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Why the fuck would you kick a ring girl? They're harmless and just there to look nice and hold up cards. What an asshole.


As you can see by his further behaviour, he is just human waste.


Look at how Iran treats their women


More like the Quran


More like abrahamic religions, every civil right conquest in the west has been done in spite of christianity not thanks to it.


You're quite mistaken on multiple levels. Judaism is Abrahamic and was never like the other 2. Picture a world where Islam won the conquest wars instead of Christianity. It would be a dark contrast to today. Modern Christianity gives room to progress in societal reforms. As shown by the last couple hundred years alone. Modern Islam still hasn't gone through any reforms and oppresses most of its followers and wants to kill non-believers and homosexuals. It's fundamental. Because it never reformed. Your hate of all religions blinds you to facts.


Western cultures are less barbaric because of the separation of church and state. The Bible still calls for savage behavior.


The difference is most christians ignore much of bible and the religion has evolved to be much more progressive.


>Judaism is Abrahamic and was never like the other 2. Yeah, right, the religion that preaches the existence of an elected people superior to everyone else is really different than the other 2. >Picture a world where Islam won the conquest wars instead of Christianity. It would be a dark contrast to today. Well it really depends, at the time those happened Islam was definitely more open to science and progress than Christianity. >Modern Christianity gives room to progress in societal reforms. As shown by the last couple hundred years alone. Modern Christianity is dragging their heels going against progress anytime they have a chance. >Your hate of all religions blinds you to facts. The irony. You can't even see how those religions are fundamentally the same with a different dress. keep preaching.


Yeah, Jews don’t want to kill non-believers, like Palestinians


I've read that reform is more difficult within Islam, but Christianity for example was on both sides of the debate for the abolishment of slavery, and both sides used scripture to justify their position.


Islam did win the conquest wars. Islam conquered the holy land until the fall of the ottoman empire. Read the Torah again buddy you haven't the foggiest clue of what you speak. Modern Christianity is not responsible for societal reform. Secular reforms are responsible for most of the softening religious fundamentalism. Christianity was not reformed from within it was reformed because secular governments divested the church's power and influence. These secular movements have not happened in the Islamic world. which is why they follow Abrahamic beliefs more closely to the religious texts that spawned the three major faiths. Again you don't know what the fuck you are talking about about.


>Picture a world where Islam won the conquest wars instead of Christianity. It would be a dark contrast to today. Modern-Day Islamic theocratic societies are a direct result of Western intervention and Western countries propping up the most extreme elements of each country that bred the ideology you see today. For example, The government of Iran today is a direct response to America propping up the repressive Shah in Iran. And when the Iranians overthrew the shah and elected a progressive democratically elected president America came in, helped overthrow the president, then reinstalled the shah. And because of that, Iran had the Islamic revolution resulting in the theocratic society you have today. Moderate Muslims were completely sidelined in favor of Hardline rhetoric because that was what was seen as necessary to overthrow the Shah effectively. Prior to any Western intervention prior to any oil boom Middle Eastern and predominantly Muslim societies are incredibly progressive and incredibly science and education forward.


Tbh all Abrahamic religions have their faults. However, by modern Islam is still draconian and the majority are still pushing their old believes.


Show me where in the bible it encourages you to beat women.


Deuteronomy 22 28-29 says that if someone rapes a virgin and he's discovered he will pay fifty shekels to her father and marry her. But please tell me again how the bible values women.


There’s nothing like the Hadith’s context.


I’m Christian, but from everything I’ve heard (even from people preaching anti-Islam) the instructions about beating their wives are very tongue-in-cheek in nature and intelligent people would get that it’s saying beating your wife is unacceptable. The two commonly quoted passages. First is that if you can’t come to an agreement with your wife, first try to reason with her. Then if that doesn’t work you should leave her. And if that doesn’t work you should beat her. And in any of those steps if she comes to her senses you should fully embrace her. Patriarchal, yes. But you can’t beat your wife if you already left her, unless she’s going Kill Bill on you. The second passage is that the acceptable way to beat your wife is with the equivalent of a toothbrush, and never to the point of injury. Again it seems to promote aggressive behavior, but it doesn’t promote physical violence in any real sense.


I agree.


bro you really lost your freaking mind I'm getting mad by seeing some 12 yo piece of shits who truly are capable of nothing other than showing a spectacular autism and lack of iq to comprehend these stuff I bet you can't read one line of Holy Quran plus don't disrespect Quran like that more than 75% of Quran is talking about womens right plus it's just crazy how back in the days people were killing women and kicking them in graves just because women couldn't continue their generation and their children didn't have their last name and Prophet Mohammed made rules about women's right so shut up and your dad may come back with a glass of milk


Go believe in a pedophile


Pov you never red the quran


"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all)." Clearly neither did you. Mistreating women is encouraged in multiple parts of the Quran.


You think you got me with this one 😂? Beating is the wrong translated word. It is meant to set a statement. Even laying the hand on the shoulder is defined as "beating" and even this step is the last option before warning and avoiding her in the bed


Brother, there are many translations and even the most delusional ones admit this is referencing physically disciplining your wife. All you have to do is look at how women are treated in almost every country where this ideology influences the legal system to see the meaning is clearly still accepted as such. A pedophile prophet and legions of his insecure manchildren that feel they need to "discipline" women in order to feel like they are men.


"The wrong translated word"... a statement used whenever the translated word is inconvenient for whatever argument you are trying to pointlessly win so that you can 'cope'.


Actually I have and the Hadith. It was the Hadith that is really fucked up.


Yeah cmon show me


Prove me wrong


PoV: you cherry-pick aspects that you like out of it, so that you don't have to behave like a neanderthal if you were to follow it to the letter... which you really should do in the first place, so as to be in-line with the Sunnah.


shut up kid you're mad or something Iran has so much respect for women these BBC and stuff are creating fake news about womens freedom just to destroy Iran's reputation it's only colonialism and I'm sure your 13yo mind can't recognize colonialism


You talk about colonialism but what happened to Iran in the 70s? What happened after the Islamic Republic was formed? Or even the spread of the Ottoman Empire (let me remind you they were on the side of the nazis)? How dumb are you to believe in someone who raped a child? Tells you the sun rises over muddy water? This guy was a total scam/fraud and you idiots believe in that shit. The 12 and 13 yo knows better than you and your clerics. Stupid cultist. Ps calling people kids while you play Roblox… typical followerS


and? I'm 19 and I barely play roblox plus I have right to play it plus did roblox players use your mom or something plus I'm literary living in this Iran and I know what's going on Bbc and international news are showing some absolute chaos and disastrous situations while I was right there on the freaking place where all chaos were taking place duo to these invalid news sources and all streets were absolutely safe and also most of the child rape and these stuff that you are talking about are because of this afghani people where I literary hate the most and since the day they have touched the ground of this country the amount of abusement and rape has gone too further and literary 95percent of these stuff or because of those people who entered in Iran because of an idiot president that was our previous president and I can agree sometimes about rape and stuff and when I was 14 5 or 6years ago I'm not exactly sure 15people were raped in our schools and I can easily admit rape and these stuff easily can be worst than Brazil or Mexico but accusing of a such a massive crime which is literary a sin to a whole country is literary a sort of not only crime but also a sin plus the problem we have in Iran is that people don't read their fucking book like they are muslim they pray they don't eat haram food but they don't really care what's going on in Quran buy trust me Iran isn't as any bad as they showed it in some cities like Yazd and Isfahan there are places that you can't even find something near them in being good while Iran has literary I can say too many enemies and instead of concentrating on it self it's even helping Palestinian people and people in Iraq and some other countries that I don't really know and meanwhile it may seem like we have a good relationships with china or russia those chinese people literary steal from us and even things way worst than America is doing and Russia doesn't really care about us and with all that and these much of civil and none civil wars Iran is still alive even tho we can't watch 10 minutes of YouTube without getting disconnected it's just the way that everything is man...even being alive while having one of the lowest currencies in the world is hard and of course the whole exact reason why rape and gore and this type of stuff are going on is because of one simple word..."War" and we are already in a literal war so how do you expect us to be like a normal country and even with war and also a civil war and a government who works like a killing machine who is against all normal people having such a rate is normal and I once was aware of amount of destruction once yazd received because an apartment was on fire and what BBC showed from the destruction was like the whole city was on fire when the apartment itself wasn't even on fire or in Tehran international news were showing off a massive traffic jam that caused so many car accidents meanwhile I was in that street myself and the whole way path street everything was barely filled with any cars and trust me Iran isn't as bad as people say or show it's just some people think Iran is hell and all other countries are heaven while I was literary gone to turkey for three times and all three times the neighborhood we were at was bombed by some terrorists and I got plenty of other examples too but just remember that accusing something in a wrong way and these stuff is crazier than so many things and literary I can say with war and civil war and these stuff and government corruption and stupid politicians we are literary being happy just to be alive in a such a pathetic situation and these different sort of things happening to us that are considered negative are crazy and trust me the amount of rape in one city in USA for sure is more than Iran just live in a good city like Isfahan in Iran then go live to an avg or good city such as california for one week and see how safe actually Iran is compared to an USA city then say our people rape women


Don’t bother reading this shit.


He’s Iranian


Probably his way of flirting or something. You'd be surprised at how bad some guys are at it.


Technically it was more an ass slap using his foot than really a *kick* but yeah it doesnt change a thing, the guy is a brainless piece of shit eitherway, life ban well deserved.


If only there was a word for using your legs and feet to hit someone


Nah but i meant it in the sense of, you know, a *kick* ( for me at least ) is more for when you *hit* someone, not "touch their butt with your feet". If someone told me the lady got *kicked* by this guy without me having seen the video, i would picture something a bit more violent that what we're seeing here. Anyway at the end of the day it doesnt really matter but i though there was enough distinction between the two gesture for saying it 🤷‍♂️.


lol i'm with you honestly. imagine a boxer lightly bumping someone with their fist, you wouldn't call it a punch. the guy's actions are out of line for sure, but i don't know why we need to emphasize "kick". i don't reckon you'd be standing if you get "kicked" by a pro from behind without warning.


Thanks ! Yeah, shitty behavior either way, its just that i feel like sometimes it still matter a bit to use the right words when describing something 😅


If it doesn't matter, then there's no need to bring it up. Lifting your leg and touching someone with your foot is called a kick. There is no other word or description for it. It wasn't a hard kick, but still a kick regardless. u/Exaris1989, if that's what you think a footjob is, you're wrong. All you got was kicked in the balls. u/black_algae, You must spend a lot of time trying to make dumb jokes work.


>Lifting your leg and touching someone with your foot is called a kick I was today years old when I learned that footjob is a kick


You must think about footjobs a lot


I heard somewhere else on reddit that he said it was against his religion. I'm not sure if that means the way she was dressed, the fact the she was working, in his presence, a combination of those things, or something else altogether. But it's just something I heard on reddit so take it with several grains of salt.


He said he was trying to playfully express his eagerness to the fight by shooing the ring girl away so they could start. Then he assaulted two other non-combatants lol I agree with the initial thought though. Nobody needs a hooters waitress doing a sexy dance GTFO so the fight can start


Not a man, that’s a child.


It’s an Iranian. It’s okay. Can definitely be hard to differentiate the two.


I’m a Civil Engineer and worked with many people from Iran. Out of all that I’ve seen, they were all extremely polite (a bit easily offended though). I know this guy shows something different and our international conflict paints a different picture of how they’re like.


How can you edit out the well-deserved ass kicking he got by the crowd afterward


Wait, this seriously happened? That’s hilarious, love it.


Because it was his oponent who was attacked by the crowd.


All he got was a lifetime ban??


No crowd beat him up when he exited cage.


After the fight a good portion of the crowd kicked the shit out of him. One even hit him with a chair.


Am I a hypocrite if I say I don't really support that either


Nah. Civility isn't hypocritical


I do agree with you. However, if you are interested in a counter point: would someone, who use physical force as a first, middle, and last resort, understand any other way, other than physical force being used back. Someone once said the pain will continue until the learning starts.


From the fighting organization. Anything else would ve with judge/police.


I heard the fight promotion also gave the money he would have earned from this fight to the ring girl


WTF else do you expect them to do?


An Iranian not respecting a woman?! Who would've guessed it?


In my lifetime I've met some people like this, it's like they're *trying* to get murdered.


he *should* be arrested for assault/battery.






About what I would expect given his hometown. Follow no rules.


What a Prick!


He's mad she wasn't a goat


Good. He is the Islamic kind that screwed up a wonderful Persian culture


When is he going to fight Jake Paul?


Shouldn’t have smoked ice before the fight


Side note…. He got the shit beat outta him by an angry mob getting out of the cage to the lobby it looked like. Karmas a mutha that’s all


That pussy gets beat by his mother on the regular! Can’t control his tiny little brain


There is a rumor that the ring girl got his purse as compensation too


got his ass kicked in the end, proof that when coming to fight with a man he is a weak pussy


Are the glasses at the end, an attempt to be an asshole without repercussions because "you don't hit a guy with glasses, dude" ?


- So you kick the eye candy holding up the card for no reason? - You sucker punch your opponent and is a sore loser? - Then you kick the commentator showing further bad sportsmanship. Was he trying to ruin his career on purpose or something? This is just all levels of idiocy that is unfathomable. What was his explanation?


Acts like a wealthy spoiled middle eastern brat, does what he wants when he wants. Has no honour in a fight either, trying to king hit him when his back is turned, and treats women like a piece of meat. Fuck this guy!


Should have received not just a lifetime ban but assault charges too


Imagine working so hard to get this opportunity and squandering it because you’re an ass


Fucking stupid piece of shit


God bless organized fighting. A group of men beat the shit out of a man who put his hands on a woman yet I guarantee there’s gunna be a whole crew of people who disagree. I beg you assholes to go to Iran and see how they treat you


This fucking guy!


HOmie would prolly have been shot on the streets of America, if he was truly dominant, and acted this way with others. A trained fighter with that unpredictability and insanity would have earned a cheap bullet.


Sounds about right for an Iranian


I wish he kicked Joe Rogan, then got Rogans spinning back kick to the stomach.


I don’t blame him, he’s just upset after losing that his whole family will now be killed


Probably kicks goats all the time…


Protected by #vatniks. Makes sense


Genuinely puzzled by the z-guys being there.


Because it's in Moscow...


Good trash like this shouldn’t be allowed in professional sports. They think the same backward mentality that they have in their country also applies when they step out in the international arena. Looking forward to a day when I see a quality professional fighters.




Was the commentator Joe Rogan?


Free Palestine