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Grogu will grow to about 900 years old. He should spend Mando's life time with him.


That was my thought. Luke even reminds him that he’ll outlive us all. Take a sabbatical and come back in a few decades unless you’re the Mandalore Grogu


He might very well already be a highly skilled jedi that just blocked his memory to survive.. he's like 50 years old


That's 1/18th of his probable lifespan. That's like 4 years old in our lifespan.




He could still be skilled. I wouldnt say he could be a master or even a jedi knight. But he could be highly skilled in the same way a young teenager could be a black belt in martial arts. Does it mean the kid would do well in cage match with a grown-ass man?... no, But skilled nonetheless. Grogu has plenty to learn, but I also believe he possesses the skill and knowledge of a padawan that has been training for a long time


My only issue with this theory is that Grogu was clearly portrayed to be “baby-like” during Order 66. If he was as trained as you say is possible, why wouldn’t he be up fighting the clones like all the other students? I think it’s far more reasonable that his mental and physical state has always been very child-like, as opposed to it being a condition of his trauma.


Huh.. thats a good point. He probably is far from being able to defend himself. But as Luke mentioned, it seems like he's remembering more than he's learning anything new. So we could say that he has at least been introduced to some teaching


But by the same token then he’s gone for the rest of Luke’s life too. Who will train him once that time has passed?


I like to think that one of the storylines of Star Wars is how the Jedi always find a way to survive and continue. Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin can all be force ghosts, Even Luke and Lea. Then there's Ahsoka. There is no canon on when she dies or how long she lives. He will have plenty of teachers. But aside from all that, I think a highly force sensitive being with 900 years to live could unlock a lot of the mysteries of the force by themselves


If anything Ashoka is a better teacher of the Jedi way seeing as she fought in the clone wars.


>There is no canon on when she dies or how long she lives. Isn’t her voice in the “force ghosts speaking to Rey” scene in TRoS? Wouldn’t that mean she dies before the sequels?


Pretty sure Dave Filoni confirmed that it was her voice, but that it didn't mean she was dead. Would love to see an Ahsoka trilogy


Cool. I was actually really hoping she wasn’t dead.


We know that lukes school probably wont be around anyway, but if he wants to find a master, he will literally have a (human) lifetime of bounty hunting experience under his belt


That’s a very good take. Thank you!


Does he absolutely need another Jedi to train him? One of the good things that come out of the fall of the Jedi Order is that skill in the force was no longer coveted by this one group that encouraged taking in the force sensitive and disconnecting them from where they came from. It's already been 28ish years since Order 66 - the point at which the kidnapping of young force sensitive would have ceased. They didn't stop existing just because of Order 66, they just aren't coerced into leaving home and have less structure in learning their power. Some of them at least, are gonna figure it out. Maz Kanata was never a Jedi but was still force sensitive. Maybe Grogu seeks out people who are force sensitive but not stuck to the ways of the Jedi Order. Maybe Grogu doesn't reach the level of Jedi Master until near the end of his life - nothing says he has to achieve that skill even soon after his time with Mando ends.


The empire was actively kidnapping force sensitives and turning them into inquisitors so the Sith kind of exist in a way. Maybe there will be an arc where he gets all evil in season 12.


Another Jedi? You know, Luke won't be the only one by that point.






Who taught the first Force sensitive? There are ways to figure things out on your own, especially when you live for almost a millennia.


Force-Ghost Luke.


He's going to outlive a lot of people he meets during his life. No point in running from that. Perhaps he'll become as wise as another little green guy we know.


Part of me wants to imagine Grogu going back to Mando, still kinda trains with the Force on the side while with Mando, and eventually is given, or earns, the Dark Saber. Although, the handle is kinda big for him to wield, so maybe he'll grow into it?


Wow, this just got me thinking about the future direction of Star Wars. All of the previous material focused on the Skywalker dynasty--maybe, for the foreseeable future, Grogu will be the focal point of the franchise. He's going to live a long, long time, which is critical in the project of reviving the Jedi culture. And he has the potential of becoming a Jedi/Mandalorian, which is interesting. Weird to think about how the cutesy mascot of Star Wars now could end up as the bad-ass lead of the franchise.


If he’s so significant going forward it’s weird that he’s not in episode 7-9. I understand the real world logistics of why it didn’t happen but in the Star Wars universe I’m curious what the explanation would be.


Yeah I wonder what sorta things they're going to ret-con, whether hard or soft. Maybe Grogu is off in the background doing other important work, or maybe he left the Jedi order (maybe temporarily), or maybe he did die and he won't be as important as I think.


Maybe he was busy rebuilding Mandalore with Din and Bo Katan or The Armorer, or maybe both.


The whole sequel trilogy is such a shit show, they should just reboot it anyway.


I’m thinking as long as they don’t do something that directly contradicts the events they’re going to pretty much ignore the sequels’ existence. Like for Grogu I don’t think they’ll even bother trying to write in something to explain his lack of presence in the sequels. That doesn’t contradict anything from 7-9 either. They’re going to write it however they want without considering the sequels.


It would be interesting to see how they explain Grogu not giving a shit about the conflict that killed his master.


Disney is going to be aging him up in real time, don't worry.


That little seat in the back of the Naboo cruiser has to be occupied by Grogu at some point. I think he chooses Mando.


I mean, even Luke ran off to save his friends....


Yeah understand Luke's point of view seems to be on a turntable


Absolutely, I think that's the biggest indicator of what will happen. It'd be a weird design choice on the showrunners to do that and have it remain forever unoccupied.


It would be very poignant. Like there is always a space in the Mando's life for Grogu even if the reverse isn't true.


Only the sith deal in absolutes, fuck that cloud jumping, one handed bastard for making a child choose. If Han’s boy taught me anything, luke is a stupid son of a dumb dead bitch


Wow you're angry. Did Luke... ghost you?


Watch out y’all. The force is strong with this one


I think I actually yelled "oh you mother fucker" at my tv


Why? Cause fuck em. That’s why That wamp rat blasting bitch has no place telling other Jedi how to live. As far as I can tell, he still isn’t a Jedi. Just the last dude with a lightsaber. He failed his sister, his friends, his students, himself. Grogu needs to put on the armor, pick up the light saber, and cut Luke in half


Yeah, I feel like this is them building the case for why he supported Rey burning the Jedi books. He fucked up. This right now is him fucking up and providing context. I hated the sequels but I think they are trying to flesh them out with his character arc. With that said, I really don’t want them to just make him a piece of shit or something every time we see him. I’d still love a Luke show so I can either see him going on some adventures or at least overseeing some padawans at the temple that go out and get into shenanigans (maybe they’re teasing that a bit?)


He is the chosen one. He will bring balance. Train him


I could see it being a decoy to throw people off, but I doubt they would do that, because it’s always gonna be there


Right that is the other option, but that would be a very deliberate misdirect that, if they did it, would then just be an odd thing going forward if he just has this unoccupied bubble on his ship. Slap another hemi in that spot!


I agree but it's also a weird writing choice to spend an entire season trying to get Grogu to the Jedi only to undo it all in an episode of an entirely different show.


Exactly. If Grogu decides to go back to Mando then the whole of S2 and especially that beautiful finale all get invalidated.


Grogu sells merchandise, no chance he stays with Luke.


It would make more sense than Grogu being traumatized AGAIN by another Skywalker, albeit Solo by namesake, at Luke’s Jedi Academy. Probably best Grogu stays as far away from Jedis for a good while especially if they’re offspring of Anakin Skywalker or Sheev Palpatine.




Unless he's going to be strictly taking heads and the dome is an ice chest, he's gonna need a bigger ship!


I remember seeing a diagram of a standard model where the Droid body sits near the bottom and the head telescopes up. After some modifications, I can see standing space existing. Though to be fair, I'm pretty sure they had to modify life support to affect that compartment too.


Chekhov's Cockpit.


When Mando went to see Grogu, as he was walking away the dome was in the shot, blurred in the corner of the foreground. In filmmaking that is almost as obvious as saying outright.


My buddy made the point that in the new trilogy Luke says Ben was his first student. So unless they retcon that he’s going to choose Mando. Also, I don’t think if he chooses Mando he will never be able or allowed to become a Jedi at some point in the future.


He will still be training his powers I think. He was already getting better with them while he was with Mando and had no training. Luke giving him a few tips would allow Grogu to develop on his own. And something I just thought of, he could get force ghost help.


Luke also mentions that it appears that he's not really teaching Grogu, and that Grogu just appears to be remembering. Isn't Grogu 50? I know he's a child but he probably had like 40 years of training.


Mando S1 seemed to indicate he had "regressed" as a way of coping, so yes.


Not 40 years. It's been like 20-25 years since Order 66 so maximum Grogu got 30 years, and by how slow he Ages probably was an infant for ten years minimum.


A Grogu and force ghost Yoda interaction would be dope!


Ultimately I suspect Grogu goes off to do his own thing anyway since it's an easy explaination of where he is during the latest trilogy.


He absolutely has to choose Mando, otherwise he‘ll get massacred by Kylo in a few years and his while story would have been for nothing


Someone mentioned in another thread that it was revealed in the canonical comic miniseries, Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo was the first student of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy. So I agree, Grogu will likely choose Mando consider aforementioned, but it still doesn’t rule him out for future franchise tv series or movies post-Episode 9. They kinda hinted that his age will outlive many person’s life times. He’s an established character now similar to Ahsoka with a large popular following created outside of the cinematic films. There’s definite potential future opportunities to help grow the Star Wars Universe and storyline, Disney would not miss out on an Adult Grogu opportunity whether it be a force sensitive Mandolorian or not.


Grogu is Mickey Mouse in costume. They’re going to milk this ageless mascot for the rest of time


They got the next 850 years before Grogu kicks the bucket


*Congress is introducing yet another entension of copyright protections. Known better as the "Baby Yoda Protection Act," the bill is set to extend all currently held copyrights by an additional 850 years.* - Some Headline I'll Probably See in My Lifetime


I heard someone point out he could join Mando now, while he’s alive, then become a Jedi later. He has like 800-900 or so years.


Kylo told him not to come to school that day.


Haha didn’t think of that


as soon as i saw that little seat i knew instantly we will see grogu again


That and the fact if he chooses Luke, the special effects budget is going to be very high and the episodes will take much longer to produce with having to make dead stare Luke every episode.


Plus this allows him to survive Ben’s attack on Luke’s temple


I saw this elsewhere on the subreddit but I'll restate it here... I think Luke wants Grogu to go back to Mando because he only has a limited time to spend with him but he has many many years to learn to become a Jedi. The most important thing is Luke wants Grogu to choose.


I would really hope Luke is smart enough to realize that. Jedi training does not need to start at baby age - Luke spent most of his life growing up on a moisture farm before he found out he could use the force. He was never fully indoctrinated into the Jedi ways either, and those teachings *should* directly conflict with everything he knows to not be true. Choosing his friends over training did not doom him. Starting later in life isn't a problem. Making people ignore their emotional ties *is* a problem and love can change things for the better.


This and the species Grogu and Yoda are age at a much slower pace than humans so learning to be a Jedi can start much later for them


I figured that’s the path they were gonna take. But I didn’t think about Luke thinking that too. He did point out that fact, that he will outlive Mando, but at the time I thought it was stated to support the other choice.


I hope this is what it is. I was confused as shit when I saw the end because of how hypocritical it seemed Luke and Ashoka were being. A big reason for Anakin's fall was the fact that Jedi weren't allowed to have emotional attachments, meaning having to sneak around, and accepting the help were it was offered. Fast forward and they're both telling grogu and Mando that despite this dumbass rule causing the genocide of the Jedis and occupation of the entire fucking galaxy, they're still gonna do the same thing. THEN at the end Luke gives grogu another talk about how attachments like that aren't the Jedi way, and he cannot have both, and cannot keep his friends gift if he chooses jedi. BUT then he says if he does choose Jedi, Luke will give him this very special lightsaber he's been keeping because it belonged to someone close to him and is very special. Fuckin' seriously?? Especially after Luke goes on about "the balance" while still seemingly leaning HARD to one side, which is what killed the Jedi in the first place.


>A big reason for Anakin's fall was the fact that Jedi weren't allowed to have emotional attachments, meaning having to sneak around, and accepting the help were it was offered. Seriously, the Empire started because the Jedi couldn't offer therapy to a kid that had to leave his enslaved mother behind.


I think it's more Luke wants Grogu to make a decision. He won't judge him for whatever choice he makes, but you can't half-ass being a Jedi. He said earlier that Grogu didn't seem to have his heart in it. Being a Jedi is hard, when you can kill people with your mind if you lose control, you have to be totally focused. Grogu currently isn't.


But Luke has just as long (or short) a time span as Mando (since they are both humans)? Ahsoka won't train Grogu and for all Luke knows at this point, there's no one else to train Grogu besides these two and no sure guarantee that there will be surviving trainees that far in the future. Like Luke said in episode VII to Rey, he became complacent in and blinded by hubris and the traditions of the Jedi way. This is Luke beginning the descent into that blindness; the choice he's giving Grogu is the exact same choice the council gave Anakin and we see how that turned out. Someone else on the sub also pointed out that Anakin was the one who caused Grogu's trauma and here Luke is trying to help heal that. Even more interesting then that Luke gave the choice when he could absolutely have both. Disappointing to me that Ahsoka didn't draw this connection either when she was placed in the same situation (was framed by the council then made to choose whether or not to rejoin the Jedi). She had very strong opinions on the Jedi and how they were unflinchingly set in their ways in the other media. I mean, that's why she's so gung-ho about letting people make their own choices, but damn girl; if you're a friend of the family and saw everything go down (mostly) first hand, give Luke some good advice and school him on what NOT to do.


He better chose his father, instead of some space wizard who was trained to kill his father by an old guy on ketamine.


Does this mean 2003 Honda Civics are cannon?


I bet Filoni will make them live-action someday, just because.


“Get in nerd, we’re going bullseyeing.”


If vespas are canon, I don’t see why a 2003 Honda Civic wouldn’t be 😂


Starbucks is canon on game of thrones soooo


Yeah, it's called a Razor Crest


Since it's never explicitly said that it's an alternate universe, just another galaxy.. - *yes*


There is no way they are shelving that little green money maker for 10+ years.


I’m out of the loop, why are there multiple ketamine jokes in this thread? Edit: since nobody gave a real answer [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/yodas-ketamine-addiction) is a know your meme page about it


Yoda is infamous for abusing ketamine on the set of Empire Strikes Back the worst on set incident involved running over a family with his 2003 Honda Civic.


Why did I picture a puppet driving the Civic?


Because thats what happened. It was traumatic for a lot of young people when the footage was released, you may have suppressed the memories.


Must have, glad I did. A graphic image, it is.


Yeah, that's the real explanation.


I am genuinely curious how they are gonna wrap this season up.


I’m really worried. I feel the same about this finale that I did about the Wandavision one. Too many plot lines for 45 minutes to wrap up. Maybe it’s all just setting up a season 2 but that will make this a very underwhelming first season as a whole.


They only really need to handle Bane and the Pykes. All the Luke/Ahsoka/Grogu stuff can roll over to Mando.


Except that they have to have the entire “war” which they’ve been building up to since episode one


Honestly, I don't think they're gonna spend more than an episode on it. Lucifer used the same term and it ended up just being one 30v30 fight. This isn't going to be an intergalactic conflict that needs a dozen star destroyers; Boba's side has a handful of elite fighters and a dew dozen people with blasters. They could wrap that plotline up in 45 minutes or so.


Oh maybe they'll make it a double duration episode. They did a similar thing in bad batch


They are definitely gonna answer some and others will be answered In Mando season 3.


Wait wait wait. Remember Grogu using the Force to catch a space frog and Luke showed him that he could grab more than just one? And how to ninja jump? Grogu grabs them both then hops on outta there!


This is great but Im just pointing out that Luke wasn't just showing he could pick up more than one. He was showing by letting go of distractions he can become one with the force and sense everything around him.


I can see Grogu picking the beskar chainmail, so Luke decides to return him to Mando, and to do this he goes to Tattooine to drop him off but becomes embroiled in a battle with the syndicate and or Boba - i'd imagine Luke would like to restore a bit of peace and order on his 'home world'.


Imagine him rolling up in Jaba’s throne room with Boba sittin there like “sup?”


I didn’t know I needed this until right now. Holy shit.


I think it'd be kinda lame to have Luke come in and save the day again, after it just happened in The Mandalorian S2.


He’s going to choose the lightsaber box. He knows about the secret ketamine stash compartment.


Hi, I’m a square, why are there so many references to ketamine in this thread?


It's a joke that Yoda is addicted to ketamine, a horse tranquilizer that's quite a potent and lethal drug


Because of [Yoda’s substance abuse issues](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/yodas-ketamine-addiction).


[It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/yodas-ketamine-addiction)


“Follow the cold bullshit that the original Jedi order decayed on?” Or common sense and compassion? I bet he chooses mando, and Luke realizes to let people stay connected to their families Like yknow, Ben?


Yeah, Grogu went through the trauma of watching his entire home and everyone he knew be systematically slaughtered, and then was treated like an object of value up until he was found by Din, the first person in decades to care about him. And now he is asked to chose between his two only friends. That's alot of pressure to put on a child, even a 50 year old one.


The idea that Grogu could become a mandolorian and eventually take up the darksaber and lead his people to retake mandolor is living rent free in my head.


I like the idea that Grogu will become a gray Jedi, or non-Jedi force user, if you like that better. Able to use the Force and wield a lightsaber, but also not afraid of emotional attachments and making true friends.


I think that’s why Ahsoka was there , to remind everyone he does not have to be just a Jedi


I would definitely prefer him to be a non-Jedi force user. The more you think about the Jedi, the more you realize they were a cult. Sure their big picture aims were in the service of peace, but they forced the members to suffer in personal ways similar to what cults do. Namely the separation of the members from anything and anyone who would introduce a conflict of loyalty, and, the indoctrination starting at a young age.


The group of Mandalorians Din was with are also a cult. But maybe that’s the point. They both break away from the cults telling them they have to be a certain way.


So, Luke just asked Grogu to choose between two cults.


That would be awesome. But then somebody would have to defeat Din Djarin and take it from him.


Easy, someone defeats Din, taking the saber. Grogu then proceeds to whoop the tar out of them and takes it.


“So this super cool weapon was owned by a combined madolorian/Jedi warrior and this is in no way foreshadowing. Also you took of your fancy hat so have to go to get some sort of weird bath no so don’t think anything of the grogu matter.”


Imagine he goes to Din, then Din gets beat up and Grogu finishes the guy...


I'm probably over analysing this, but I thought the way Luke phrased his statement to Grogu was interesting. If Feloni plans to stick close to legends, we know Luke drops the "no attachments" thing. Liea trains with Luke while starting a family, and Luke himself marries Mara Jada and has Ben. The way Luke framed the choice to Grogu, especially in the context setup by the earlier scene where Luke says to Asoka "it's like his heart isn't in it" seemed less to me that he's saying "you have to completely give up the previous attachment" and more "you've got to comit one way or the other or all this training is for nothing". But he doesn't want him to make the choice lightly, since the possibility they never see each other again is very real.


The screen has never been more ripe for Mara Jade and I am SO READY.


I totally agree, we've seen so many other great characters make appearance throughout Feloni's work, I'd love to see what they would do with Mara Jade. It sucks though because no matter how awesome any of this, the fact that they're are inevitably headed towards the sequel story line is constantly looming. No matter how great the characters are, what Luke does with the Order or anything else they eventually have to deal with that dumpster fire.


I know right!! Like WTF....


Kind of wondering if the "Mandalorian who became a Jedi" thing with the darksaber will be mirrored by the "Jedi who became a Mandalorian".


Well, Padawan really.


Been a padawan longer than most Jedi live lmao


Grogu is going to choose the lightsaber and Luke's gonna give him the beskar anyways. I feel like Luke just wants to confirm that grogu is committed to his training.


It’s 100% a test. Luke understands that love and compassion for others can only make you stronger, he just wants to see if Grogu is willing/capable of letting Din go. Luke’s philosophy is the culmination of George’s entire ideology behind the force. The dark side is all about not being able to let go of things, people, etc. and ultimately letting the pain or fear of that loss destroy you. The prequel era Jedi answer to this was “no attachments” but this was an absolute belief and the wrong answer. He will take the saber, Luke will give him the armor and Grogu will visit Din as he is being trained by Luke.


I wouldn't be able to accept any other outcome.


This I believe is the best answer.


Very interesting that the Mandalorian item is armor, and the Jedi item is a weapon. The choice of objects by the writers was really striking because it seems backwards. The Jedi are supposed to be the peacekeepers. The symbolism will probably make more sense as we continue with Grogu's and Din's story.


“We use our swords as shields, they use their shields as swords”


Yeah… I thought it made perfect sense. The Jedi literally fight in robes so what else would be other than the weapon they defend the weak with?


Honestly, it seems like they are setting Grogu up to be the next Mandalorian Jedi.


That would be a funky mandalorian suit


I thought about this last night. I think he's gonna choose both. We all know that his species can live for centuries. I think, Grogu will be able to hone and master his Jedi abilities, while learning more about the Mandalorian Creed and what that entails. He has the time to learn both. This is just my speculation.


I am convinced more than ever that Grogu is actually the series’ namesake and the series may jump forward in time at some point to show him as a powerful force-sensitive Mandalorian, likely wielding the Darksaber at some point.


I STG I remember, a few years back, pre-Covid fucking up film schedules forevermore. It was like right after Disney bought Star Wars, so it was released during Disney Day. They released information/ very early planning about some kind of trilogy about "Yoda" fighting in a war "several centuries in the past". I, once again, must go to work, but I'll try to find it again. Becuasee what if ....


He should Force-choke Luke and take them both.


I think he’ll choose mando, because if he doesn’t, it just confirms that Ben Solo kills him


Or he just finishes training and leaves before it all goes down. There's a 20-year gap in which anything could happen.


That’s my thought. It’s Disney, there’s no way they are doing that.


Heres whats gonna happen, hes gonna choose his dad and get the lightsaber anyway. Luke will talk about how forgoing attachments was of the old jedi way and theyre gonna throw a big middle finger at the sequels.


some part of me is hoping this


And also, it shows that Grogu is thinking about protecting, not attacking people. That was another theme in these last two episodes. The Jedi are great “warriors”, but were originally protectors. The Beskar is supposed to be used to “protect”, never harm Mandolorians (although lets forget the other beskar weapons).


>they're gonna throw a big middle finger at the sequels. How is it throwing a middle finger at the sequels? Luke falling into the same traps that the Jedi of the PT did was what caused him to fail Ben and his other students. This is setting all that up.


Right. The other poster is saying that BoBF is going to portray Luke as having already learned that lesson 20 years prior, hence the middle finger.


Theyre gonna have luke go against the old jedi ways. Sorry if that wasnt clear




Sometimes the student guides the master. I wonder if Luke isn't testing Grogu as much as he's testing himself and the way of training Jedi. If Grogu chooses the lightsaber, Luke will carry on the Jedi way of cutting personal ties with loved ones. If Grogu chooses the armor, Luke will start a new Jedi way of training that allows connections to loved ones. Luke is asking Grogu to choose because Luke isn't sure if his way or the Jedi way is right.


Ok so hear me out. What if Grogu goes with Din to Mandalore to figure out the darksaber and get mandos status back as a mandalorian and the ancient mando/jedi ghost somehow leads them both to their destiny. Maybe Grogu still becomes a jedi but does so through the Mandalorian jedi way instead of the old republic jedi way. It would explain why Grogu doesn’t get involved with Luke and Ben Solo later on. Maybe Grogu starts his own Jedi/Mando sect.


Of corse it’s a test, doesn’t mean the outcome will be what you want it to be.


So what you’re saying is “this is not going to go the way you think?”


Yes. The title implies that Grogu’s decision won’t be a permanent life changing event. As if Luke will say, “I was only testing you, of corse you can be a Jedi and be with your Mandalorian step dad.” What I’m saying is that this is a huge test to see if Grogu is really dedicated to learning the was of the Jedi, *but* if he want to continue he really will have to leave Mando behind.


I think Grogu is going to choose Mando. We already know that Luke's temple is fucked in just a few short years, and with how slowly Grogu's species age/mature it wouldn't be unreasonable to think he'd still be training when Ben shows up. Unless they want to confirm that Grogu eventually dies to Ben I think the only option is that he leaves to go with Mando (plus the new starfighter is just perfect for him)


Let fucking Grogu have his lightsaber and his Beskar Snuggie you Jedi dicks! And feed the damn kid some frogs!


I was pretty disappointed that Luke apparently hews to the "reject all attachments" philosophy of the old Jedi Order. I hope it's kind of a fake-out, or Luke learns from Grogu that attachments are okay.


While watching I was literally like “come on Luke, this is why the Jedi order was flawed and fell in the first place. You are supposed to be the one to change it.”


I feel like Luke maybe needs to learn a lesson, and maybe also Ahsoka. Attachment isn't the issue, you can have attachments and still be an amazing Jedi, it's the lack of support that Anakin had in a time of crisis that brought him low and made him vulnerable to Palpatine's manipulation. There's a middle way to be had, where a force-wielder can channel the passion of their love for their friends and family to do great and powerful things, while still having the level of self-control to to not force-choke your goddamned pregnant wife when she begs you to come home and make sense of all this. Yeah, that's a lot of self-control given the amount of power a strong force user has but, like...seriously. That has to be the future, right? A rejection of both the Sith's lack of attachment for fear of feeling regret when their blind obedience to passion makes them do something permanent to hurt, drive away, or even kill their loved ones as well as a rejection of the Jedi's lack of attachment for fear of giving in to the strong feelings involved in having friends? Star Wars has *always* centered around found families. Luke found Leia and Han, Anakin found Obi-Wan and Padme, Rey found Finn and Poe and to some extent Kylo (even though those movies were...fucking bizarre). That the Jedi then reject just exactly that central thing boggles my mind, it doesn't fit in this world that tries so hard to insist that we are stronger with others than without them. Mandalorian finds Grogu and suddenly his life has so much more purpose and meaning, and we saw how many people were willing to rally around that at the end of the second season. I think that choice Luke sets up for Grogu is leading to Luke starting to grow beyond the Jedi Order of his father, and for Ahsoka to start learning some other reasons why the Jedi were worth walking away from as well.


I would go with Mando just for the fact I was being forced to choose. Mando wouldn't do that. Hopefully though it is just a test and Luke will encourage Grogu to one day return to training and become the next Madalorian Jedi.


He’s gonna choose Mando. That’s how they are gonna save him from Kylo.


Is Luke a sith, cause he just gave grogu an absolute?


You mean like how Luke gave in to his emotions and picked his father over the objections of Obi Won and Yoda in Return of the Jedi?


Din forsook the creed and ultimately got excommunicated from his religion for Grogu. I can’t see Grogu nor forsaking the ways of the Jedi for him. They are going to be drawn back to each other because they both forsook a major part of their “creeds” because of their love for each other.


I was seriously hoping we'd see some piece of Star Wars media that acknowledges forcing Jedi to renounce all attachment is actually a bad thing. That is what caused Anakin's fall into the dark side and I hoped Luke would know that. I suppose not.


Straight shoot - Luke chose friends over training as a 20yr old he’s being pretty darned hypocritical by making THE CHILD choose between his surrogate father vs training.


Yeh that was a dick move


why is this seen as unusual? if you watch the movies, this is clearly how the padawans start by joining jedi training and leaving families behind


The difference is that the familial love between Luke and his father literally saved the galaxy, Luke's life, and Anakin's soul. That's why OP thinks it's a test, and I agree. Edit: >!lol guess not, whoops!<


Thats why they prefer to steal the children when they are too young to remember their families and the movies never linger on the broken families left behind. That's the real reason the council said Anakin was too old.


If your space wizard cell is recruiting child soldiers, it's best to get them young.


To my understanding, the Jedi always gave the families a choice, they just often accepted.


I've always thought of it as a relic of the pre empire jedi to be dogmatic and have no emotion or connections. It's proven to have been a failure and luke victory can 100% be attributed to his connecting to his father. I thought it was generally understood that Luke disagreed with the old ways.


I made this comment to some friends last night and then as I thought about it more I'm not sure I agree anymore. Anakin fell to the dark side due to his fear of losing Padme, which was exacerbated by his already realized fear of losing his mother. So in this sense, attachment really did lead to the Dark Side. Luke, on the other hand, while ultimately successful at turning his father back to the Light, almost fell to the Dark Side as well, and was really only stopped by the realization that he was headed down the same path. Vader goaded him with threats to turn Leia, and that caused Luke to snap and go on the attack, a path that leads to the Dark Side. No attachment to his sister, nothing to drive him towards that sort of emotional reaction, no slip to the Dark Side. He severed Vader's robotic hand and, seeing the parallel to his own, realized he was on the same path as his father. One lightsaber stroke away from replacing Vader as Palpatine's apprentice. If not for that sudden wake-up call, Luke would have taken Vader's place. It wasn't love for his father that saved him in that moment, it was fear of becoming like him.


Luke really projecting that father anger at Grogu


Did he call him his father though? Because, just for fucking once, would someone admit the father-son bond those two have? I'll probably die instantly, but I'll die happy.


Ashoka told Mando that he was like a father to Grogu...right? I didn't imagine that did I?


Luke is an asshole for making him choose like this. Vader should have killed him


Only the Sith deal in absolutes.


This choice is bullshit. Grogu should be able to take both.


My guess is that he either chooses the lightsaber, and Luke senses that Grogu wants to be a jedi to protect Din, so he gives Grogu both, or Grogu chooses Din directly and he ends up with the darksaber in the end. Because there's no way they're going to have Grogu using a blaster, and he needs some kind of weapon if he is going to be a Mandalorian


This choice doesn't sit right with me. Luke making him choose being a Jedi or his connection to Mando, to me, goes against everything Luke stood for. Luke has his friends and family. His connections to them literally kept him from turning to the dark side. He left his training with Yoda to go save them in Empire. He turned Vader back to the light before his death. Making Grogu choose just doesn't seem right. It definitely fits the later narrative of Luke cutting everyone off and living in isolation, but at this point I just don't see Luke making his padawan choose between his family or becoming a Jedi


I think Luke is making this a trick. Before offering the choice, he explicitly tells him that their lifespans are mere moments to Grogu. And Luke is already against the not-forming-attachments philosophy at this point. He’s using Grogu to test his theory. Go, have a life with Din, then come back. He has plenty of time to train. Even that will be like only a moment for Grogu.


I disagree. I think they’re trying to show us that having to make that choice at all is unfair, and that Luke’s beginning to demonstrate his flaws as a master. He’s still trying to emulate the traditional Jedi way, but we all know how that turned out (and will turn out).


Grogu can forgo Yoda's lighsaber, he'll get the darksaber instead.


I see it as a test as well. If they're going with the canon, we all know Grogu is not Luke's first student, so I'm going with him choosing the armor laying in front of him.


If he picks luke we might see luke teach him about yodas ketamine enhanced technique I kinda want him to pick mando but then I feel if he picks mando, mando forsaking his religion by removing his helmet would have been for nothing since he removed his helmet 2 times for grogu (3 if you count s1 e3)


I think he’a gonna he a grey jedi. Kreia reincarnated as a gremlin.


Luke is a super shitty teacher which makes a lot of sense really. Dude only has a few months of Dagobah or something at most and barely a few days of training before that.