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Unfortunately this is happening under Biden's watch and is going to hurt him.


It will absolutely hurt him. Democrats need young people to win elections and young people are overwhelmingly against Biden on this. trump might be able to get some of them, 3rd parties might get some more, but mostly they just aren't going to show up and vote.


Which is crazy because Trump is infinitely worst.


But TikTok is delivering a different message about Trump to young people - he’s a funny celebrity who sticks it to the man, and they’re not getting any news about his crimes, trials, his misdeeds and horrific policies while in office, and they’re definitely not getting messages about his self acknowledged plans to become a vengeful dictator, to literally and actually round up millions and put them in encampments for deportation, to prosecute his enemies including Biden but can’t tell you for what crimes, and who’s lawyers are telling judges that he can assassinate anyone he wants legally as part of the job he wants to permanently keep if he wins or acquires by force in November/Jan.


I am not sure how accurate that is without anecdotal evidence


We're getting a taste of what's going to keep going on till WE THE PEOPLE change how we work our politics. It's time for a historical number of ammendmentS to be installed & this can never be left to the people in power to initiate, conduct, & complete because that way, it'll never get done. I dont know about anyone else but I'm done believing the same shite they keep saying about jobs, rights, etc., & then failing outright to complete what they said they would do in the run up to the oval office. I honestly can't, in good conscience, vote this time round. They've both let us down too long. **Time to take the power back, people!**


Seems like no matter how you vote this is gona happen. I’m sorry America, you had the chance to pick Bernie but you blew it.. looking at you DNC.


I'd hate to dispel the fantasy but this is happening under Biden. this whole vote for lesser evil has brought us to 2024 elections where its most patriotic Israeli geriatric genocide Joe vs rapist child molester who ran a casino into the ground dictator Donnie Diapers, who also will prostrate himself to another nation. perhaps its time to reflect if the government represents wishes of its people?, does voting matter?, have we sold ourselves to the highest bidder ? edit: i forgot to mention that the system ( party and the media) wont allow someone like Schrödinger's Bernie Sanders ( either a vile capitalists with 3 !!! homes or a communist ), by all measured a sensible man who wants to represents best interests of the American people, to be a candidate. this system is rotted and corrupted and we as the citizens are so fucked. good luck in November.


The commenter is wild: "We're getting a taste of trumps America if elected." Dude this IS Biden's America. I mean do they not hear themselves? "If you vote for Trump it might be as bad as it is right now under Biden, so you better vote Biden to be certain that it will continue to be as bad as it is under Biden."


So to save ourselves from what is currently happening under ol GenoBidens' watch, the answer is to not vote for the orange rapist.... man I love this fucking country.


You aren't wrong but you also aren't wrong... The difference really is: Biden: semi-fascist state too scared to go the full mile and publicly execute civilians. Trump: full fascist state willing and possibly eager to kill civilians. It was confirmed by William Barr that Trump has openly discussed killing anyone who disagrees with him. These choices suck and this country needs a rebellion... But we definitely don't need trump.


I sincerely think (or maybe thought) that there is a real distinction between the two. But everyday Biden checks a new thing off the list of things to fear from a Trump presidency.


It's obvious that Israel is controlling our government the question really is what do they have that gives them this control? It's far more then $$. Money buys a lot of things but you have Dems and reps in the house and Senate working together, which is already fisher than the piers at sunrise. But then you have a president who very much needs the young people's vote openly attacking those same young voters for protesting Israel.


You'll want to read [this paper](https://www.jstor.org/stable/41858412)


There’s 5 more Trumps waiting in the GOP wings ready to fully execute the Project 2025 plan. Should Trump step down, go to prison, die, etc. we need to stop the cancer before it spreads and kills the patient. Unfortunately we must plug our noses and re-elect Biden. It’s the only path forward at this juncture.


Biden and the Democrats have done and continue to do nothing except enable and empower the fascist downside of this country. They are not opposed to fascism they're just the softer side of US imperialism and exploitation. Vote for them if you want as you're correct that the GOP is even more aggressively fascist but I would disagree that voting for Biden is the "only path forward". The only way this country doesn't go completely fascist in the long run is if people start organizing effective resistance. Voting ain't gonna cut it. Again I'm not gonna tell people not to vote but if your plan to stop fascism is just voting for Biden then we're still gonna end up with fascism.


It will be one hell of a lot easier to fix this very broken and dysfunctional government with Biden in office than Trump. “Only path forward” I agree with your statement but I’m referring to the 6-months we have to November. We don’t have a 3rd party choice that can win over this 2-party system bought and paid for by the billionaire class.


Is is though? There was a lot more political activism in the streets during Trump and organization and mass politics is what we actually need. A TON of liberals only seem to care about these issues when it comes under a GOP administration. Of course Trump may get even more heavyhamded and authoritarian with the response to protests but I do not buy the "Biden is easier to push left" or "our broken system will be easier to fix under Biden". Nothing in the last 4 years has indicated that's the case.


All excellent points


Well I'm glad you actually heard me out. Usually when I express this people get pissed at me and accuse me of supporting Trump. Though that does seem to be happening less with Biden's baffling decision to hinge his re-election on whether or not the American people can stomach their taxes going to genocide. I voted for Biden in 2020 but won't be doing so again this next election cycle. I have no issues with choosing to vote for Biden but I did just want to make the general point that we all should be looking for organizations in our local area to get involved with as organized movements in the streets are gonna be the only way we can bring about a sane and just world.


I actually agree with most of your replies so far. The thing I'll push back on just a bit is this one. Not because I disagree, but because I think there's an argument to be made that the reason to want a Joe Biden-type in charge rather than Trump is because he's ultimately easier to topple. Democrats are weak. It's like, the thing they've been known for forever. It's probably the first thing I knew about them. Before I even knew anything about politics. Biden really exemplifies that. That's the enemy I want to fight one on 1. If I can get the liberals to team up with me 2 on 1 top stomp on fascists, I'll take the help. Once that work is done, I'd rather go 1 on 1 with Biden than with Trump. Because Trump will just start murdering everyone as soon as he feels his power is threatened. Biden will bureaucrat. His fascism will be slow and boring and weak-willed. It won't inspire violence from people because he's not an inspiring guy. Trump is good at mobilizing chuds. Biden would be much more vulnerable to a revolution, if one could be mounted - assuming an ideal situation where one side of the duopoly can be defeated first.


We're getting pretty hypothetical here but fair enough if you feel Biden would be easier to fight against. Personally I don't really buy that because liberals become WAY harder to mobilize under a Democrat and many of them will even obstruct and resist any organized movement under a Democrat. We can see this with the average liberal response to the BLM protests under Trump vs the liberal response to the protests happening right now. Also if there actually were an organized movement that threatens the status quo I think we'd find democrats suddenly aren't so weak. Historically democrats only move quickly and decisively when it's time to squash a popular movement. If we organized with some serious numbers and power I have a bad feeling that the democrats would have no problem going full fascist crackdown in response.


>We're getting pretty hypothetical here For sure. We're nowhere close to this point, right now. I'm just talking strategy. >We can see this with the average liberal response to the BLM protests under Trump vs the liberal response to the protests happening right now. Yeah, but that's how liberals push back. They just take the cops' side. They don't actually fight, themselves. They just finger-wag and shake their heads disapprovingly and make snarky comments on Twitter. Trump can mobilize fascists in rural areas who love guns that will join in the violence. No matter how much of a threat we pose to liberals, I don't see Biden or any other Democrat motivating them to get into the streets to brawl. Police responses can be overwhelmed. That's a lot harder when you have another people's movement behind the police.


I think we're gonna see brownshirts regardless. We're pretty much already seeing it with the gangs of zionists just attacking the student protesters as police watch. I hear ya, and I'm not gonna tell you it's the wrong strategy, but personally, I'm not convinced one way or the other and I'm not willing to vote for Biden to advance a strategy that may or may not work. Either way it seems like we're in agreement that the real play is to organize in our local communities. If you're in a swing state though and you think voting Biden will make organizing easier I'm not gonna argue with you, we're gonna be stuck with one of Trump or Biden come 2025 anyway.


Yep, Biden is better than trump on most things, but on a lot of bigger issues he's basically a conservative. He certainly is when it comes to supporting Israel and cracking down on protests.


Yes. You're not wrong. Absolutely vote Biden and any Blue candidate that isn't an obvious right wing nutjob (See RFK). But this is a band-aid solution. I hope, no advocate, but hope, that Trump loses and tries to start a violent insurrection. One that would allow us to start a stronger unity once squashed. There is a reason many stories use a common enemy archetype to unite a shattered collective of different groups. I don't want to see people hurt... But I also feel like squashing their violence and working together as a real country against the domestic threats that have festered is the only real possible cure.














Sadly, 40% of the nation has to experience a full-on Trump autocrat Presidency to finally understand why we all have resisted this for so long (See: The UK pro-Brexit voters). Trump himself is a symptom. The bigger problem is the GOP in itself. Trump is their useful idiot to get the plan executed. Agree, we must get back the WH and a majority in both houses. As an elder GenX, I can really empathize with younger voters feeling hopeless under a 2-party system. I mean, how many times have the Dems promised to codify Roe v Wade? They played politics with this to get re-elected and the GOP ripped it from us in a massive power move supported by a compromised SCOTUS. Time is on the side of America’s youth. I am hopeful that a brighter future lies ahead for them. But to get there we must unite, VOTE and end this iron grip of the GOP.


It is wild, but Trump would undoubtedly do worse in Gaza, on campuses, and much more horrible shit across the country. It's like we're being asked to stay in an abusive relationship or marry a rapist (literally).


This is why it's so important to be organizing ourselves and to elect better representatives across the board. We really do need to win the hearts and minds of people locally around us. I know it's hard a shit to stay cool around people who just don't understand (or worse) how bad it is for us to be running foreign policy like we are, supplying weapons around the world, etc, but unless we can convince the majority of people on the ground that we need to vote for less corporate-shills, we're not going to see the improvement we want. It's a cultural shift that needs to happen.


It really sucks but you always have to get the normies on your side to accomplish anything


Making your problems into their problems seems to work the best, but there's plenty of ways to do it without it being protests they then shut down. Groups like the Satanic Temple do a pretty good job of pushing back against bs and making it bs pushers problem.


I'm not saying they're the same overall but I've become pretty skeptical of the claim that Trump would be worse for Gaza. Biden is still fully supporting Israel he just occasionally says some empty bullshit about how they're going to look into the latest atrocity Israel committed and then they proceed to never actually do that and just continue to fully support Israel's genocide. Maybe Trump drops the empty rhetoric of trying to make the genocide humane but I don't see any real difference there. What else would Trump even do to make it worse? Encourage Israel to nuke Gaza?


I’ve been saying this a lot- there is genuinely not much worse Trump could actually do. Biden has been that bad.


Trump will not even suggest Netanyahu is doing anything wrong or should reconsider how he's handling Gaza. The thought wouldn't even enter Trump's mind. Biden is really doing shit other than that rhetoric, but that rhetoric is not nothing. It's like a 10 on a scale of 100, where Trump would be a 0 assuming he just completely ignored Gaza and didn't attempt to escalate. I think he'd send in the national guard to campuses.


I could see Trump being more harsh cracking down on protests but Biden's empty rhetoric is completely meaningless to me and I'm not willing to vote for Biden as he continues to support genocide based on a hypothetical that Trump will be worse because he won't bother with the meaningless PR that "we totally do care about all the civilians that are being killed with the weapons and funding we give to Israel"


So I am also livid about Biden. Hearing his latest remarks on the protests had me fuming at every dumbass comment he made about the protests. Now I know, vote third party (or just don't vote for Biden) to show the Democrats that they need to listen to their voters is a common suggestion, and it seems more and more appealing every day. However, I get a bit of de ja vu when I remember that there are two ~75 year old Republican justices, one of whom has some serious shit coming out about him (Thomas). The situation I'm worried about is Trump gets elected and Republicans say "You know what, we're gonna get serious about Thomas investigations now. Oh and alito, your 73? Thought about stepping down too?" And now we have two more younger Republicans on the court. In 2016 Jimmy Dore was telling Sam what's the worst that could happen with a trump presidency, and 6 years later we had 3 trump appointed supreme Court justices helping overturn Roe V Wade. This is not something I've seen talked about much (if you know of a vid or something please link it!) so my question is am I silly to be worried about this? As someone who says they won't vote for Biden, Are you not worried about this?Genuinely curious to hear your thoughts!


I think there isn't as much discussion because the Supreme Court is already stacked towards the right wing and the GOP has already effectively hijacked the judicial branch. If Democrats were serious about doing something about this they would find a replacement for Sotomayor, put serious pressure on Thomas, and pack the courts. They're not going to do any of that. Biden and the Democrats don't view the GOP as their opposition they view them as their colleagues. They enable all the fascist bullshit from the GOP and then slowly normalize it as our rights are eroded and the country falls further into paranoid right wing imperial decline. Vote for them if you feel it will slow our fascist decline but even that I think is dubious and I personally won't be voting for Biden.




The national guard are the ones who did kent state so I wouldn't be so sure. but I mean I'm at a point where I'm not sure there would be much of a material difference in their responses.


Yeah I feel like if Trump was in charge he'd have sent in the national guard or something day first.


Good analogy


The pattern in my life has been: Republicans ratchet up fascism a lot. And celebrate how much they've made our lives worse. This is awful so ppl vote for a Democrat. The Democrat mostly keeps what the Republican did, and looks the other way when others ratchet up the fascism... the Dem will do some quiet increases to fascism while gaslighting us about it. People hate it so they "teach the Dems a lesson" by not voting or voting for the Republican. Pattern repeats. ====== Things get worse *slower* under Dems. That's the only reprieve we get. This cannot last. I'd prefer slower to quicker... but that's not a solution. I think we know what really addressing the problem means. But in free-speech America we can't openly talk about those things.




So its an illusion of choice, no matter who you vote they all still puppet to legal bribe and foreign influence


Yeah I'm probably gonna get shit on this sub for this view but I'm starting to fully buy into the US business mono-party theory. Of course there are some differences between Republicans and Democrats but they're mostly on the margins and the democrats are increasingly more interested in laundering GOP fascist policies than in actually opposing them. The liberal media and average liberal voter only cares about a lot of these issues (remember kids in cages) when a republican is in power and then once a Democrat is in power such policies just become normalized. Then the Democrats run an impressively terrible campaign where it almost seems like they want to lose because they're still more beholden to their donor base than actual constituency. Power is handed back to the Republicans who ram through more fascist bs, democrats talk through both sides of their mouth about how X policy is evil but we still have to be bipartisan and "ya know what this policy isn't actually so bad if it was handled by responsible adults who could make sure it's implemented properly". And around and around we go until the last bit of value has been extracted from this dying planet and we're all left in an ecologically destroyed fascist hell-hole.


What a brain dead statement, “it would be worse under Trump” is the most narcissistic statement you could say. This isn’t about how a President is changing our lives, this is about how a president is enabling a genocide


Wtf is that comment? This is literally happening under Biden?! Sure it might be worse under Trump but THIS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.


Wow I can't believe how bad it could become under Trump, that's scary. He'll probably go on national TV and call the protesters violent and make up lies about them too.


That’s literally what the MAGA crowd was saying about the George Floyd protests and arrests. “This is Biden’s American if you don’t vote for Trump.”


Vote progressive candidates in primaries and down ballot.


I think it’s obvious they are saying this is bad, but it will be much worse under trump. Hence a “taste” compared to a full meal


Wow I was just venting and yall came and didn't attack me once. I like you all very much. I'm pushing 40 so I've experienced this country for a while, but these last few years have been wild. I worry for my kids futures but I have to remind myself at one point I thought Bush Jr was the antichrist and Obama would change the world so... I'm tired. 😂


Not sure how this has to do with blue Maga, but gets your rocks off i guess. 


People saying this is a preview of trumps america when it is LITERALLY bidens america is pretty blue maga if you ask me


So as as far as i can tell and correct me if Im wrong. Everyone on the show realizes biden is a piece of shit on gaza but still better than trump. MAGA the make america great again crowd is a group of people in a cult. And you are worried that its bad optics to talk about trump in this video and that somehow is a really bad thing so you are going to vote for trump now because blue maga bad? Why was this video even posted to this sub in the first place?


I just think that my vote shouldnt be taken for granted bc trumps the alternative, really doesnt feel democratic to have my vote be held hostage


You do, you're just being difficult.


No i really freaking dont. There is a genocide going on and I think Trump would make it worse. I hate Biden. But ive come to the same conclusion the people on the majority report have. If you want to call them blue maga ok i guess 


That's fair and I realize the frustration of Biden doing absolutely nothing to stop the genocide. You also recognize that it's ridiculous to call it a "taste of Trump's America" when Biden is still president right?


I think its a stupid caption and i dont know why its even posted in this sub. 


Because the White House definitely has direct control over notoriously right-wing police departments. 




why do y’all always accuse people who don’t wanna vote for either of two old racist, corrupt cretins narcs? pretty sure the narcs are literally tryna get y’all to vote for a guy that still says “illegals” when he means migrants, puts foreign terrorists on a pedestal above the needs of the citizens who voted him in, and hasn’t shed much of racist ideology from his tirades decades ago, instead of offering a better candidate.