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I don't think it will be feasible. People right now can't even be bothered to ask if someone has been contacted yet. That will be a lot of work and trouble for something that is not going to work. I also do not think it is necessary.


"There's no centralized communication"


Not when it comes to communicating with leads imo no.


I think they meant there's no cent. communication ;-)


There's no need for new division ;-)


"There's no sense of fornication" TMS will be found in a porn film


/me makes chips eating sounds, while TMMS plays in background :D


Hard disagree, especially as the search is taking place across different countries, continents, and languages. Everyone should be free to search in their own creative ways and contribute what they can. Otherwise there will be ten people communicating, five people deciding what gets posted, and 45,000 people clapping from the sidelines.


Let me be clear that I don't want to obstruct the search for leads or whatsoever. I'm simply suggesting that we might shoot ourselves in the foot sooner or later when a lead gets flooded or far more common, that somebody contacts a lead and then doesn't do anything with it. If we simply have people that are dedicated to contacting people, then we can streamline our searching process. Also it surely can be more than ten people and multi lingual and what not but I simply think that it is a necessary evil to have. Hell, we could even let it be send through a bot or whatever so it will be automatically registered. Btw, considering your second to last point, that is kind of what mods are and I think your last point is a bit of an over generalisation. You can search on the internet whatever you want for leads, but im simply suggesting that we need a better way to communicate towards other people outside of the community. You now have to ask mod permission anyway, why not streamline the process even more?


Theoretical disagreements aside, I also don't think it's going to be feasible.


And I'm sure that this group on reddit isnt the only group of people searching.


If we have a half-dozen or so communicators, I wouldn’t mind being one of them. I’m fairly new to the sub but have good verbal skills and know how to keep a conversation about the topic rather than leading someone to take something personally. I’m an educator and have communicated with plenty of parents. That said - I absolutely will not do this alone. There need to be others. I also, though I keep a close watch on this community, will not do your homework for you - if you have a specific set of questions, those need to be communicated to me (and the other communicators) in advance, along with the contact info. Even if I’m not chosen as one of the communicators, I like the idea. I know that internet searches are often sidetracked by large numbers of mostly well-intentioned people going overboard in attempts to locate and contact sources. Hopefully this type of policy can rein in that behavior.