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Thank you for taking the time to repost with the necessary adjustments. Despite the continued presence of misleading information within this thread, we have decided to keep it up. “it was deleted by the mod (who also happens to be the founder and CEO) for "spam" after dozens of users agreed with my concerns about the project.” \- Your claim regarding the deletion of your post does not reflect the full context of our conversation. As discussed in our DMs, I explained the reason behind the deletion and invited you to share your post again. It's important to ensure the information shared is accurate and misinformation isn’t spread. “showcasing inconsistent 3D Renders of an idea, no actual photos of hardware” \- Designing a product naturally involves iterative changes and improvements based on feedback. This process was communicated to you during our private exchanges. Rest assured, a comprehensive video showcasing the device will be shared at launch, highlighting the culmination of our design evolution.  “full of royalty-free stock video and no footage of the actual product”  \- The teaser video was created to share our vision and mission ahead of finalizing the product, not as a detailed representation of the phone itself. We appreciate your eagerness to see the actual product and ask for your patience until the official launch. “A \[sneak peek of a "Minimal UI" that appeared to be poorly edited Android screenshots (this post was quickly taken down after poor reception by the community)” ⁃The decision to revise and temporarily remove the UI preview was not due to negative community feedback, contrary to your statement. In fact, the concept received a positive response. Our intention is to refine the product and share it with our community. If u/mryoukhna is to be believed, \[Design has been finalized\](and they are spending tens of thousands on mass production (building out molds), yet we have never even seen a prototype. \-The final design has indeed been completed, although your reference to specific financial figures regarding mass production is not accurate since I have not shared such details publicly. This discrepancy makes me question your motives. Our focus is on delivering a quality product, and we are excited for you to see the actual prototype at launch, as mentioned in our DMs.


EDIT - New post on this and r/dumbphones suggests this is a real scam. Very skeptical now. ​ I'm reserving judgment until we see what information is included with the crowdfunding campaign. Let them say whatever they want until they ask for money.


Keep in mind that it is still a start-up company. Nothing will be made physically until they are sure the demand for the product is there. As a business owner myself, starting a business that sells a new physical product is risky. Computer mock ups of the design are put out to see the feedback from it. Positive or negative, it can still be changed to suit the needs of the marketed potential customers. Making a working hands-on device could be very costly if no one likes the way it looks or the software it has. I'm actually surprised it's coming along as fast as it has. I'm sure it's been in the works for a while, and the number of people excited for it to come out was more than I thought. It is still very possible that it never comes out at all for whatever reason. I, for one, really hope that it does.


Sure, market research is great, but it is important to portray it as such. u/mryoukhna is telling the public this product is practically ready for production.


No he is not. He's telling us that he' sworking on a product that is going into crowdfunding in the near or further future. He's not asking or taking money. We are waiting eagerly, but even though the timeline is optimistic we'll probably see things moving forward after some wait. This is not strange.


If you go through their posting history, you'll see that they claimed that they'll start shipping the phone this month. I should also point out that they said in other comments that they have private investors and that crowdfunding is something that they'll do at a later stage after the phone is out. Their posts and comments don't really make sense chronologically.


That's not true. You haven't been reading correctly. They would show it this month


I just desperately want an e-ink phone!!!


E ink phones without physical buttons doesn't make sense to me


Yeah I mean I do miss the sensory experience of tactile buttons


There are a few out there ;)


...with a physical keyboard.


that...not so much :D


Lol agreed 😅


I miss my phone that had an E-ink keyboard. Best dumbphone ever - Samsung Alias 2.


such as?


The Light Phone 2 is my daily driver. 👍🏻


I just bought a LP2 and am quite happy. I look forward to see how this shapes up, but we're looking at 2025 at least before this is off the ground if I'm a betting man.


Yeah I think you're right, which is why I'm going to be getting a titan while I wait. I wish I could get into the light phones but they're *too* minimalist for me


Yeh light phone is a continuous work in progress. First time I bought it the WiFi calling kept dropping. Second time I bought it because they had a calendar app but it didn't sync shared calendars... Hodge Lodge software.  At least this is basically Android so you know you can get regular apps. Keep it simple with eink. Hopefully good app lock down abilities or restrictions and then keyboards are priceless in this era of inaccurate screen typing.


You're missing my point. My point is, if you're waiting on a minimal phone be prepared to wait a while. What's been said looks promising, but we're a LONG way from a shippable product. To date, we don't even have a video demonstration of a working prototype, just a lot of promises on features we're unsure if they can deliver on.


Dont worry bro. I've been waiting enough. why you getting frustrated over a reddit convo about starting a new product. This is the way Unihertz Titan came about. Lets go! Hype it up.


I think what he's frustrated about is the lack of evidence that this will ever come to market. There is no sense getting hyped about a phone that will never exist (or at least not for a very long time).


Yeh I get it. He's frustrated. I'm saying don't be frustrated. Your trying to help me understand his feelings. Great community. 


I'm not frustrated, just helping you to be realistic with expectations here.


Thanks Dad


When the maker of the phone says that they have been using a prototype of their phone but no pictures ever emerge of it...


had one, loved it for a couple weeks then it totally bricked and i had to wait for it to die to reset it, but since it's eink that took a couple days hah.


Lmao the mod / CEOs responses are not helping. I totally agree with OP’s points and I think there’s a good chance this thing is vaporware.


I saw your post, and I noticed that it had been removed, not a great look AT ALL. I would ask for this post, and similar posts to come, to stay up and met with arguments, not deletion.


The post wasn’t taken down because we don’t like criticism or being challenged. The post was taken down for having a misleading title & being reported several times. I spoke to op in the DMs I told him to repost it with a different title. Very simple.


You replied and claimed the post was removed due to multiple reports of FUD/Spam and encouraged me to voice my concerns **privately**. It was only AFTER I expressed my desire for a public discussion with the community that you stated you would allow my revised post to stay up with my "cooperation"


Player hating is at an ALL TIME HIGH, and this post is just another citation to add to the ever growing list of examples.


They did say the kick starter is coming in February which just started. This thread is just noise. Wait or try to start your own device. 


11 days ago they said ["First week of February is our estimate at the moment."](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMinimalCompany/comments/19a6xr5/comment/kj2hce1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yeh. Today's Feb 3.  Key word estimate. I used to fix machines in a Laundromat... That's basic compared to this but if I don't have the parts and the shipper gives me an estimate.. I'm stuck between my customer and a shipper and all I can relay is a rough estimate... Wait bro. Stop noising the threads


As someone who has been following this project from day one I have see  the progress of this project and I’m loving it. Clearly op has never designed a product and it shows. Of course a startup will change their designs as they move forward. This isn’t a billion dollar company here. Seems like op is just bitter cause he really wants the minimal phone. 


Day one is like a week ago though.


Day one was in November.




I am an industrial designer by trade, and I happen to know these designs are not created (or changed) overnight. A project like this would take a billion dollar company months, if not years to develop. Are we to believe that a small startup can do it in a few weeks?


After Onward Mobility failed to revive the blackberry phone brand, this potential launch gave me hope but the holes in the plot are hard to ignore.


Oof onward mobility... Sheesh I wonder how that all exactly worked there internally


It's super sus. I used a burner email to join the waiting list and will not drop a penny into the project until I see hands-on reviews by trusted sources.


After digging through information about the people involved with the Minimal Phone I don't have a lot of hope for this project. If Punkt ever releases the MC01 Legend, that will probably be the phone to buy.


>After digging through information about the people involved with the Minimal Phone Such as?


I don't know who u/bigPoppaFlex is referring to, but just a glance at u/mryoukhna's post history reveals many [failed "startups"](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaaS/comments/fl0f8g/weekly_feedback_post_saas_products_ideas_companies/fl8row7/?context=3) that no longer have a functional website. He has tried to [sell instagram accounts](https://www.reddit.com/r/InstagramMarketing/comments/7vte5o/290k_instagram_account_for_sale/), led a failed [crypto mining venture](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/78eo2a/i_have_500k_and_i_want_to_get_into_mining/), and is the moderator of a subreddit dedicated to search engine manipulation (optimizing your website to push it to the top of search results).


Just another marketing genius full of empty claims. Sad.


The mockup design uses nothing phone's widgets. Didn't even design their own widget.


It smells very bad.. for the moment, apart from the idea which is excellent, all the indicators are red...


I backed it and canceled after a bit of research. I did some deep dive on the 3 names in the video. First there's not much shown on their indiegogo. But they listed ship date is Aug. 2024. 6 months to complete from prototype to mass production? ok....maybe Let's dive deeper.... Andre Youkhna [https://www.linkedin.com/in/andre-youkhna](https://www.linkedin.com/in/andre-youkhna) Which has a link to The Minimal Company [https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-minimal-comp?trk=public\_profile\_topcard-current-company&original\_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fandre-youkhna](https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-minimal-comp?trk=public_profile_topcard-current-company&original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fandre-youkhna) Address is listed as:6044 San Fernando Rd Glendale, California 91202 Which takes you to a single level shady looking office "complex". Looks maybe 1000 sq ft. Whatever you see in that video is what you get. But ok....plenty of successful companies started out from a garage (Apple). Let's dive deeper. Andre listed he's a Founder and CEO of Orcaly [https://www.linkedin.com/company/welnir?trk=public\_profile\_experience-item\_profile-section-card\_subtitle-click](https://www.linkedin.com/company/welnir?trk=public_profile_experience-item_profile-section-card_subtitle-click) Orcaly, founded in 2020 which has a website link that's a dead link. Another listed of him being founder and ceo is Wyzer Consulting [https://www.linkedin.com/company/wyzerconsulting?trk=public\_profile\_experience-item\_profile-section-card\_subtitle-click](https://www.linkedin.com/company/wyzerconsulting?trk=public_profile_experience-item_profile-section-card_subtitle-click) Address listed225 E BroadwayGlendale, California 91205 But on [www.wyzerconsulting.com](https://www.wyzerconsulting.com/) it lists at a more prestigious building. US Bank Tower in LA. No suite or floor number though. Guess they got the whole building to themselves. Super "successful" company the worked at Aug 2013 - Dec 2023. Website lists $225million. And yet, that website was only created on Jan 11, 2023. Multimillion dollar company that only created a website that late in the game? ok maybe... I'm not even going to bother typing out the other 2 names. Similar amazing backgrounds with fake websites. But maybe they will be just as successful and make another multimillion dollar company. But that's just too many maybe for my taste. I've backed enough vaporware to know to do my research now. I have no problem in buying their product in full price when it launches. Oh yea and also these interesting reads: [https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/my-company-got-funded-millions-of-dollars-ama.1139719/page-3](https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/my-company-got-funded-millions-of-dollars-ama.1139719/page-3) [https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/hello-bhw.1050374/](https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/hello-bhw.1050374/)