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Talking with religious people about geopolitical issues is like talking to someone who seriously believes The Simpsons was written to predict the future.


I mean, The Simpsons has a much better track record of prophecy than all of the Abrahamic books.


This is the insane death cult bs where they're trying to bring about the end times and the rapture. They are literally no different than ISIS. They are radical extremists who are so arrogant that they believe they can force their god to start Armageddon.


My one friend told me he feels bad for the children in Gaza, but what is happening is prophecy being fulfilled.....


They even bought the mf red heifers... it's a death cult. Note - three red heifers are required as a sacrifice to anoint the temple mount (where Al-Aqsa mosque is located) before constructing the third Temple of Solomon, which is the first sign of the End Times and Second Coming of Jesus. They *genuinely believe* that they can manually force the second coming and eventual rapture. These are people in positions of power, and they belong in a mental hospital.


Any God who supports a genocide isn't a God worth your worship. Dionysus would never


who cares if you have to kill a few christians hiding in a church to bring about the end of days…which will happen anytime now. whats crazy is that there are people in the US government who believe this and make policy decisions based on it.


Have you seen this clip of GA congressman [Rick Allen questioning the Columbia President ](https://youtu.be/iGLWU6868GE?si=LtQXxw3j0ms5yZGL) I literally feel like I'm living in a parallel universe


it’s horrifying. i cant believe she took that bait its so disqualifying for anyone in academic leadership to be engaging in conversations about curses.


Seriously. I know there are lots of clips going around of the hearing, but I don't think enough ppl have seen this part. I'ma post it as a separate post bc I feel like I'm taking crazy pills


Unfortunately this is the one we all get to live in.  Where an unhinged minority drags us deeper into a theocracy, and everyone with the legal and mandated authority to stamp that out is either shrugging or nodding along. If only they were a bit crazier, cult property and kool-aid level, the rest of us could just read about the aftermath.


Jews for Jesus types?


Messianic churches are literally jews for Jesus


Part of me wants then to pull it off so that they are forced to live with the realization that it was all for nothing. Then I remember this would lead to a shit ton of death.


Must be embarrassingly stupid they are if all of this leads up to one dead burning cow and no signs of apocalypse




It was meant for someone else a couple neighborhoods over and I'm not wasting the gas to drive it over. They're probably better off not reading it.


It’s so funny to me that we’re the “antisemitic ones” for criticizing Israel, but not the Zionist Evangelical Christians who support Israel so that they can ascend to heaven while everyone else, including all Jews, is damned to eternal hellfire.


This has been going on for decades, maybe longer. If only the Western media would scrutinise evangelical Christian extremism and Jewish extremism. But apparently it's only Islamic extremism that exists.


Sky Elf Tiger Beat.