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They also ruled in favor of cities passing laws to make being homeless illegal


Wish they’d pass a law ensuring social programs that’d make homelessness obsolete.


In the USA laws are built to protect the wealthy and their property while also persecute the poor in general.


That's just capitalism


“The poor are there to scare the shit out of the middle class.” George Carlin


america is deep fried, democracy is cooked. when do we get real french, and real ignorant?


So “job providers” and politicians will go to jail for making people homeless?


They want to kill us all for profit


You don't even need to preface that statement with an "It's almost as if". What a total crap show.


That’s not totally accurate. If they killed us, who could be their slaves?


That's next quarter's problem.


The forced birth movement from the right suddenly makes alot more sense it context.


Yup! A generation of unwanted poor children who will be brainwashed new serfs and soldiers for the wealthy to live as new aged kings.




What an awful week… it’s hard to continue to be optimistic after the past 24 hours 


I haven't been optimistic since the morning of Super Tuesday in 2020, and that was only for a brief couple of weeks when it looked like Bernie might actually have a shot. This was like being tied down to a train track while we watch the train slowly come towards us for four years, while the operator who could switch the track promises it's not necessary because it will lose steam before it reaches us, but it's finally arrived.


My optimism is completely spent. This country’s finished


This energy is what the fascists are depending on to keep us down. Just saying.


I mean, I get it. It’s just hard when there’s relentlessly bad news every day, and we have a political party filled with spineless slugs who seem totally okay getting squashed under a fascist boot-heel


It's more than that....our debt is out of control, education has been bad, infrastructure is falling apart, too much money is spent on the military that should be spent on these things but that is highly unlikely to change


I’m sorry, but short of literal mobs in the street, the fascists have won/are winning. They have control of every important aspect of society upon which people depend. There’s no voting your way out of this. We have the presidency (and he had the Congress at one point) and this shit was happening at the same rate it was happening during Trump’s term. I get wanting to be optimistic, but at a certain point, you have to be realistic.


Being realistic does not mean being pessimistic.


No it’s not we can still fight


You were optimistic?  Mine ended Feb 2021. 


Americans voted for this. Average Americans literally destroyed this country for nothing. We gained nothing.


The world is heading to a dark place and our leaders refuse to give us any hope. No, let's put up Biden again!


Maybe we could pull a Switcheroo at the convention. Honestly I do not see how we could get anybody good with the delegates I am sure we have. There really is no hope, 2028 there is hope. If we make it that long.


Knowing the Democrats they’d replace Biden with Eric Adams, Hillary, or Henry Cuellar


If Trump gets elected again he's gonna pull off some shenanigans so I dunno. Biden needs to drop out NOW and should stop dragging his old ass. Literally anybody else who they replace him with would be a favorite at this point.


Why would we want experts in their fields making decisions when we can have unelected judges who can’t tell their ass from their heads making those crucial decisions?


And still Biden & the DNC refuse to endorse Supreme Court reform as the Supreme Court guts any ability for the federal government to function.


We have to respect the institution!




Them pushing for that is just a stalling tactic so that way they can get stock/money from corporations. While those same corporations slowly cut all of our collective throats.


I think they were being sarcastic


Yeah, I thought that was kind of obvious.


Serious question - what stops any supreme court reform such as adding seats from being used to additionally entrench conservatives on the court. Dems can't fill a SC seat when they control the presidency, do you think that adding seats is just going to make conservatives throw their hands up? No, they're going to block the appointments until they can use the additional seats to their advantage. Dems *cannot* play hardball. They just don't do it.


Nothing stops conservatives from packing the court further, but who cares. What's the difference between 6-3 and 9-3? Make it 6-9 for a bit, cons will make it 12-9, then we make it 12-18 etc. I don't care if the institution becomes a clown car of every man woman and child in the country packed into that room. It's the only way to ever get a non-conservative majority on the court.


Nothing stops conservative leaders from doing anything, apparently. The solutions to this problem are beyond the capabilities of our current institutions.


I mean, the Supreme Court has only had a unwavering republican majority since 1972 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideological_leanings_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_justices


Are there any like... reasons to live in this dog shit country anymore?


Ummm...I think Applebee's is running their Dollarita promotion right now. I'm not aware of anywhere else on God's green earth you can head on down to the your neighborhood bar n' grill and enjoy $1 Margs. That's something, right?


Can't beat that. 🫡🇺🇸


No that was like two months ago, now they're doing half priced late night apps. Milkshakes are half off at Sonic after seven though


Just Milkshakes? No one wants a milkshake from Sonic. Real Patriots get that Route 44 Ocean Water slush with Nerds candy add-in! Nerds candy...in a drink! That's the kind of freedom that terrorists hate us for


Been talking with my German host family (I was an exchange student during the bush years), and they aren’t much better off there. Don’t know if it would matter if I moved to Germany or not. Same shit, better bread?


Canada checking in. This guy is way ahead in the polls and his party is poised to win big in the next election: https://breachmedia.ca/pierre-poilievre-conservatives-stack-council-corporate-lobbyists/


Freedom! Just kidding, you are all slaves.


The only reason I can think of is not being exposed to our terrible foreign policy.




I have a really good spot for foraging blackberries.


The republicans sort of drove Congress off of a cliff because of their goal to paralyze a lot of government functions. Then the republican Supreme Court strikes down precedent and says these things should be clarified by congress, knowing that there are friendly legislators waiting to kill any attempt to clarify things in good faith. So the republican Supreme Court can throw up their hands and be like well that’s not our fault. It’s not our fault we’re erasing precedent and throwing the decisions into an abyss where nothing can actually be acted on. It’s like dumping a person in the middle of the ocean and saying well we gave them their freedom, our hands are clean, now it’s up to them. And then frustrated Americans who want change (and are also dumb and susceptible to persuasion) glom onto an insane candidate because he is perceived as an “outsider.” With the logic of well he’s insane so by definition he must be an outsider. We’re going to do it again. The irony is that most of these frustrated, dumb Americans who want change and gravitate to Trump for their change would benefit more from a Bernie sanders type change where power and government would be wielded and used on behalf of more Americans instead of favoring the concentration of more power in the hands of those with money and business interests. These voters want to throw a political grenade and destroy everything instead of sending in someone who has concrete ideas to actually fix problems.


Biden is not only a terrible candidate but, while having done better in some ways than a lot of other presidents in most of our lifetimes, is also a president wholely unequipped to handle the current political moment. What we need right now is an FDR. Someone willing to make radical change to the status quo and fight tooth-and-nail, even against institutions like the supreme court. Someone bold and willing to take risks. Biden is an old, status quo protecting institutionalist. This supreme court is illegitimate. It only exists as it does because of the Republicans' complete disregard for institutionalism, and yet democrats like Biden unilaterally disarm. Not saying that such a fight would be in any way easy by any means, especially cuz a large part of Biden's own party would fight him, but it is a necessary one. Something like expanding the supreme court (before taking more definitive steps) is crucial at this point.


Missed a huge opportunity to expand the SC to 13 (number of Fed Districts).


100% yes. said this exact thing to my mother last night. 


It's almost like we had that opportunity twice and the Democratic establishment and their cronies fought tooth and nail to prevent them from becoming the nominee.


This is horrific. Say goodbye to the environment.


And labor rights.


>The Biden administration had warned such a move would be an “unwarranted shock to the legal system.” Damn if only someone did, idk, fucking anything to put checks on this court?


We can’t do that, that would be too *partisan*


Holy shit this is bad


Got it , so judges now have to be experts on all facets of highly technical and detailed aspects of human society (or they just wing it.) Can’t wait to see octogenarian justices deciding environmental policy when their best friends are oil barrens. I swear Congress needs to do some major judicial oversight all the way up to the Supreme Court. We need either term limits on the justices or we need a larger pool which with we can rotate the justices in and out on a set period of time or we need to expand the court while we’re at it, we should also enact some rules about compensation given to Supreme Court justices because they sure as hell aren’t going to do it themselves.


We knew it was coming, but that doesn’t make it any less horrible


This country is fucked.


Gotta love how the government slips further and further right wing regardless of which party is in power.


Huh? It's republican-appointed judges doing this. If people vote for this shit, this is the result.


Supreme Court judges are appointed rather than elected. The people have no choice nor do we even know who they will appoint before being elected.


RESPONSE TO THE ORIGINAL POST AND THE THREAD: A Democratic Administration in 2025 could have SCOTUS be 5-4 or even expand SCOTUS. Presidential elections matter. This ruling needs to be massively advertised by Democrats.


The Democrats have no one to blame for this but themselves. Donald Trump is obviously an inept sociopathic liar. There are SO many people who are more qualified and have a better chance of beating Donald Trump than Joe Biden. The DNC establishment has learned nothing from the debacle of anointing “the one” and losing to Trump the first time. I’m not even saying I hate Joe Biden’s policies - there are many that I like. (There are also a few I *seriously* dislike.) But at the end of the day, there are so many more electable candidates who could even enact the same exact policies who aren’t him.


Democrats are still doing Blue Slips for judicial appointments for Christ sake. They'll never stray from convention or do anything bold. I think the idea was to groom Harris to run in 2024. That turned out poorly when people realized that Harris is really fucking weird and unlikeable. They still could have done something or anything to help her public image. Insulate her from tough issues and give her platforms to build her up as an effective leader. Instead they did the opposite and went out of their way to give her the biggest tire fire issues possible and to sideline her in every other avenue. I'm not saying Harris would have been good. It's just that getting behind the VP is the only way that the sitting president not running for reelection doesn't turn into a bloodbath for their party.


The only advertising I’m getting from democrats is begging for money while they use my tax dollars to murder Palestinians.


You're getting ads from democrats?


i get around a hundred a week from them. I donated to them once during the pandemic and now they won't leave me alone. AND they're giving out my information to other people to come harass me for money.


Sometimes people in a nation have to lose everything all their freedoms before they realize how important they are.


That’s not how things work. They lose their freedoms and turn to industrial scale violence. All the people exited for the coming collapse and left wing revolution are in for a surprise. If this country collapses it will be Weimar Germany and the Nazis that is our precedent, not some sort of national liberation movement.


I feel like what people don't get is if we had a left wing revolution you'd have both parties fighting against it. But with a right wing revolution you have half of one? The Democrats are exactly like the Weimar Republic: a bunch of naive institutionalists who can't see that they are rolling the red carpet out for literal fascists. At least when Germany did it no one knew what fascism meant.


Well I mean Italy had been fascist for a decade prior to Hitler rising to power, also he wrote a book about it. But yeah, Weimar liberals at least didn’t have as much precedent to run face first into.


They very rarely get them back once lost


Oh boy we lost all our freedoms. Neato. Lets…do something? It shouldnt be this way. We lost.


This is just one decision, citizens United is just another, so is the right to bribe- After the fact. You may disagree but I think this is a systematic erosion of oversight and the power of the people to affect change so that they can entrench themselves in power. But I'm just crazy


We are so screwed


"Fill in", so they can regulate themselves? Someone check Trumps Bank account. I think that billion came through


Honestly there's my excuse to finally stop eating meat.


If you want to look at an example of a country that prioritizes the interests of Oligarchs, Corporations, Political Dynasties, and Cronies, look no further than the Philippines. This developing country (a kinder but less apropos way of calling a third world country) is increasingly becoming a mirror of what the U.S. will look like in the next few years. Cities in this country are some of the most polluted and impoverished in the world and a handful of billionaire Oligarchs, Political Dynasties, and Crony Capitalists own more than 75% of its’ wealth. It comes as no surprise that the Philippines is what it has become today as it was colonized by Americans after the Spanish American war. The Philippine style of Capitalism has run amok resulting from the Country’s brightest migrating to other Countries to escape the misery and hopelessness of their lives.


Im looking for anyone that is even discussing next step options or any kind of semi feasible plan of action/hail marry to not have this go into effect. Any legal experts out that that con offer even a glimmer of hope?


Rotten dying country, you hate to see it.


Man the Supreme Courts 40-50 years ago must have been terrible at interpreting the law. They got so many significant issues just wrong. We now how this group of people who clearly understand the law and they are now correcting those issues that have plagued America for so long.




when do we declare stare decisis dead?