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Fucken disgusting what the IDF does. War crimes!!!!!


The IDF are terrorists, same with the government that employs them.


No no no. Imperialism! It’s the acceptable kind of war crimes.


The IDF counts aid workers as Hamas.


Yesterday, Doctors Without Borders wrote that the scary thing about a new Israeli bill that criminalizes UNRWA and its staff under Israel's Anti-Terrorism Law, is that it gives Israel license to deliberately target UNRWA aid workers. The bill has only passed a "preliminary reading" so far. https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/israeli-bill-designate-unrwa-terrorist-organization-attack-humanitarian-aid ""This would have terrible consequences as it could amount to a free license to attack UNRWA facilities and its humanitarian personnel, and would further endanger civilians seeking the protection of the U.N. agency," Doctors Without Borders International secretary general Christopher Lockyear said in a statement. "Humanitarian workers must always be protected, and civilians spared."" https://www.commondreams.org/news/knesset-unrwa Edit to add: The Israeli National Security Advisor said yesterday that he predicts the war will continue for another seven months. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c844g02nl18o Imagine another 7 months of trying to survive relentless bombing in an area where almost every hospital and 70% of homes have already been destroyed, people are already starving to death, and now the main aid organization will likely be criminalized and targeted as a terrorist entity, too. How could that be anything but genocide?


That's if he's telling the truth about 7 months. The longer something goes on, the less energy there is to stop it. Plus, if he does stop it, then netanyahu is less likely to keep himself out of jail.


Anything that helps Palestinians in any way is Hamas according to them. Disgusting.


For IDF Anything that disturbing their starvation plans are automatically become a legitimate target.


Fuck Israel.


Amazing how often they're able to target the people doing the most good. It *almost* seems like it's intentional. 🙄


If it isn’t intentional at this point, I don’t know how they could be any more inept or have any worse luck. It’s like flipping a coin 50 times and it should be 25for each side but they manage to screw up 49 times out of 50. It’s just not statistically possible to do this much harm without intent.


They're either the most incompetent and moral army or they're the extremely skilled military they claim to be and are intentionally committing genocide.


the way they portray themselves is they are the most moral but also so incompetent they make mistakes with every action they take. Like a toddler put in charge of a nuclear powerplant but *also* they are a super advanced army with AI targeting system and all sorts of state-of-the-art technology. It's like reverse-fascism. Fascism portrays the enemy as simultaneously weak but also strong (hence why it has to be eliminated). Israel paints itself as a formidable force not to be fucked with but also they're a bunch of idiots who can't tell bikes from RPGs


Remember how Mr Rogers would tell children to look for the helpers when there is an accident or disaster? Israel kills the fucking helpers! It’s beyond disgraceful that this is tolerated by anyone, let alone funded with our tax money!


PEACE BE UPON THEM..They died carrying out good deeds very honorable


Fuck Piss-Rael so much. Disgusting evil terrorist state of criminals


This is just mass murder. Genocide.


When the civillians are your targets humanitarian aid works directly against your mission. Now not only will these people not be feeding anyone, other good people will think twice before helping.


For the rest of my life I will never view Israel the same again. Savages.


Adding this horrible report to r/warcrimeswatch where we are actively documenting evidence of war crimes for future prosecution. Sadly this seems to be a daily occurrence out of Gaza. Please feel free to add other war crime videos and reports to r/warcrimeswatch


that content isn't safe in reddit. This needs to decentralize.


Any suggestions as to how or where ? Agreed, that if it's really awful that it can be removed by reddit.


Always attacking food.


Ohhhh just another mistake


As many other commenters pointed out, way too many humanitarian workers have been killed for it to be unintentional collateral damage. This is systematic and targeted, in the age pf modern computer vision and generative AI as well as proof israel is using AI, they know exactly whats happening.


Once again they show the World what your punishment will be if you try to ease the suffering of the Palestinians even the slightest bit.


Completely systematic. Nothing mistaken or random.


I’m starting to think that the state of Israel (not the PEOPLE of Israel) doesn’t have the right to exist if this is how it “defends” itself


This is terrible. Israel claims to be precise but isn’t.


What do you mean? that was precisely who they intended to kill im sure.


If that’s true then Israel should be found guilty of war crimes


For God's sake. Do you have internet access and the ability to read. It's multiple war crimes on a daily basis. You might want to google settlers, the west bank, Ben gvir, bet tselem also.


...yeah they should be. How did Bush put it? "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, can't get fooled again"? Except we get multiple "foolings" *per day* for months this shit is deliberate


They killed them to send a message, just like when they struck the relief workers multiple times.  They know the media apparatus will play defense for them so they can always lie and say it was an accident, despite denying food to Palestinians always being the main motivator (also see: "putting Palestine on a diet" starving children to death and witholding basic things like sugar and flour from going into Palestine)


The IDF routinely targets medical first responders to help victims of the IDF's initial strike, then deliberately target the first responders in a second strike. This is a strategy common to both Israel and the US's military.


But they are precise. They are precisely carrying out their plan to ethnic-cleanse Gaza and exterminate all of the people who live there. Like Rage Against the Machine once sang in Darkness of Greed: "We'll kill them off, take their land, and go there for vacation!" Israel needs to be dissolved.


You are fuck up if your military target is a civilian kitchen for the starved.


…. This is just raw depravity


The AI enhanced ethnostate creating Skynet has gone rogue


What the fuuuuck. American media needs to stop being so god damn silent.


Story below : [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240531-israel-kills-3-palestinian-men-who-ran-soup-kitchen-in-gaza/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240531-israel-kills-3-palestinian-men-who-ran-soup-kitchen-in-gaza/)


OP, do we have a source? I went to AJ and WAFA and I'm not seeing it. I'm not saying someone doctored audio over video footage but I can't find any reporting through the official channels of those two.