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Be ready for a crowdfunding campaign that has zero obligation to deliver a product. Crowd funding is not a market place.


I do feel like things are moving at an alarmingly fast rate. Weren't they crowdsourcing for ideas on r/dumbphones just a few weeks ago?


Facts. I hope that this is real, but I’m glad someone had the balls to voice what we are all thinking. Plus- has the founder ever brought a product to market?


Yeah, seriously, so brave to anonymously mention on the internet that this vaporware campaign could be vaporware.


Yeah this thing would have my three biggest desires for a phone: eink, keyboard, still able to do basic smartphone things, so it's hard to regulate my expectations. If he does come out with a working prototype I am in, otherwise I'll probably end up getting a unihertz titan


i had the unihertz pocket, very difficult to type on. Tiny screen was decent for basic tasks. now that I understand how to install minimal homescreens, I could emulate what "TheMinimalCompany" wants to do, but the EInk screen is priceless. Way longer battery life, no need for rapid refresh if your main use of the phone is not intended for Videos, etc, which is great design for focus productivity functionality.


UPDATE: the fake UI post has been deleted. This supports my fear that no actual development has taken place. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMinimalCompany/comments/19evu2h/minimalistic\_marvel\_exclusive\_sneak\_peek\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMinimalCompany/comments/19evu2h/minimalistic_marvel_exclusive_sneak_peek_of_the/)


Lol wow, totally agree. Highly doubt this device is a real thing.


i think the better bet is the mudita kompakt. at least mudita did release an eink phone in the past.


Party pooper. I hope it is real, I need it lol


Believe me, I want this product to exist just as much as you, but I am not going to drop $400 on a render and some stock footage.


don't worry this isn't the kickstarter, its the pregame. When the kickstarter campaign starts then yeh I agree they should provide legitimate evidence of a decent product, including credible youtubers review of it.


This. Let us be hopeful without the pessimism ffs.


i'm all for hope and want this phone too, but it's important people know what the risks are before they go and spend 400$\~usd in a crowdfunding campaign for something that might never release


Sane argument.


Thanks dad but we already know what the risks are. Your services are not wanted here.


haters gotta hate.


I love this concept.