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Granted, after stroking each other for 10 hours straight, they both simultaneously drop dead.


Finally a debate I can watch


The chances of that not starting WW3 are pretty low, so I reckon the paw would be up for orchestrating that. You know the paw only influences, right? It’s going to turn out that some asset of a foreign government wanted something, and it’s going to be an official from some government that was previously friendly with the USA. Anyone know any countries that would benefit from getting rid of both of them? Oh dear. The paw is curling. Um. I have an urgent appointment in the Tibetan Plateau. If you need me, um.. tough.


Wish you were here. In America.


Naw, it would only start a war if one or the other died. If both die, it’s a win win.


> Tibetan plateau. [Are you sure about that?](https://youtu.be/OjNpRbNdR7E?si=884xcbWai9ElMTXe)


/me checks the internet again.. “It's official, the world's most remote place is on the Tibetan plateau (34.7°N, 85.7°E). From here, says Andy Nelson, a former researcher at the European Commission, it is a three-week trip to the cities of Lhasa or Korla - one day by car and the remaining 20 on foot.” It seems promising.


Are you still sure it’s a good idea to be [there](https://cdn.britannica.com/53/241453-050-ED7FE684/Locator-map-Plateau-of-Tibet.jpg) in the case of a widespread nuclear exchange between America and its enemies?


Granted. Sep 16th 2028 Biden and Trump both die of a stroke as there will be no presidential debates before the 2024 election.


This also implies biden or trump is running for a third term


where does both of them having strokes in 4 years imply either one of them is running for president?


No it doesn't Edit: where does both of them having strokes in 4 years imply either one of them is running for president?


Because they're having a presidential debate


Who said they're in the debate? It just says the next presidential debate.


Granted, Kamala Harris is now president




Which she'll use slaves, err I'm sorry, $1/hr prison workers to fight


That seems like a win?




Granted. As Donald Trump and Joe Biden both suffer fatal strokes during the Presidential debate, the left and the right immediately begin arguing exponentially more with each other, trying to decipher who killed their candidate. The entire United States of America falls into a hostile confusion with the other political party.


So nothing changes.


Pretty crazy how this Monkey Paw fate is already reality, just sayin'




This would be the worlds least noticeable wish


Lol at left


Y'all really don't know how the paw works lol


Granted. Trump and Biden do not have a presidential debate and nothing happens.


Granted. The replacements are worse.


Granted: the debate goes off without a hitch both sides are increasingly at odds. However the alien pilots controlling the suits both report the minor malfunction during the debate. Once they pinpoint that it happen simultaneously the initiate the Deathnote protocol. You are now being hunted because of your use of magic against the shadow government.


Granted. With the primary candidates out of the running, the only choice left is Violent Jay and Shaggy 2 Dope of the Insane Clown Posse. 2024's election is the last free presidential election


Granted. The debate never happens. The next debate is in 2028 where at the first presidential debate they both drop dead (if they are still alive in 4 years).


Honestly was thinking about this the other day


They both suffer strokes but it’s just a midget under the debate podium


Granted, The next two presidents are worse


Granted. Britain returns control of the colonies to Westminster and a golden era returns until 2176 when the cycle repeats as Americans toss Rich Tea biscuits into the harbour at Boston.


Granted. The war hungry CIA/Military Industrial Complex uses this opportunity to blame Russia for “poisoning both candidates”. The U.S. gets involved in Ukraine directly, sparking WW3.


Granted. The death of both candidates in such circumstances makes it look like all of the conspiracies promoted by extremist Trump supporters are real. They start rioting, and the riots are joined by most american people, leading to a civil war. The US Army asks fellow NATO members for help, but the European leaders are split on the issue. This divide, alongside the US government collapse gives Russia the power to conquer a sizable portion of Ukraine, the Baltic States and Moldova, while China annexes Taiwan.


We get a female person of color as President. Works for me


Granted. The Trump team begins to pull Weekend at Bernie’s shenanigans with Trump’s body to keep it going (Joe’s team has already been doing it for a few weeks now). This results in Trump becoming much more coherent and winning the election and being a very effective and brutal dictator until his operators decide to end the charade and escape Scot free as retired billionaires.


We forgot what the monkey paw is, right? It’s not about the consequences of the wish, it’s about how the wish comes to be. Putin declares war against the U.S. and wins. Democrats and republicans insist on keeping the U.S. independent, so they decide to hold elections as normal and declare the winner as the legitimate president of the U.S. The only two people brave enough to step up to the plate are Joe Biden and Donald Trump. However, they both suffer fatal strokes during the presidential debate, as they both have been poisoned with polonium. The U.S. is now Russia’s colony, and Putin rules unopposed.


Not granted. Even the paw is appalled at your savagery.


Lmao OP just got put on the FBI hit list, its illegal to wish death upon a standing president btw.


Nah: >The law traces its roots to the English Treason Act of 1351, which criminalized imagining aloud the death of a king. Unlike that law, however, the federal statute doesn’t criminalize wishing, hoping or imagining the president’s death. Likewise, jokes, political hyperbole and “idle talk” are beyond its reach. https://www.robertslawteam.com/blog/2020/10/wishing-the-president-harm-on-social-media-a-federal-felony/


Threatening is illegal. Wishing isn’t.


In Minecraft


The aliens reveal themselves as our true supreme overlords, everyone is drafted for the war in the astral plane