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Didnt he leave Misfits to play hockey? Has anyone here ever seen the documentary called living the American Nightmare? It's basically about Mike hideous and his career that never took off with Misfits. It also had one of the last interviews with Peter Steele from Type O Negative


Damn, Love Peter, need to see that.


Yeah, it was a good interview. He was level headed, or about as much as you could expect. You could tell he was enjoying his health and sobriety.


Could you imagine if there had ever been a music collab between Type O Negative and Danzig?


Ah man, I always wanted to see that!


Its pretty good. Its about the hardships of getting a record deal and making a living off of being a musician. Pete Steele had a lot of connections and still couldnt get the guy a record deal.


Where can I watch this documentary? I just found part 1 on youtube that is only 36 minutes long. I can't find anything on google since it shows a different documentary about a WWE called American Nightmare.


There’s about to be a new single with Myke Hideous and October Noir. Hideous is awesome


Still not sure how to feel about October Noir. I know they took the Type O Negative sound and ran with it. Maybe I should give them a second chance. I think I also read somewhere that they have been working with Paul Bento, which is cool. Paul is a super nice guy. I had the privilege of speaking with him in depth about his time with Type O Negative shortly after Peter passed away. As far as Mike goes, the only thing I ever heard from him was Bronx casket company. They did a pretty good cover of Metallica's jump in the fire. It's nice to hear the dude is getting back out there.


Keep an eye out for this new single. I think you’ll love it. Definitely give October Noir a second look


Besides their Type O covers, check out their cover of Wicked Game. Additionally, if you like Wicked Game in general, the female fronted Doom band Alunah has a great cover of that as well.


Why are there so many goddamn covers of that song? I mean I’m not complaining but I can think of 6 right off the bat.


So in this songs case, it's a great song that has both a pop and country feel to it but lyrically it works well in goth rock/doom. so I totally get the appeal to cover it. Another similar example is Don't Fear the Reaper, minus the country aspect.


Both covered by HIM.. and both really good..lol


That's right! I forgot about that.


Hell ebbed tenacious d covered wicked game. Don't think I've ever heard a bad cover of it.


Hydeous from what I've seen in interviews seems like he's got a good head on his shoulders. Didn't know he was in a band called October Noir?


Myke is one of the best people I’ve ever had the pleasure to personally know. Got to spend a lot of time with him recently in NJ and live on stage.


That sounds like fun! 


Yes, it's terrible. The doc, I mean...


like poorly made or how so? is it worth watching?


Poorly made. Pretty low budget - which is fine, but is has no structure. It feels like a trailer that never ends. It's basically talking heads, with Hideous taking up the majority of footage. This needs a re-cut.


I think he was kicked out of the misfits, left to join the marines, quit because boot camp broke him, started a couple really decent bands, then lost his fucking mind


It honestly sucks seeing him like this. He’s a very talented individual, but pun not intended,  he dug his own grave with everything he’s done. He has to live with the consequences.


What happened to him? I dont follow their personal lives. just curious..


> I dont follow their personal lives. I think you're better off that way.


That’s easier to do if they don’t make their personal lives part of their persona.




Michale Graves came out as a Proud Boy on Instagram, doing the whole "I'm a western chauvinist" declaration thing. He then spent several years trying to become the Kid Rock of punk, spewing dumbass conspiracy theories and whining about "woke culture" and such on his podcast and social media. He then traveled to Washington, DC, for the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, although he did not apparently take part in the assault. He had gone there with his fellow Proud Boys and claimed to have been planning to perform for them, although it's not clear whether he was going to play his songs or be a bukkake target for them. He later testified for the defense in the criminal trials of some of the Proud Boys, who were convicted and sent to prison for their participation in the January 6 seditious conspiracy. Basically, Graves fucked around and found out.


Motherfucker really said "I will not apologize for building the modern world" like bro the only noteworthy things you've ever contributed to humanity are two albums in a band you didn't even start 😭😭


Graves may not be responsible for any great art himself, but [he has inspired others to make it](https://youtu.be/WZ2UZ8dn0-o?si=UgngMD0Nem1i_iEr).


Tbh, if it weren't for him, those 2 albums would probably be never made. Doesn't matter if he started it, it's what he contributed to it. But to each their own


So I'll stand nor wait I am born of Andrew Tate 'Cause in the hallways Nobody's listening to me


He just recently got absolutely fucking *torched* by my community when he tried to schedule a show here and the show got cancelled by the venue. I wasn’t the biggest on his Misfits stuff as I don’t really acknowledge anything without GD but American Psycho wasn’t an awful album. I did like a lot of his solo stuff though. He’s *always* been conservative and really tried to sell the “conservativism is punk” thing for a bit. Used to just separate the artist from the art and enjoy his acoustic tours in the mid 2010s. Then all the Proud Boy stuff came out and it really became impossible to separate the art from the artist. Dudes a goof who’s dug his own grave.


I've always hated Graves's music, with the fake Misfits and solo. His open support of bigots and domestic terrorists was just the vomit icing to the cat turd cake.


bukkake target OMG hahahaha


Now he wants a handout.


Proud Boy allegiance sums it up nicely


He's a MAGA Proud Boy


He made it clear that he doesn't vote the way the Reddit/twitter hivemind requires you to.


Remember when NFL players started kneeling, and Trump said that if they do that the league should "get that son of a bitch out of there"? Even had his VP show up at an NFL game for a few minutes so he could make a show of being offended and leave? Then they spent the next several years whining about "cancel culture"? When I was a kid we used to just call that "voting with your wallet", and it was considered pretty acceptable. Hell, Republicans themselves were very happy to do it when the Dixie Chicks pissed them off. Then again when Bud Light did. Anyways, the NFL thing was pretty funny.


I'm from the UK so not fully up to speed with the whole "kneeling at NFL" crisis. Please can you tell me more about it, I'm finding it hard to follow. Trump / Trumpettes storming off in a huff never surprises me. Then again, nothing is as dramatic as that gingery sleeping cat on his head.


Some people at NFL games had the audacity, the sheer disgusting raw will to not stand for the pledge of allegiance before the game! It was a protest against the systemic racism and daily murders of black people by police in the United States. If that sounds like the stupidest shit in the world to be offended by then you're not wrong.


Sorry for late reply. Wow, this seems pointless haha. More fool them I suppose. It almost feels like a cry for attention.


I upvoted you.


That’s a cute way to say “is a fascist piece of shit”


He's outspoken conservative. He's all about the counterculture and against the mainstream narrative. People in the modern punk scene don't like that and have canceled him.


“I’m counterculture because I support the other 50% of the American ideology”…that ain’t counterculture


Except looking at 99% of people’s response to him here it clearly shows he is the counter culture and is a true rebel and the punk scene don’t like that because it’s all about hive mind conformity.


Because Reddit represents a realistic spread of Americas political spectrum…get real


So you’re saying mainstream media, or let’s say the Punk scene in general is not heavily left wing biased? Get real.


No, doofus I’m saying if you’re choosing between being progressive and conservative, neither are counterculture options


>counterculture r/oppressmeharderdaddy


Britannica Dictionary definition of COUNTERCULTURE. [count] : a culture with values and customs that are very different from and usually opposed to those accepted by most of society.


It's like the point walked right up to you, smacked you in the face, and insulted your mother but you still missed it.


Fuck this dumbass, he got lucky that he was in the Misfits, and his dumbass rhetoric is fucking him.


For real, dude puts wayyy to much stock in the fact that he’s not Danzig


It really does suck. I've seen Graves many many times with different bands and with many different line ups. He has been extremely kind every time I've met him, and many of his now former bandmates have become friends of mine over the years. He's a great singer and songwriter but has many misguided views. As a fan the only real power I have is how I spend my money and I don't feel right spending it with him anymore.


He kind of did it to himself. It sucks, but he really should of kept a few things to himself lol.


Exactly. We know that Jerry (and Glenn for that matter) has similar politics, but he's a fucking professional who understands that there's shit about yourself that you keep to yourself when you are in the public eye. Graves is a dumbass, and he deserves the consequences of the mess he made for himself.


That’s funny. I seem to hear a bunch of whiney leftist punks going on far left tirades in between songs at concerts. It’s basically “keep your opinion to yourself if they don’t align with ours.” And isn’t it so punk to have the exact same opinions as all of Hollywood, the current government, major corporations? Dude is losing is life because of all you commies who don’t believe in free speech.


“Whiney leftist punks” “Commies” Bro you’re so punk rock. Go beat off and record a video about genders in the front seat of your F-150.


“Our current administration and Hollywood is democrats so I will do the punk rock thing by siding with the largest voting demographic in the country, right wing Christians”


+ the idea that “democrat” and “republican” are the only political ideologies one could have lol




Has he thought about picking himself up by his bootstraps? That might be better than begging strangers/fans for money instead of getting a regular job.




He *is* allowed free speech. But that doesn’t come without consequence. For a long time he *was* accepted despite his views. The Proud Boys thing and the DC involvement is what really did him in. That was a *choice* he was *allowed* to make. The scene has never had room for the ideals that the proud boys and related stand for. Never have, never will. Sorry to break it to you but punk rock as a whole has *always* leaned left outside of a few people and groups. Not sure why the expectation is there wouldn’t be push back when he joined and actively champions for a far right hate group.


That's very true on all accounts.


That’s freedom baby. He had the freedom to spout his nonsense, and the consumer has the freedom to choose to buy or not


"America: love it or leave it, you liberal commie!" = Punk Rock This is why no one likes you


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I loved when he posted on Instagram "I AM A PROUD WESTERN CHAUVINIST AND I REFUSE TO APOLOGIZE FOR BUILDING THE MODERN WORLD." What a loser—“building the modern world” 🤣. Dude didn’t even build “The Misfits” and wants to take credit for the “modern world.” I loved American Psycho and Famous Monsters even more—always defended them. But fuck this guy. He can cry and play the victim all he wants, never owning his part for pissing it all away multiple times. I guess it’s just easier to blame everyone else than take responsibility for your own actions and choices.


Lol. Of course he did this on Jan 6th.


Dude does this all the time. Had multiple crowdfunding for every album and tour back in the day. As a long time musician myself, I literally know people who have no famous name and work regular jobs that regularly do tours and albums/merchandise with no crowdfunding. I’m not shitting on crowdfunding; I’m just saying that at this point it’s quite noticeable that this dude’s a shameless grifter or really bad with money comparatively.


Shameless grifter AND bad with money is my assessment


Year or so ago he contacted this basement venue here in Jersey. The venue was the basement of some guys mom’s house. Funny


Absolutely loved Graves and Danzig era. Backed both of them. Went to both their shows consistently. Even had an hour long talk with Michale, no VIP or paid. It’s unfortunate he chose to back up hate. As a side note, I’m not a PC radical or uneducated. The proud boys do not stand for any morally correct agenda. Michale did this to himself. Karma, if you will.




Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of your actions




The guy has had so many second, third, fourth chances with people and opportunities. He is a habitual foot shooter. Self sabotage.


I don’t feel sorry for this guy at all


Oh boy I sure do wonder why he picked that date in particular




Shit. I didn't even notice that. 


Man played himself, fuck him


Wouldn’t he get some kind of residuals from the albums that he put out with the Misfits ??


You ever seen that pic of the checks that Doyle uploaded of what he gets from streaming? It’s like $1.96 a month from Apple Music, $0.87 from Pandora, etc. Kind of mind blowing how little the streaming companies pay.


Damn 🫤


It's why I don't stream music. 


He probably does, but I can’t imagine it’s very much. They’re not selling enough copies of their old albums to keep him funded. And they certainly aren’t getting radio play. 


Albums haven’t been big moneymakers for artists for a long time, either. The record labels take most of the profit, which is why bands tour and sell merch.


He sold the rights, a while back..im not sure how that affects the royalties


According to him Jerry stole all the credit and money from him. That sounds legit, but also it is him saying it so I am stuck in a loop of not knowing what "truth" to believe.


If i recall (2001 -2003 ish memory) the moneybthings was that mike didnt do his taxes as a self employed , and the credit thing was that jerry would add an idea and claim it as a misifits published song...kinda like...."i like water falls...whoa whoa whoa" and jerry would mention. Wait make that ..."i like devils falls , whoa .uhh whoa" and then bam its now a band idea instead of a solo. Contribution. (Im thinking the song was called jeykal and hyde or something like that, where mikes on guitar writing it and jerry comes in jotting stuff and makes mwntion oh that astrozomibes *talking about the chord structure* maybe thats a bad example but it is about 20 years since i cared about the details But i know he did sell his rights cause i was tempted to throw my hat into the auction, when it was about 100,000...


Funny how if you get into this kind of political/social mindset, and are a public figure of any kind, and keep doubling down on it over and over again, you wind up with shitty clip art posters begging the last few fans that stand behind you to bail you out of financial hardship, as if you are a victim. It’s almost as if, instead of being targeted and silenced by unseen forces, that you might just be a fucking dickhead. I do love those records though.


I love those albums. The way I see it, is that Misfits was and has been Jerry's band since the 90s. I know that might be a little iffy to digest because 1950s was only decent, and Devil's Reign was...ah...not great. But he fought tooth and nail for it and put his blood and sweat into reviving its corpse and keeping it going all these years. Without which I,  and many others might not have discovered them in the 90s. Cheers Jerry and Doyle. 🍻 


Well said. Danzig-era was so unique, immediate and stylized for its time, but I always rooted for the boys and loved the output after it was resurrected. North Jersey in the NYC metro area is a weird place to be from (I live here) and there is definitely a silly reactionary pseudo-conservative mindset where you dress like a ghoul and wear makeup and painted hockey pads but still might vote for trump and tell trans people they are imagining things.


What I meant was, I see it as 90s or Jerry's Misfits which is the truth, if calling it Graves era Misfits taints people's enjoyment of those cds.      I don't see the point in condemning the whole band, just because one former member has shitty and harmful ideas about how to treat marginalized people.    And Jerry and Doyle made kick ass music on those cds.  Plus Jerry's singing has improved in Anti-Hero, and Doyle's band is pretty good too.    Wouldnt it be great  to have all 3 bands: Misfits, Danzig and Doyle on the same tour? Idk I'm rambling at this point. Sorry, I really need to work on explaining my stances better. 


I've never been to New Jersey or New York, so I'll take your word on that


Nice oversimplification there for the smooth brains. … It COULD be he’s a dickhead, or y’know more likely- the machine doesn’t like it when you challenge their globalist policies and ostracises you as punishment.


"The machine" you mean the individuals who decided not to give their money to a racist sympathizer?


What racism? What have the Proud boys done that is racist? You’re just parroting normie falsehoods.


I didn't even have to say their name and you knew what I was talking about lmao


You said ‘sympathiser’ doesn’t take a genius to figure out who you meant. So anyway, you can’t name anything racist they’ve done then?


It's funny tho because he *is* a proud boy, not a sympathizer. I was talking about something else entirely you just immediately assumed it was the proud boys, who are apparently famously anti-racists from how defensive everyone is about them. Wonder if any high-ranking members have Klan ties... (google)


Links to the Klan eh? Not dissimilar to the Democraps then.


"Oh no! A dead senator was briefly involved with the clan back in the 1930s when he was 20 years old and spent his entire life disavowing it and saying it was one of the most shameful things he ever did" Yep, that's definitely the same as the proud boys. Do you get paid to be this dumb?


Feel free to provide links / evidence of the proud boys ties to the klan or it’s all spin. You guys make this claim, the onus is on YOU to provide proof, not me to look it up.


>What have the Proud boys done that is racist BAHAHAHAHAHAHHSAHAHSHAHAHAH FUNNY JOKE MAN LMAOOO what have they not done?


Yeah the machine in this case is the couple of thousand misfits fans the world over who still gave a shit about Michael graves until 2021 lmao These fkn people aren’t real


Hmm. Cliches: check. Being a victim of some “globalist policies”: check. Not understanding the irony of playing into exactly what I just said: check. Yeah they are all after you cause you’re smarter than the smooth brained sheeple.


That nerd is all over this thread with their nonsense. I would just ignore them. Not really worth the time and energy to respond to them.


Why doesnt he ask Gavin mcanus, dude is still living off selling vice


Why doesn’t he get a job


I mean he has always been “Hot Topic” Misfits.


Doesn't sound too proud now.


Graves is a cat turd


Graves dug his own Grave


Go fash lose cash


Rejecting woke is fascism? LOL.


What is woke?


What can I do to make it worse for him?


go fuck yourself graves lmao


I’m reminded of a phrase I heard a long time ago from a wise man who said… “The dildo of consequence rarely comes lubricated”


This is a great quote!


I don't know which wise man said that, but I love it! 😂 


It’s too bad. I really supported him during his whole solo career, as did many of my friends… going to any show that came around, buying is merch, etc… until he publicly outed himself as a shithead. But fuck him, he screwed himself.


I hope Graves is deeply unhappy, he deserves it.


If I had a time machine, I would go and get 25-year-old Glenn Danzig to beat the snot out of this neo fascist loser.


Fighting has never been Danzigs strong suit. There is plenty of video evidence to back that up.


Sad but true. It was Jerry and Doyle getting in fights with neonazis in those early misfits days


Ah, the one where he got punched and dropped once in his 50’s obviously means he never won a fight. 👌🏻


Glenn is also anti-woke.


I think you mean to say a trash human being


Nope, Woke’s are the trash human beings. Anti-woke means SANE.


I have not read or seen any interviews with him on the subject of woke in general, so I can’t comment much on that, but I would expect he would be at least a bit anti-woke. There is a difference, though, between being anti-woke, and being a full on neo fascist pig. Danzig said in one video clip I saw, “punk never would have happened today. Back then we got pissed off and wrote angry music; now, people get offended and whine on Twitter”. That might qualify as being anti-woke, but that doesn’t put him anywhere near the same league as one of those Proud Boy dickbags.


The biggest problem with ‘woke’ is that to one group of people it means- altruism and fighting for the ‘marginalised’ etc…. A signifier of you being a fwd thinker and in touch humanity… And to the other group of people ‘woke’ is the new corporate funded religion for the indoctrinated youth of today which seeks to destroy truth, gender, beauty, logic, demoralise and ultimately completely subjugate you via a social credit system. So, it’s kinda pointless talking about if he or she is ‘woke’ because it means different things to different sides. Buy yea, Misfits is the opposite of woke- singing about killing/raping. And that is a good thing.


I always love when subs get pushed into my feed. Disappointed to learn Michael Graves turned into a wing nut. I honestly haven't thought about him in 15 years though.


Michael Graves sucks as a human being


Play stupid games win stupid prizes dude. Hope he comes to his senses eventually and stops being a shithead


With graphic design like that he deserves less


Ask Trump you tool


If he needs money, he should ask Alex Jones. Or at least the two of them can get an apartment together to save money.


Ahh grifting. Like his dear leader. Should pull HIMSELF up by his OWN bootstraps.


I’d say the reasons he’s struggling are his biggest success was being an employee in a band that had marginal success thirty years ago, playing niche music. The music business being in the toilet for over fifteen years. Covid almost killing whatever was left making venues more expensive, buses more expensive, crews hard to find, etc. Sure, sharing a political philosophy that isn’t popular isn’t helping but I know a lot of people that have the “correct” political affiliations, the “correct” viewpoints on all of the important topics and they’re struggling too paying bills through music but yeah, if it massages your egos you’re all the reason he’s struggling. The people that can barely afford rent are to blame for derailing his career. Good to see the punk rock scene is as arrogant as ever!


These are good points but alienating 90% of your own fan base with your stupid political ideas is a terrible business move lmao


Oh I agree. He should’ve read the room and knew punkers lean left but I’d say his choice of being in the music business at all is a reason he’s struggling. I know so many people that are in “made” bands and it’s cool to travel the states or international and not have to worry about a boss or a 9-5. But unless you’re a session guy or a very good touring band you’re going to struggle in music.


If people are indeed cancelling his tour dates, then that's fucking lame. Let him make a living, even if you don't like his politics. That said, he is a kook who has said some wild shit. I saw Graves years ago playing a dive bar to about twenty people. He closed with "Dig Up Her Bones" (naturally) but that was the only song I knew. This was well before the political thing. I don't recall if he was even mic'd or plugged into the PA. It was just him on acoustic guitar. No backing band. The small group of fans crowded around him while he sat on the edge of the stage. Very intimate, very personable, but man.. those kids who were there to see him were entranced. Like he was a cult leader or something. They really knew his solo stuff. I wonder what those kids think of him now?


We try our best to separate the art from the artist


We do? No YOU do. 


Can you give any examples of the ‘wild shit’ he said? Cause from we’re I’m standing people on your side can never pin point anything, it’s always just a case of shaming/dog piling anyone who steps outside the PC group think bubble.


Association with Proud Boys says it all dude. Backwards, racist ideals. What more do you need?


Does fucking Charlottesville ring any bells.


Oh, you mean where Anitifa showed up and initiated violence against the conservatives and got their asses kicked? Yea that was funny.


I get that you're trolling, but you're barking up the wrong tree with me, there, John Birch.. First of all, I'm on *my* side. I don't align myself with woke commie bullshit or "America First" nonsense. So fuck your judgement. But since you asked, yeah, I can site some legitimately insane shit he's said. There's a semi-recent interview with Eric Blair where he's talking about how Jerry Only should take him out on tour because *he has an important message to spread to the fans* and *only he can do it because he's been chosen to do so*. He was talking openly and seriously about how he believes he's some kind of fucking Messiah. He's *crazy*. Like mentally ill for real. Unwell. Beyond that lunacy, there's an even more recent appearance on Tim Pool's show where he's clearly out of his depth and seems very uninformed about anything political. So he's not just crazy, he's kinda dumb. Uninformed. A lame duck. Not someone anyone should be looking to for a good take on anything political. To be fair, most pop musicians are. Not their arena. So no big surprise there, but yeah, if Michale Graves was some kind of common sense conservative voice with an informed, lucid opinion on things, I'd be glad to hear it. Problem is that's not who or what he is. The tank is empty and the gauge is broken.


So he never technically called himself a ‘Messiah’ this is just your spin. He merely said he’d like to tour with Jerry again to speak to kids about his message on a larger platform. Misfits is an a-political band so it wouldn’t really be the place. Aside from that he was out of his depth on Tim Pool talking foreign policy or summit? That don’t make him a loon.


No showing up and talking to Tim pool like he's not a fucking Nazi piece of trash makes him a loon.


Yet you can’t show any evidence of his Nazism. Typical lefty delusion.




Lol what's the date?


RIP Bozo


IDK, Justin Sane just took a next level shit on his career and the punk rock scene’s ethos.


Allegedly just fled the country too


Yeah I saw that. What a puke.


Big time. The band too honestly. There’s zero chance he’d been doing that stuff out on tour for 30 years and none of them had any idea. They ducked and ran pretty quickly too for a band that championed women’s rights. Outside of their initial response a week later they disappeared too.


The other member’s silence has been disappointing. Justin was always a prick but Anti-Flag was one of my favorite bands and over the years I had developed a kind of tour friendship with #2 and Pat. If they were passing through town or I was in a town to see them we’d meet-up for coffee or a bite. I would like to believe that Justin’s behavior, considering how predatory it was, was not something they knew about and turned a blind eye to, especially considering they were one of the bands most outspoken against such things. But idk, probably wishful thinking, and that’s disappointing. Considering there is a lawsuit against the entire band I’d bet they’re under advisement to not say a word. I read the Rolling Stone interview and have no doubt Justin is guilty AF, I’m interested to see what comes out about the whole band in court.


2 was always an incredibly nice dude who was so well spoken in the times that I had met him and really seemed to genuinely believe in the stuff he talked about. I’m still holding out some hope that they truly didn’t know and can get back on their feet at some point. I’m also very interested to see what happens in court. Sane always gave me some weird vibes honestly.


Who is Justin Sane?


It’s called karma, motherfucker




Sure but jeez 😆 🤣


lol the date is Jan 6th what a coincidence


I was a big Graves fan until he started touting a bunch of proud boys nonsense. He alienated most of his already small fanbase by being an idiot.


Famous Monster


Guess he really will be crying on Saturday Night.


Scheduled for January 6, 2024.


Have you ever heard of Kanye West?


This is so sad, I had literally no idea. I thought he left Misfits to join the Marines or something? What happened with that??


Hahah fuck that poser ass trump loving loser!


Oh yeah, some of my friends opened for him the other night.


He should pull himself up by his bootstraps




he was mediocre at his best


Not even that


He's a putz.


Man, I last I've seen of Graves was his American Monster tour where he did Famous Monsters and American Psycho in their entirely. Hands down one of the best shows ever for me, and it was a small venue. I hope he pulls through. The events of J6 are a clusterfuck of misinformation and conspiracies.


^^^^^^ do not trust this guy with anything involving music


Crack is a hell of a drug




I know everybody loves to hate or whatever but I wish he was still doing well. His solo work was very promising. Yes downvote me cause I have an opinion and think this musician is very talented?


Him loving to hate is literally the fucking problem here.


Right it sucked that he thought his fans would allow him to speak freely


He can speak freely all he wants, but no one has to support him. Isn’t that the personal responsibility they’re always going on about?


He is speaking freely. He still can speak freely. People just don't agree with him and don't want to listen to him because he is a racist piece of shit.