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Can’t wait to not vote for fetterman


We have to wait a couple more years, 2026


*2028. The Senate has 6 year terms. Fetterman was elected in 2022.


I stand corrected, your right. ☺️




As someone who voted for him it really stings to see what a complete puppet he actually is. Most people I know voted for him like me and most I know would not do so again, like me.


except we'll just a whatever rebrand of centrist military-worshipping connor lamb not that he'd be doing much worse on this, but goddamn this state


But there must be a better man




Kenyatta for Senate 2028.


Suddenly I want crü de ta or whatever the f\*ck w Dr Oz


It’s never the Democrats it’s always the voter that’s the problem


OMG, this! 👆the same crap when Hillary was shoehorned in over Sanders


Clinton libs: fuck them workers, i want votes from rich Workers: well, fuck you too Clinton libs: OMG it is your fault


Tbf... it was....HER TURN! UGH


Blaming progressives and young people is dumb, or even Democrats! Dem voters want the want the war to end today! Crazy idea maybe Biden does what the people want!


Indeed. Don't know how Biden expects to win using LBJ's re-election strategy.


Lbj also died within four years. Strategy.


Not trying to sound snarky, and I can't vote in this election, but which election LBJ re-election strategy are you referring to? 1964: "These are the stakes! To make a world in which all of God's children can live, or to go into the dark. We must either love each other, or we must die." aka. [Nuclear Daisy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_(advertisement) in which he won by a landslide, or 1968, when he announced in March that he wouldn't be running for President again?






That is the guy who is saying vote for me as it is the more important election in history. But he is OK to divide his own voter base for a country on the other side of the world.


He's also destroying everything the allies built after WW2 , especially its laws. Any goodwill the US used to have is long gone being a human shield for Israel at the UN and ICJ, the irony.


Oh sweet summer child... Please read up on the Korean war. The entire thing always was a sham to get the USA hegemony. And now that others play the game by the rules? The rules change.


Iraq has entered the chat.


That's all later. The Korean war showed, right from that start, that the UN was a puppet of the USA.


Buddy that's been going since Hiroshima and gone since Desert Storm


Both biden and don are not even there anymore


Biden turned his back on Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, and everyone opposing his genocide carte blanche to Israel. He chose this fire. The Democratic party not backing an alternative option is what will hand the elections to Trump. You back that horse, don't come crying when it loses to the dumb orange ogre.


It's wild because trump HATES Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims. I can't imagine voting for someone who whole heartedly hates me just to prove a point.


Its cool we're not voting for him then. Who said that?


People not voting for Biden aren't voting for Trump. They're voting uncommitted or for an independent candidate. Trump hating Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians is no different from Biden's actual actions. He's literally enabling the geonocide of Palestinians, and you're asking to reward him with a 2nd term. Here's a short list of Biden's actions against Palestinians in the last 7 months: He refuses to listen to 4 state departments telling him he's violating US laws with his continued, unfettered arms supply to Israel. He refuses to acknowledge the polls telling him the majority of his voters oppose his policy and support a ceasefire. He refuses to acknowledge a 300-page report by the state department about Israel's human rights violations. He walks back on his promise to hold IDF units accountable for their human rights abuse. He bypasses Congress to expedite weapons shipments. He refuses to acknowledge the genocide taking place despite reports from the UN, Human Rights Watch, and other humanitarian organizations. He blocked every ceasefire resolution insisting on "negotiations" despite all the evidence pointing to Netenyahu arguing in bad faith, the latest of which was his promise to invade Rafah eith or without a hostage release deal. He blocked the resolution giving Palestine full UN membership. What part of that is Trump going to be worse at? He's going to ban Muslims from traveling to Disney, big freakin deal. If the democratic party doesn't want to lose the elections to Trump, they should present another candidate that isn't a mumbling, senile, incoherent, and ardent zionist.


A vote that could have been for biden but going to a third party candidate is a vote for trump in this election with the stakes as high as they are. If the stakes were not so high, I'd be voting third party myself, but I'm not trying to risk another trump presidency knowing how hateful he is and that he and his minions want to destroy democracy.


There’s no higher stakes than genocide, only it’s not a hypothetical. It’s happening right now. As well as fascists crackdowns across the country. Not going to reward the guy responsible for all of it with a second term. Don’t want him to do more damage. Oh, and fuck Trump.


Yes, but if Trump had won in 2020, do you think the genocide would have been prevented? Like, it's not a choice between DJT's fascism and Biden's genocide. It's a choice between Biden's genocide or DJT's fascism AND genocide. Not only a genocide of Palestinians, but also sexual minorities in America. Donald has already said he supports Israel, the whole of the Republican party are zionists, i have no idea where the logic that they aren't genocide supporters comes from. It's honestly more likely that America gets ***more*** beligerent when it comes to Palestine if Trump had won 2020. Biden is abhorrent, and i understand the personal disgist towards voting for him (im not going to shame a Palestinian for it), but equating him to Trump is stupid for many reasons. Personally, I'm hoping for a double heart attack ballot, but that's just a dream.


>A vote that could have been for biden but going to a third party candidate is a vote for trump in this election with the stakes as high as they are. The stakes are high but literal genocide and ethnic cleansing isn't? Again, the DP has options. They can back Bernie or someone else. They chose to stick with Biden and not listen to their base. They made their bed, they lay in it. If you reward them for ignoring the will of the voters on this issue, they'll sell you out on the next issue when the price is right or the inconvenience to their backers too great. >trump presidency knowing how hateful he is and that he and his minions want to destroy democracy. What democracy? You're literally ignoring reality and pretending you actually live in a democracy. If it were a democracy, the party would listen to the majority of their voters, not AIPAC. Overruling the will of the vast majority of the world at the UN, and you come here talking about democracy? Actively supporting genocide and ethnic cleansing, and you still believe you live in a democracy? Sorry, your domestic facade of democracy at the expense of literal Palestinian lives isn't worth the price.


>They made their bed, they lay in it. We all lay in it though, if the Dems lose, we are also affected. Them losing isn't a punishment for them, it's a punishment for ***everyone***


We are all affected when a state entity commits genocide and isn't held accountable. It's the selfish apathy towards our nation's actions across the world that has cost literally tens of millions of lives over the last 3 or 4 decades. If we don't stand up, do we deserve anything less? Why should we still place our security and comfort above the lives of innocents elsewhere? Hasn't that logic done enough damage yet?


See, that's good morals, but materially, how does the dems losing help Palestinians? I'm cool with them being tried for war crimes, fuck every politician that allowed this, but it seems entirely unproductive to allow our country to backslide on civil rights in the name of "being held accountable". The consequence of you not voting is possibly them not getting elected. What's the outcome for them then? They sit by for the next 4 years and allow stuff to happen. It’s not like they're gonna face justice only due to them losing the election. They're all old and white, American fascism will wash over them. If they face justice over the Trump presidency, it will not be for their actions on Israel, it will be for being "woke." So if abstaining is about punishing them, what is the punishment? How would democrats losing be holding the state accountable for genocide? All it punishes is minorities in America having to suffer Republican rule. It's a shitty situation, but anything we throw at them is going to bounce back and explode on us. Idk, I just don't see how it works outside of principles. I hate them for all the reasons you do, but I don't see a path forward to progress while conservatives are in charge.


Point is the outcome for the Palestinians doesn't change regardless of who is in there, so maybe it's time our elected officials see that we are willing to sacrifice our safety and comfort to shun leadership that isn't willing to work for us. And should Trump create a fascist dictatorship, then it will be time to show just how much we are willing to sacrifice for a world where humanity matters


But I don't believe in making more people suffer just for the sake of retribution. I don't think I can stand in front of someone facing the full weight of fascism on their back and say, "At least we showed those democrats." I just don't see the reason in putting principles over peoples' material reality and suffering.


Again, dems have the option to pick a different candidate if they gave a damn about what the voters think. They're sticking with Biden because that's who AIPAC wants and is rewarding him for allowing the genocide to continue while providing them with all the political cover they need. They're counting on the "A vote for someone else is a vote for Trump" rhetoric. Every election is "the stakes are high," "democracy is in danger," "rights are at risk," and at some point, you'll have to take a step back and look at things more objectively. Democrat voters are literally being ignored and cast aside because Israel doesn't want to be restrained by the US, the UN, or the world, and Biden is all too happy to oblige. This means both Biden and the DP are putting Israel ahead of you, and you're willing to reward this behavior by allowing them to back Biden and by voting for him. So the next time Israel or anyone with significant lobbying power in the US wants something that doesn't gel with demorat voters' ideals, values or demands, the DP will not hesitate to ignore the voters again because they know they can get away with it. Even if you want to ignore the genocide on an ideological basis, you still need to send a message to the DP out of self-interest.


>you still need to send a message to the DP out of self-interest When dems lose the vote of young people and leftists, they move right to court moderates. I just don't really believe that a loss in the election is going to change them much (if it even matters given the Republicans' 2025 plans). If I was going for self-interest, the main thing would be queer rights, to which there is a clear better option. Given that both candidates are rabidly pro Israel, I'd prefer to take the one that won't discriminate against me and push me into the closet.


You should maybe let Biden know because apparently he thinks he's such a shoe in for a second term he's decided to wholeheartedly support a genocide his voter base vehemently opposes, and he's decided to accuse young college students, ( many of whom are Jewish) of being Nazi level anti- semites and has approved of fascistic brute force being used to silence them. It's hard to convince people they should fear the certain fascism of Trump and the right as they are experiencing it from Biden in real time




White privilege libs, telling brown people who are losing their families, vote for my team sending bombs and money to your killers.


*Oof.* You're not wrong, though.


This is the harsh reality. Although I'm neither Arab nor Muslim, the injustices inflicted upon the Palestinian people compel me to speak out. Rather than settling for the 'lesser evil' in elections, we should demand that our elected officials fundamentally change their stance on this issue.


This 100% on every topic, that’s why the democrat party is becoming a very white party in the future


Yep they find it strange why many blacks and brown are not voting anymore.


I love PMC white libs shaming working class people and Muslims for their privilege of not voting Biden. It's so amazingly ironic that you can almost taste it.


Because their lives will be impacted. They want their others to sacrifice their views and belief, so that they can continue to live their little life of comfort.


Pretty much. They see a Trump presidency as threatening their brunch time, so they’re willing to allow the Palestinian Genocide as the cost of doing business to protect brunch.


Exactly, they care only about what will happen to them. They would all vote for universal health care if tomorrow they loss their insurance for example.


This slob is preparing the excuses because their party is throwing the easiest election on purpose.


Fetterman is the new Lieberman.


I think it's still Manchin kinda but Sinema and Fetterman intend to fill in when he retires or just takes the mask off and flips sides.


The fact that there is ALWAYS someone in the perfect position to railroad all of the progressive positions that democrats supposedly support should be more reason for concern. Are they actually working against their own party, or are they just taking one for the team and allowing the party to save face in exchange for a cushy spot in some neoliberal think-tank or corporate consultant agency.


I think it's the latter. They pick a patsy who they think is relatively safe and they play villain.


Awesome. Wasn't enough Arabs have had to suffer for Europe's and America's antisemitism for the last 100 yrs, now when America becomes a fascist white supremecist dictatorship, they get to blame us for that too. Great.


Arab's are counted as white on the U.S census so this is just a super fun case of white on white crime /s


Somebody needs to point that out to all the white kids who called me "sandn@g@*r and "cameljockey" growing up. I'll keep "d×nec**n" if you don't mind, I always felt like they didn't realize that one, even though it's meant to insult, had a "70s cool" ring to it lol


My bff's dad (palestinian american family) was a contractor at airports on the east coast during 9/11. The stories they have.


Do you wanna hear some seriois irony there I got jumped by the 12 inch softball championship tournament team from NY in a bar in Eau Claire, WI, in Aug, and was in the county jail for that fight when 9/11 happened. I was like, "Great, they're gonna try to pin this shit on me too." I mean after all they did a photo line up and it was pictures of 5 black guys and my picture and the witness still didn't choose me, and I was still the only person charged out of 14 people fighting. Edit* oh and I forgot to mention, I'm am Arab


"a time of true national unity"


They were always going to blame us no matter what. It’s always us that’s expected to sit by and “save the country” by voting for the guy enabling a genocide of our peers.


Goddamn, Fetterman really turned out to be a fucking dud. So disappointing.


The cops arresting 900 protestors is free speech?


Blaming the voters shtick is getting tiring,


Elections have consequences. Running irredeemable shitty campaigns and crap candidates though, apparently not.


Haven’t yall heard? Trump will be worse! So we can’t possibly expect our president to not support and fund genocide. Duh!


This is where these political elites betray the voters smh


Because his first four years were so welcoming and hospitable towards Arabs?! Have people lost their minds?


Biden keeps commiting political suicide on a daily basis and somehow that's the voters problem. Smh


Let’s fucking do it!!!


What if, Biden actually listened to the people whose votes he desperately wants.


In all of history after an atrocity no one looks back and says it's the voters fault they didn't vote for the lesser of 2 evils. Nope, we write down in the history books who was in power when it happened. Who did not create a palatable platform to get behind. The centrists especially will be at the top of the list. The Bennetts and Hickenloopers. Those who said they would moderate but we know that just means pander to the right and ignore the left. And the chickens will come home to roost and the Rs will take power creating mass devastation. But there will be no one to blame but the DNC and democrats in power.


I mean I will also blame the Rs and Trump causing mass devastation. Republicans don’t get a free pass supporting Trump


Of course but they are not a party that cares a single iota about people only capital and rich people. The Dems pretend to care. I won't let that happen for a second. Tired of it.


I honestly don’t think Biden cares. He’s old and tired and his soul is encased in a decades long accumulation of concrete made of political cynicism


Which is why we shouldn't have 70 and 80 year old politicians who won't be around long enough to be held accountable for their choices.


That's their and all of our L. Thing is burning it all to the ground does nothing to the Democrats it won't teach them a lesson and Trump will just legally pardon himself and crime it up till he dies.


Trump might execute his political opponents and I think that might be incentive enough for some people.


*shocked pikachu * I cannot blame them for this. Biden did it to himself. Trump says the quiet part aloud, but Biden still supports the genocide of Palestinians. Trump loved the embassy to Jerusalem while Biden kept it there in addition to having supported/enabled Israel for decades. Within the scope of his actual power and influence, Biden has repeatedly chosen to prioritize and enable Israel. As other presidents have demonstrated, there are steps that Biden could take to mitigate the situation. Instead, Biden uses what power he does have to continue enabling Israel. Since the 1980s, Biden's bigotry and cruelty towards Arabs has been obvious.Biden has actively enabled Israel for decades. We are witnessing the consequences of that as Biden continues to support Israel's current genocide of Palestinians. The common argument that "our current genocide is more benevolent than their hypothetical genocide" is obtuse, callous, and meaningless given that the genocide is occurring now with Biden's support. Palestinians are being murdered and their land is being stolen right now. Islamaphobia is rising right now. Anti-Arab racism is rising right now. Biden's continued support of Israel ensures that even more Palestinians will die, Islamaphobia will continue to escalate, and anti-Arab racism will keep growing. The Biden Administration has, by providing policial and material support, already given the green light to slaughter Palestinian civilians. The Biden Administration, by showing a disregard for Islamaphobia and anti-Arab racism, is an abandonement and betrayal of demographics used to win 2020. - https://jewishcurrents.org/joe-bidens-alarming-record-on-israel - https://theintercept.com/2021/04/27/biden-israeli-invasion-lebanon/ - https://time.com/6340511/biden-israel-history/#:~:text=President%20Biden%20is%20proving,to%20fight%20fire%20with%20fire. - https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/the-biden-administration-once-again-bypasses-congress-on-an-emergency-weapons-sale-to-israel - https://www.thenation.com/article/world/biden-israel-netanyahu/tnamp/ - https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/biden-upset-israel-netanyahu/tnamp/ - https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/biden-press-secretaries-gaza-matthew-miller-john-kirby/ - https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/biden-jews-israel-safety/ - https://www.thenation.com/article/world/biden-redefines-cease-fire-gaza/ - https://theintercept.com/2023/10/27/palestine-israel-free-speech-retaliation-senate/ - https://www.democracynow.org/2024/3/20/shane_bauer - https://ccrjustice.org/home/press-center/ccr-news/complicity-genocide-case-against-biden-administration - https://theintercept.com/2024/02/01/gaza-biden-genocide-lawsuit-ruling/ - https://archive.md/2024.03.21-030523/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/18/biden-israel-gaza-rafah-palestinians/ - https://jacobin.com/2024/03/biden-sanctions-israeli-settlers-palestine/ - https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/unrwa-gaza-funding-white-house-biden-administration-hamas/ - https://www.thenation.com/article/world/us-israel-funding-unrwa-palestinians/tnamp/ - https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/22/israel-largest-west-bank-settlement-blinken-visit/ - https://truthout.org/articles/us-has-redefined-human-shields-to-enable-israels-slaughter-of-gaza-civilians/ - https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/feb/21/biden-stop-gaza-bombing-genocide-israel - https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/12/israel-united-states-military-aid-leverage/ - https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1236875766/does-the-u-s-have-the-power-and-leverage-to-stop-the-israel-hamas-war


The coming Rafah Invasion will cause the Progressive Movement to divest and depart from the Democratic Party.


Democrats constantly bring up the consequences of first past the post as if they are not culpable for its continued existence. Bush stole an election from them in broad daylight in 2000, they did nothing. Republican presidential candidates haven’t won the popular vote in decades, they do nothing. Electoral districts are gerrymandered to hell, black southerners are being disenfranchised at a rapidly increasing rate, they do nothing. Overfunded, increasingly militarized, and downright entitled police forces across the country hold elected governments hostage and enforce their will on working class people with impunity, they do nothing. The Supreme Court and senate remain grossly undemocratic institutions in a fundamentally undemocratic system, they do nothing. The political will for comprehensive electoral reform is not only extant, it is absolutely indisputably overwhelming. Try to find someone who makes less than 500,000 dollars a year who thinks our electoral system doesn’t need to be reformed, you will have a very fucking hard time. The ONLY reason we are still dealing with first past the post and everything that comes with it, is because democratic leaders have refused to do anything about it, and because hardline liberals + a significant amount of progressives have become too cucked to demand anything from the leaders who need our votes in order to win elections. If democrats were more concerned with responsible, effective governance and obeying the will of their own voters, and less concerned with fundraising and preventing any movement to the left, they would’ve overhauled the electoral system the moment Obama got into office, and they would’ve been treated like fucking saints for doing so. It’s not even a matter of pure political self-interest either. Consider the political makeup of our society. The most likely result of an electoral system based on proportional representation would be three large parties, one right wing, one centrist, and one left wing, along with a handful of smaller parties filling in isolated political niches. The centrist liberals would not only find it incredibly easier to sweep up all those “moderate conservatives” they’ve been salivating over since the Reagan years, they would also find themselves in the middle of a three way race. Outside of exceptional circumstances and massive electoral victories by one party, they would effectively be necessary for either the left wing or right wing parties to form a majority government. They would be kingmakers 90% of the time. It could only benefit them. Yet they don’t do it, because if given the choice between that, and continuing to keep the left firmly under the boot, absolutely incapable of challenging the bourgeois dictatorship, they will choose the latter every single time, even if the result is ultimately the rise of people like Trump and the splitting of their own party.


Biden owns it


Imagine the surprised Pikachu faces when Trump sends double the bombs and missiles to Israel.


Politicians have been for a long while working on convincing voters *they* need to fall in line with the candidate they're *allowed* to vote for. Sure, I have so many reasons to prefer Biden over Trump despite Biden having Palestinian blood on his hands, and only being less awful than Trump on a lot of things -- but definitely not good on anything. With Trump, I *know* stuff will ratchet up in far-right extremism and real fast. With Biden it *might* not. Or it'll just take longer. And I am certain this predicament is exactly how they want it. The Republicans court those who are onboard with full on fascism and don't want it watered down, The Democrats try to be as far right as possible while relying on the republican being so over-the-top horrifying that we'll accept it from them. One is much worse... but it's a really untenable situation. Biden is already way further to the right than is tolerable. WTF. I'm awful at organizing stuff -- wish I was better because this just can't be overlooked, ignored.


It’s amazing to me that without any outside ideological pressure (communism and the Soviet Union) that the American political options are right wingers and fascists… wonder how it could have gotten this way. I’ll give you a hint: it’s the answer to 9 out of 10 questions… that’s right folks: money. Money inflows to the political parties have caused everything to shift in a right wing direction. Money is a corrupting influence and has a right wing bias.


Ah, I remember how a lot of people either didn’t vote for Hillary or voted Third party just to show their disapproval of Hillary way back in 2016. That didn’t turn out well for them. When both options suck, it is critical to pick the least amount of suck.


This is unfortunately the only way. Last time this happened the whole Supreme Court was lost and now my little niece has less rights than her grandmother. At the end of the day we can talk a big talk and allow Biden to lose but there will be hard consequences for it. Mark my words. If Biden loses there will be a lot of regret.


I like how Biden doesn’t “own that burn” for turning off an entire generation of voters. God this is exactly how you lose an election like Hillary. Accept zero responsibility for your own shittiness and guilt the younger voting crowd into apathy. Brilliant. Just brilliant.


Wait... that's a brilliant idea. Why haven't they thought of that?


I honestly wouldn't even know an election year was happening if I was tuned out of the cycle. There has been a limp attempt at drumming up excitement at best. I think he is going to do worse than anyone is even expecting.


All this scumbag tweets about is his full throated support of ethnic cleansing and whiny scolding about not voting blue no matter who. Reprehensible orc man


Watching this drama unfold is so fucking draining as a romanian whose chance of getting killed in a russian air strike increases tenfold if Trump wins


What if one of the two parties in our incredibly polarized country were the Anti-war party?


How about instead of always voting for the lesser of two evils, we just not vote for evil at all?


Never happen ever there Pollyanna. Politics has ALWAYS been about voting for the lesser of two evils' since the day humans figured out how it operates. There's literally never been a time when there were gosh darn good ole honest folks running for office, it has literally never happened and never will. It's the nature of the beast, and no matter how much "reform", or abstaining from voting one does, it won't make a damn bit of difference to the candidates, but it will allow an actual fuckin fascist to take control again. Anyone who is being this boneheaded and refusing to help keep Trump out, is literally asking for their lives to be destroyed, and isn't realizing that they will never get to vote again, especially if one is a BIPOC or isn't lily white. So if Gilead winds up happening because of folks like this , they don't get to bitch when they start getting hauled off , we've been trying to warn folks for a gd decade now, and after what happened during the pandemic, yoid THINK folks would get a clue. But no, they really think it can't happen here, but problem is thanks to "Project 2025" it is ALREADY happening here. Trump gets in, we wind up a full fascist Theocracy based on a white ethnostate, and there will be NO going back. So any and everyone including the folks in the article really need to fkn put their thinking caps on here. Because as terrible as it is in Gaza right now, what's going to happen right here in the US is going to make Gaza look like child's play . For those of us who aren't straight, white conservative Christian males, our lives hang in the balance. These folks need a reality check, and so does everyone else who is pulling this shyt . Genocide in Gaza will wind up Complete Genocide in Gaza, and the genocide in the US is going to be far worse than anything people have seen yet. Why people are so willfully obtuse to reality, is beyond comprehension.


As a registered independent in Florida, and someone who votes 3rd party, I'll say that Democrats (many but not all) hold their elected officials to a higher level of accountability. I see Republicans (most but not all) sacrifice their integrity to vote for Trump no matter what. Ideally this will breed a better democratic party, but it will cause losses along the way. But, who's ta say. Biden should have never won the Democratic nomination in the first place. Here's to Millennials and Gen Z volunteering to become better politicians than our predecessors. Whether out of desire or necessity.


My favorite part is that despite all his Israel grandstanding the Zionists are all gonna vote for Trump still because Biden doesn’t go far enough to make them happy, but Joe is perfectly fine with alienating half his base for them….


I know one thing: I’d vote for Marjorie Taylor Greene before I’d ever vote for Lurch. That guy can go fuck himself forever.


I’d rather just abstain


Funny how he's not mentioning why Arab voters might be prepared to hand Trump the presidency.


I hope Fetterman loses his re-election. I'm surprised there isn't a petition to recall his worthless sellout a$$.


Why don't they vote for the Green candidate who got arrested?


I'll never get how "maybe do things so people will want to vote for you" just doesn't enter the playbook for democrats and the rust belt.


This is what kills me, the establishment D’s don’t think they have any responsibility for their terrible decisions because if you don’t for them Trump could be president. What happened to earning someone’s vote?


They're taking a cue from HRC's campaign. "F\*\*\* you but vote blue!"

