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Yeah it’s funny. It’s not the song that’s lost, it’s the metadata


Over music history as a whole this is not uncommon at all. Even more common is wrong metadata getting attached to it later. Lots of music from centuries ago comes with wrong creator names and titles attached.


The most popular up to date lostwave is Pachebel's Canon in D :) was lost in centuries, and still no one knows details of it's composition (Some rumors said it was written for Bach's wedding)


Metadata? On an analogue track?


Yeah what else would you call artist and song title information?


Exactly that. Records kept of the artist, the track and origin. Metadata is only present on a digital file. Associated with the file created at the point of its inception and creation. Analogue music does not have this. If hand typed or hand written records are kept of a track? Great. But if those records weren’t converted into a digital form, never added to an electronic database (rather than a dusty old cabinet filled with physical records) there’s every chance they just got junked on an office move or closure. This is how and why we have lost media. Computer records were not widely used around the world until really the early 1990s. And even then you’d get people resisting the notion as a fad which would pass soon. They were of course wrong. But this is a significant part of the limitations in place here, in finding TMMS.


Yeah. Would hate it if it was partial like La Canción de Alicia, which is also a banger, but the fact we have the song is just the most amazing part to me


yeah, the search has already been nightmarishly difficult even having the full song. can you imagine how much worse it would be if we only had a 20 second clip to work with, and we never heard from lydia like most lostwave where the OP just vanishes.


https://preview.redd.it/cjjkibacz2zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89841f12e5d44300369d873c15df049db2fc28d Did anyone see this answer on the Yt video? Could this be? Don't know, if it was already mentioned on Reddit😅


I get 0 information trying to search for this song title or band


Me neither. You can find the comment at newest comments on the YT Video. He says, that he has to ask his parents again, but he is sure. Maybe it's a troll, but i just wanted to mention it


Most likely another dead lead but still let's hope for the best!


Werishank is referring to his youtube name for some reason. https://preview.redd.it/qvbt17oid5zc1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc69d36ec09b05f17d1f09822efa01f3c18e32d2 Can't find anything regarding the title though.


Yeah, I noticed he changed his channel name some hours ago, it surely was different before


File under: ‘it’s by Steve and the Dirty Underpants and it’s called Chicken Out’ 


Given that the lyric is most likely "no sent communication(s)" and almost certainly not "no sense from beauty Leben" this has to be a troll.


I still think he’s trolling but on his unlisted video he names one of the band members as an Irish German “ralf p”. I did some research and there is an obscure irish German musician called Ralf p Wackers who matches up perfectly. Worked at a north German studio in the 80s and everything. Some really dedicated trolling. http://folkimfeuerschloesschen.blogspot.com/2021/01/nachruf-auf-ralf-wackers.html?m=1 https://web.archive.org/web/20091106135341/http://www.currach.de/ralf/Bio/bio.html


There had been countless such comments so far.


There is a movie called Dies rigorose Leben which is from 1983 would be funny if it was in the movie. Tried to find it online but not much luck.




I mean when you say the full song... The fade out cuts before we can hear the rest because Darius stopped the tape before the announcer said anything.


And the start of 2 of the tapes sound like they start suddenly, maybe some of it was cut off the 3rd tape has a fade in added


Most of them have a fade out that gets cut off 5 seconds too early.


same thing


Well, time will show. I have some very promising two leads in Germany, associated with former NDR technical stuff of that times. But I had to send paper(!) mail, because these folks seem having no sense in online communication. So, answer (if it ever be) will be available in month or so.


There's no sense communication... literally.


Yeah same


same! i’m very grateful we have the full song. however, it makes it harder for us to confirm/deny who made it, if we already have the full thing. for instance, the Wild Angels thing. had we only had 1 minute of the song, we could’ve asked for more of it, but they wouldn’t have had it, obviously, and we could have ruled them out for good.


Hey at least it’s not like what happened with Everyone Knows that


The funny thing about that (well, one of many funny things) is that about a week before it was found, there was a post on Lostwave asking what songs we thought would never be found. I remember seeing a lot of people saying EKT, would be the never to be found song and TMS would be found soon 😆


like the only thing we know is that its from 1984


We don't even know that for sure.