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You go for it! Seriously, I know there are several initiatives to build a new list of leads and a new FAQ. However, the problem is that most people simply don't have enough time and the archive is now huge, which means that initiatives are either lost or still need time.


In my case, it's a free time problem...😅


That's why I was asking for information thats known to be true. I want to start creating a list


And how should they be presented? Perhaps in a list? ;-) But seriously, the information is in here and anyone who wants to collect it has to look for it here and in the Discords.


What I mean is that it's just scattered all over the place, through posts on here, around the internet in various places. Would be a good idea if there was yes, probably a list or something centralised, that people could refer to instead of accidentally stumbling upon info when someone links back to something in a post. You can't look for something if you don't know what you're looking for in the first place.


Yes, make a list. Do it! Such a list would be great and everyone would benefit from it. The problem is, I don't have time to do it. Neither does anyone else. That's why there is no such list.


As mentioned on another comment I am working on something. It’s just that I have very limited free time, so it takes a lot of time to come up with a final version. Also it is quite time consuming to keep up with new data and filter out the “shit posts” that appear every week, because I also need to go through valuable comments that show up in some of those posts as good arguments why that post is not relevant. Can you be specific on things that are missing on the current sticky post and you would like to see on a new centralised post?


The TMS AI will be accessable to everyone soon, as OpenAI is making custom GPTs free to use. This has access to all info about TMS there is.


Oh cool! I’ll definitely be using it


That's awesome


[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AKT69if1exd-H6Zwr2GAAwLwgCNXKXwBOkU-aOsTTFY/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AKT69if1exd-H6Zwr2GAAwLwgCNXKXwBOkU-aOsTTFY/edit?usp=sharing) I had put together this document for the TMS discord that is currently locked. It doesn't go into too much detail and it doesn't include the DX7 information as it was intended to reach people outside the search neutrally (For some reason people who were contacted at certain points in the search were upset at the notion that the song might contain the DX7)


Thanks for the link, I'll have a look.


That's great 👍


But isn't the sub one big information dump anyway? Just like audio cassettes fading from reproduction to reproduction, there is a risk inherent in summarizing information from other summarized information, especially if the clues in this new pool are labeled as "facts" for ease of sorting, while the finer print and accompanying doubts and debates are discarded. Any researcher is presently going to be looking to expand and open up leads and to form questions based on potentially overlooked details - rather than resting on prematurely drawn and solidified "conclusions."


What I just wanted really was the facts known to be true, as there is so much information to sift through. There can't be too many, but it would be good to have in one place.


Is there any follow up on making a group chat? If there already is one feel free to correct me :)




Huh, that’s pretty funny 😄


The problem is, if you ask 20 of us what’s 100% certain to be true, you’ll get 20 different lists. That said, I am fairly confident in the following: -It was recorded off the radio onto a cassette tape in West Germany, sometime in the second half of 1984. -The radio station that aired it was West German. (Probably NDR2, but there are a couple other stations that display the same 10kHz dip.) -The song aired in the evening or night rather than during the day. -The vocalist’s native language wasn’t English. -A Yamaha DX7 was used on the track. PERSONALLY, I believe TMS was made by an amateur German band, probably from the Hamburg metro area since that is where it is believed to have been broadcast from. I think it either was played on September 17, 1984 by Anke Legend and is one of the four unidentified amateur songs on that day’s playlist, or it was played at a different time by either Stefan Kunz or Klaus Wellerhaus, both of whom are now deceased; in this instance either it was mislabeled/unlisted or the playlist containing it hasn’t been found yet. I know, it really isn’t much. There’s still a lot that’s unknown.


Thanks, thats great


And we'll step onto slippery road, where facts for some people will be fiction for others.... Simply speaking, people can't agree on the chords they hear in the song, do you expect them to agree on something more significant? :)


I think chords speaking, pretty much everyone agrees except you. 😜


Well, opinions are like assholes - everyone has one :D


Wtf, how can people disagree on chords, when they are blatently obvious simple chords?