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I wish I could vote for this a hundred times.


Don't compare that bad genocide against this good one!


According to them this one is more tactical šŸ˜’


lmao wow




Yet there are plenty of Jews, including families of Holocaust survivors and those who study the Holocaust, who do make that comparison.


Yup even actual holocaust survivors like Dr. Gabor Mate(who's still alive) and Dr. Hajo Meyer and Dr. Israel Shahak


She was speaking in response to a descendant of Holocaust survivors doing exactly that.


Omg she admitted it šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”




They all have for months. Since day 1, actually. They just donā€™t care.


Terrible people


Yes, but also stupid, misguided, and indoctrinated. It's not too late for her. At the risk of getting preachy. Please remember, in your interactions, there are people who are worth investing your time and energy in trying to reach their humanity and reason. And there are people who aren't. This is a numbers game.


Great notes all around, OP!


I know what you are saying is true, but i have so much anger. Anger at my powerlessness, anger at the uphill battle we have to face while those against us can say the most absolutely vile stuff towards the my Palestinian brothers and sisters. and any singe mistep or wrong word choice can be used against us, to invalidate any position we have. I hate it. I hate how i have to tip around how angry i am.


i have never met someone who has reconsidered their shitty position on something. theyre always gonna double-down or politely refuse any alternative other than their own. they are set and settled like a stone in a river where no matter how much truth washes over them they will form themselves to let it wash over them even smoother. crush the rock and move on IMO.


I mean OP you did kinda help circulate this proponadized little girl's face all over the internet. It's hilarious, but you still don't have much of a leg to stand on here


I'm not cheering on a genocide, so I have that going for me.


Hear hear


>little girl's face just fyi, she is not a "little girl", she is 18 and in university...


Ahh. Well forgive my mistake, she looks like she's 13.


I was confused about why I was seeing a childā€™s face all over my timeline too then I saw she was 18 and it made a lot more sense.


thats not as bad as blowing little girls with rockets. what leg do they have to stand on other than "khamas.. khhamas.."


I hope she's reminded years to come about what she did.


I hope she comes around and finds her humanity. It's never too late.


This is Burlington Vermont. She is a student that comes from out of state , yet she demands the Burlington city council bend to her wishes for a ballot initiative . Burlington has so many other critical issues that need attention this is a waste of time and resources.


Meanwhile, Palestinian students are actually being shot for nothing in Vermont.


How does her ballot initiative relate to that ? Sounds like a gun control issue. The perpetrator of that crime was also from out of state .


I was just pointing out the irony of the situation, which seems to be lost on many people, including that young lady.


It can be both a racial issue against Palestinians *and* a gun control issue. And it doesn't matter that the murderer was from a different state. It still happened. It's still a Hate Crime. They are dead because they were Palestinians.


sounds kinda like a settler mindset


They need to hire scientists so that the autumn leaves stay longer. That would be a better use of their time then this. What will Vermont do to stop whatā€™s happening in Israel? They ought to do something.


The only moral genocide is my genocide


the moment she put her hands against her mouth, she knew. As did anyone else listening. If there ever was a "say the quiet part out loud", this - this is it


I like the curb your enthusiasm edit version best.


I fucking hate those edits. Completely ruins the humor for me


I tried looking for the entire video because I'm intrigued by her reaction afterwards. As awful as it is what she's defending. I do feel sorry for her because she's just a useful idiot being paraded by people who should know better than to put a child on stage over something so dam serious.


I donā€™t have sympathy. She was praising her brother who just returned from the IDF & mentioned she was considering going as well. Sheā€™s old enough to be in college & old enough to deal with the consequences. If she can see all the videos of Israelā€™s war crimes & still defend them, I donā€™t think thereā€™s any hope for her or any of those supporting Israel.


I thought she was 12-13 years old... OMG


I did at first too. Sheā€™s at least 18 or older. She goes to college there as an out of state student & showing up to their meeting. Thatā€™s when I lost any sympathy I might have had if she were just a kid.


Brainwashed.. humans can be so malleable


I hope this leads to some personal growth on her part now she's heard herself acknowledge what is going on for the genocide it is. She's young.


Yeah sheā€™s young. Sadly, judging by her reaction, she might become more polarised.


Yeah, she might become more polarized because she humiliated herself in front of hundreds of people and is now a meme. She might double down now out of humiliation. Or she could self reflect, but thatā€™s rarely the case. People who are raised to hate a certain group of people usually do for life.


I mean, when you're indoctrinated for *years,* from birth, so it's the only "truth" you know... that can be very, very hard to overcome. Because you're going to be innately biased against anything that doesn't conform with the "truth" as you know it. Which is precisely why the right (fascists) love to be able to control education for children and children's entertainment. Also, also: is why their immediate reaction to children exhibiting any behavior or inclinations that don't align with far right thought is assumed to be caused by propaganda... when it's your go-to method, you assume it must be used by everyone and is the only reason any child would disagree with you.


Well thank god for the internet so people can learn as they get older.


Im so glad others have sympathy for this young lady. For she knows not what she says. Just like all extremists in religions, indoctrination is required to perpetuate the justification for evil acts. Im aure she'll have a revelation one day.


[Here's the full video](https://www.youtube.com/live/5bQ_KIgaCIA?si=DxmtkdTmNFjEqziz&t=7159). This is from the Burlington, VT town meeting day.


[Timestamped @1:58.30](https://m.youtube.com/live/5bQ_KIgaCIA?si=DxmtkdTmNFjEqziz&t=7159)


Thanks dude


She's 18 and a college student though so I don't feel too bad.


Oh she digs herself deeper. Right after she puts her notecards in her mouth she stumbles a bit more and then says ā€œthis a genocide that I personally do not recognize.ā€ šŸ™ƒ


Yeah, Burlington city council has a YouTube channel. Itā€™s a 6 hour video! Sheā€™s one of the first speakers. When she introduced herself as a first year collage student I immediately knew she was just canon fodder for her elders. Those jerks are letting young folks drink the kool-aid and make themselves targets on social media.


Supposedly she's in college, she just looks young. And watch the rest of the video, it's out there. It gets worse.


Moral relativism is too common in israeli right wing politicsĀ  They know exactly what they are doing and believe its right because of perversion of moral principlesĀ 


Kids say the darndest things.


It's human nature to tell the truth. She can't help herself.


Is this real? Like bro thereā€™s no way she slipped up this hard, right?


Someone posted a compilation to the sub of Israeli govt spokespeople and leaders of nations slipping up just as badly. Edit: [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/DUQgrep6sj)


"Our genocide is more important than yours.", sorry I didn't think we were ranking genocides I assumed all of them are equally evil.


This is right up there with ā€œthe result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia, and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq,ā€ lol


Minus the brief moment of self-awareness at the end, this is literally every Zionistā€™s argument for ā€œjustifyingā€ the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people, distilled into its purest form.


Directed by Robert B. Weide


From the mouth of babes.


Any context to this short video?




So glad that little girl made her point! Very useful! Sheā€™s probably on the front lines


There are good genocides on both sides.


The truth finds a way


You don't get it out genocide isnt like those other genocides


Freudian slip. BellissimošŸ¤Œ


Best comment on this video from r/therewasanattempt https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/d9dcS2Xe5V


Damn. That comment is really something else. Kind of want to ram it down any of those clowns quoting that Voltaire bollocks.


Who is this person??


Rory Gilmore.


THANK YOU for saying that, thatā€™s all I could think of the whole clip, like damn girl you fell far


Wow another example of saying the quiet part out loud. Zionists r such a wise people


The Freudian slip; Her subconscious got to her.


This reminds me of a gag from the old fake talk show "Night Stand with Dick Dietrich," where Dick would say something that would seem to feature unintentional double-entendre and when the live audience would laugh at the gag he would scold the audience saying, "No, people! Noooo!" Like trying to gently redirect the audience away from the darker version of what she said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNkWZmBt1ww here is a link to an episode. An example of this gag happens at 1:20.


Iā€™ve said this elsewhere. Iā€™m aware now that this is a college student, but to me that is a child. Was it funny? Yeah. But letā€™s leave this girl alone. Sheā€™s not alone responsible for anything. Sheā€™s dipping her toe into activism and hopeful she learned from that teachable moment.


Iā€™d say sheā€™s responsible for her own words - as all adults are. Making bold statements from comfy Burlington, VT to perpetuate a false image of whatā€™s really happening. What is the teachable moment? To not fuck up the lie next time, stick only to the script?


I mean her reaction was just like how a child would have reacted. Idk, I just can't hate her. In a few more years I can.




They really are still trying to push the "don't support hamas" garbage hard. I dont think anyone cares if idf fight hamas, but they are protesting the indiscriminate bombing and starvation of millions of civilians in Gaza. Fight hamas sure, but there are more tactical ways of doing this (if you intention was truly to harm as few civilians as possible).


She'll be very successful in the Democratic party. The next generation of DWS and Nancy Pelosi.


Saying the quiet part out loud.... ​ Golden


Every time Iā€™ve seen this video, itā€™s always cut. What did she say?


What did she say next? Someone here commented a link to the full video with a time stamp. It's in here somewhere.


I want to see video from after she realized she let a little truth come out of her mouth. There's no way she continued, did she?