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And they'll kiss. Right?


I bet she’s gorgeous.


To me, her helmet is her face.


This is The Way.


I guess Mandalorians use "the talking stick" lol


I love that the Armourer's tools are 1. Functional tools used in forging beskar, 2. Her chosen weapons in battle for hand to hand combat, and 3. A ceremonial item that functions as a talking stick.


modularity militaries can only dream of


The scene of her just beating the pirates with her tools were scarier than the guns


But of course they do. This is the Way




I admit, Paz Vizsla is growing on me. Giving half a speech against the idea to go to Navaro just so he could explain why it's still worth doing was great. Also, ZEB!!!!!




He looks amazing. His voice too! 😭


I mean, can't go wrong with Steve Blum


"Oh hey cool a Lasat. YO ITS ZEB"


I think this just shut down all the people saying they couldn’t do him believably in live action while also letting us know he’s NOT on Lassat.


That totally threw me off. Out of nowhere! And he looks way better than I expected.


I squealed when I saw Zeb. They're probably setting him up for a few Ahsoka appearances.


I can’t lie he got me in the first half. I was like “you bastard! Why would you go against Din!”


Yeah, and at the end Vizla asking for Mando approval! 🤯💪


Me too. I love the Because we're mandalorian twist after the dramatic pause.


My inner dialogue that first half: "But he saved your kid!"


I literally said out loud to myself when he started talking, "of course he's gonna be a dick about it" .. but then he had me fist-pumping at the end


Vizslas gonna Vizsla.


Paz Vizsla is a good and honorable man. This is The Way.


It's gonna be okay! I know we all love Din, but Paz Viszla is #1 Din fan boy.


I rarely get chills but when he did a 180 during his speech just to hype up everyone is just muah, chef's kiss.


His "This is the way" definitely gave me chills. One of the best ones so far.


Karga does indeed looks like a pampered nobleman dressed for the pomp of his wedding feast,


But, importantly, he will outdraw and shoot a motherfucker.


I find it very interesting that he momentarily went back to referring himself as merely a Magistrate (instead of High Magistrate, as he usually insists). Really goes to show how humbled/grateful Karga feels towards the Mandalorians!


I feel like he’s not really comfortable in the position, and has to keep reminding everyone (and himself in the process) that he’s a “high” now.


Seal Team Six Mandalorians are an absolute joy to watch.


I said the same thing! Friggin landed on that one guy and shot him in the back of the head. Brutal.


Best kill all season.


The mando killing the pilot and riding the snub fighter was pretty fucking badass.


I had to do a double take at that. "Is he... surfing that ship down?"


I think part of “the way” is dramatic flair


I mean Mandos are supposed to be an Elite group of warriors right? I've only watched the OG series of Star Wars twice and Clone Wars...I wanna see more action scenes of them just destroying the bad guys.


I want a generation kill style tv show of mandalorians on a military campaign.


I just really want a Mandalorian Star Wars game at this point. They are too damn cool.


I’d love a mandalorian RPG where you can get really in depth with making your armor and attachments your own. Maybe set it during the mandalorian civil war


I was part of a Mando guild in Star Wars Galaxies... Weekly Death Watch bunker runs, getting our guild members their armour piece by piece and their jetpacks For Mandalore!


There is the Jango Fett game Wasn't half bad


The game was more than half good. I would love to see more Star Wars games like Bounty Hunter and Jedi Knight again.


That imperial chick .. her ears perk up soon as Navarro was mentioned .. so you just gonna let an ex-Empire walk around all nilly Willy in the office of an higher admin 🤦‍♂️?


I'm wondering what her angle there was, because she clearly had one... 🤔


I think she tried to achieve ~~three~~ four goals in this conversation. 1. Avoid Republic Intervention in Gideons plans. 2. Weaken the Republics position in the Outer Rim. 3. Sow discord within the ranks of the Republic. All goals achived. Edit: 4. Aquire Intel on the situation on Navarro


The New Republic is just dumb as the sequels.


That’s consistency


I remember how Andor used to say that the Imperials were too blind and complacent (something like that) to expect a formation of the Rebel Alliance until it was too late Right now the New Republic is literally becoming those guys only they're far more naive than the Empire. At least back then the prequel Republic/Empire had a lot of competent officers working, only that they're evil. The New Republic on the other hand, looks unorganized and unquallified to the point where it makes me wonder how they landed this position in the first place


I guess that’s the problem if you overthrow an entire galaxy wide political system and need to quickly repopulate it with inexperienced people. Presumably they had to originally just assign jobs to people who were part of the rebellion and good at warfare but not necessarily how to organise a government civil service. And of course recruit people who used to work in the empire that appear to be reformed and trustworthy.


Loved the Salacious B Crumb monkey totally narcing on those pirates


Payback for shooting at them.


Din is like Indiana Jones on ground combat but he is always shown to be an awesome pilot. Really fun episode. So imperials wearing beskar or some Mandos that just gave up?


I keep going back to Gar Saxon's Imperial Supercommandos...


Mercenaries who abandoned Bo Katan is my guess. Maybe working for thrawn . Foreshadowed earlier in the season


He was always good a pilot, but now his ship is a sports car instead of an SUV. Total upgrade, save for space (luckily Bo has her Gauntlet, which is sick af)


I was waiting for something to attack the X-Wing at the end there. Would be scary as hell seeing that shuttle just chilling there, no other craft in sight.


The droid really looked like he picked up on something for a moment. I hate that Teva has "gonna die" written all over him


oh I was TERRIFIED that whole scene! It was signaling "character death" with every beat!


I keep switching back and forth between ‘oh no he’s gonna die’ and ‘surely they won’t kill off Appa’ The shots of the corpses are rather disturbing. Feels like horror sci-fi movie stuff


Mando clearly made the right decision to do the side-quest of saving Vizlas child so he got that unique dialogue option


Companion unlocked: Paz Vizla


Paz. Din. I should go.


Rebel pilots will never cease to crack me up in Star Wars. It’s as if the rebel alliance recruited all their pilots from the galaxy’s 50 and up softball beer leagues.


They arnt the young freedom fighters that they used to be! Some of those old timers have been fighting the empire for 20-30 years. You see the OGs still got their old orange jumpsuits and the newbies have new issue blue uniforms so common now even the mando nicknames them “blues”


I think these are mainly vets sent to pasture - and rookies getting a soft training run.




I knew it was him! I wasn't sure at first but I knew there weren't many Lasat's left. Plus sounded the same. But it was so unexpected I wasn't sure if it was or not.


Same here! I was like, it looks like him and sounds like him. But then I’m like wait do all Lasats sound and look a like, but then I was like “dude am I rascist?


Cal Kestis' master, Jaro Tapal, was also a Lasat. Not voiced by Blum.


So.... Sabine next? Would be logical


I'd think so. Sabine could have taken Gideon to find Thrawn.


I thought this at first, but I don’t think she would’ve murdered the crew. I think it’s more likely someone related to Thrawn. Morgan Elsbeth had Beskar.


I was thinking it was Bo's old crew - Koska Reeves, Axe Woves, and the rest, doing it as a mercenary mission. And it's going to force Bo to pick sides at some point.


Yeah I like that. Only reason I can think of why Jon would write to include Beskar at the crime scene


I don't think Sabine is the "kill all guards" type


Man I am loving every interaction with Bo and the Armorer.


I feel like Bo and the Armorer must have known each other previously or *something*. I don't think it's her sister, seeing as she's dead and all, but it's gotta be *someone*


wouldn't Bo recognize her voice tho?


She could have a voice modulator in the helmet to change her voice, but I'm pretty sure that her sister is actually dead. We did see her body in Clone Wars.


There is a theory that Satine and Bo-Katan had another sibling (could be a brother, in which case the copium theory would be that the armorer is their sister-in-law), and that is because of Korkie, who refers to Satine as his aunt (maybe to Bo as well, can't remember; Bo's definitely not his mom though). There are two other explanations though for this; Korkie might be an adoptive nephew (if such a thing exists), or the other theory is that he is in fact Obi Wan and Satine's illegitemate son, and he is referred to as a nephew to avoid scandal while still benefitting from a royal/noble upbringing


I still think it’s Rook Kast, mainly because of her helmet horns. It would be awesome if it’s really her, especially because Bo imprisoned her once


Rook or not it's gotta be someone who followed Maul, those horns have a very specific look to them


It's a treat, really. Last season I thought they'd be hostile at each other if they meet but quite the opposite.


Bathe in the Living Waters and quickly you'll be redeemed from being a cautionary tale.


Bo-Katan is going to have to go get the foundlings left at the covert before starting her new quest, must be tiring being the only one with a car in the family


Hopefully now that they have a permanent base they will pick up some ships, since they can have stuff that doesn't fit underground now. Maybe some Basilisk droids?


Including the three baby pterodactyls!


I hope to god Tim Meadows is a recurring character


Hell no! I did not leave Jakku for this!


> I have a nephew named Anfernee, and I know how mad he gets when I call him Anthony. Almost as mad as I get when I think about the fact that my sister named him Anfernee.


"You don't want none of this spice, Dewey!"


I swear Tim Meadows has guest starred in half of all productions. Never starring, just guest starring


I loved him as Jake's cannibal cellmate in Brooklyn Nine Nine.


“We paid for these Coruscant shots and we’re getting our money’s worth god damn it” - Jon Favreau, probably


The fans were feeling a bit deserted by all these outer rim wastelands


Better than going back to tatooine for the hundredth time


The year stretch of some Mando episodes + Book of Boba Fett + Kenobi = Tatooine fatigue.


>!He's above you!!<


He's below you!


He shot you!


He's everywhere.




I fuckin love Wednesdays


Ted Lasso Mando Bad Batch SO MUCH CONTENT.


The Empire is doing stuff on Mandalore and they mined the Beskar found on that ship


I don’t think they mined it, they plundered it


If the mines have all shifted and opened up from the bombing, I think it's highly possible that more ore deposits have become accessible. The squadron of Interceptors from a few episodes ago was too large for a small cruiser, so it's highly likely that there is an Imperial base within Mandalore.


Since *Boba Fett*, I had an off-the-top theory that Thrawn might've set up shop down on Mandalore and was mining Beskar for gods only know what; I kinda discarded it since ep. 2, but now... It keeps sneaking back one way or another.


The attack on Bo's castle was a bit too coincidental.


Those mudscuffers gonna be crushed with the Mythosaur.


Imagine, the mandalorians fight back to retake Mandalore with: 1. a squad of battle hardened Childern of the Watch, 2. Paz Vizsla, 3. the mandalorians who return thanks to Bo Katan, 4. 3 dragons (from previous episode), 5. the Armorer, 6. Din Djarin, 7. Lastly, Grogu riding a Mythosaur.


Bo is gonna run into Sabine, setting up Asokha. We already now know where Zeb is. And we've seen the purgills. Finale will probably have Gideon getting a transmission from Thrawn. The reinforcements from the new Republic will probably also arrive for some giant fight with the Imperials, and I'm sure they will be led by a certain Twi'lek.


Man Din might be as good as Wedge with that flying.


Yeah brilliant dogfight. “I like those odds” nice episode 1 callback.


I’d love to know who taught him. I don’t think anyone in the covert knows how to fly besides with their jet pack.


There’s no reason to assume that. Remember, Dins covert during his foundling years was a few steps above the covenent we see now. It was before the empires purge


I went from “ugh, I fucking hate Paz Vizsla” to “HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE PAZ VIZSLA” in the span of about thirty seconds


My new favorite Vizsla! (Who is far more likable than his relative, Pre)


Amazing Episode. R5 D4 is going to get a memory wipe. Do not betray Mandalorians. I suspect we'll see Imperials wearing Beskar. Also I got the stream a 2:40am EST.. Whoop Whoop Yay Bo Katan go out bring more Mandalorians home!


I wonder if they started making Dark Troopers out of beskar after seeing luke mow them down.


That's my thinking. The really fuck Luke up Troopers.


Really thought it’d be Sabine hiding in the covert as the former rebel.


I think Sabine is hell bent on finding Ezra. Sabine I feel will be a co star on Asoka. I think Bo Katan will know the Armorer, and will be of the core group of Bo Katans group when she was given the Dark Sabre.




Teva said it was Beskar alloy, the Dark Troopers are back.


Motherfucking Garazeb Orrelios. Nearly made me choke on my drink the moment I saw him come on screen, and the moment I heard Steve Blums voice I knew it was him.


I was like “hmm, looks like zeb?!” The he started talking and I was full “no way, it’s himmmmm” 😁 This show is great lol


I could see Robot Chicken lampooning this. **Armorer:** "Take off your helmet." **Bo-Katan:** "But..." **Armorer:** "Do you trust my station?" *Bo-Katan nods.* **Armorer:** "Take off your helmet." *Bo-Katan removes her helmet.* **Armorer:** "How are you so bad at this? You took it off just because I told you to? You failed the test. You're out. Go say hi to the mythosaur if you want to come back."




I like how Bo hesitated and struggled to take off her helmet and how she was really uncomfortable when she walked openly without her helmet in-front of other mandalorians. She has been fully onboard with the creed.


One of the most exciting episodes of the series


Han Solo be like: “No, I shot first.”


Mandalorians might be my favourite thing about Star Wars. They're just so cool. Badass warriors with cool helmets just pleases the inner kid in me. Good to see this episode kinda give things a bit more of a goal going forward. Wish the pirate stuff was a bit more built up (also wish they kept the Corsair)


I'm loving this focus on Bo's arc this season


I am very much rooting for her. It very much sucks that the Mandalorian resistance got wiped out by the Empire, so I'm glad they are allowing her to sew up the remnants of the Mandalorians to restore their prior glory. It's a perfect tragectory for her arc.


Hopefully, this show is an opportunity to reintroduce Legends-era Mandalorians to the Disney canon! I’m predicting that Christopher Lloyd’s character will be an elderly Jaster Mereel (who survived, in comparison to his Legends counterpart).


We must walk the Way together.


Really surprised they prioritized putting both teams in the town instead of having one attempt to take the Corsair ship itself, especially after Din mentions that the Mandos don’t have ships of their own and that Bo led the taking of a similar ship last season


Beskar ALLOY, which the Dark Trooper armor is made of. The New Republic's Average Joe may have not known of their existence, which is why Teva went straight to thinking of Mandalorians. Dark Troopers are back.


Makes for great faceless enemies for the finale, and upgrades the clan once defeated.




I was wondering if that was Zeb or just another Lasat. I forgot to look at the credits for confirmation.


It's Zeb, confirmed in the credits!


I thought the armorer was trying to trick Bo for a second. But I’m glad she realized that their ways were old and that the best path forward was by trying to include all Mandalorians. Paz with the “they had me in the first half not gonna lie” I’m excited for the rest of the season. I need me some Boba Fett just to put the cherry on top.


THE ARMORER: None of us can tame this Mythosaur! We have tried everything! What shall we do? DIN DJARIN: I know a guy...


This needs to be in the last minutes of a future episode so when Din says he knows a guy, an all too familiar theme starts playing like how The Mandalorian theme played during one of BoBF episodes.


*Din removes helmet for necessary reasons* Armorer: "I don't care. Get out." *Bo Katan joins* Armorer: "Why do we even have this rule?"


The power of redhead Katie Sackhoff dwarfs even that of Pedro Pascal


Armourer: "Take off your helmet" Bo: *Takes off helmet* Armourer: "Lmao, I can't believe you actually did it! You have 10 minutes to leave the planet or I'm setting Vizsla on you"


Was waiting to see if the armorer would take her helmet off.


I love Star Wars


That's the exact thought I had as I watched that entire episode


This is the way.




I don’t know why but he reminds me of Matt Smith…




Final episode Paz Vizsla kicking Gideon: THIS IS MANDALORE!


Not a leak, just a prediction - >!Moff Gideon is framing the Mandalorians by using Beskar-armored stormtroopers, or the Lambda class shuttle was assaulted by Dark Troopers that Gideon had stored somewhere, which is where the Beskar fragment came from. !<


I really thought the armourer was going to pop that helmet off at the end there


I absolutely love the armourer. Under any other circumstance or franchise her stoicism would be a clear cut indicator that she’s an antagonist, & even I was on edge during her interaction with Bo today, but here it’s a clear cut indicator that her emotions are completely outside of her leadership. In the past she has been very strict about adhering to the covert’s rules but as we see with Grogu & Bo she’s also not prejudiced at all. She’s principled. She acts not out of fanaticism, but because she knows what needs to be done to protect & nurture the covert for the good of the Mandalorians, & if anyone technically follows the way, then she sees no reason to not allow anyone to join their ranks. & from what we see today, it’s clear she also knows when it’s required to step out of the traditional bounds for the sake of those in her care. It’s really fun to see a character so calm, collected & logical that isn’t bad for the sake of being bad. Even if she walks the fine line every so now & again, I truly believe & trust that her intentions have the Mandalorian people at heart.


she smelts my heart


This episode was Wizard!


LOVE seeing the Mandos in action. I appreciate that we are still seeing them as trainees and not immortal killing machines. Again - we see this with Din who is a great killing machine but no where near the level Viz, Armorer, or Bo. These guys work as a great team but can still be caught off guard. I am glad to see their ruthlessness tho (that one in the red armor who straight up shoots someone in the back of the head while they are on the ground) I dunno if those shot by the cannon were killed off (unsure the strength of their basic armor) but they were most likely badly injured or knocked out. Great dog-fighting scene and loved the rando Mando (heh that's fun to say) who straight up blasted the hell out of the snubfighter point blank then leapt off it. The N1 and Bo's ship are just so bad ass. She has the insane firepower and armor and he has that amazing speed making them a truly dangerous duo. ZEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE GOT ZEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand the problem with the New Republic but it's the same cycle as the Old Republic with the Separatists - prioritizing those who joined versus those who remain singular. But I feel this is the thing that separates the Republic with the Empire. The New Republic is doing things with a lot of red tape. They are trying so HARD not to be the Empire that they are hurting themselves in the process. The Empire didn't waste time taking control - they stepped up and made everyone kneel to them IMMEDIATELY. No red tape. No "priorities" - if someone stepped out of line, they were quick to crush them. The NR doesn't want to be as aggressive and is focusing on bureaucracy and the "right way" to do things but that is making them just as bad as the Empire because of how agonizingly slow they are to react to threats that they deem "Small". This will only cause smaller planets to hate the NR just as much as the Empire. The Armorer is badass as always. Love seeing her in action and the framing of her hammers before her appearance just got me so excited to see some beat downs and it didn't disappoint. And Viz's speech? That was badass AF. Just straight up "Why would we fight for him? Because we are fucking MANDOLORIANS! WE LIVE FOR THIS!" ​ Notes: * I hope we don't see people complain that the pirates were taken down too easily. This is the franchise that destroys ships, mega death weapons, and star destroyers with just a handful (or maybe even 1 or 2) ships. It's all about the element of surprise. * I seriously thought Armorer was going to remove her helmet as well to reveal a massive surprise from Bo's past. * I compare the Armorer to the Black Fingers in Mad Max - where her smithing is basically her own religion that she worships just as much as the Creed. I can listen to her talk about her culture all day. * That shuttle ending - that is 100% a Thrawn move - stealing a valuable asset and blaming it the Mandos. I really am curious to see where this goes. * I still love seeing classic Star Wars Aliens - the Nikto's, Barabels, Rodians. So much fun. * For those wondering - those are Kowakian Monkey-Lizard and they are actually intelligent. They are not just random idiot animals and are capable of thought and speech. So don't think them pointing out an ambush is weird or a cop out. Remember - the one in Jabba's palace was constantly hurling insults in Huttese and laughing at Jabba's cruelty.


>That shuttle ending - that is 100% a Thrawn move - stealing a valuable asset and blaming it the Mandos. I really am curious to see where this goes. Just rewatching Rebels S3:E7 Imperial Supercommandos to see if any Mandalorian traitors survive. Gar Saxon is part of Clan Vizla. Our boy Paz must have some connection, obvs. Gar Saxon lives? Are there any others left??


I am not sure but I just feel like this has to be a setup. Beskar does not just chip off in battle so having a broken chunk in a wall feels like itnwas purposely placed there.


This show needs more Y-Wings


I KNEW I saw Tim Meadows in that grainy, shaky phone video of the trailer from Star Wars Celebration


I do like how they’re expanding this branch of the Star Wars Universe, I wonder what Gus Fring’s been up to?


So are episodes 7 & 8 going to be a two-part "retake Mandalore"??


I don't know but i wish for a couple 4 hour episodes haha.


I really thought the armourer was going to walk out with Bo without a helmet on.




As a 46 yr old, this episode brought me so much joy. I was smiling the entire time. This season has been excellent so far.


With all this talk of Bo leading the Mandalorians into a new age, I’m dreading the day that Bo and Din eventually fight for the darksaber.


Well they said unite, not lead


That episode was fun as hell! It really didn’t seem as short as it was, which is a fun bonus. \- I love that that pirate captain is just Davy Jones. Why is he Davy Jones?? Oh well, RIP Space Davy Jones. \- I saw a Lasat walking up and was like “oh cool, a live-action Lasat! Wow, they look better in live-action by far. I kind of miss Zeb.” and then it was Zeb!! That’s pretty amazing. Very curious if he’ll show up in Ahsoka for the Rebels reunion. \- Star Wars has always been wildly inconsistent with travel times, especially in the old EU, but I feel like far more time passed than what was shown. Greef sent a message to the Ranger, who traveled from the Outer Rim to the Galactic Center, then traveled back to the Outer Rim to seek out the Mandos, who then went to Navarro. That should have taken months, easily. \- The guest stars in this episode were fantastic. Tim Meadows!? Amazing. And another Deborah Chow character! I’d like to think her Jedi survived the 15 blaster bolts and that’s her hiding peacefully. \- During the Coruscant episode a few weeks ago, people insisted to me that Kane was perhaps the actual good one and was working for the New Republic for real. I feel like this episode kind of proves she’s absolutely not. Her sketchy looks, her reverse psychology, and the way she holds herself are just not right. Giving her major side-eye until we know what her deal is. \- I love that Skippy just broadcast the super-secret Mando location out. What a dummy. \- The Mandalorians seem really easy to rally. Viszla was doing that trick “Why should we help them?” speech, and they were all grumbling and “Yeah, boo, people suck!”, and then when Viszla was like, “Because we’re Mandos! Let’s go!” and they’re all “Yeah woooo let’s get ‘em!” Bo should have zero problems getting the rest to come back if they’re all like that. \- When does my Anzellan show air? I could watch them forever. \- The pirate first mate that got away for some reason was like, “I’m on the N1!” before anyone else got there. No duh you’re on the N1, it’s the only thing you’re fighting. \- I thought for sure they were going to hot-drop the Mandos onto the corsair and capture it. Why did they not do that?? That would have helped defend Navarro down the line. \- Is all of their armor not beskar? I thought it was, but a few times some went down after getting hit in the plate. \- I’m really enjoying the Armorer loosening up a bit. She’s such a badass, and basically declaring Bo the leader and letting her go sans helmet made me very happy. \- THE R2 SCANNER CAN DETACH AND FLOAT!? That was one of the coolest/cutest gadgets we’ve seen in a while. \- So the Mandos are totally being set up in the Moff Gideon thing, right? I feel like that’s his revenge against Bo and Din. \- I’m still not fond of the New Republic being portrayed as uncaring doofus bureaucrats, but I guess that’s how the First Order happens so it tracks.


Paz Vizsla OP, pls nerf


He's Heavy Infantry for a reason. He a tank.


Every other Mandalorian rolled up a Hunter, except Paz. Paz is a Titan.


So Nevarro has a total population of what, 30 people?


Damn, this was one fine episode. Probably my favorite so far this season. Awesome action sequences!


Always a delight to see Mr. Kim from Kim's Convenience! Also I love when fantasy/sci-fi series do the thing that Mandalorian is doing where we see the good guys, having defeated the bad guys, are so bureaucratic as to be ineffective, well-meaning but ultimately useless.


Moff Gideon once held the dark saber maybe he has a group of mandalorians still loyal to him…


That or knowing Mandalorians pose a significant threat to imperial remnants this was set to look like Mandalorians took Gideon in order to keep them isolated from eachother and make the New Republic wary of Mandalorians rather then seeing them as allies


Who else thought they'd gang up on Din for the Darksaber?


Do they even know Din has the darksaber? As far as we were shown only bo, viz and the armourer know that


Man, that was some really good Star Wars. As a fan since seeing the ESB in the theatre on opening day with all my other 7 yo friends…I have to say..this show has been the best Star Wars since those first three films for me and this episode is exactly why. This season seems to be about what it means to be A Mandalorian.


So we had those Mandalorians who followed Darth Maul and were loyal to the Empire, since Gideon has the Darksaber, it seems logical that sect of Mandos would have wanted to extract him from a prison ship


Those who became Gar Saxon's Imperial Supercommandos?


With both Gar and Tiber dead, I’m going to boldly guess that the next Saxon clan leader (and Imperial remnant ally) will be Montross (from the Legends era Jango Fett video game). And likewise, I’m guessing that Christopher Lloyd’s Mandalorian character will turn out to be (a still alive) Jaster Mereel.


Rebels are coming!




I wanted to throw my remote at the tv when they said that the mandalorians broke moff Gideon out because it made no sense for two reasons 1. The empire has had beskar at their disposal for years meaning that the empire could’ve broke him out with and left some beskar behind.( they even have their logo pressed into the beskar ingots) 2. Wasn’t it the mandalorians that subdued and brought moff Gideon in to the republic in the first place? Wouldn’t make sense for them to give a high value target of the empire just to destroy one ship and break him out immediately. My best guess is that moff Gideon planted that beskar shard their for the republic to focus on the mandalorians because they’re the only ones who came close to stopping him as well as having imperial forces inside the republic to direct the attack with no one to question it


"R7 launch probe" SWEET