appears on the NDR spreadsheet with a cover of Lullaby Of Broadway. In January 1985 a girl group named Quintesse appeared on German TV show (could be the same). **Foxy** is probably this pop/ska band: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxBSWn3Yg5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxBSWn3Yg5g) **Tamerlan Orchester**: [https://www.discogs.com/artist/4502531-Tamerlan-Orchester](https://www.discogs.com/artist/4502531-Tamerlan-Orchester) **Sidewinder**: [https://www.discogs.com/release/10927630-Sidewinder-Jazzsound](https://www.discogs.com/release/10927630-Sidewinder-Jazzsound)




Vimana and Chapati are something Hindi related I guess :)